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Futuristic It's the end of the world as we know it...(Kinda zombie apoc rp)

Alex could notice Ryan's Nervous Expression, She kinda felt bad for just taking him, but at the same time not really because he could have gotten turned or killed. "Look Kid, If it Makes you feel any better i will go back to get Julia and you two can stay here because out there isn't safe" She explained. Hoping to get a good reaction from the younger boy. @Kayla
Ryan- Alex's house

Ryan's face returned a little of its color although he was still terrified. "Not to be rude... But why can't I just stay with her...?.. I mean we are really good at staying on our feet and away from trouble..." He spoke, his words finally not stumbling around and out of his mouth.


(I can't wait for @TheMilkMan to respond xD otherwise Julia's a bit stuck)
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"Well Not to be rude But, Julia did leave you to hid behind a tree and it doesn't look like you can handle all of those zombies especially when there is a lot of them roaming around here, and since your younger and not experienced they can tear you apart, Same goes for your little friend, Sorry but i'm not gonna allow you guys to just walk out and get killed what's the purpose of that, You can trust me and so can she" Alex explained. Alex knew there were survivors around she just needs to gather all of them so they can work together and defeat this madness. And if she had to kidnapped them, then she will do it. @Kayla
A small drop of fuel leaked out of Glow's flamethrower, and fell directly from her hiding place in a tree above onto Ryan's head. "Crap."
Rick walked around yawning a bit flirting with girls being himself "What to do what to do..."He asked himself while walking around plainly looking into the window of a bookstore shrugging to himself walking in "Hmm...what do you suggested as a good read?"Rick asked to the worker after awhile he looked through the books he was offered choosing one about zombies and just some random book smiling at the person behind the counter Rick checked out the books before walking out reading one of them while walking

Susan looked around the woods going deeper into her hoodie "W-why did I t-think this w-would be a g-good idea....s-stupid stupid S-SuSu."The girl told herself smacking her forehead while looking around lost "And n-now you made y-yourself l-lost g-great idea..."She said aloud walking up to a tree sitting down trying to hold back tears failing and crying her eyes out putting her hood up hugging her legs crying into them
Glowburst said:
A small drop of fuel leaked out of Glow's flamethrower, and fell directly from her hiding place in a tree above onto Ryan's head. "Crap."
((Ryan's at Alex's house rn btw)
(Glow if you want you could say it Susan instead of Ryan...if ya want)
Ryan- Alex's house

Ryan yelped as something wet hit the top of his head. "What the...?.." He looked up and fell backwards and onto his butt in surprise. And of course it was another girl, just his luck.

@Mariam @Glowburst
Glow silently panicked and tried to make a shushing motion, but lost her balance and fell to the floor. She lay there, gas tank on top of her.

Ryan- Alex's house

Ryan stared at the new girl, wondering if she was a zombie or not. He could never really tell unless he heard the voice or was being chased. He knew that Julia was great at figuring out if someone was a zombie in nearly the first few seconds. Ryan got up and stared, trying to figure it out.

@Mariam @Glowburst
"I'm the bogeyman. Oooga booga booga! I'm a survivor, stupid. Help me up." Glow, even unable to do anything but speak and lie down on the floor, thought rather highly of herself.
Ryan- Alex's house

Ryan nodded since he knew his voice would be thrown off by the intimidation of being by other girls. He rubbed his head where the fuel had fallen onto his head since it felt weird.

@Mariam @Glowburst
"Kid, I'd wash your scalp. Mama's homemade flamethrower fuel may contain pesticides." Glow looked wearily at the kid, hoping his flesh would stay on.
"So what we're you doing up there anyways, There is a door you know?" Alex raised an eyebrow.
Charley - Forest

With weary legs Charley trudged on, each step a greater effort than the last. He had been walking for miles now, but still he felt uneasy about stopping. In the last town he came far closer to being turned than he would've ever liked to have come, and it had scared him more than he would've liked to admit. He had started off running, and when he couldn't run anymore he walked, and he kept walking, and he would keep walking as long as he could.

'She seemed so genuine...' He remembered discouragingly as he continued on. In truth the town he was running from was far off - and that particular zombie that came so close to turning him as well - but to Charley it felt as if they were just out of sight.

Despite his determination to keep moving however, he finally accepted his need for rest. While he was stumbling about with weak legs his foot caught the lip of a rock sending him down on all fours; once he was down there was no getting up. That was his acceptance.

