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Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

Kandy got up and drew his sword still confused on how Zeph said what he said, but kept main focus on the dragon and ran towards a demon slicing it down in half from the right shoulder to left hip hoping that would do the trick and looked at Kane "Just trust him"
"The names Zefanepharos and that easy enough to me." And with that he started walking towards the dragon looking around for someone else to be there. As he was making his way over he was keeping an eye on the dragon and firing a few arrows at it ever so often to see how tough it really was.
Kane was unsure if he should trust this new person, " as long as he is helping he can't be to bad," Kane muttered under his breath as he summoned a fire spell burning a whole fleet of the army. kane soon became bored, he mumbled a spell and a huge fault opened swallowing dozens of demons. Screeches echoed all around from the demons dropping back to the under world. "That ought to do it!" Kane states smiling as he runs to help with the dragon.
Selka looks around confuse not knowing what she can do "should i help these people....?" she begin to question herself as than she snap out of it and beginning to heal everyone "s-sorry it look like you all need a healer help"
Kane shot a few demons that started to crawl up the crack, when he wasn't killing the demons he soaked a few arrows in angel blood, a mythical poison only forest elves know how to produce," as soon as the arrows were slightly glowing he shot the dragon in the face with all five that he soaked. The dragons massive horn broke off and nearly crushed Kane. Kane was saving that bottle for a massive enemy he thought it would take the dragon out for sure but it only broke one messily horn off. If he could feel fear, he would be terrified. The dragon grimaced, and breathed fire directly at Kane, " ahhhhhh!" Kane screamed. He flew back his face black and red. " help healer.... Help" Kane said as loud as he could, to get the other healers attention, which wasn't loud considering he was almost burnt to a crisp.
Kandy ran onto the dragons back after running up in its tail and jumped off its full horn stabbing above his right eye cutting it out and unable to use while turning and decapitating an smaller demon and cutting one in half "These guys never quit do they¿?" He likes off some of the blood off his lip and spat it on the ground "That the best ya gotndragon¿?"
"About damn time you take action Kandy." Zeph drew three more arrows from his other side quiver, these were engraved with markings from the elven language, for slow paralysis and weakened muscles. He fired the three in hopes that he would penetrate the scales of the dragon, but they didn't. The dragon looked at him through his one eye and laughed "If that's all you got then you better try harder." It irritated Zeph to an extent that he drew from his only shoulder quiver, these were mithril arrows and gold feathers, these as well engraved but this time they would explode and splinter everywhere. Zeph waisted no time firing off three more at the dragon and this time they went through but not much and then splintered off and stuck in as well, it would feel like being slapped with a cactus and enraged the dragon and shot fire at Zeph but he acted quickly and broke the fabric of space and sent it through the ethereal plane and jumped aside and broke more and used his own fire against it, pushing the splinters in even further. Zeph jumped down towards Kane and stood next to him "Clumsy are you, eh no matter your about to be healed anyways."
Kane still had soot on his face and looked really banged up, but at least he was back in the fight. Kane using some of his forest magic caused spikes to come up under the beasts feet, they didn't penetrate his scales but it hurt him enough to make the dragon become air bound," here's a good chance, everyone attack the beasts stomach, it's the most vulnerable place on this flying tank!" Kane yells as he electrocutes the beasts stomach
Kandy turned his head towards Kane and charged at the dragon with his sword behind him in his right hand and slashed at the dragons stomach several times and moved out the way so Zerph could have his fun "Hey, you never did say your name" he turned around and looked at Zerph hoping he would shoot something helpful
"Very well then your call" Zeph took a deep breath in and focused, for him time seemed to cone almost to a stop so he waisted no time shooting twenty more arrows at the dragon and on the last two he hopped on them and rode the arrows to the dragons belly and drew his daggers and stabbed under the belly scales and pulled upwards ripping off the scales with ease and quickly drew his bow and fired several more mithril arrows as well as a couple of paralyzing ones all right into his heart. Zeph jumped off the dragon and fell through a break in space and then came back out sliding backwards on his feet and stopped next to Kandy and looked at him "it's Zephanaros but you can call me Zeph, what about your stubborn ass and the clumsy one next to you."
Nemesis flies up casting a spell of death raining down blood that burns to the touch. He new it would affect his troops but it was worth it because it would affect everyone for miles
Sorry I was gone.

Jack runs from a group of orcs. "We're close!" Nofard apears over the horizon.

The red flames of the sun almost disapearing out of view. He throws a couple blades back. And they set aflame. Killing all the orcs. "Let's go quick!" He sprints very, very fast towards the town when he trips. He hears a sudden yell, "We caught one." Jack struggled to get free but was inevitably trapped. Let's feast. Jack yells at them. "Wait I'm a vampire to!! Stop."

