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Fantasy Isle of Mist

At the mention of beheading, Evie's hand went to her throat. "Well that would have be unpleasant to say the least. It seems as though the demon's main goal is to create chaos, what a trickster she is." Evie smiled, "You tried to avenge me, that's so sweet." She took a sip from the glass that was given to her, "I didn't get up to much, just took a dip in the sea to wash away all the blood from earlier." With Davorin being a vampire she wasn't sure how much the blood had affected him, he seemed fine but then he left so quickly, she couldn't be certain.

FrostRaven said:
"you see you can't do that. Us rangers are trained to take lots of pain and never break. Plus I could kill you on the spot"
he notice the girls discomfort by the guys touch. he quickly draws his saxe and cuts his tentacles off her "You dare touch a woman with out her permission, how rude. can't you see she doesn't like it" he turns to the girl "you alright?" he then gets ready for attacks "those actions of yours seem to have no thought put into them whatsoever. you see the discomfort you put her through, but yet you continue."
Selkie feels relief wash over her. Yet still she feels desperation. She, unlike her brother, was not groomed to be a great warrior - fearless in the face of struggle. Rather, those born of the Royal Family of her clan - those born without the Gift, that is- are groomed to live in idle luxury. This was her clan's way of saying "you were a parasite in the womb, and will live as one in the palace as well. You are a waste of skin." What little hardship she faced came after her capture, but she never gained real combat experience. However, the spark within her now was unmistakable. Monty's brief attempt to use her as a conduit, like a magical tool to amplify his own abilities, roused the spark into a bolt. It was growing inside her, sloshing like the churning waves to their backs. Selkie did not need to think of her father. Her collar was already activating. It rang in resonance like a glass with the swirling storm inside her. Sparks jump between her fingers, and run down her hair. The collar around her flickers violet, and glows scarlet, overdriven with energy it was never meant to handle.

She still feels powerless and afraid, and not even her empty conceit can pull her out of this fear. But she knows what she must do, and she can bare the growing power within her no longer. She suspects that Evan may not be enough to handle Monty alone. The difference may be too great. And she cannot fight with him - she does not know how and could not bring herself to at this point even if she /could/ fight. Selkie does the only thing her gut can shout to her. She grabs hold of the elf's saxe with her bare hands and charges it with all the power she can expend. Some currents may inevitably run through him, as well, but she trusts that the ranger will be able to bare it. With this, she becomes exhausted, and collapses. The elf's weapon is charged with the power of her clan, and she can only hope as her consciousness fades that it will be enough to incapacitate Monty for long enough to escape. She can only hope that he will take her with him, for that matter. But it's too late to consider that now. She'll have to trust him.
He blushed a little at the sweet part. "Well I really shouldn't of tried to" he said in a monotone way "You are the most powerful person on this island" he said in a sarcastic manner. "Well are you planning on doing anything else today?". "Oh and thank you for trying to clean up that mess, and sorry if you got some on you, you really didn't have to" he said in a surprisingly sincere manner.

Evie laughed, "That's right I almost forgot about my powers. That demon wouldn't have stood a chance," she joked. "Truthfully I wasn't sure how you'd react to... the mess. I didn't know if you'd be pissed enough to kill the hunter for making such a mess or if being around that much blood..." she trailed off. "I guess I just don't know very much about vampires," she blushed. She took another sip of her drink to either shut herself up or give her more confidence. She wasn't afraid just curious. "No I don't have any plans for the day," she told him, "Besides meeting you here."

He smiled. "Oh well I meet the hunter he is like most hunters, dumb and without manner" he said with sipping his drink. "The blood in my home was annoying but not enough to kill someone" he explained. "Evie what I think you want to know is based more on a person then a species level. "For instance some vampire use humans as cattle, others hide everything about being a vampire, I well I'm not even sure what I am" he explained while sipping his wine. "I mean think about relationship, some vampires wouldn't be seen dead with a human" Davorin explained. "While on like ones who are skillful, independent, and having the power over all who live" he said going from serious to joke.

