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Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

Runs past loads of orcs so that I can catch up to the group,"we need to get out of here, we are gonna get overran"
"Sora, I looted some gold and a ruby." He says tossing him the red ruby. He throws a knife at an orc and licks his bloody blade until it shines.

"FOLLOW ME!" Jack yells and starts to climb up the wall. "He walks across the wall before saying "THERE'S THE EXIT!" And he sprints down the wall and jumps down to the exit, running towards the door. He holds it open licking his bloody lips. "Let's go!"
Sora catches the ruby and stuffs it into his pocket as he nods thank you to Jack and says. "So what shall we do abkut these orcs? I can hold them off if you want?"
I fly over my tower dropping Fate on a torture device and wrap him up I slowly cast a spell "ianu wulic iusl lued lien kshxs iodt lucd loper"
((Oh Sorry, my notifications were fucked so I didnt see it, im a moblie user you see ^-^))

Sora climbis up the same wall as Jack as he then jumps down to the exit, runnig through the door and waits for everyone
Starts to run but is slow due to the weight of the armor and decapitates two orcs with one swift swing "don't wait up for me"
Sora stands there admiring the ruby Of which Jack gave him as he says, "How far away are we to the town? We must be far behind schedule"
Kuro smelled something very familiar nearby. It was blood, and boy did it make him hungry. He ran to the location where the smell of blood was coming from, and saw a large door with an injured person right next to it. 'Must've been a fight. Might as well say hello.'
Sora turns and sees the strange character in the distance as I do nothing and ignore the presence "Im too tired to be bothered.. Jack can handle it"... Goes and sits on the floor
Stands up straight and pulls out the arrows in his left shoulder and breaks off the one in his back the diggs it out with a dagger "well then who are you" looks at the strander and drops the arrows
Kuro walks over to the stranger casually, but still on his guard in case the stranger did anything, not that he can do much injured. "You should introduce yourself first if you want me to introduce myself to you." He answers the man who was taking out the arrows in his shoulder and felt a sudden urge to bite him but resisted it.
"Hello." Jack says observently. "Are you a vampire?" Jack asks, he then shows him his fangs, "I know that look, when you are hungry." Jack smiles

"Here's some blood." Jack tosses him a packet of elf blood, "Don't ask how I got it."
Kuro catches the packet and grins, showing his fangs "Thanks for the meal." He begins drinking the blood from the packet and stops to look at the other vampire "You're a vampire as well it seems. It's been a while since I've seen one of us. Name's Kuro. What's yours?"
Kuro drains the packet and tosses it at the ground. He felt more powerful after drinking the blood so he suspected it to belong to something with great magical power. "I smell alot of blood from beyond that door. What happened?"

(Night guys.)
Kandy sat down and sighed in relief and started to him and takes off his helmet and sets it next to his sword
Sora looks at Kuro and says, "Well we have another vampire in our ranks" he laughs as he then sits by the othr door andsays "shall we move on?"

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