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Fantasy Isle of Mist

The eyes glistened and sparkled, the only thing they could see at the moment. The figure noticed people nodding and one moved forwards towards the figures location. The grass moved quickly as the figure turned. Nothing normal, her green eyes were hidden under the straws of grass. It's fur reflected from the glowing of her emerald green eyes. The white fur stuck out most, the brown accompanied by it as the grass moved again, a little further from the person coming towards the figure.


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PixieDusts said:

The eyes glistened and sparkled, the only thing they could see at the moment. The figure noticed people nodding and one moved forwards towards the figures location. The grass moved quickly as the figure turned. Nothing normal, her green eyes were hidden under the straws of grass. It's fur reflected from the glowing of her emerald green eyes. The white fur stuck out most, the brown accompanied by it as the grass moved again, a little further from the person coming towards the figure.



Raider looks to see a sort of dog and heads back to Will. "It's a dog of some sort. I'm not really sure how it got here, but I have a feeling theres more to it," he says to him.

Raina perks up as the vampire speaks to them in elvish. Greeting people in elvish was simply a habit of hers, even though she would hold a conversation in English after greeting them. She looks over to where the movement was, not alarmed or tense. Simply curious.

The dog moved again, this time it pounced out of the grass. Pouncing more and more before it jumped over the person, kicking itself off the man's head. Landing softly on it's feet it smiled up at him and moved back, a small cloud covered it. In her normal for the figure's eyes glistened as she shook her head and realized what she had done. She wasn't used to people, so turned to her kitten form and curled up on the ground, her head pushing into the dirt.

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"Hmm yes it rather curiously cute creature wouldn't you say Evie?" He asked while observing the creature transform. The vampire had the ability but seeing transformation on this scale was something to take notice of it. He observed the others and there reactions to it. Like Will revealing his softer side, Raina just observing it and the raiders mild curiosity. "I don't think we will need our blades my friend, unless you have allergies" the vampire joked.

@PixieDusts @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX @Crystal Cali @Lithia
PixieDusts said:

The dog moved again, this time it pounced out of the grass. Pouncing more and more before it jumped over the person, kicking itself off the man's head. Landing softly on it's feet it smiled up at him and moved back, a small cloud covered it. In her normal for the figure's eyes glistened as she shook her head and realized what she had done. She wasn't used to people, so turned to her kitten form and curled up on the ground, her head pushing into the dirt.




ThatOneLunatic said:
Kneeling down examining the kitten "Quite the bold one are you? Dare I say cute as well" letting his softer side show for but a moment before standing up and grunting realizing what he had said now looking away trying to act like he never said anything @PixieDusts @SirGrey @YoungX @Crystal Cali @Lithia
Raider looks to the kitten and says, "Hmm... Hello there. You have an interesting transformation. My name is Raider whats yours?"


The kitten hissed when it heard the word cute. Definitely hatted it as she turned back to her normal self and stood there, her hands on her hips. She glared at the boy, ignoring the other people around her. Her emerald eyes stared up at the boy. Her head was lifted up, being shorter than most it didn't bother her much. Her words, soft, and soothing, like a cool wind on a summer afternoon as she spoke, "Bold, I wouldn't say that... Cute, call me it one more time and you loose your third leg...."

Once the others began to speak, the emerald eyes were placed on the others, "The name is Khaleesi..." She said and looked around, so many people. She wasn't used to it, her hands began to shake lightly. The boy who called her cute spoke and she growled, "No No No!!! It's Shifter!! I don't turn into shapes...!"​

@Crystal Cali @YoungX @Lithia @SirGrey @ThatOneLunatic
PixieDusts said:

The kitten hissed when it heard the word cute. Definitely hatted it as she turned back to her normal self and stood there, her hands on her hips. She glared at the boy, ignoring the other people around her. Her emerald eyes stared up at the boy. Her head was lifted up, being shorter than most it didn't bother her much. Her words, soft, and soothing, like a cool wind on a summer afternoon as she spoke, "Bold, I wouldn't say that... Cute, call me it one more time and you loose your third leg...."

