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Fantasy Knights of The Old Order (Always Accepting)

Isabelle was running down a street parallel to the street the corrupted human was on. She was trying o get far enough ahead that she could cut them off. Eventually, she ran down a connecting alley and ran into the human, knocking them down to the ground. With her slight build, she was having problems keeping the human pinned to the ground. He suddenly kicked her off, and she landed on the street with a thud, the breath knocked out of her.

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Isabelle cursed herself for needing help, but stood, took a deep breath, and drew a knife that she kept at her belt.

"You're the one who's rushing in like an idiot!" Isabelle counters. "I've been tracking this one for hours!" She ran around to the back of the human to prevent him from escaping.
I sense someone following us and whisper to Jinx, "are you ready, I think we may have another fight on our hands." Behind me I sense a human with magic capabilities, however, it could not be a witch. The wave length was wrong.
Michi still followed them. She was watching them as she searched through her basket. She pulled out a book that it's title was in Latin. She was reading it as she walked but still kept her eye on the two. She wanted to be ready in case she was attacked. She wasnt going to be caught off gaurd.

@Wyatt @CreepyKiller
"Yeah! Why?" Isabelle said. Then she smiled. "You're a weapon aren't you?"

She brandished her knife when the human turned towards her.

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Jinx seemed to be ignoring me now, man she really is mad I think to myself. I then use some of my powers to make an illusion of me walking be hind her while disappearing into the darkness. I then begin following the stranger, watching them as they follow Jinx and the fake me. I could see the book in their hand, which made me more curious.

@The Unamed Character
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Michi looked up and her eyes glowed bright. She saw them but didnt see any soul energy from the two. "This is not good......" She said under her breath as she closed her book. She placed it back into her basket and started to walk forward without seeming suspicious, her light blue eyes dimmed down back to their original brightness and she sighed. She was already mumbling something under her breath preparing for a future attack if it came to that.
Hum... no danger in asking what her intentions are, I was thinkinng to my self. I run up to the women and tap her on the shoulder. "Excuse me, but why are you following us?" I then look into her basket seeing her book, "What are you, your soul appears as a human, but you practice magic?"
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Michi stops "Interesting....." she said but didnt turn around. "You escaped my soul vision and sneaked up on me...." she was facing away from them "May I ask who you are?" she said, completly ignoring his question
'So she can see souls too, that is interesting. Usually only meisters can see souls.' There was more to this human, than a normal person would be able to see. "I am Erik, a meister and scythe master. Now who are you and what are you?"
Michi smiled as she turned around. "I am Michi..." she said as she faced him. She pulled her hood off her head and revealed her long black hair. Her light blue eyeswere fully revealed "I am also a meister..."
I hold out my hand, "nice to meet you Michi, that is Jinx over there. Why were you following us though?" Jinx had stopped to see what was happing behind us.
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I smile, "well where is your partner. You want to come to our place and get to know each other better?"
"oh...." she said with her grin fading "I... I dont have a partner.... not yet anyway...." she said with a shrug "I guess I could go yo your guys place"
i stop and look behind me and see Erik and some girl,i stop and walk back to them,"wait...what did i miss"i look at the girl"and who might you be"i stand beside Erik and look at her.
I turn to Jinx, "Michi is a meister without a partner. It also seems that she has a basic knowledge over magic, I have invited her to our apartment to get to know her better."
"WAIT WHAT...but...why...aaauugghhhh ffiinnneee we better start going back then...we are almost there"i cross my arms and walk away again.
I give a Jinx one of my legendry death stares, "Where are your manors, this women is all alone, the least we could do is invite her over." I say as we approach the building, I open the door and hold it open for Jinx and Michi. "Don't worry Michi, we will work it out."
Michi nods "Ok." she said as she walked in "Nice place..... alot nicer than my place in the woods,,," she looked around, her light blue eyes lighting up.
I go to the kitchen and began to cook diner, "I am sorry about that, she is a little mad about being called a weapon by my dad. She might also be a little jealous, but I wouldn't say that around her." I pull a pan out and some ingredients to make stir fir. "You should probably meet my dad, he is in charge of most meisters and weapons."

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