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Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

(Sorry, I know, that was an accident)

It was a real challenge to heal Kandy. Even after Kane did his best, Kandy was still bleeding out of a few cuts," those should heal up soon" Kane states as he helps steady Kandy to his feet.
Kandy managed to get up and kept walking "just keep going" there were hundreds of orcs starting spiral stait case "I'll hold them off for as long as I can and buy you some time" he gripped his sword tighter with both hands for the first time "and whatever you do, don't come back until your friend is safe, this will be my final battle one against an army" he turns his sword his sword sideways flat side up and charges and knocking some of the orcs down and started to hack at at them until he was shot in the left wrist then he went one handed as usual and was stabbed by three swords and shot and he stabbed the stairs and broke three steps taking the orcs stabbing him down and thudded on the ground cold
" if you make it out of here we will be in Nofard. I'm sorry but Fate needs major healing magic I don't even have...... goodbye." Kane says... He thought he would be sad but he felt nothing, he knew now he truly was a blood elf. He ran up the stairs, unhooked Fate and went down a side door the demon uses to get in and out fast. As he ran with Fate moaning on his shoulders he began to feel weak. He knew the nature of blood elves, he needed to kill or he would just keep getting weaker until he died. He couldn't kill his friends.... Could he? Suddenly ideas danced in head, he began to feel his knife burn on his thigh. Then he ran as fast as he could, again he asked himself," I couldn't kill my friends..... Could I?"
Selka heard the sound of battle from a nearby town which she pass by into the forest "another war.... what happen to these peaceful time i once knew..." she saw some orc's coming towards her "hm?" she quickly grabs her blade from her side and slice one of the orc but that orc easly block Selka attack "oh no!" she jumps back nervously "d-damn if they get to the town...." Selka calm herself down and looks at the orc in theres eyes
"Kane what happend where is the beast" Fate knowing he could not fight off what had captured him "Kane what happened to you your no longer a light elf"
Kane's mind calmed down. He settled the demon inside him, " a lot has happened I will expla......." Just then the dragon that captured Fate, rose above the horizon, " I hope you aren't to banged up Fate, because we have a fight ahead of us!"
"i-i must protect these villagers!" Selka charge towards the orc's with her twin blade pointed at them as she know it she killed boths of the orcs "i... did it...." Selka took some long breaths and begin walking back toward the village "i hope my father is safe?"
As Kane got into a battle stance he saw a women with white hair far off running somewhere he didn't know. He pushed it to the back of his head, " probably a dryad" he muttered, but for some reason he was still curious. Still, he had bigger matters to deal with. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!" He yelled, as he took a leap at the dragon. He was soon pushed away, crashing to the ground." Ugh" Kane moaned.
Selka finally reach the priest chamber there she saw everyone inside were already dead by the raid "no!" she shouted "my father must be here somewhere!" Selka search all over the chamber finally she found her father lifeless body lying there "n-no father...." Selka let loose her tears over her father body.
Kane used some of his new found powers and turned into a shadow. He bounded up the dragons arm and struck him in a weak scale then he blasted fire directly on the wound. The beast screamed in pain, but it still had fight in it... A lot more. The beast shook its huge body and Kane was flung off, " we can't beat this without help, we have to go."Kane shouted over the beasts roar.
Kandy gasped for air and took off his helmet knowing he was going to die very soon, not sure how long, he managed to get up and killed the last orc that was alive the looked up and shouted as his voice echoed "I'll meet you at the town!!" He picked up his helmet, taking off the rest of his armor except for the gauntlants picking up his sword and kicked an orc head and headed for the nearest village and stumbled upon the battle "guhh not again" many orcs with spears surrounded him ans charged stabbing him and the spears went through his chest and thee was and he fell to his knees as the head off approached and drawn his sword and was about to defapitate him he closed his eyes and broke off the spears and stood up drawing his sword and he was slashed down from the right shoulder to his left hip and Kandy got a lucky stab to the thought and decapitated the orc captain and swung his sword over his head yelling and killed the surrounding orcs. He dropped his sword as it stuck in the ground, he fell on his back and layed there bleeding and gasping
Kane, still getting used to his new powers struggled to control all these new powerful spells. He tried to do a simple lightning spell, but asoon as he started, storm clouds rolled in like they were in fast forward then a cilynder of lightning spiraled around the beast. " ahhhhh! " Kane screamed in pain. The dragon became paralyzed, but even Kane knew it wouldn't last for long. Fate now is our chanse! Let's retreat to the nearest village, regroup, come back and kick this dragons ###"
" You cannot escape" the Dragon roared "I am here for Fate and I will not be leaving without him" I swoop down at fate clawing at him and shooting a fire spell at Kane knocking him back away from fate
Selka quickly ran out of her father chambers "there nothing else i do now father am sorry!" she shouted at herself while runing into the wood there she stops only to see a dragon "huh dragon? i through all of them were gone" she looks up at the dragon with fear
Kandy rolled over and grabbed hisbsword putting it on his back and crawled into town unable to stand up hoping someone would find him, a singn post over a building broke off and landed on his leg . Gapsing in pain, he managed to kick it off, making ashes go everywhere, and he continued to find someone "hh-hellp!!"
