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Fantasy Isle of Mist


"eww..." she groaned "that's disgusting! i torture people and even I wouldn't do that..." she walked calmly over to the prinnies, her body shining slightly in the light due to the perverted monster spit. "bleedin' useless i tell you!" she yelled as she sat on one of the collapsed Prinnies


@Murlock Chief @LionPride
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"O you torture people I used to do that tell I became a scribe" he says talking casually like if they had been construction workers @Trust

"umm.. Thanks? She questioned while taking the rag, having a distinct hatred for the creature considering it tried to eat one of her loyal servants. "What are you two doing on dry land?" Etna asked, thinking that she could very well kill these two monster immediately if she wanted to, but she was quite tired having not resting in around... Half a year


@Murlock Chief @LionPride

"how old are you may i ask?" Etna enquires, constantly confused by each race's doferent ageing systems, Demons tend to be next to immortal, humans die in the blink of an eye compared to them and elves wouldn't last too much longer


@Murlock Chief @LionPride
"This body or my mind becues the mind billions of years the body I guess 50 it's hard to tell I go through them so much." @Trust

"If you are so old and wise, why are you stuck taking care of some random fish person that flopped ashore?" She giggled while watching the being closely. "And if i may ask, are you of a demon heritage?"


@Murlock Chief @LionPride
"Fish person is kind of my pet before you judge my pets look at those penguins" he said "secondly not really but my higher ups have talked to the old demon lord and I spent a a couple years studying hell." @Trust
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Penguins, check. Spear wielding fish freak, check. Violent demoness who shot me for no reason, check; tentacle abomination check. Even a vampire. Check and bloodsucking check.

@Trust @LionPride @Murlock Chief @SirGrey

Wonderful. Just absolutely wonderful. This whole island is mad. Selkie decides not to head into town after all. Maybe she can sneak through the woods and make it back to the water in stealth. She flicks her wrist and casts a silencing spell to lighten her steps, and returns from whence she came, into the peaceful cover of the trees.

Ain't no one got time for that clusterglub.
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Hearing the commotion from the tavern the vampire and proxy the thief move down through the town. "Shall we go sit by the beach for a while, I mean I'm not one for the sun but some fresh air might be good" he asked with a light tone while putting up his umbrella.

"So I would like to hear your part of the story before you know you stabbed and electrocuted my friend " the half elf said @FrostRaven
"hold on" he softly pushes him back ten feet "Remember the deal, she tells the story and you stand back ten feet and no harm comes to her" after moving him back he puts his hand on the handle of his saxe just to be safe. he turns to Selkie "alright" he says with a calming voice. "you need to tell him what happened with the pervert that was touching you, ok? "

@Remmy @elfattack
elfattack said:
"So I would like to hear your part of the story before you know you stabbed and electrocuted my friend " the half elf said @FrostRaven

Looks like Selkie was unable to sneak back into the woods without being noticed after all. Damn.

She slowly turns her 'round to put a face to the voice questioning her. Strangely unattractive for an elf. Not like Evan who is also, apparently, present. Why is this island always so hard to keep up with? She laments.

"Whale..I mean...well...Okay." She's beginning to feel frustrated with this whole stupid island. Why can't she just steal some stuff and hang out with hot elves? This is just getting ridiculous. "First of all, I don't know how the glub you can be friends with that thing. Unless you're...into...tentacle monsters....(I'm still not actually sure what elves are into.)"
elfattack said:
"He is a scribe who saved my life" he said sternly @FrostRaven @Remmy
Wow. That was not a good look. Off to a bad start. Time to calmly explain the events with eloquence and finesse to encourage understanding.

"Okay, but look. The...guy? Thing- whatever! Monty got violent with Evan and tried to mind molest him and then he mind molested me! After just normal molesting me! With his creepy....face...feelers - ugh! He did some weird...thing. I don't know what it was, but it hurt! He got violent with /us/. This was self defense."

Selkie is maybe not so eloquent.
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elfattack said:
"That does not sound like him what did you do lie to him?" @FrostRaven @Remmy
"So...Violating people with tentacles and mind-molesting doesn't sound like something a big blubbing squid monster would do?"
"Fresh air at the beach would be lovely," she told him glad to be out of the tavern and the commotion inside. Evie didn't like all the senseless fighting that seemed to be happening more and more lately. It almost seemed like there was a target on her what with all the 'danger' she had run into today.

Remmy said:
Looks like Selkie was unable to sneak back into the woods without being noticed after all. Damn.

She slowly turns her 'round to put a face to the voice questioning her. Strangely unattractive for an elf. Not like Evan who is also, apparently, present. Why is this island always so hard to keep up with? She laments.

"Whale..I mean...well...Okay." She's beginning to feel frustrated with this whole stupid island. Why can't she just steal some stuff and hang out with hot elves? This is just getting ridiculous. "First of all, I don't know how the glub you can be friends with that thing. Unless you're...into...tentacle monsters....(I'm still not actually sure what elves are into.)"
"actually no have you seen what he does when alone with girls? look, she was being wrongly touched by him and she defended herself. thats the story. If you only hear one side and believe it, you have really bad judgement." he turns to Selkie "I can take you back to the bay if you would like." he politely takes her hand and gives her a charismatic look. "you heard our side, so which do you believe, the victim or the perpetrator."

(elf's like archery, magic, and the forest and anything that lives in it)

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"His species breeds through syringes taking blood he does not even have the parts or drive to do anything sexual on purpose he may be a scribe but he really doesn't understand our weirdness about our body's and to him it all seems silly" @FrostRaven @Remmy
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