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Fantasy Isle of Mist


"umm... thanks" she told the odd fish-man, laughing a little as she spotted the vampire. "Hey! your girlfriend is back!" she giggled as she wandered into the tavern, found the bathroom, stripped, got a shower, put her clothes back on and wandered outside once more, her hair still dripping wet. "ahh, that was nice" she smiled, the prinnies still sharpening their knives

@Murlock Chief @Lithia @SirGrey
He know need food for the tadpoles the extreme boost to growth meant they needed a lot he when into the forest wielding he rifle
YoungX said:
"Thought so. This time we'll have to settle things. I will tell you something though. Remember our time at the cave? I was holding back," he would then unleash about half of his full power. At this rate it was either let them win or risk losing the Isle. With intense speed, he would zip across slashing at her with much more power than before. He didn't need the enchantment spells at this stage. This time he was going to get serious, and intended to finish this.
The old woman softly chanted, and the air around her swirled, gathering ice from all around the narrow hall, and forming it into a sword. "Holding back? How interesting," she woman shrugged. "Oh well, I don't plan on letting you out of here easily anyway. You killed my granddaughter after all," the woman glares, her eyes glow a pure white light and the air around them becomes heavier, and even colder than before. "It's punishment time," she says as Raider slashes at her. The woman bends backwards, avoiding the blade, then whirls around and slashes at his feet.


Raina takes a step back to the gate blocking their exit, aiming her bow and arrow at the old woman. If Mother Winter has control over the air, then Raina certainly wouldn't be able to effectively fire an arrow. Given that the woman's magically formed sword was quite long, getting close enough to use a dagger would be difficult as well. Despite the fact that she came all the way here to fight, it looked like Raina would be of little use.

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As the room had gotten colder, Raider took a bit to reflect on his fight with her granddaughter. Seems sort of similar, but she is much more powerful. The title 'Winter Court' lives to these expectations it seems. Gripping his sword with one hand, he would take the opportunity to give himself a defense enchantment spell. He then begins to make a basic, but slash towards her, full well she would be expected to block. In truth, he would swing downwards the moment she would try to block and would try to slash her that way instead. For some reason not many think about changing the direction of their slashes midway.
YoungX said:
As the room had gotten colder, Raider took a bit to reflect on his fight with her granddaughter. Seems sort of similar, but she is much more powerful. The title 'Winter Court' lives to these expectations it seems. Gripping his sword with one hand, he would take the opportunity to give himself a defense enchantment spell. He then begins to make a basic, but slash towards her, full well she would be expected to block. In truth, he would swing downwards the moment she would try to block and would try to slash her that way instead. For some reason not many think about changing the direction of their slashes midway.
Mother Winter had not expected a change in direction mid-way through Raider's slash, and even if she had thought of it as a possibility, the blade seemed too heavy to pull such a thing off. Raider must be supernaturally strong, as he managed to slash through the woman's legs, sending her toppling backwards. She looses her grip on her sword, it flies out of her hands and shatters on a nearby wall. The woman begins chanting again, this time her magic causes the surface of the ground to become slicker. Though her opponent must be very strong, he can to nothing if he does not have enough traction to stand.


As the ground was becoming slicker, Raina was loosing her balance. The woodland elf had little experience with winter, given she had lived on this warm isle for her entire life. She turns to the gate behind her, which remained less slick than the ground. Raina puts up her arrow and begins scaling the gate. When she makes it to the top, she sees that there was a narrow walkway up here. She hops up on the walkway, and moves to a position where she can clearly see Mother Winter. She pulls out her bow, strings an arrow, and fires, aiming for Mother Winter's throat. The arrow would connect, and stop the chanting, though the ground was impossibly slick, and the old woman was still breathing.

YoungX said:
Because the ground was slippery, Raider had to jump and would angle his sword downward towards the Unseelie Queens chest so that he could pierce her heart. He gave Raina a simple thumbs of approval before jumping. Using both hands, he would grip his sword and would lunge downwards to finish her off.
Mother Winter squirmed as she tried to get the arrow out of her throat, but her life was ended by Raider's blade.


Raina walks along the walkway above to try to find a way to open the gate, but finds nothing. "There is no lever up here, Raider. We will have to venture deeper and hope there is a secondary exit, or else a way to get this gate open. I believe smashing it with your blade would only disrupt the structure of the cave. It could come down on us if we act recklessly."