They stare at him and one, presumably the leader, called them off. "Let em go." Jacl got up and said "I don't have time." He continues to run followed by the vampire group.

"Wait!" They yelled towards Jack. "No time." Jack repeats. He gets into Nofard. And confronts the vampires. "Evil grows quicker. There is no time."

"Vampires are an evil group. So are you." The leader says. "Not me." Jack says firmly ending the conversation. "I need blood rum."
Fate overran by demons pull his Excalibur an swinging wildly he sees the Dragon cast a spell blood rains down on him Fate feels his skin to burn as he screams he falls to the ground "I may burn but I can still fight"
Zeph looked up to see the blood rain and quickly uses his dagger and cuts the air immediately over him and opens the ethereal plane so that he wouldn't get hit with the rain and feel the burning sensation from it. "I don't feel like being burned today you know."
Kandy ran for cover under for what was left of the stone roof after after blood rain got on his right arm and hoped not to be burned anymore than what had already had been on his "guhh... The names Kandy..." He held his right arm holding his sword with his left trying to stop the blood from coming out as fast
Selka runs in front of kane and healed him with holy light from the god "s-sorry let me heal you" she unleashed a wave of light around Kane and herself so that her healling powers can restore Kane back to normal
Jack sips on his blood run as he ignores the vampires. "When will they kill that dragon. They are taking longer then if I was there."
Kane got up after Selka healed him, " take cover!" Kane says to Selka as he points to the sky bleeding acid. It hurt like no pain he had felt before, the acid blood was a spell that satan him self would use in a battle, but he didn't have time! He was bleeding every where, but still he ran at the dragon, stabbing it in its heart (or at least he thought it was, you can never be sure with these demonic beasts. The creature whaled in pain, it started to bleed. The beast took flight and started to fly east, " if I can't kill you know why don't I kill the rest of your little friends, then let's see how strong you are!" Kane heard as the dragon flew away. " he is going to Nofard Fate! We have to get their first or our friends are gone. Come on!" Kane yelled to fate pulling him up from the ground. As Kane flexed to pick fate up his arms bleed like someone poured red paint all over his arms. The acid stopped raining. Kane started to heal himself as he ran. " come on" Kane stated again trying to hold himself together.
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Selka looks up at the skies and back at the dragon than at kane "what is happening this power i never felt anything like it..."
Jack was tired of the vampires following him. "Do you have a problem?"

The leader growled. "Yes we do."

Jack slammed down his cup. "I know this sounds cliche, but let's take this outside." He walked out followed by the vampires. The leader spoke "We're outside. What now?" Jack slowly and casually walked up to the leader. "This." Jack very quickly tripped the leader and stabbed his knee. The leader let out a howl. The others backed away because they thought and had never seen someone bring there leader pain. Jack walked away at a slow pace. "Stop following me." He paused to say. Then walked around the rest of the town. He got to a psychic reading place and payed the lady. He told her, "Can you show me what my friends are up to?" She answered simply "Yes." She did as promised and grabbed his hands. Suddenly Jack saw images being shoved into his head. He saw a dragon, Kane- and someone he did not know. "Who is that?" He asked. "Hold on." She said, "It is Selka. Some sort of demon possibly." She released his hands and Jack gave her a tip. He walked out of the building and pulled out a packet to suck on. He spilled part of it on his shirt. "Ugh." He looked at himself disgusted. He went to an inn and rented rooms for all of his friends and Selka. He walked into his own room and layed down to rest. "At this rate. We'll never get the sword."
Time passed as Kane ran and soon enough Kane saw lights on the horizon, " it's the town, ahead!" Kane shouted back at the rest. Then his stomach sank, if he saw Nofard that means the dragon is already their. Suddenly screams broke out and fire flew up in the air. Kane broke into a dead run. He reached the edge of the town. He looked for a gate but their was no time he scaled the stone wall that circled the town. Then he saw his team gathered in the towns center ready to fight the demonic beast. He quickly joined his teams ranks, " get ready to fight, this thing won't go down easily!" Kane stated to the rest of the group.
(( our attacks only fazed the dragon it's going to take all of us to kill it, kind of like a boss battle. and the two groups can reunite for the boss battle))
Jack looks up and sees a dragon he sighs. "Idiots." He then pulls out a sword and runs towards the dragon. But he pauses. "I need a better sword." He runs in one of dilights best sword shop. He buys a 100000 gold, sword, called the Dawnbreaker. He sprints towards the dragon and jumps on top of it stabbing at its neck until it throws him off. Jack pulls out his enchanted iron great sword and dual weilds. He regenerates while he waits for the others.
Kandy saw Kane's great iron sword and laughed "That ain't gonna do nothing, and duel weilding... Hahaha" he tossed his huge sword oh his shoulder and shook his head in dissapointment

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