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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Raina walks over to Will and sits next to him. "No, they shouldn't. There were only three members of the Winter Court, according to my knowledge. Raider took on one by himself, I was with him when the second was killed, and you and Raider took the third. For now, things should be safe."

ThatOneLunatic said:
Stretching on the ground "hmmmmm, sometimes this place can be so dull" @Crystal Cali
Raina raises an eyebrow and says in an amused tone "You killed the Unseelie Queen, and fought a tribe of murlocks twice today, and you're bored already?" Raina smiles, an actual genuine smile, which doesn't appear on Raina's face too often. Usually she keeps her expression neutral, but at this moment, she was more relaxed.
Chuckling as he lays there "Is that Raina smiling? Because of something I've done?" putting his hand over his heart croaking as if he was dying "T-this is a......remarkable.....newly discovered...thing.." he croaks out before sticking his toungue out the side of his mouth as if he were dead @Crystal Cali
Evie couldn't help but overhear the conversation between the two elves. She giggled at Raina's response, she agreed completely, the island could use some peace and quiet. Though to be fair she did understand Will's thirst for adventure after all it was her own sense of adventure that brought her here to this island.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
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Looking over to Evie Still acting dead his tongue out giving her a thumbs up as if asking for a rating on his performance before croaking out "Tell....Raider...he has....a big sword........he'll get it....." @Lithia
Raina's body shook slightly with silent laughter. "You will have bugs crawl in your mouth if you keep it open like that," she says, still chuckling a bit. She takes a deep breath to regain her composure, then adds, "Perhaps I can convince May to host a celebration in the village for our recent victories over the Winter Court and the airship army." Raina looks over to Evie, having heard her giggle."Can't get him to sit still for a single moment, he's more wild than the animals." Then, hearing Will's croaked words, she looks back to him, and rolls her eyes. "I would hope that, when you actually are dying, you have more noble words for us to remember you by."

@ThatOneLunatic @Lithia
Jumping up to his feet parading around "Noble?! I am the most Noble of all!" Drawing his long-sword spinning it around his body showing off a bit as his cloak seems to float in the air as he spins along woth his sword in a flurryl of flips slashes and spins "Who else more noble, neigh more fit than I to protect the forest and our people?!" He says all his words in a joking tone of voice and as he stops he sheathes his longsword before letting himself fall backwards beside Raina and yawning again @Crystal Cali @SirGrey @Lithia @PixieDusts
Evie laughed again. Her green eyes sparkling. "You are hilarious," she told him in between giggles. "Raina is right though, those are some... interesting last words." She was already feeling more at ease around these people than she had a little while ago. Still she didn't want to let go of Davorin just yet and hugged closer to his arm resting her cheek against him. "A celebration might be a fun idea," she agreed.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
Raina watches Will attentively, laughing quietly the entire time. "Ah, the forest is fortunate to have such a noble and fit protector." she says in an amused tone. She nods to Evie's statement, "I'm sure most everyone will enjoy having a celebration." she comments, then looks to Will as he pokes at her leg. "It would be nice if we had more land to explore, but I'm sure there are still mysteries to this isle that even I have not found yet."

@ThatOneLunatic @Lithia @SirGrey
Raider explores the place at his own leisure. He takes a brisk walk, and takes in the relaxing fresh air. It was most certainly better than Hell, and if he wanted too he could stay there forever. Of course eventually he'll have to go back to fight Belial. In any case he heads back to Raina and the others.

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic Everyone nearby
The vampire smiled at Will antics. It was good to know for Davorin that he was still correct. Most creature on this isle were fools. In Will's case a rather smug fool. Still no reason to bring it up. Evie seemed to be having a good time. "Yes I must agree with idea of celebration" He said in agreement with Evie.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
Will still laying down would speak in Elvish tongue so that only few would understand him "Nikolai lle dont anta a' risa a' amin. n'uma er sinome will crona lle." he would smile as he said this. He had always been good at reading peoples body language and facial expressions. Always having to be on lookout at the camp really paid off when it came to figuring people and their intentions out. For Nikolai it was the gloves Will had thought about although he hadnt pinpointed what he was or what he was lying about he knew something was off about him.@SirGrey @Lithia @Crystal Cali @PixieDusts
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Raina shrugs and lays back next to Will. "It's unfortunately been too long since I've heard your elvish name. Though I do not quite understand why you wish to go by a human name in the first place." Hearing Will's statement in elvish, she glances to the vampire. Raina was curious about the vampire as well, though she rarely got suspicious so quickly.

@ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey @Lithia @YoungX
Will looking to Raina as she lay beside him admiring her silently before saying "Deldhinor. I chose to go by Will because I did not think humans would understand my name." he smiles to her "I cant believe you forgot....we've known each other for how many years?" jokingly @Crystal Cali
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The vampire noticed that the two elves seem to be regarding him with suspicion. Made sense after all he was lying to them. "Oh I don't think there is anything to worry about" Davorin said in a hypnotic voice. That would most likely get rid of the suspicion but one never can be too careful. "It would be prudent to get out of here, so erm you wouldn't mind not resting on me" He muttered to Evie. It was rather hard to move when someone is resting on you. @SirGrey @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX
Raina looks up at the tree tops. "Quite a long time, that is for sure." she says softly. Out of the corner of her eye, Raina could see that Will was looking at her, but she didn't quite see his expression.

Raina looked over to the vampire, aware of Will's hand now brushing up against hers. "Uma. You do not seem to be someone that would worry me." She said that in a confident tone, having seen no real evidence that Davorin was any kind of threat. Raina's hand would twitch in response to Will's hand as she spoke, and she would slowly reach her fingers closer to his.

@ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey
Raider simply just stood still and relaxed. He felt the fresh breeze and simply relaxed as long as he would tolerate himself.

(Anyone near him)

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