Evie smiled, "That's a really good way of explaining it," she told him. "Sometimes it's hard to figure out where the legends end and the truth begins." She really thought about everything he said to her. "I think you're different than most, you see a much bigger picture than what the rest of us see, and you're much wiser than anyone I've ever met."

"And," she said, "I'm glad I decided to go with you through the scary forest to your enchanting cave."

"Please don't stop with the complements" he said with a grin. "I'm glad I was soooo kind to offer a place to stay" he said sarcastically. "I guess it might come form, and don't take this as an insult but I don't have any love for the humans who came to this isle" he muttered to Evie trying not to alert any of the other taverns patrons. "I just think, hell even today we saw what they can do, they will destroy this isle at some point", he muttered some anger in his voice, as he stared at his glass, his grip becoming tighter. "Even most of the native creatures here barely do anything about them" barley keeping it to a mutter. He looked over to Evie, calming down. "I am glad I meet you Evie er what is your last name" he asked with a laugh.



"Why hello there you sea monsters! What a wonderful time for me to drop on in!" She laughed at the two "a tentacle monster and a fish freak! Quite the couple if i may say so myself, and i say i may so, so i say so ha!" She giggled "the name is Etna, and i am here to ruin your days! In fact, I'll do more than that! I'll turn your days into never-ending night full of despair and a deep sense of annoyance" her tail swishing softly behind her, disregarding the elf considering how much the last elf she had met had been a royal pain-in-the-behind


"The humans here are very destructive, that's part of why I usually keep to myself," she told him. "I didn't even mean to be on the ship that brought us here but I'm kind of glad I was, for more than one reason now." She noticed him get angrier the more he talked but when he looked at her Evie couldn't help but notice the calming effect she had on him.

She laughed, "My last name is Kross but it's just something that someone made up because they didn't know my name when they found me."

Remmy said:
Selkie feels relief wash over her. Yet still she feels desperation. She, unlike her brother, was not groomed to be a great warrior - fearless in the face of struggle. Rather, those born of the Royal Family of her clan - those born without the Gift, that is- are groomed to live in idle luxury. This was her clan's way of saying "you were a parasite in the womb, and will live as one in the palace as well. You are a waste of skin." What little hardship she faced came after her capture, but she never gained real combat experience. However, the spark within her now was unmistakable. Monty's brief attempt to use her as a conduit, like a magical tool to amplify his own abilities, roused the spark into a bolt. It was growing inside her, sloshing like the churning waves to their backs. Selkie did not need to think of her father. Her collar was already activating. It rang in resonance like a glass with the swirling storm inside her. Sparks jump between her fingers, and run down her hair. The collar around her flickers violet, and glows scarlet, overdriven with energy it was never meant to handle.
She still feels powerless and afraid, and not even her empty conceit can pull her out of this fear. But she knows what she must do, and she can bare the growing power within her no longer. She suspects that Evan may not be enough to handle Monty alone. The difference may be too great. And she cannot fight with him - she does not know how and could not bring herself to at this point even if she /could/ fight. Selkie does the only thing her gut can shout to her. She grabs hold of the elf's saxe with her bare hands and charges it with all the power she can expend. Some currents may inevitably run through him, as well, but she trusts that the ranger will be able to bare it. With this, she becomes exhausted, and collapses. The elf's weapon is charged with the power of her clan, and she can only hope as her consciousness fades that it will be enough to incapacitate Monty for long enough to escape. She can only hope that he will take her with him, for that matter. But it's too late to consider that now. She'll have to trust him.
Evan quickly ran to her side. "shit" he picks her up and sets her down on the beach just enough so the tide could reach her. he hears a voice behind him."not now you-" he curses in a different language. he doesn't turn his back
"Oh that right" he said in a surprised manner. " Sliske is my last name and yes it is fancy and odd, like most of me" he said smiling. "You mentioned someone came up with a last name, did you forget your own" he asked in an intrigued manor.

