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Fantasy Isle of Mist

FrostRaven said:
Evan then murmurs something causing a wolf to come out of the forest "alright girl remember" he starts speaking elvish. "Go" the wolf then howls and disappears into the forest. "The queen's presence is no need for you." he pulls his hood over his head and carries the girl to the town. "you dare touch the forest, and a living hell will be released on you two"
Selkie begins coming to. It has been some time since she cast the spell on her tail and it reverts to its original form. This, regrettably results in the arrow lodging itself deeper into her flesh. She begins to let out a yelp, but is stopped by the excruciating swelling around her neck. The awakening of her abilities caused her collar to turn red hot, overloaded with energy, and she was left with at least 2nd degree burns. Her tail is pierced, her collar constricts her swollen and bloodied neck like a vice and her muscles are rubber.

Her head feels like a war zone.

This day blows...

She passes out once more.
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[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]The old lady looked intrigued by the idea of a competition, but before she could respond, the column of fire came at her and seemed to overtake the old woman very quicky. The ice in the cave would start to melt, and a cloud of steam hovered where the old lady had stood.

Raina simply watches with a blank face. "That was surprisingly effective. I have a feeling you are going to pay for that later on though."

"So... Is she gone?" Raider would check around the room, and decided to enter the room the old lady came from. He would be cautious of course, and would be wary.
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He looks at the map of light draw in the sand that shows where the queen is "fool" he says out loud as he slips into the ocean to make way to the pirates cave
"Yes that bitch was ice cold but I'm always hot " he says swept up in the moment before he regains his figure "yes I think it worked well"
Remmy said:
Selkie begins coming to. It has been some time since she cast the spell on her tail and it reverts to its original form. This, regrettably results in the arrow lodging itself further into her flesh. She begins to let out a yelp, but is stopped by the excruciating swelling around her neck. The awakening of her abilities caused her collar to turn red hot, overloaded with energy, and she was left with at least 2nd degree burns. Her tail is pierced, her collar constricts her swollen and bloodied neck like a vice and her muscles are rubber.
Her head feels like a war zone.

This day blows...

She passes out once more.
evan sets the girl down once again "getting worse. I'm sorry if you do not like this. it might be a little hot" his hand slowly sets on her neck. the swelling and other wounds slowly disappears.

(uh could you not the map is suppose to disappear you make it with so many plot holes)

FrostRaven said:
evan sets the girl down once again "getting worse. I'm sorry if you do not like this. it might be a little hot" his hand slowly sets on her neck. the swelling and other wounds slowly disappears.
(uh could you not the map is suppose to disappear you make it with so many plot holes)

Okay. Few things went well since Selkie decided to leave the comfort of her cove today. Between being groped by hideous tentacle monsters, mind-molested, scorched and shot with an everblubbing arrow, things were not going particularly well. In fact, this day pretty much blows like a blue whale hurting for coin in some back alley...something. I don't know... My head hurts.

This is basically the worst thing that's ever happened to her, she supposes.

This series of incidents will likely have far reaching consequences for her trust in creepy squid horrors, for instance - not that she had much to begin with. For that matter, she's going to be keeping an eye out for demons from here on out. Her first encounter with one went not quite as dreadfully as her first encounter with the friendly neighborhood mind-molester but it wasn't much better at the end of the day.

But things are still looking bright! There's still hope for The Greatest and most Gorgeous Thief of the Seven Seas! Right?! For starters, her wounds were mended expertly by the one decent actor in this whole ridiculous play. If there's one thing better than a handsome elf, it's a handsome Doctor elf. And even better than that is a handsome Magic Doctor elf He seems trustworthy enough, and had the decency to leave the traumatized mer girl alone after his treatment of her. She could sob in peace after coming to. If that wasn't enough, there's the fact that Selkie was now in the town, with lodgings no less! As a probably honored guest! It may only be a tent, but it's something. She couldn't expect much more from a town wherein many of the permanent residents were now homeless.