Murlock Chief] [COLOR=#00b300]he decides to go and look at those armed men not to far from here and their queen at least that's how he saw it [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/34231-crystal-cali/ said:
@Crystal Cali[/URL]

The armed guards see the murlocks coming, and take a defensive stance around the queen. May simply watches from behind the wall of guards. So many odd things were happening today. She had seen books about murlocks before, but had never seen them in real life, so she was acting cautious.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Mother Winter squirmed as she tried to get the arrow out of her throat, but her life was ended by Raider's blade.

Raina walks along the walkway above to try to find a way to open the gate, but finds nothing. "There is no lever up here, Raider. We will have to venture deeper and hope there is a secondary exit, or else a way to get this gate open. I believe smashing it with your blade would only disrupt the structure of the cave. It could come down on us if we act recklessly."


The armed guards see the murlocks coming, and take a defensive stance around the queen. May simply watches from behind the wall of guards. So many odd things were happening today. She had seen books about murlocks before, but had never seen them in real life, so she was acting cautious.

Raider simply nods, and thinks for a moment. The gate seems to be shut, and while he could use his strength enchantment there is a risk of another trap. So he decides to simply venture deeper within the place in hopes of a secondary exit.
YoungX said:
Raider simply nods, and thinks for a moment. The gate seems to be shut, and while he could use his strength enchantment there is a risk of another trap. So he decides to simply venture deeper within the place in hopes of a secondary exit.
Raina would climb back down the gate, and catch up with Raider. The narrow passage would turn into a wide open space with a high ceiling. This space was not empty, like the others. In the center of the room, there is a pool of bubbling green liquid, and around the pool are tables with many kinds of tools. Farther back behind the pool is a door leading to another room. Not much sunlight came in from the top of the room. Most of the light in the room came from the glow of the strange green liquid.

As Raina stepped closer, a clicking sound echoed in the room, and suddenly the green liquid vanished, leaving only the dim light from above to guide them. "Hmm, now that's suspicious," Raina muttered.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina would climb back down the gate, and catch up with Raider. The narrow passage would turn into a wide open space with a high ceiling. This space was not empty, like the others. In the center of the room, there is a pool of bubbling green liquid, and around the pool are tables with many kinds of tools. Farther back behind the pool is a door leading to another room. Not much sunlight came in from the top of the room. Most of the light in the room came from the glow of the strange green liquid.
As Raina stepped closer, a clicking sound echoed in the room, and suddenly the green liquid vanished, leaving only the dim light from above to guide them. "Hmm, now that's suspicious," Raina muttered.

Raider looked around and found the green liquid a bit familiar. He recalls seeing something similar at the caverns where he encountered the Unseelie Queen's granddaughter, and would assume this place to be the "Ritual Room." He would then give Raina his thoughts on the room. "I think this is where they conduct their resurrections and rituals. I've seen this green liquid at the caverns." Then he would look around the room seeing if there is anything of interest.
Meanwhile on the surface Will would

be sitting on a large treebranch watching over the forest camp that his people have lived in while Raina is away. Yawning as he leans back against the trunk of the tree his legs crossed and his arms on his thighs waiting for something out of the ordinary to cross his watchful eye
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Mother Winter squirmed as she tried to get the arrow out of her throat, but her life was ended by Raider's blade.

Raina walks along the walkway above to try to find a way to open the gate, but finds nothing. "There is no lever up here, Raider. We will have to venture deeper and hope there is a secondary exit, or else a way to get this gate open. I believe smashing it with your blade would only disrupt the structure of the cave. It could come down on us if we act recklessly."


The armed guards see the murlocks coming, and take a defensive stance around the queen. May simply watches from behind the wall of guards. So many odd things were happening today. She had seen books about murlocks before, but had never seen them in real life, so she was acting cautious.

what was she a large hatchling or something he thought maybe she was elderly no he knew that that human looked young enough to fight these "human" things were cowards "MRGLGLGL" he shouts it means coward in his language he wonders if she knows it he hopes she does so she can tell he dislikes what he's seeing
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Will would finally climb down from the tree heading off into the camp looking for anything suspicious stretching his arms into the air yawning once again.
He wonders into the woods not wanting to mess with the coward and her armed guards he begins to look around the woods of his new land @ThatOneLunatic
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Will wanders off out of the camp finding nothing wrong with the camp or his people. In the middle of the woods he would sit against a tree his bow and quiver at his side his sword still in its sheathe on his waist. @Murlock Chief
Immediately backing away drawing his elven Arming sword and short-sword speaking through his mask that reaches up covering his mouth and nose just under his eyes and in a calm and welcoming tone. "Hmmm a Murlock? Here? What could you possible be doing here my little friend." @Murlock Chief
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