He crawled over to a tree and leaned himself up against it cold, tired and above all us, confused. While he sat there, propped against that tree, he couldn't help but think of her, the way she moved and talked, the way she looked, and how suddenly it had all become so different... It hurt to think about it, but then again what didn't hurt in this world? 'Everything hurts now' he told himself, 'Everything hurts.'

Charley leaned back and let his eyes close, his mind mulling over recent memories that played in his head like a never ending slideshow.
Kimberly Noticed the Teenage boy as she was gathering supplies I'm the forest. "Are You Crazy?!" She half whispered. "Listen, You Dumb ass if you don't get up you'll die here, and I'm fine with that, but I'm giving you a warning" She explained before continuing her walk. @Francis Stickmin
Charley opened his eyes at the sound of a girl's voice. She was speaking quietly, almost whispering in fact. She payed little attention to Charley, only giving him a concerned warning in her passing. It surprised him just how little attention the girl gave, continuing on her way without missing a step. Her words were unexpected as well, rude and to the point, 'But perhaps not altogether untrue.'

Charley pulled himself back up onto his feet and stood next to the tree he had been resting against. The girl was walking away and would likely be gone soon, so he knew a choice must be made.

'Assume she's human, follow her and hope she leads me to a town, or assume she's one of them and hopes I'll follow her, likely into a trap...'
He was conflicted, but short on time,

"Hey!" he shouted out, taking a few heavy steps toward the girl, "Any chance following you would get me to a town?" He asked with a concerned look on his face. While he waited for the girl to answer - or not - he leaned his weight onto another tree beside him, and slid a free hand into his jacket pocket. @Mariam
Kimberly Smirked "Yeah, But I wouldn't want you following me because I don't know who you are so, Yeah" She said giving him a quick but fake smile. Kimberly knew she had to the right then and help him, but for some reason she felt the need not too.

She sighed.

She Huffed "Yeah, Follow me" She rolled her eyes. "Don't slow me down either. Cause im not stopping to save your life or anythin like that" She contiued.

@Francis Stickmin
Charley thought over her words for a moment and then pushed himself away from the tree he had been leaning on, "I thought you might say something like that," he said with a sigh, his words cold but regretful. His hand came out from his jacket pocket, in it a revolver. "It was a good try, really, but I'm not that thick." His eyes were locked on hers as he spoke.

Charley lifted the gun and pointed it at the girl - or whatever it was - his hand shaking ever so slightly. 'She's one of them,' he thought, 'but she looks so real...' He took a deep breath and let it out, trying in vain to steady the shaking in his hand. "I just wish you didn't look so much like the rest of us," he said to her, "It'd make this easier... But I guess that's just how it is."

He had never killed one of them before, and he didn't want to now, but he felt like he had to. 'What if she's not one of them?' he wondered to himself, 'There's no way to really know, is there?' As his hand tightened around the grip of his gun self-doubt began to seep into his mind. He took another deep breath, and after a moment of reflection spoke again,

"You are one of them, right..?" Charley didn't know if he was asking her or telling himself, but he waited for her to speak again nonetheless. @Mariam
Kimberly slowly walked closer to the Guy and lowered his gun. "Look, I know how hard it is for you to trust me, but I am one of you I won't kill you or harm you okay, Just put the gun away we don't need any problems, I'll just go now I don't want any problems I just came to get my supplies." Kimberly had explained, She wanted to snap on the guy for pointing a gun at her but if she did he probably kill her.

"Are You Okay?" She asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not one of them okay, I'm a survivor just like you and I didn't point a gun at you so how is that fair, you should be lucky I warned you, sleeping could have gotten you killed if it wasn't for me" She continued.

@Francis Stickmin
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(Sorry @Kayla but our timezones must be different, because it was the middle of the night for me)

Daniel knew this was going nowhere, and he couldnt just stand there pointing that thing at her all day, could he? She needed to convience him, do something that zombies can't. "Ok, if you're not a zombie do a backflip."
Julia- Forest

Julia raised her eyebrows at what he said. A backflip? Not that she couldn't do one, but she actually kind of felt the need to show off. She shrugged. "Well, a backflip is easy but I'd rather do a webster. It looks cooler and is more fun, so yeah." Julia said just before doing it, her movement swift and graceful, landing perfectly back on her feet. She gave a little bit of a grin as she felt awesome in that particular moment.


(Yeah, Ik xD )

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