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Fantasy Isle of Mist

"The witch is dead." he would say as the blood on his blades drips to the ground. He would swing his sword sending the blood off his blades to the ground and he says joyfully "The dead will not be defiled." @Crystal Cali @YoungX
Raina nodded, a look of relief on her face. She let out a quiet sigh of relief. "Good. The dead will certainly remain at peace because of your service. Thank you both." She looks directly to Raider and says, "You should inform May of this."

@YoungX @ThatOneLunatic
Raina nods. "Uma, let's leave." she says and turns to head towards the camp just up the hill. Once she reached the camp, she sat down on a stump, and took out her pan pipes, and started playing a soothing tune.



The large bodyguard, whom was fairly familiar with Raider by now, would answer the door when Raider knocked. He told Raider to head to the office while he went upstairs to get May.

Will following her back to camp sits on a stump across from her listening to the music pulling his mask back down revealing his smile as he says "You always have been quite talented haven't you." The question obviously being rhetorical @Crystal Cali
Raina continues to play, glancing up at Will as he comments. Raina smiles. Her tune had a magical quality to it, bringing a peace to everything nearby. Animals would calm, and even a few small squirrels would come close to Raina and lay near her as they listened.



May would walk into the office after a while, though looking tired, she retained a graceful composure as she sat in her chair and looked to Raider. "So, is it too much to ask that we have eliminated the threat?"



May would walk into the office after a while, though looking tired, she retained a graceful composure as she sat in her chair and looked to Raider. "So, is it too much to ask that we have eliminated the threat?"

"I'm pretty much glad to report that their all gone. The Winter Court and the Unseelie Queen are no more," he says with an uplifting spirit.
May smiles, looking relieved. "Good. Keep an eye out for anything unusual. I don't know how exactly they had planned to resurrect the dead, but I would not be surprised if they had a method to enact their plan even after they died."



Raina would finish her song, and the small animals that gathered seemed to have fallen asleep. She looks over to Will, a tired look on her face. "Thank you for your help today. After the attack from the strange air ships, the forest would not have been able to withstand another attack."

"No need for thanks. I am only doing my duty to our people." he says with a smile before adding "You look tired friend. I can watch over the camp if you'd like to get some sleep." @Crystal Cali


Raina would finish her song, and the small animals that gathered seemed to have fallen asleep. She looks over to Will, a tired look on her face. "Thank you for your help today. After the attack from the strange air ships, the forest would not have been able to withstand another attack."

Raider would think about it. "Hmm... good point. Their dead, so their souls should be in hell. I'll keep an open eye," he says calmly.
ThatOneLunatic said:
"No need for thanks. I am only doing my duty to our people." he says with a smile before adding "You look tired friend. I can watch over the camp if you'd like to get some sleep." @Crystal Cali
Raina smiles as she puts her pan pipes away. "Uma, it has been a long day," she says. Raina stands and moves over to a tree with a bed made out of large soft leaves, and lays down. She would lay on her back, watching the leaves rustling in the gentle breeze.

YoungX said:
Raider would think about it. "Hmm... good point. Their dead, so their souls should be in hell. I'll keep an open eye," he says calmly.

May tilts her head to the side, having not thought of their spirits in hell somehow pulling the strings. Well, either way, as long as Raider was keeping an eye out for trouble, it didn't matter what he thought could happen. "
Is there anything else to report?"
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina smiles as she puts her pan pipes away. "Uma, it has been a long day," she says. Raina stands and moves over to a tree with a bed made out of large soft leaves, and lays down. She would lay on her back, watching the leaves rustling in the gentle breeze.

May tilts her head to the side, having not thought of their spirits in hell somehow pulling the strings. Well, either way, as long as Raider was keeping an eye out for trouble, it didn't matter what he thought could happen. "Is there anything else to report?"

"No that's all. Though I am wondering if you have anything for me to do now? With the Unseelie Queen gone I can't imagine there being more threats."
Will woulds smile saying "Good night. Sleep well friend." Walking off to a tree climbing up it and looking over the camp carefully examining everything still a bit worried of a Murlock attack. @Crystal Cali
YoungX said:
"No that's all. Though I am wondering if you have anything for me to do now? With the Unseelie Queen gone I can't imagine there being more threats."
May smiles. "Nothing in particular at this moment. We simply need to try to keep the peace for as long as possible. With all that has happened recently, rebuilding that peace will take some time. Just keep an eye out for any new threats, and keep me updated on what is happening."
the rifles when extremely fast using his fire magic to forge the metal his hands bending the metal into the right shapes was easy for the magic user the runes were easy too not really hard to do because it was simple water enchantments the bags and rifle were now water resistant he gave them to the murlocs "don't talk to me for a while if you do anything stupid with them" @Murlock Chief
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]May smiles. "Nothing in particular at this moment. We simply need to try to keep the peace for as long as possible. With all that has happened recently, rebuilding that peace will take some time. Just keep an eye out for any new threats, and keep me updated on what is happening."

Raider nods and leaves the office. He then decides to relax by the tavern and have himself some pasta.
"rawg" translates to sure he hands out the weapons they look beautiful yes this is will work @ThatOneLunatic @elfattack

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-18_23-48-46.png.768a862bafeb318a2edbe8bc2d2415d6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136011" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-18_23-48-46.png.768a862bafeb318a2edbe8bc2d2415d6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2016-6-18_23-48-46.png
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he leaves five murlocs to guard the area where they now live in taking four of the bigger ones who had taken to the training he found the body of the mur'ghoul he how ever saw the cave they were talking about and if he had to guess they were there he and his murlocs were on the hunt for revenge @ThatOneLunatic
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