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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Raina didn't seem to notice that she had made the situation awkward. She wonders what the problem was, but doesn't follow Will right away. After a while, she does get up and walks to the camp, seeing him with the shifter from earlier.

The guard would answer Raider's knock, and lead him to the office again. May was already there, at the desk shuffling through papers.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina didn't seem to notice that she had made the situation awkward. She wonders what the problem was, but doesn't follow Will right away. After a while, she does get up and walks to the camp, seeing him with the shifter from earlier.
The guard would answer Raider's knock, and lead him to the office again. May was already there, at the desk shuffling through papers.

He would enter May's office and would then approach her desk. "Well I'm sure your going to ask what I'm doing here so I guess I'll be brief. Raina suggests holding a festival in honor of our victory against Edward and the Winter Court. If I can ask for permission to hunt for food that would much be obliged."

The girl shook her head, "Wasn't following, I don't dislike you, but I don't like you. I just hate people in general." Khaleesi sat her hands on her hips before she squeaked getting attacked and turned into a mouse. Her eyes growled at him as she turned to her normal self and shook her head. "Bad! No!" With that she jumped and swung herself onto a branch. "So that thing you and Racer were talking about. What is it?" She asked down to him and grinned.



"I wasn't talking about the bear!! Wait...." The short girl yelled and then hid her face before she laid on the branch. "Shit... I thought you said something in the line of beer..." With that she laughed loudly and rolled off the branch, landing onto the ground with a thud, still laughing like a maniac before she turned into a hyena.


Khaleesi pushed herself up with her hands and leaned against the bark tree trunk. She calmly stopped laughing and turned back to her normal self, smiling lightly. "Oh Free Willy!!" She said and climbed the tree. "Hopefully you don't see me with any people." She mumbled and sat on the tree branch, swinging her legs softly.


The girl shook her head and stood up on the branch. "No reason!!" She yelled down to him and hopped down form the tree, placing her hands down to her side. She giggled lightly as she walked, a small sway moved with her as the wind rushed around her. She smiled lightly, her eyes still a green as she pushed on deeper into the woods.

Her eyes glistened as she moved her way quickly into a tree and laid on the branch. "So many people are here now..." She mumbled, her clothing and hair both dangled like vines. "To many people..." She said, knowing full well how this place was going to end up. And she wasn't planning on letting that happen.​
The short girl moved quickly away and growled, "Stalker. And yes, I have a big problem with people..." She hissed as her green eyes glared into his. She shook her head and stood up, walking past him on the tree. Her feet were like magnets to the tree branches and trunks. "Now would you go to your elvish village with your pretty tools and fancy dresses?" She asked, slight anger in her voice.


"Not to me, but everyone's done something wrong in their life." Khaleesi said with a hiss, "Now seriously, I don't know why you keep pushing me to talk, I'd rather just curl up and be alone. I've seen the way people live, what they do, what happens to them. I've known this place, longer than most, and I don't need people coming in, and ruining everything." The girl let out a sigh and sat down, looking down.

"Sit down... Since you got me talking, I can't stop until I make my point..." Khaleesi said with a growl, her green eyes saddened lightly. A faint smile was placed across her lips, bad thing about Khaleesi, get her talking about a subject she likes, she won't stop until she's finished herself.


He smiles sitting next to her "You know I've lived here all my life....since before the humans came, in fact I was born here a few hundred years ago. I've seen it change but you must accept the changes and adapt. After all we Elves of the wood only wish to keep the peace." he puts his hand on her shoulder comfortingly looking at her his green eyes somewhat calming @PixieDusts

Khaleesi pushed him away, her face grew a very faint pink. "Well... I don't know if your parents were born here or not... But um... Mine weren't. They told me this story, told me to stay away from humans and other creatures. That's why it was weird for me to be around people." She let out a deep and dark sigh, sitting in front of him as her green eyes focused down on the tree.

"Before I was born, a year or two maybe. My parents were living on another island. To be honest they thought it was amazing, and then humans came in. Creatures that weren't friendly. Trees were cut down and burned. The grass and flowers ever grew. Animals slowly started to die off as of so many new people. So many of my friends were killed, murdered for meat! Killed for fun! For target practice. Not only from those who were human, but from people we thought were just like us. So life went on. Our house was destroyed and they found this place. Such a beautiful place. Nothing but beauty and kindness. Until I was born that is... My mother died giving birth. My dad on the other hand needed to teach me how to learn to Shift... In doing so, he died. The thing was, it was my fault. I killed him in a form. So! I lived alone, lived to hate people... and then they came..."