This is good. This is progress. For all the bad that just happened, some good did too. Come to think of it....didn't she exhibit the Gift earlier? Wasn't that her power? Now we're talking! Add Mistress of Lightning to that title list! Well...actually...nah, I'll think of something else. But first-!! A huge grin cut through the tear streaks running down the length of her cheeks. She concentrated; tried to recall what she felt earlier, her jubilant expression twisting into one of determination. She visualized sparks growing and maturing in her abdomen, building potential energy....getting ready to explode.




That was disappointing. Then again, it might just be too early. Yes, that's probably the case. She may have been healed, yes, but...

...she was pretty tired.

She gives up for now and runs her fingers along the length of her collar. Her fingers fall and climb on their way. It's warped. She thinks of her father - but not ill of him, fearing the collar may not respond. Fearing it may be too damaged. She doesn't want to seriously face that possibility yet. These cool lightning powers better come back or I'm gonna be so....!!! So... ... ...weak again. ... ... ... Guess I'll see the town a bit. ...if the spell will work.

With a flamboyant flick of her wrist her tail becomes legs. She does have some magic left in her. Selkie's face takes on a brief frown before she leaves the tent.

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Evan comes back from the forest to the tent and sees Selkie standing "what are you doing, you have used too much of your energy and need to rest." he looks at her collar "is that what gives your ability that you did earlier?"

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He gets to the beach that the pirates have claimed a couple of the pirates look at him Suprised to see a 8'2 squid monster walk up to them he was bleeding profusely he had lost a couple of tentacles when the ranger had cut them away but the real damage was done when the mermaid used his Saxe to shot lighting into his chest granted it was that power that had allowed him to find this place now all he had to do was find kris ...but first.. he needed a nap he thought as he passed out in front of a couple of pirate's @FrostRaven @Remmy @Crystal Cali
She laughed at his 'fancy' comment. "I didn't forget it, I just never knew it," Evie told Davorin. "When I was really young I was found by some priestesses in my village. They raised me until I ran away. They were the ones who gave me my name." She had never really shared her story with anyone before so it made her a bit shy to open up like that. Evie trusted Davorin though so it felt a little like a weight off her shoulders, talking about her past.

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"My family didn't like me very much, I er lets say was a very rambunctious teenager" he said smiling. "I got up to alot of trouble, family cut me of from the funds and well the family" he said sighing. "They had a right to I guess, but those first few years weren't easy, had to run form town to town trying to get 'food' and whatever else I could before people found me out" Davorin now dropping to a low tone. However with a rather large drink from his glass his tone seemed to pickup "Then I found this lovely island" he said with a smile. "But that is all the past I'm think of the present" he said before kissing Evie.

"I was a bit of a trouble maker too," she giggled. "I was never on my own though... there was this guild master. He ummm took me in, but nothing was ever free. I was always doing things I didn't really want to be doing. He's the one who taught me how to steal. He told me that with my sweet little face no one would ever suspect a thing." Those memories were painful for Evie but Davorin was being so open with her that she wanted to share as well.

Evie was a little surprised when he kissed her but it was a good surprise and she kissed him back, blushing a little because there were people around. After she put her hand on his arm to give him comfort and said, "We all have a past and regrets, don't beat yourself up about it too much."

"Well I don't really, now I own a nice little secret island get away, have money and 'food' to last me, and just recently found this very attractive young women" he said in all not too obvious manner. "I must say though was that you are a great, for you have truely stolen my heart" the vampire said in a foe Shakespearean way, trying not to laugh while he did so. "Was, sorry, was that as cheesy as it sounded" he said trying to keeping from laughing. It was good to be smiling like this, to be as open as this. It had been so long since he had been able to.

"An attractive young woman you say?" Evie laughed. "I want to hear more about her." That was one of Evie's favorite things about Davorin, he made her laugh. She hadn't laughed in a long time but Davorin made it seem like it was his mission to hear that sound. "Don't worry it was just enough cheesy," she told him with a smile that lit up her emerald eyes. Evie never expected to feel this way about anyone but it was a nice surprise to find that he had stolen her heart as well.

