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Futuristic It's the end of the world as we know it...(Kinda zombie apoc rp)

((Whoa guys...fill me in on what I missed...confused who to jump in with now))
"Fine, i believe you now," Daniel lowered the knife, still a bit cautious. "Now what are you looking for? Because if its shelter then this place is taken. As you can see there is only one bed here, unless you're willing to sleep on the floor. But if it's food then you're out of luck, I barely have enough for myself anyway."
Julia- Forest

Julia shrugged. "I was just curious, since I saw some figure and you're one of the first people I've run into in forever. Other than my boyfriend." She turned to the tree where she had made Ryan stay behind. She called out to him. "Ryan, it's safe to come out now!" She waited a minute before going over to the tree, and she saw that he wasn't there anymore. She frowned. "Ryan?!" She looked around, beginning to feel a little frantic.

"Crap! Do you think he was taken by 'them'?" He was starting to get worried, if there were zombies in the area then he would have to barricade himself inside, and he would rather get to it as soon as possible.
Julia- Forest

Julia shook her head instantly. "I would've heard him scream, trust me, the only way he would be taken by anyone without screaming is if it was a girl...." She woke, still looking around frantically and crossing her arms tightly across her chest with fear for Ryan. She wanted to scream his name but she knew that would only attract the zombies. She knelt by where he had been last time she saw him, seeing a little trail of his footprints in the mud. She started following it carefully, determined to find him.

"Hey, where are you going?!" Daniel started slowly following her, constantly looking back so he would be able to find his way back to his hut. @Kayla
Ridley and phoenix - forest

Ridley pulled his shuriken out upon seeing julia running his direction. He held it at the ready in case she was a xenozombie. "STAY RIGHT THERE!!!!" phoenix sat atop a tree branch high in the air with her bow ready. "LEST YOU RATHER WE SHOOT FIRST..." ridley finished the sentence. "And ask questions later..." ridley was ready to strike a moments notice. "Prove to us your not among one of them....prove it..." He said coldly. Ridley was experiencing waves of emotions when he stepped towards julia; anger..sadness..hope..hatred..yet happiness was there as well despite the look of pure despisement. Ridley held some strange little piece of tech. "Prove your not one of them and cut your arm on this..." He gave it to Julia and stepped back. Still holding his shuriken at the ready in case he had to strike. @Kayla
Finally Daniel caught with Julia, catching his breath. "Why did you stop?Did yo..." He stopped as he saw two people standing on a branch. "What the hell is foing on here?"
Julia- Forest

Julia shook her head slowly, staring coldly at the two. "How do I know you're not going to try and infect me if I do that? I'll literally be helping make it like ten times easier to get infected..." She spoke angrily. She knew most zombies couldn't really use weapons efficiently although Xenozombies most likely could with ease. She glared at them, wondering if they thought she was really that stupid. All she wanted to do was make sure that Ryan wasn't dead or in any danger, but she couldn't do it right now with those two either trying to infect or kill her.

@bloodfire @TheMilkMan
Charley - Forest

The girl - or zombie (Charley still hadn't decided) - was ballsy to say the least. She walked right up to Charley, pushed his gun down and spoke to him. She was trying to calm him, and it was working... However, just as he was starting to give into her words he also started to think about how in her own turnabout way she was really just convincing him to trust her.

He couldn't help but feel comforted by the affectionate hand on his shoulder and sudden kind words, but with that comfort came feelings of distrust and suspicion. 'Either she's one of them, or she's nuts,' he realized. Her reluctantly trusting nature and passive aggressive behavior just didn't make sense, and her sudden caring and concerned interest in him made even less sense. 'Maybe she really cares, but then why for me and not for herself?' and with that it suddenly hit him, 'Why hasn't she tried to figure out if I'm one of them, she hasn't asked me once...'

With a jerk Charley pulled his shoulder away from her and stepped back. "Don't worry about me!" He snapped with a tinge of anger in his voice. He took another deep breath and calmed himself, "I still don't trust you, In fact I think you're one of them," he paused for a moment and looked at the gun in his hand, "But I can't kill you, not like this... So make your move, leave here and let me be - and prove your humanity - or cut the games and do your worst."

