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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Raina's cheeks turned pink as Will just walks on. Images of Will trying to embrace the shifter flash through her mind. "Do you just wa-" she starts to speak, but stops herself as she realizes she was about to say something out of jealousy. This wasn't like her. Raina was usually good at keeping her emotions under control, but now her eyes were watering, and she wanted to say something she knows she shouldn't. So instead, Raina simply stops, and turns the other direction.



May's face turns a bright pink as Raider suggests the idea of many men wanting to dance with her. She clears her throat, and looks the other way. "Ah, I do not particularly think there will be that many men wishing to dance with me.... There rarely are." She smiles to hide her embarrassment, and looks back at Raider. "Though both a dance, and a friendly sparring competition sound like wonderful ideas. Would you be willing to manage the competition, though? I can have some of my servants help you to make sure the fighting doesn't get too out of hand."



May's face turns a bright pink as Raider suggests the idea of many men wanting to dance with her. She clears her throat, and looks the other way. "Ah, I do not particularly think there will be that many men wishing to dance with me.... There rarely are." She smiles to hide her embarrassment, and looks back at Raider. "Though both a dance, and a friendly sparring competition sound like wonderful ideas. Would you be willing to manage the competition, though? I can have some of my servants help you to make sure the fighting doesn't get too out of hand."

"That sounds like a plan. I'm sure this'll be a fun event. Now then I better head to Raina to discuss the hunting of wildlife," As he headed towards the door he would say one more thing. "With someone as pretty as you I'm positive people will be asking you for a dance." He heads out of the building and takes a walk to head for Raina. It's common for him to give compliments, but it's always from honesty. In any case he heads off towards the forest.
Hearing her stsrt to speak he turns to fave her "What? Raina? What do you have to say?" He takes a couple steps toward her watching her body language trying to see whats wrong through her movements @Crystal Cali
May would wait until he was gone, then bang her head down on her desk from her embarrassment. Had it really been so long that she heard a compliment from a guy that she now couldn't handle it? Perhaps. While May was the ruler, and she was sure to keep an eye on the well-being of her people, she was also kind of distant, and didn't really have many she would consider to be her friends. After a long moment, May would finally get up, and go to speak with her servants about preparing for a feast.



Raina stops, though keeps her back turned towards Will. Her hands were balled into fists, and her breathing had picked up. It took her a minute to gather her thoughts so she could speak in a clear tone. "Do you simply want to chase pretty women who seem to have no interest in you?" Raina speaks while looking over her shoulder, so that Will would only be able to see half her face.

Given their history, of how Raina was most often so reserved when it came to expressing her feeling towards Will, or anyone for that matter, Raina's first thought was to think that when she showed more affection that Will simply got bored with her. In her mind, she knew it was irrational, but she had thought it anyway.

"What are you talking about? I'm not chasing pretty women....I'm trying to protect our people...." Shying away as he has bever seen Raina like this and he looks away slightly refusing to meet her gaze @Crystal Cali
Raina closes her eyes, and turns her head back around. She silently shakes for a few moments before saying, "I.... know. But it still seems reckless... to chase after someone who does not wish to be comforted." Raina takes a few deep breaths, and turns to face Will. Her eyes were filled with tears, which she unsuccessfully tried to blink away. "In any case, reckless behavior or not, I misunderstood. I apologize."

He sees her tears and immediately rushes to her his arms wide wrapping them around her "Dont cry!" Holding her tightly in his arms as as he says quietly "I'm not someone to cry over.....I'm just

another watchman after all" pushing her head into his shoulder to comfort her his hands soft and his body warm @Crystal Cali
Raina closes her eyes, leans her head on Will's shoulder, and wraps her arms around him. "If you were simply another watchman, I wouldn't have taken your hand in the first place," she says in a soft voice.

He would smile as he held her in his arms tightly for him, at that moment, there was nothing, only him and Raina and as he held her he would say softly "Amin caela feithe ten' sina moment ilya amin life. " @Crystal Cali
Raina sighs happily, though she was soon aware of someone else nearby. Though she did not want to let go of Will just yet, if someone wanted to speak with her, she wasn't going to keep them waiting. Raina let's go of Will, moving back just far enough that she can bring her hands up to wipe the tears from her face. Once she had composed herself, she turns around and scans the area for the one who was watching. "Who is there?" she asks calmly as her hand reaches back to hold Will's hand.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina sighs happily, though she was soon aware of someone else nearby. Though she did not want to let go of Will just yet, if someone wanted to speak with her, she wasn't going to keep them waiting. Raina let's go of Will, moving back just far enough that she can bring her hands up to wipe the tears from her face. Once she had composed herself, she turns around and scans the area for the one who was watching. "Who is there?" she asks calmly as her hand reaches back to hold Will's hand.

It was time for Raider to finally come out. "It's me Raider. I'm here to discuss about the hunting of wildlife for the festival. May has agreed to it and she is in charge of the feast. There will be a dance and sparring competition, so I am here to ask for your permission to hunt more dangerous wildlife. Is there anything dangerous to hunt like a twin-headed griffon?"
Raina thinks for a moment. "Nothing quite that dangerous has been seen in the forest for a long time. I will have to asses the forest and see what species is currently overpopulated before I can make a decision on what can be used for this feast."

@YoungX @ThatOneLunatic
Crystal Cali]Raina thinks for a moment. "[COLOR=#00b300]Nothing quite that dangerous has been seen in the forest for a long time. I will have to asses the forest and see what species is currently overpopulated before I can make a decision on what can be used for this feast.[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33454-youngx/ said:
"All right thanks. Now then I suppose I better prepare for the festival. With there being a dance and all I'm gonna have to be careful. Who knows what thief or what not could be plotting during a festival. Then again I am doing the sparring competition, so I'm sure the local guards can handle that."

ThatOneLunatic said:
"Sparring?" he would smirk intrigued by the idea "I'll see you in the competition then." Will holding Raina's hand gently in his as they stood there talking to the human @YoungX @Crystal Cali
"Sure that'll be great. Just don't expect an easy fight," he says as a means of fun gesture. "In any case, you two should also participate in some dancing after all you two seem to hit off well don't you think?" If anything said Raider is blunt about these things, and he can tell about them as well.

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
ThatOneLunatic said:
Smiling to Raina before looking back to Raider "Oh really? Me dancing? I may be an Elf but I am no dancer" @YoungX @Crystal Cali
"I see well it's up to you two really. If there is any other event ideas you two have then feel free to relay them to me or just talk to May about it. Now then let's see..." He begins to think.
ThatOneLunatic said:
"An archery contest?" He says smirking figuring he will win as he has trained most his life with a bow and sword @YoungX
"By all means you can go ahead and do that," he says smiling to Will. "This festival will be a very big celebration, so now then we should get preparing."
Nodding still holding her hand in his not wanting to part, even if its just for a moment. "I suppose we should start preparations...."
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know we were in a hurry," Evie replied, stepping back from Davorin and letting go of his arm so they could continue on their way through the forest. "Are you planning on going to the festival?" she asked him unable to hide her own excitement.

Raina chuckles softly when Will admits he can't dance, remembering all the times he had tried. "If May does not have musicians, I can provide the music for the dance, or even join the musicians she has." She looks to Will and nods. "I will see what the forest has to offer for the feast, but it would be best to wait to hunt until the meat can be cooked. I will speak with May once I know what I can offer."

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