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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Thought the pale one smells nice he walks past it he is a wild Murlock and there for want to smell things plus the bar tender is large best keep to sniffing @SirGrey @Lithia
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He jabs Evie side lightly saying "Door out now". He pass her his revolver. "Take it and I know it maybe hard but don't look scared, they can't talk but they are still quite intelligent" he mutters. The vampire takes his companion by the hand, he went quickly for the door. "We best get moving" he says still holding her by the hand "even your power wouldn't be enough to stop him" he says jokingly trying to lighten the mood.

@Lithia @Murlock Chief @Trust


the prinnies sprinted after the duo, not sure of what else to do. Not to mention they were afraid of the fish with the spear, it may try and get revenge on the Prinnies after all! their pouches softly clicked as they waddled, signifying that it appeared to be full of something metallic, all of them wearing nothing but the small puch/belt bar one, who was also wearing a red scarf, apparently the leader of the Prinny squad


@SirGrey @Lithia @Murlock Chief
So much for the creature not going to hurt them, Evie thought. Suddenly she had a revolver in her had that she had no idea how to use. "Don't look scared... okay got it," Evie said opting for a look of determination instead, though it was determination to get out of the tavern in one piece. She let Davorin lead her out of the tavern and a group of cute penguins seemed to be following the pair. "Of course my powers won't work on that thing, they only work on unsuspecting vampires," she joked back doing her very best to be brave. And she had thought the day had gone back to normal.

@SirGrey @Murlock Chief @Trust


When the prinnies noticed the weird fish monster try shooting a barrel, the one wearing a scarf squawked once and each of them pulled 2 knives out of the pouches, forming a deadly squad of 12 blades. Etna had trained them well to work as a team. they attempted to surround the creature, each brandishing their knives with experience


@Murlock Chief


The prinny leader jumped onto the ground with a squawk, rolling slightly given his egg-shape. Meanwhile the other prinnies attacked the murlock leader with highly-blunted knives, more like hitting the murlock weakly with metal sticks given that the prinnies didn't carry much in the ways of strength, they heavily relied on the sharpness of their weapons but sadly they had to use them for cutting some wood earlier to survive in the woods


@Murlock Chief
He grabs at the penguins throwING them a away tell he had one left he would eat this one raw he though he lifted the last penguin up parting his lips to show his sharp teeth his large hand stopping the penguin from moving as he put the penguins head in his mouth @Trust
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"THAT'S MY F******* PRINNY!" Etna screeched at the Murlock chief, storming towards the chief, seeming to scream terror with every fibre of her body. "PUT. IT. DOWN. OR YOU DIE!!!!" she hissed, suddenly holding a rather large axe single handedly with a small flintlock pistol in the other, both aimed at the monster. All the Prinnies were both terrified and happy that Etna had returned from her visit to the harbour


@Murlock Chief
His tenticals shot out grabbing all of her limbs and pulling her into the air "don't point a gun at my murlock" @Trust
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LionPride said:
(You've auto hit before)

(When? I always give the option for dodging, such as when Etna fired a bullet at so & so's leg, it isn't the same as *I shot his leg*
LionPride said:
(Plus think of how weird this looks)
(pervy octopus monster .-. also i really don't want my Prinnies to die, they are a part of Etna :3 also a punch isn't the same as straight-up disabling a character)
(OK I guess you have a point and he isn't going to kill him I'm going to stop him and if he does what we agreed onnn)


"Put me down you perverted monster!" she yelled at the tentacled beast before she ignited her own arms and legs, forcing the monster to either drop her or have his tentacles burned. Slightly relieved at the sight of the prinny skuttling back to the other prinnies that had gathered in the corner. "I will deal with you idiots later!" she yelled


@Murlock Chief @LionPride (sorry for making a fuss ;- ;)
(O if you though I was perverted before) he covered her in tenticals oozing a green slime putting out the fire "stop squirming "
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"W-what the hell is this stuff..?" she asked, slightly disgusted as it seemed to slide down her body. "it better come off easily.." she muttered, quite calm despite being held in the air, mostly due to the fact that the Prinnies were now safe. "Just so you all know, if anyone is going to kill my prinnies, it's gonna be me£ she hissed at them all, slightly embarrassed at her current "Revealing" position


@Murlock Chief @LionPride
He shrugs "I honestly only attacked you for attacking my murlock " he says seeing she had calmed down he drops her she is still green and sticky @Trust
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