Ridley held his shuriken ready to throw. "Prove it to us your not one of them..both of you...we have been attacked way too many times...we lost our mother to them..I will prove it to you as well..I have been observing them..looking for weaknesses..flaws..." phoenix jumped down and gave julia a phial. "Whatever you do don't open that phial..that phial contains the blood of a xenozombie zombie. It's blood is near black..." after showing the phial they both cut their arm and showed the blood to her. "Would we have shown you our blood in that sense? See..red blood...still normal" ridley shouldered his shuriken. "Forgive us....im sorry...its just...well....we are working on a way to reverse the effects of the virus..if we were to pull this off...anyone who is one of them will return to normal..." ridley then cut in. "We also are trying to find ways to take them out faster..." ridley held out his hand. "I am ridley...and this is my sister phoenix..perhaps you met my.mother syrena? Or my father darren?" @Kayla
Julia- Forest

Julia shook her head slowly. "Haven't heard of them. Look, I'm just trying to find my boyfriend okay? I swear I'm not a zombie, but I'm not about to make an open wound just to prove I'm not. I realize you can't make sure I'm not by voice since it's similar, but I swear I'm not a zombie. Just let me go my way and you can go yours, okay?" Her smooth and zombie-like voice rang out with a little frustration and anger leaking into it.

@bloodfire @TheMilkMan
Kimberly furrowed her eyebrows "I'm not trying to Worry about you! I'm just trying to convince you I'm not one of them, but obviously your crazy in the head I don't care about you at all, I don't even know you, but I'm just trying to save my life, and you, Ugh this is exactly why I don't like caring for no one cause you never appreciate that sh**, Fine I'll go now but you won't have anywhere to go and that would be cruel but them again I shouldn't care for someone who tires to kill me" She explained.

She was furious about how he still hasn't believe her.

"I'll let you be, I'll let you stay here all alone to get turned or killed better yet and maybe you will realize you lost the best chance of survival you had" She continued.

She stepped closer and whispered in his ear "And if I we're you, I wouldn't dare pull a stunt like that around me, Because you don't know me. And there more people out here that would kill you In a instant your just lucky I spared your life Baby."

Then she pulled away and glared at him one time before turning to walk away.

@Francis Stickmin
Alex Grabbed her weapons "Come on, Kid let's go get your girlfriend" She said. If Alex needed a team she was going to have to allow them happiness and what they need so they can be able to join her.

Ryan- Alex's house

Ryan nodded. "Thanks." He said shyly. He couldn't wait to see Julia again, it'd only been nearly half an hour, but it was still way too long going without her.

Alex lead the two, They made their way outside, Alex walked to the trail she left the forest. Then she noticed four people, There we're a guy and a girl with weapons and another girl she had short blonde hair and she was with another guy. She pulled out her sword at them.

@Kayla @bloodfire @TheMilkMan @Glowburst
Ryan + Julia- Forest

Ryan grinned as he followed and they came across the guy from earlier, two others, and best of all, Julia. He ran over, ignoring everyone else and hugged her. Julia was ultimately surprised but happy to see just who she was looking for. She hugged him tighter, practically squeezing the air right out of him until she loosened her grip just a bit. She pulled away from the hug and stared at his dark eyes, putting her hands on his shoulders. "Where did you go?" Julia asked but quickly noticed two girls. "Ohh... I see." She hugged him again. She knew full well how easily he froze around other girls and figured that's what must've happened.

@Everybody xD (too lazy to tag lol)
Alex shook her head "So this is Julia? That girl that left you, and could have gotten you killed?" She asked putting her sword back. "You know you could have him gotten him killed or turn, and it was me who basically saved his life!" She continued.

Alex didn't like what Julia had done. It was just messes up. After everything that's going on you don't leave anyone behind.

"But, You Can go ahead and stay with her If that's what you want Ryan, I'm not gonna force you" She explained. @Kayla @Glowburst @TheMilkMan @bloodfire
Nathan jumps trough the the bushes running from those 'monsters.' His age quickly catches up with him and he stops thinking he has out run them. He hears a twig snap and dives behind a tree and peeks around to see a couple, a man and a woman. 'Are they one of those things?' he asks himself

He pulls his rifle form off his shoulder and points it at the couple. "Don't Move" he demands trying not to be too load in case those things were still behind him. He looks down the scope and aims it correctly completely ready to shoot them.

@Francis Stickmin @Mariam
Kimberly huffed and rolled her eyes "Seriously? This is the second time I had a gun pointing at me, I'm not those monsters... I'm a survivor.... And so is he, But are you a survivor or just one of those things?" Kimberly asked putting her hands on her hips.

She was getting mad, today was not her day.

@NatetheGreat9 @Francis Stickmin
He lowers his gun and lets a sigh of relief. 'Thank god' he thought moving out form behind the tree.

"Ya I'm a survivor" he responds moving closer to the group of two. "It's not save that way" he shoulders his rifle and gets a closer look at the survivors.

@Francis Stickmin @Mariam
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"I came from Clarkson a small town about 5 miles that way" He points in the direction he came "A weird man came into a town earlier today and all hell broke loose" He didn't wan to mention that his wife and daughter were killed. He looks down for a sec and then up again "It's not safe there"

@Francis Stickmin @Mariam

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