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Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

Jack slashes at the dragon using his enchanted sword to burn the dragon as he slashes. The dragon bites him and Jack angrily rips off its wing with the help of his dawnbreaker. The dragon flies uncontrollably untill falling. "That takes out it's aireal attack." He laughs. "All attack at once" he says licking the dragons blood on his hands. "God that's tasty."
Kane saw a fountain nearby, "perfect!" Kane muttered happily. He uses his elemental magic to break the fountain, which sent water cascading over the dragon, then he quickly switches to his electric magic combining water with lighting, " burn baby burn." Kane muttered under his breath as the beast falls to its side moaning." Fate your up," Kane yells to fate jumping down from the perimeter walls.
"Heh." Jack laughs. "Nice one Kane." Jack walks behind the pretty much paralyzed dragon and says, "Dragon blood + vampire = power noone should have." He bites into the dragon and starts drinking. His vains start to pulse and he clenches his fist. After a minute he stops and his eyes had gone from red to a firey orange. He laughed maniacally. "No one can stop me. Let's go before it wears off. Good think that will be in a few days- a couple weeks for a strong vampire like me." He walks away. "And kill the dragon."
" You idiot my blood will curupt you you cannot survive much longer than an hour" nemesis regenerated his wings and got up flying up but slowly still hurt from the shock
Kane runs to jacks side, "come on how can we get this poison out of you. The rest of you hold of the dragon!"
Selka watch nevously not know what she can do to help she never face a dragon before yet she don't know how to use her power fully "what should i do?" she back up in fear knowing she may be in there way
Jack does not collapse and says "it is fine. You think I'm stupid to suck in poison. I got pure dragon blood." He laughs. "YOU ARE NOTHING NOW."
Selka started to shake Nervously as she watch the dragon than glare at jack "you idiot... you realize the poison inside is deadly" Selka walks over toward jack and kane calmly and healed them both with holy light after she healed them Selka smack Jack with the back of her sword
Jack slaps Selka's sword to the ground. "You half-witt I told you I didn't suck in the poison." Jack eyes go from fire orange to a raging purple he yelps and coughs out fire. "That's- new. Vampires usually don't drink a lot of dragon blood. Because they are rare. But I just doubled my powers."

Jack adds, "Vampires can naturally reject poison and just drink pure blood."
Jack stares at her with his now purple eyes. "What." He says "What?" He asks louder. "You don't know what a vampire is?" Jack starts to walk followed by the others. "On a different note ths place for information is just up here."
"am sorry i didn't mean to upset you.. its just my village never saw vampires" she said with a low tone voice
"Okay... anyways..." He takes another glance at her. "Anyways... this is the place. In here is a man called Hariyamazumi. He will lead us to the sword." Jack walks into the house and says. "Mr. Hariyamazumi? Are you here?" A quite younger man, about 26 walks over. He says. "Hey vampire. If you is looking for old Hari, he passed away last year. Sorry. But I can help out." He told them about Jack Dawz. A man who held the sword himself. They had to travel to finelstein to find it.
Kandy chuckled and looks at Zerph "Anything you want me to do¿?" He walks over to the dead dragon on the tower and started taking off its back scales with his sword and put them in his bag "Ah these'll do nicely. Say you want me to make you some arrows out of the dragons lair bones Zerph¿?" He walked to the rail and started to hack at it. After three full swings the tail fell off and he took out Tue first bone in sight and worked it around in his left hand showing him
Kane looked at the dead beast, the darkness he thought was the dragon coming back to life, was actually the demons soul leaving its armored meat-suit. He soon realized it was the demons soul, and he could see it because he was a blood elf. The rest thought it was over, but Kane knew better. As the demons soul flew off, most likely looking for another vessel, Kane muttered to himself," this isn't over... Is it.? He catches up with the group, hoping he wouldn't see that ugly face any time soon.
Jack walks down the path. "Finelstein- whatever it is called- is about 680 miles from here, or so the man says. We need a ride... Well I don't, but you probably do." Jack says reminding them he's a vampire. "Let's get going and maybe we will find one along the way." Jack tells them.

I'm pretty sure there is only 4 of us now. Which sucks compared to the 10 or so we used to have.

" I know a place were their are Griffins that we could rent not far from here, follow me." Kane says, remembering the place from when he was a forester elf.
Jack trudged along and says, "Go on guys. I need to do something. I'll catch up." Jack runs back to the town and walks into a building, reading, "Delane Central Bank". He drops off 1300 gold and heads off to a building named, "Slater's Master Grade Upgrades" and drops off his enchanted iron great sword for upgrades. The man tells him, "It'll be an extra 1000 for me to send er to finelstein." Jack sighs. "Here you go." He then runs to catch up feeling much freer, without the extra weight.
After the group walked for about a mile of so, Kane turned around and said," this is it. It will cost about a hundred gold each, so pay the owner and pick your mount." Kane walks over and chats with the owner, his old buddy, soon he comes back to the group, gets on his old favorite griffin, and said, " are all of you ready?"
Jack hops on a prestigious looking one, after he pays the man. It is black, with red in some places. Like the underside of its wing. The man tells him, "He's *vampire bred." *A Griffin bred to obey most vampires. Jack waits for the others to get ready.

You guys!! My father says he might get a very high grade golden retriever puppy for a mere 2000 dollars. He says he could breed it for more money. Put he would probably just get one for like 300.
( that would be awesome jack)

Kane said" alright let's do this thing!" Kane whispers something to the griffin and it bolts up into the air "what are you waiting for!" Kane says playfully. He hovers looking at everyone.

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