Once the others began to speak, the emerald eyes were placed on the others, "The name is Khaleesi..." She said and looked around, so many people. She wasn't used to it, her hands began to shake lightly. The boy who called her cute spoke and she growled, "No No No!!! It's Shifter!! I don't turn into shapes...!"​

@Crystal Cali @YoungX @Lithia @SirGrey @ThatOneLunatic
"It's nice to meet you Khaleesi," he then takes a moment to look at her. There was a certain beauty to her, but Raider isn't the kind to just focus on looks. "Have you always lived on this Isle? I just came here recently, so I'm adjusting my life around here."

He chuckles as he stands before her a tall woodland elf looking to be about 20 as expected of an elf and he looks down at her smiling "Sorry Khaleesi, I wont say it again....shifter...." *he holds out his hand* "I am Will one of the watchers and protectors of this forest." He says as his brown hair blows over his green eyes before he brushes it out of his face @PixieDusts
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"I was born on this Island. Raised her, and set free here..." Khaleesi said with a nod. She looked at the elf and shook her head, "Thank you. And, it's nice to meet you..." With that the girl began to already make nicknames for them, that was one of her specialties, making nicknames. The boy, Will, was Free Willy, just cause she felt like it. Raider seemed a little weird, she tilted her head before it sprung into her head. Racer! No idea why, but she just thought it was neat.

The Shifter walked a little ways away from the boys, so many of them. One, maybe two girls. She smiled lightly and twiddled her long hair in between her fingers. For a moment she felt a little awkward. Was she the only shifter there? No, not shapeshifter, but a Shifter at that one. Her green eyes glistened and met the other green eyed boy. "Pretty eyes..." She said lightly and walked back into the grass, sitting there as the cool wind swayed and the grass seemed to whistle at her.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX @Lithia @SirGrey @ThatOneLunatic
Evie had thought the little creature was cute too but she was especially glad she didn't voice her thoughts out loud. She stepped slightly behind Davorin just in case and her fingers found his and wrapped around them. Evie felt a little like she didn't fit in. It seemed like everyone around her was magical and she was just human. There was nothing spectacular about her, even though her and Davorin had their little joke about her being the most powerful, she still felt out of place sometimes. She shifted a bit nervously behind the vampire, glad he was there.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali @YoungX @ThatOneLunatic @PixieDusts
Would walk over to Khaleesi and sit next to her smiling as he does so "So you lived in the forest all your life as well?" Making sire he isnt too close to her still blushing slightly from her comment on his eyes @PixieDusts
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Davorin smiled at 'shifter' an especially at the blushing Will. He then was surprised by someone grabbing his hands. He turned his and noticed it was Evie. He gripped her hand tighter. Maybe it was fear or maybe see was just nervous. "Are you alright there all powerful one" he muttered in a jokey manner. He turned to see the elf siting next to the 'Shifter'. Davorin then, in a slightly sarcastic manner, said 'Quel marth'.

@PixieDusts @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX @Crystal Cali @Lithia
Raider simply stands still as he takes a moment to breathe in the fresh air. He wonders what he should do next, and simply just stands there thinking. As the others talk he just wonders if theres any trace of the Winter Court.

(Open for interaction)
ThatOneLunatic said:
Smiling at him saying loudly "lle atta maa quel alye'. Lotesse i' kela en' lle life orn tella ten'oio. " before chuckling and looking to Raider "I never did thank you did I, Mellon?" he says as his blushing face returns to normal finally @YoungX @PixieDusts @Crystal Cali @SirGrey @Lithia
"Probably not, but its ok. I don't expect gratitude really. Anyways I suppose I'll go look around the Isle for anything interesting."
"I'm okay as long as you're here," she whispered to Davorin so only he could hear. Evie was still curious about all the odd things happening on the island as of late but she wondered if they would ever find out the reason behind it. For now though she was content to spend time with Davorin and be glad her life was different now than what it had been like before.


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