The shirt girl's words echoed in her ears before she looked up and stood up, rubbing the back of her neck, anyways!! That's my life!! Now... I should go!" She said with a slight smile and a nervous chuckle, jumping down from the tree and continued to walk further into the forest.



He immediately jumps down in front of her "Wait. Dont go. The people here are different. I am not one of those humans who destroyed your home. I am simply an Elf whos only duty is to protect his people and this forest. There is no reason to hate us nor hate the humans. The humans here at first were cruel but they have changed. We live here in peace and have for a long time now. I hated them at first but I've grown to like them and value them as my own. Now don't be afraid and don't hate them for what their people did in the past." Putting his arms around her gently comfortingly trying to calm her down. In all his years he had never once stood idle when someone was upset and he wouldn't start now. @PixieDusts

Khaleesi's cheeks grew an even more pink as she slipped out of his arms. "Heh, I don't think anything you can say, will change my mind Hun. Even if those people weren't the ones from before, we didn't think the others would be like that. They did it themselves, made the choice. How do you know they won't do it again? We haven't been outside of this island. We don't know what the other people, or even these people are capable of." She wasn't going to back down her opinion and it would be hard for her to change her mind. She met one human, seemed harmless, but kids mostly are.

The short girl walked on, now more into the forest than before. She looked around and hissed lightly at the noises coming from an animal. 'See. They kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. I bet they don't say sorry to the animals, or to the animals family, or even to the spirit for the food they took.' She sighed as her thoughts jumbled through her head.​

He would rush after her grabbing her arm gently "If they ever tried to kill the animals without good just reason or chop the trees of the forest down I would stop them, and if I am slain then my people will stop them." @PixieDusts
May smiles at Raider. "That sounds like a good idea. Speak with Raina, though. She herself is a hunter, and may have just thought she was going to be doing the hunting." @YoungX

Raina watches Will and the shifter, her mood growing more and more annoyed. Seeing Will go after the shifter so many times, Raina finally speakers up in an uncharacteristically harsh tone. " Leave her alone, Will. It is your duty to protect the forest, not sway those who don't believe in you."


"And if they fail? If you fail? If the creatures fail?" Khaleesi gave a growl and turned into her tiger form. She looked up at him and shook her head lightly. He wouldn't be able to listen. He wouldn't be able to understand. People are useless to talk to. With that she looked at the girl, her green eyes glared at her. She was about to bite, about to scratch, but turned the other way. 'Yeah Will! Come play with me! Come be with me and only me! Leave those who are speaking their minds!!' She thought, mimicking the girl. With that she ran, and ran, climbing into the tree, jumping from branch to branch before she stopped and laid on the branch, the leaves shaking softly.


@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali

The wind blew through her fur as she closed her eyes, her paws stuck to the tree branch as she growled. "Humans... Killers... Heh, doesn't mean I'll kill them. I just won't stick around them." She said aloud, hopping no one was around.

Raina watches Will and the shifter, her mood growing more and more annoyed. Seeing Will go after the shifter so many times, Raina finally speakers up in an uncharacteristically harsh tone. " Leave her alone, Will. It is your duty to protect the forest, not sway those who don't believe in you."

"I should do that yes," then heads to leave. As he does he stops to ask her a question. "By the way, are you taking part of this festival? It could do you some good to enjoy the festivities. I'll be keeping guard of the Isle as the festival goes on."
Raina frowns, though would run to catch up to Will. "You make something drastic more likely to happen by following a woman who wants to be alone with her thoughts. You have made your argument to her. It would be wise to now let her be." Raina's voice was not as calm as it normally was.



May smiles, and nods. "I will put together and host the feast. I would, of course, not miss the other events put on as well. It would be a great opportunity for me to get to know my people a little better. Perhaps I should have someone gather information on what kinds of events the people would want to have. Hmmm.... Do you have any ideas?"



May smiles, and nods. "I will put together and host the feast. I would, of course, not miss the other events put on as well. It would be a great opportunity for me to get to know my people a little better. Perhaps I should have someone gather information on what kinds of events the people would want to have. Hmmm.... Do you have any ideas?"

"Hmm... how about a dance? I'm sure there are people here who would love that. Naturally people love dancing right? Though knowing you I'm sure many men would've wanted to dance with you. In any case I also suggest maybe some entertainment such as a friendly sparring competition." He was honest about the dancing thing really. In any case these were some ideas he had.

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