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Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

Kane grunts in pain, "ahhhhh!" He screams as Fates message comes clear in his head. " I know were he is Kane yells excitedly. He runs to the direction of the castle, the group quickly follows trying to figure out what happened.
Jack says "Uggghh... we were just about to leave... oh and Kane knows magic." Sorry guys I took a long break from MY roleplay.

"Let's make this quick, Me, Sora and Kane will go, just to speed this up, if everyone follows it will take to long." Jack says wanting to leave this trap.
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Kandy gets up and lightly groans in pain from the stab in his back not far from his spine "mm almost got me, welp we should get going it'll be night soon, " looks at the trees as if there was something wrong with them.
Kane tried to settle everyone down and get to the point, he knew Fate didn't have long, " Guys, Fate told me telapathically were he is being held. I say we take a small group to go, and the rest should keep going to Nofard, we will catch up after we free Fate. Does anyone disagree." Kane said sternly, worried about Fate.
Kandy looked at Kane "well I don't know who Fate is, but I'll join you I suppose in your small rescue mission " he managed to stand up as the blood stopped dripping out his back from the stab wounds and his shoulder and lightly groaned "after I get a new piece of armor on" he takes off his thick chest armor ash well as his helmet and he turnes out that he was actually skinnier than he looked in his armor, then put on a green marble chest plate and put it on then took off his gauntlets, boots and leggings then put green marble armor on and put his helmet back on and then put his other set of armor aside from the other helmet and put it in a bag and put an emerald casing around his other helmet "let's go shall we¿?"

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" back in the labyrinth Fate, one of our crew members, was captured by a dragon controlled by a demon. I'm not sure why he took Fate, but I know he is in trouble and we have to help him." Kane says trying to sum up all that happened. Kane tossed a cloak to Kandy as he put one on too. " they are witch cloaks if you put them on you will turn invisible to some monsters. We will need them if we want to get Fate out of their fast." Kane explained. He quickly sharpened his arrows. Then he mumbled a spell and his small dagger turned into a full tang sword. " lets go!" Kane said, trying to be cheerful. " We will see you all in Nofard, unless any one else wants to tag along?" Kane asks looking at the rest of the group.
Kandy followed as fast as he can but had a good six inch is behind Kane while running with his forty pound sword and marble armor and tossed his bag of the other armor leaving it with the group so he could run faster "how long till were there exactly¿?" Breaths heavily and his helmet heats up quickly so in result he took off his helmet with the emerald casind on it and put it in the handle of the sword where it wouldn't fall off
"It's about three miles off" Kane mumbled as he ran. A witch flew down from the forest, but Kane just sliced it in half, he was to focused on saving Fate to care about a simple witch. He ran faster trying to reach the castle as fast as he could.
As Kane ran in he saw a hoard of ogres he slowly motioned to Kandy to come on as he snuck around the monsters with his cloak. He knew they could kill the ogres easily, but it would only slow them down and he knew Fate didn't have much time left. The plan was going good until they ran into a group of shadow orcs guarding the door to the inside of the castle. Their magic was too strong, they saw strait through the cloaks. Kane had no other choice, so he took off his cloak and screamed," ahhhhhhhhh! As he ran at the soldiers with his blade in front of him.
Kandy ran killing all the ogers with one blow from his sword the ran and killed the shadow orc on the right and got sliced in the arm and Kandy decapitated the orc and kicked down the door and had to turn his sword at an angle to get it through "Sir. Come on!!"
Kane sliced an Orc through a kink in its armor. He finished off two more with a lightning spell. " thanks for your help, now let's go finish this!" Kane said confidently.
Kandy followed Kae and charged with his sword drawn in front of him and kept a constant speed as his armor made a huge clicning sou d every time he moved and a thud when he steppes
Kane started to run up a huge spiral staircase, some how he knew it led to the to top. As he ran he noticed stone gargoyles perched on the walls. Then suddenly one by one they flew,off their perches and started to attack. Kane quickly mumbled a spell, and a white flash sprung from Kane's hands. The spell busted down a small section of the wall. Light poured in turning the monsters into stone causing them to fall to the ground and break in half. That took out some but there were still hundreds! " there are still to many to fight. Come on we're almost at the top!" Kane yells over the screeches of the gargoyles, as he slices one gargoyle in half.
Kandy ran up and cut off a garfoyks wing making fall and landed on two and faded into the darkness "out the way" he runs past Kane and pusts down the last door and was picked up by two gargoyle and dropped but he grabbed their legs "g... Gahh. Go on without me" puts all his weight in his legs and makes the gargoyles fall and the rest followed Kandy down and he landed on his back and his left arm landed through a spike. Kandy used his sword to stand up started to slice at the gargoyles flying at him "Die you flying..." He goes silent
" No!!!!!!!!!!" Kane screams as Kandy fell. He wanted to go back and help, but this was his chance. He ran through the door and saw Fate strapped to metal chains, "I'm coming! Hold on!" Kane ran to fates side and unshackled him. Fate groaned. Then suddenly a door bursted open and the dragon riding demon was standing right there with a furious face. Lighting started to flow through Kane's hands, "are you ready to die you......" Kane shot the demon with electricity, but it didn't even phase him. The demon didn't want Kane's skills to go to waste so he shot we with an arrow dipped in demons blood. Suddenly Kane's eyes went black, he wasn't in control anymore. He turned around to lock Fate back up (against his own will) but when he looked at Fate he remembered all that the group had been through together. Kane started to scream, his hair turned white and his skin turned grey, even his blue elf uniform now a shade of black, but his eyes were not black they were now a ruby red... Kane over powered the demon, but the demon was still inside him changing him into a blood elf. Kane spoke a spell he didn't even know he knew, and suddenly the demon that imprisoned Fate was now no more than dust. Kane wanted to run away because he knew that now he was a tainted blood elf his natural instinct was to kill anything that moved. But that wouldn't be fair to the others, he would have to fight the urge. So he ran to help Kandy
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Kandy slowly limped up with his sword on his back and he was holding left arm "gah!! I'm alright, itll take more than that to kill me!! Haha just a small scratch" he falls to his knees and layed on his side couching blood while taking off his helmet
Kane bounded down the stairs, jumped to Kandys side and started to heal her," You really got banged up back there.?"

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