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Trust said:


"Why hello there you sea monsters! What a wonderful time for me to drop on in!" She laughed at the two "a tentacle monster and a fish freak! Quite the couple if i may say so myself, and i say i may so, so i say so ha!" She giggled "the name is Etna, and i am here to ruin your days! In fact, I'll do more than that! I'll turn your days into never-ending night full of despair and a deep sense of annoyance" her tail swishing softly behind her, disregarding the elf considering how much the last elf she had met had been a royal pain-in-the-behind

Unbeknownst to the catatonic fish frea- wait. What am I saying? What am I saying? What kind of narrator insults his own subjects? How shameful. Strangely alluring demon...

*ahem* Please disregard this embarrassingly meta transgression.

Unbeknownst to the catatonic and not particularly freaky mermaid; her fish was likely fried, so to speak. Seared even, as the arrival of a hostile demoness signaled her exit of the proverbial frying pan.

Selkie: Enter Proverbial Fire, Stage Left.
His mine was a buzz yes he did go down but the power she shot into him he knew where he was kris wasn't even that far away even he would thank her if she had not ran off but whatever also she had left a lovely gift granted it was stabbed into his stomach but not his issue now was it yes she had missed all the vital areas and it had not gone all that deep he hoped the ranger reached for it it was still electric and would give him a good zap @FrostRaven @Remmy also the blade would remind him yes those two would not be forgotten
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he feels a surge like his mind was being pinged the he falls to his knees and coughs up a little blood "he is here" he says in a solemn tone
YoungX said:
"Well then... your magic it's not a normal variety I can tell. You've done some interesting things haven't you? As much as I would unleash about half my real power, I don't want to destroy this Isle. How about we settle this with a competition of fighters?" He asks her.
(Reminder for @Crystal Cali)
He gets up after a couple of minutes and looks over to @Trust "you know many fey call the forest home it would be a shame if it were to burn down" the being said saying the last part louder than the first part looking and looking at her
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He then etc up and walks into the water ignoring the mermaid like being and his tentacles growing out and helping push him through the water


"I agree, it would be fun to burn the forest down" she laughed while clicking her fingers, summoning a small flame and flicking it onto a nearby tree, it catching on fire almost immediately. "Wow... The flames are so pretty, don't ya think?" She smiled to the mermaid, her tail twirling around in content. "Do water beings like the flames?" She asked with a grin


@Remmy @LionPride
While tending to the girls needs he heard "you know many fey call the forest home it would be a shame if it were to burn down" Evan became infuriated he quickly turned and fired two arrows before you could even say devils smite. One went into the sea creatures leg and the other one went into the demons arm "you burn the forest you will have a living hell after you"
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"oh, was i not supposed to do that?" She asked while catching the arrow, holding her hands up in an "I'm sorry" gesture.

"It's rude to shoot at people you don't even know you pathetic mortal" she scolded him


Two of the tenticals on his face shoot out stopping the arrows mid flight his wings extend making his already imposing figure worst as he faces the ranger "well that's a shame that we can't get along" it says as it leaps at evan
Trust said:


"oh, was i not supposed to do that?" She asked while catching the arrow, holding her hands up in an "I'm sorry" gesture.

"It's rude to shoot at people you don't even know you pathetic mortal" she scolded him


"and its rude to burn peoples homes down" he goes back to tending the girls needs

@Remmy @Trust
"Listen you can lay with the woman at any time your queen is near my target where is your queen " @FrostRaven
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LionPride said:
"Listen you can lay with the woman at any time your queen is near my target where is your queen "
Evan then murmurs something causing a wolf to come out of the forest "alright girl remember" he starts speaking elvish. "Go" the wolf then howls and disappears into the forest. "The queen's presence is no need for you." he pulls his hood over his head and carries the girl to the town. "you dare touch the forest, and a living hell will be released on you two"
The old lady looked intrigued by the idea of a competition, but before she could respond, the column of fire came at her and seemed to overtake the old woman very quicky. The ice in the cave would start to melt, and a cloud of steam hovered where the old lady had stood.


Raina simply watches with a blank face. "That was surprisingly effective. I have a feeling you are going to pay for that later on though."

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