Kane flew back, wacking his head on a tree. He soon stumbled to his feet to see a woman looking at the dragon with fear," get out of hear he shouted to the woman, it's to dangerous!" Kane yells as he takes another leap at the beat. "Why won't you die, you piece of crap! " Kane shouts as he drives his sword into the dragons eye.
Fate throughs his swords at the Dragon piercing his tough skin and to his suprise burned the Dragon melting his wing off and he goes crashing to the ground
" You cannot kill me" the Dragon said ad he disappeared and reappeared above Fate shoting fire at him and blowing him into the nearby forest "I am internally immortal so you will never kill me so I don't even know why I'm fighting you henchman attack" he says signaling to an antient army of demons if they won't kill you I will
The beasts sheeds a tear of blood from were Kane stabbed the dragons eye. Kane smiled at the dragons anger, suddenly Kane was tackled to the ground by the beasts army. Kane rolled over but didn't miss the slash of the demons dagger, his arm burned like he stuck it in lava,"ahhhhhhh!" Kane yelled. " you want to go.... Let's go!" Kane smirked as he shredded through a dozen like they were made of paper, he took great pleasure in watching their souls slip back into the underworld." Keep fighting the beast, I'll handle his little friends," Kane says trying to find fate in the swarm of evil cascading around them.
A hand full of arrows whirled past Kandy's head only to let out the sound of a squealing orc crying in pain, how pitiful, one more arrow flew past to get the killing blow with a headshot. The arrows came from what seemed nowhere until a crack appeared in the air in front of Kandy and the crack splintered out and then shattered like glass and Zeph stepped out of oblivion. "You seem like you needed the help, and you look clumsy anyways." Hus voice was like that of an assassin cold and no emotions attached. "So, want me to help you." He pulled out three arrows from one of his hip quivers and drew them on his bow and aimed them at Kandy's head. "Or would you rather me kill you and save your suffering."
Kandys vision was starting to blur as he reached for his left shoulder and used a pole to try and get up but he slip and broke the pole almost blacking out, but his arm was still slightly moving trying to stay awake. He couches up a little blood and wrote in the ash and dirt with his fingers HELP the blacked out slightly breathing and his heart beat was dropping slowly and steadily
Zeph let out a sigh as he put the arrows back in the quiver and placed his bow on his back and went to pick him up but he wasn't much heavier than he looked. Zeph kicked the sword aside and used the strength that he had and picked him up and tossed him over his shoulders and leaned down and picked up his sword and started his way back through the break in earths barrier and tossed him in and watched as Kandy and his sword floated there for a bit before zeph started aiding him by removing the spears and arrows from his back and gut before he conjured a large wrap and started tending to his wounds, his back, gut, neck, and leg. It wasn't going to be much longer until he woke up almost better than new, but was going to have the scars to remind him.
Kandy opened his eyes while looking down and tried grab his sword off his back but realized it wasn't there then looked next to him and grabbed it and held onto it with both hands and searched his body for the broken arrows and spears in his body "hh.. How did you.." He looked at him curiously and tried to get out but floated in a circle upside down "wait you can help.. Er what's his name.. Kane, he's fighting a dragon I think, I'll help everyone else out of the town." He kept going in an circle floating "oh and can you let me down I don't feel so... Great" he held his head "and thank you I owe you"
"Yea, about that, the people can all die for all I care, the dragon comes first." Zeph snapped his fingers and let Kandy fall down through what would be the floor, then down onto the earths ground behind Kane as Zeph walked out of the hole stepping on what seemed like air as he drew his bow and fired into the oncoming demons killing the entire front row with nothing but headshots. "Looks like you could use some help there, might I assist you." He said that as he shot another demon in front of Kane.
" and just who are you?" Kane snarkily asks, not even looking up, he was to busy killing demon after demon. Taking pleasure, Kane bashed the head of a demon sending its spirit howling back into the under world. More demons were on their way but Kane had a small break, he pulled out his bow and shot a few demons running towards him," I'm Kane, if you're here to help, go help Fate with the dragon. I can hold this puny army off." Kane states, finally taking his eyes of the army.
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