FrostRaven said:
Evan comes back from the forest to the tent and sees Selkie standing "what are you doing, you have used too much of your energy and need to rest." he looks at her collar "is that what gives your ability that you did earlier?"
Selkie hesitates, trying to find something clever to say to the man who saved her; she stops caring after a moment, being too exhausted. "Well..." Her eyes wander to the ground. "...usually. I think." Her cheeks turn violet in blush. Dammit! Why does he have to look so cool all the time? "Uh...thank you! You saved my life. Thank you. ...Again." Ugh... For as much as she'd like to chat with the elf, she doesn't feel up to much excitement at the moment. She's emotionally and physically drained. It's just too much to deal with right away. And anyway, she's not doing herself any favours when it comes to him right now.

"I'll uhm...go back to rest after looking around a bit. Thanks...again. I guess.." That was awkward. Perhaps Selkie needs to consider removing "Seductress" from her list of titles. For that matter, "gorgeous" could probably be scrapped too. Her hair resembles a crow's nest and her misshapen collar only barely covers her new burn scars. She's a mess. But she goes to explore the village; this time in the head splitting light of day.
The space they were in was much taller, but very narrow. The walls seemed to sparkle from the light hitting the dew caused by the steam. Actually, what might have been strange about the room was that it was completely empty.

"Where is Lady Winter's body?" Raina asked. It truly was no where in the room. There was a narrow hall out of the room on one end hidden behind a part of the wall that stuck out.

@YoungX @elfattack
Remmy said:
Selkie hesitates, trying to find something clever to say to the man who saved her; she stops caring after a moment, being too exhausted. "Well..." Her eyes wander to the ground. "...usually. I think." Her cheeks turn violet in blush. Dammit! Why does he have to look so cool all the time? "Uh...thank you! You saved my life. Thank you. ...Again." Ugh... For as much as she'd like to chat with the elf, she doesn't feel up to much excitement at the moment. She's emotionally and physically drained. It's just too much to deal with right away. And anyway, she's not doing herself any favours when it comes to him right now.
"I'll uhm...go back to rest after looking around a bit. Thanks...again. I guess.." That was awkward. Perhaps Selkie needs to consider removing "Seductress" from her list of titles. For that matter, "gorgeous" could probably be scrapped too. Her hair resembles a crow's nest and her misshapen collar only barely covers her new burn scars. She's a mess. But she goes to explore the village; this time in the head splitting light of day.
"alright, you look like you need help getting around here" he walks up to her an puts his arm around her to help her. "is that better?"
Selkie's arms are ensnared with his squidley appendages.

Selkie imagines with great disgust the picture of Monty pulling his creepy shit again. This is an important experiment though. She'll have to continue imagining him being creepy.

(Oh glub please don't let this be real.)

"Do you know the nature of magic, Selkie?" her adoptive father and former owner once asked.

They grow and shrink, pulsating with glee as they taste the nape of her neck.

Why? Why do you hate me, Poseidon? Why?

I've done a great deal of study over a great number of years. I still don't fully understand it, but I've gained an inkling, Selkie. I've gained a taste of its nature. I think...I think that if the body is the will of the mind expressed physically, then magic is the will of the soul.

Monty's tentacles split in twos to cover and violate evermore inches of her skin, like disgusting little hydras with no particular concept of consent.

"I'm a nice guy Selkie," she imagines him whispering in her ear. "I don't want you to be scared of me. It's just in my nature to be....a bit of a fighter. You understand."

That's it. I'm finished. This day really does blow.

The form magical energy takes is informed by the vessel from which it was forged. Picture molten steel, Selkie. Picture molten steel filling the gaps of a clay mold. Your soul; your memories, your greatest feelings, your personality, your experiences...That is your mold. And the magical energy that builds up in your blood with every breath you take...that is the molten steel. In what shape you forge your blade is up to you, Selkie. The sharpness of the blade is up to the depth of your feelings.



A really


Nice guy.

