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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Pushing off finding Raina for later he would leave camp and head out of the forest into the human settlement for something to do in his very precious spare time
Somehow, Raina managed to sleep through the entire scene with Will and the Murlocks, and wakes up to find that she had also buried herself in tall grass as she slept. It was now very early in the morning, and Raina got up, stretched, and walked out of the camp to find Will, whom was not where he had been before. After searching the forest for a bit, she goes to the human settlement, and spots him rather quickly. Raina walks over to his side, calmly saying "Did I miss anything while I slept?"

Turning a bit startled by Rainas sudden appearance he would turn and jump slightly before smiling "You mean you did not hear?" Shocked at how she didnt notice the ground shaking strike from Raider and the Multiple Shots that had been fired @Crystal Cali
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Raina tilted her head to the side. "No. I must have been deep in sleep." In reality, Raina hadn't really slept in probably a week, so the moment she got to relax, she was completely out. "Was there a fight then? Is the forest still safe?"

Evie was afraid of some of the creatures in Davorin's world but she also felt safe with him. It was ironic but she felt more safe with the vampire than anyone else. When he kissed her it was different this time, like he wanted to make sure she knew that he would do absolutely everything he could to keep her safe from all of her fears. No one had ever done that for her before and she was grateful and happy for the first time in a long time. Evie felt like the two of them could take on the whole world together.

The vampire smiled. Evie's posture revealed that she felt calmer around Davorin. He had never done that for someone. "Well while I'd love to spend all day here with you Evie, I think we should have a look around" Davorin said as he stood up. The island seemed to be having troubles. It might be an idea to keep an eye on the events. The vampire headed towards the forest, walking at a slow pace so that Evie could catch.

As he stood there talking with Raina just outside the forest he would carefully watch around them in case the Murlocs were to try and make a move while his guard was down and he spots the Vampire looking over him from where they stand before turning to Raina "Vampire....." he would say a bit wearily to her @Crystal Cali
Evie quickly got up and followed her companion to the forest. The island did seem a little chaotic lately, even more so than usual. She thought it was sweet that Davorin kept to a pace she could match, she knew that he could go much faster than her if he wanted to. "So what do you think is off with the island?" Evie asked him curiously. He had been here longer than her so he probably had more information than she did.

"I believe it might be some of those creature we saw earlier those Murlock" Davorin explained. "You see those creature or rather that one we meet probably had some infants, its odd lets just say it can creature more of itself" He said in a bemused way. "They can be rather pesky creature-Oh" The vampire stopped himself as he noticed they were being watched. Being a vampire had its down side. Like people think your a blood sucking monster. "This might go bad, would you mind think talking to them at first" He muttered to Evie.

@Lithia @ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
Evie listened as Davorin explained the situation, when he stopped she almost walked right into him. She peeked out from behind him and noticed the pair talking, who also seemed to have notice them. One of them was the woman she saw before when she was gathering shellfish. Davorin tensed up worried about what they thought of him, "Oh ummm of course I can talk to them," Evie said stepping in front of the vampire. "Hello there," she said nicely. She was a little surprised that one of them came right over to greet them.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
Realizing his face being masked up to just above his nose and only seeing his eyes must be a little awkward for a first encounter he would pull his mask and hood down smiling brightly, his pointed ears pricking up as he pushes his brown hair to the side out of his bright green eyes, looking to about 20 as expected of most elves he says "Are you planning on entering the forest?" His Elven long-sword and Elven short-sword's hilts glistening in the sunlight his bow slung on his back an a fully stocked quiver of arrows. @Lithia @SirGrey @Crystal Cali
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Raina nods, not too worried about the murlocks but she would probably ask Will about them again later. She turns to the two approaching, recognizing the girl from the beach. "Vedui," she says calmly.
Looking to Raina quickly before looking back to them wondering why she would use Elven tongue to a human assuming they dont understand
Evie didn't know the Elvish language so she assumed the word was some sort of greeting, after all the woman seemed protective but nice the last time they spoke. "Why yes we were planning on going through the forest," she told them both with a soft smile. "My companion's home is in these woods," she said gesturing to Davorin. "We were also looking into the strange happenings on this island and the.. ummm... murlocks," she said remembering the odd creature's name.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
The vampire seemed to get the idea. "Yes a pleasure or should I say Elen sila lumenn omentilmo". Davorin said in a polite tone. "My companion is correct I do live in then forest and were are looking into the Murlocks". He remained in a relaxed posture. These people didn't seem to wish harm. Still can't be too careful.

@Lithia @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic

A figure moved from tree to tree. Branches shook, and not just from the wind. Leaves fell from the thuds of a figures pounce. It's eyes glistened green as it stared down onto the ground. The hair blew in the wind as it got tangled in the leaves and was ignored. The figure turned quickly. Noise? Seems like talking. It moved to the edge of the branch and sat there, listening for the words of humans.

With a flash of nothing the words came flowing to her ears and she hopped to the next tree, to the next one, and next one until there was no more to jump onto. The light kissed the figures cheeks as it hopped down from the tree and walked onto the grass. There was a town, but only a few feet from the forest was a group of people. The figure moved down into a crouching position and moved slightly in the grass.

The figures green eyes flickered in the lightly. It watched the people talk and stood slowly, wondering if anyone had noticed she was even there. Her hair tickled down her back and placed down past her waist. Her face was hidden, her dark skin formed around the forest. No words were spoken from her soft pink lips.​

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