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Fantasy Isle of Mist

He looks toward the path the elf came from "mruglglgl" he says picking up his rifle and taking off toward his camp
MURLOCK AGILITY he runs fast quickly running into the camp and takes around 10 random axes and spears before taking off to the harbor in town
He reaches the harbour to find his grunts have grown well becoming small versions of him self he drops the weapons at their feet they each grab an axe or spear turning toward the angry elf
Stopping a couple hundred yards away he brings takes an arrow from his quiver putting it to the string of his bow drawing it back and releasing the arrow flying towards one of the grunts with extreme accuracy @Murlock Chief
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Even with his well developed skills he barely manages to dodge the shot it putting a hole in his cloak and as he rolls to his feet he draws and fires another arrow back with a little less accuracy @Murlock Chief
He hits the grunt over the head knocking the grunt out but saving his life "mrgrlrg" he shout the grunts grab the last grunt and quickly retreat into the water leaving just the chief and the elf
"Now Murlock! Return to me my peoples weapons or I shall take them from you." He would yell raising another arrow drawing it back fully
He grabs the axe of the dead grunt and throws it into the water making his opinion on that idea very clear at he aims his gun
Will sitting back upon a branch high in the trees watching over the village again sitting back against the trunk starting to worry for Raina.
YoungX said:
Raider looked around and found the green liquid a bit familiar. He recalls seeing something similar at the caverns where he encountered the Unseelie Queen's granddaughter, and would assume this place to be the "Ritual Room." He would then give Raina his thoughts on the room. "I think this is where they conduct their resurrections and rituals. I've seen this green liquid at the caverns." Then he would look around the room seeing if there is anything of interest.
Raina nods, walking along the opposite wall of Raider and making her way to the door. Aside from the hole and tables in the middle, there was nothing noteworthy inside. She made her way to the door and opened it to reveal a staircase. Light flooded into the room from far above the stone staircase. Raina turns to Raider.

"This probably leads to the forest, judging by how far back we are. I assume, the Winter Queen made her escape through here." Raina turns and heads up the stairs, which would lead to a cave not far from the village. It could be seen by someone close by the village in the trees.

@YoungX @ThatOneLunatic
After taking a few more steps out of the cave, Raina spots Will in the trees. She glances back to Raider and says, "If the Winter Queen came this way, Will might have seen," while gesturing to Will up in the tree. She then turns to the tree Will is in, and scales it, quickly and gracefully. She comes to stand on a branch beside the one Will was resting on and asks, "Have you seen any unfamiliar women roaming around in the forest today?"

@YoungX @ThatOneLunatic

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