Serpents of lighting swim through the sky, jumping from branch to splintering branch. Great arcs of cobalt light slay all shadows in a multi meter radius. Every rouge bolt or spark to strike the ground leaves its image in the dirt, as glass. The bolts wrap around everything they can reach, seeming to slither. Appearing to violate whatever they touched and doing irreparable damage.

Well...yes, I suppose it is technically possible. With a powerful enough burst of magic, with powerful enough feelings...I suppose even an enchantment I made could be reforged. But...Selkie...that would be highly difficult.

I'm going to be sick.

There was an unusual variety of flora on the Isle, and this patch of paradise, mere minutes from the village was no exception. Birch, elm, cedar. You name it. It's all here, in this tiny ravine. Or at least, it was all there.. The only tree left was 'ash' at this point. Selkie's 'adoptive father' made an enchantment for that collar she wore around her neck. His will was not to harm or destroy. It was to incapacitate. The blade he forged was no blade at all. It could never have caused this kind of damage.

Normally, Selkie would be delighted to receive such a wonderful power up. This would really stick it to her stuck up little brother, if he was even alive. Normally, this would be cause for celebration. Normally, there wouldn't be such a steep price to pay, however. But this was not a normal situation. Selkie was momentarily able to tap into the great power of her clan. Monty...oh glub...Monty went deep inside of her mind, her soul, and pulled everything within it out. Magic coursed though her, resonating with her collar. Warping her collar. Changing it. And what was the catalyst? A horrific tentacle faced monstrosity touching her and a dashing elf in uncomfortable ways both physically and mentally. An insatiable will to escape the beast's ensnarement escaped alongside the power he drew from her. It ran through her collar before tasting the open air, and changed it.

She could no longer simply think of her adoptive father insultingly or picture herself disobeying him. The good ol' days of childhood were gone. Welcome to being an adult, honey. She could only cringe thinking about what nightmarish scenarios she would likely have to imagine herself and Monty in together in order to defend herself from now on. This was Selkie's worst day; let there be no mistake. This was the day that Selkie's self defense became reliant on imagining herself being explored by a hideous sea abomination's creeping tentacles. This was purest misery.

I really, really, hope that those cool lightning powers come back.

She wished she had taken the elf up on his offer earlier. Maybe then she could at least have found out later.

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"Oh well I can't go into to much detail" He says with a smile. He mutters "It is said she has terrible power, such as the ability to bewitch vampires" he says with a smile. The vampire had yet another sip of his drink. He was debating if they get going or not. Maybe a drink or two more and then they could go. his thoughts then drifted to the demon. He hide it in his expressions but his blood boil at the thought. It wasn't clear if it was for the threat to his partner or the attack on his pride.

@Trust @Lithia


"A..a....a-CHOO!" Etna sneezed. "Someone must be talking about me, but then again, who wouldn't be talking about the wonderful, beautiful and not to mention sexy Demon lord Etna!" She laughed to herself, wondering where the prinnies were off to, probably back to the village. "Better go get them then" she smiled to herself, heading back to the village full of people to mock


@Lithia @SirGrey @Anyone else in the village
It hits the surface near so big ship and some humans none of which bother it or at least he wasn't stopped as it rushes to the large wounded tentacle creature he was unconscious and bleeding badly it used all of its strength to push the larger creature onto his back it did not know anything about medicine it would do its best and by that it meant it would of climb on top of the creature and stab at any human fool hardy enough to get close. @Crystal Cali @LionPride
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"well I'm leaving this place it creeps me out ill burn a nice hole in the blockade I saw the pirates built to hold me in here" he says as he pulls his hood when he reaches the blockade made of boxes and stone he burns away the boxes weakening the blockade built and he pushes the stone away the smoke covers his escape while it take the pirates in the eyes he rushes through taking the same route he took in he gets out side rushing past the guard he takes a quick look around not seeing the pirate woman who had almost killed him last time what he does notice is the tentacle monster passed out in a pool of his own blood "Shit monty" he says as he pushes his way past a couple of pirates that are looking in awe at the creature he puts his hand on the creature the murlock looks at him excepting his presents he starts his healing magic working hard to try and save the tentacle monster

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