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Fantasy Isle of Mist

YoungX said:
Raider would be knocked back to a wall as he would get back up. "Well then... Yeah looks like she's there," he says as he stretches once he gets back up. He looks to the other guys and signals them to get ready, and he takes out Septentrion. He then uses a power, defense and speed enchantment spell on himself.
@ChronosCoded @ChronosCoded[/color][/color]
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]A cold air and thick fog filled the cave. Within the fog, those standing on the other side of the door could see the figure of an old woman with frizzed curls wearing a long gown. "My, my, how impatient you all are," she sneers. "After all that work I went through to set up a fun little puzzle for you, you just break down the door without pause. Hmmm.... that's no good. No good at all."
Raina sighs, shooting an irritated glance towards Raider. She figured he wasn't hurt too badly, considering he claims to have fought a demon and carries around the most bulky piece of weaponry she had ever laid eyes on. "Never underestimate an enemy, Raider. One of these days, someone may very well set a trap that can kill you."


"Lesson learned," Raider says seriously as he looks to the others. The Unseelie Queen definitely possesses great magic, and isn't an enemy to be trifled with. He would be on his guard and analyzes the opponent.
YoungX said:
"Lesson learned," Raider says seriously as he looks to the others. The Unseelie Queen definitely possesses great magic, and isn't an enemy to be trifled with. He would be on his guard and analyzes the opponent.
The room would grow even colder as a lair of ice began to cover the surface of the cave walls, floor, and ceiling. The ceiling of the cave was very low, too low for anyone to jump into the air and do anything but hit their head, and now there were ice sickles growing from the ceiling. "You know, you lot have really been trouble for me any my family," she speaks as she steps closer towards the group. "First, you free our undead pirate from his rage spell. Then, you come into our home. Then you kill my granddaughter, and now, you don't even have the decency to play my little game with me. Tisk tisk. What a troublesome group you are."
He comes out of the water at the harbor to spot a little girl after looking at her for a moment or two he knows she saw something he was interested in he begins to approach her he's slick stride making a noise every step "hello little girl" he says in a deep voice that sounded unnatural like it was not meant to come out of the being mouth. @Trust
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Only a few days ago Selkie was beginning to muster the courage to go into the village as a guest for the first time - not as a petty thief in the night nor even a bored trickster. This is it she thought. This is the day I stop being such a hermit crab. She wasn't sure what that was, precisely, but her adoptive father nevertheless influenced her with his peculiar sayings. All she knew was that it fit the situation. But sweet salty Poseidon, if she wasn't able to brave venturing into the town in the light of a normal day, how was she going to show up now? All the noise, all the destruction; the screams that took place so recently. Blubbing ships in the blubbing sky. She traces a finger across the splintered plank sharing the small, rocky cove with her. I want one.

After some consideration Selkie decides she'll venture into the town once more tonight. It's been a while and supplies are running low, and though she could sustain herself longer by catching herring, she's never felt terribly comfortable eating anything with scales. And anyway, this sounds like a glubbing good chance to get my hands on some sweet treasure she thought. Security would surely be down and passing up an opportunity to snatch the better guarded items would be an offense to her vaulted status as Greatest and most Gorgeous Thief in the Seven Seas and Supreme Royal Seductress of this Isle and The Next and Divine Mistress of the...

Selkie would surely be ready for the night as soon as she finished fantasizing about her alleged exploits. Maybe one of them even has her late mother's Sacred Eel Trident, the mark of succession to the throne in the Eel Clan. She thinks it might be possible that some of these humans might be connected to the ones whom her clan attacked, and fought back brilliantly, and enslaved the kin of their attackers. She supposes finding the trident she was denied, in favour of her younger brother, would probably put to rest her resentment of everyone involved. That thing was so damn cool.

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YoungX said:
"Careful there. The fire could end up suffocating us in this cave," he says to him. "Though fire does come in handy."
"I'm only keeping enough to keep this from being our tomb now move"
He was not close enough for the girl to hear him no matter something besides him self lurks in the ocean this time he would be heard . He walks over to the ocean diving in and making sure to move quietly he stops not three inches from the mermaid she was day dreaming and he says "hello" yet again in that deep unnatural voice @Remmy
Raina ignores the one with the fire magic, never taking her eyes off the old woman. "You are alone. Where is the current queen?" she asks.

The old lady tilts her head to the side. "My, my so many questions you have," she says with a grin as the fog began to evaporate due to the heat caused by the fire magic. "It would not be fun to answer your questions right away, and since you opted to skip my little puzzle, and my trap seems to have done no damage, I'm bored."

[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina ignores the one with the fire magic, never taking her eyes off the old woman. "You are alone. Where is the current queen?" she asks.
The old lady tilts her head to the side. "My, my so many questions you have," she says with a grin as the fog began to evaporate due to the heat caused by the fire magic. "It would not be fun to answer your questions right away, and since you opted to skip my little puzzle, and my trap seems to have done no damage, I'm bored."


"You know you could just stop with the undead. Then we don't have to come to this," he says to her.
The old lady looks annoyed by the suggestion of stopping. "And what is the fun in that?" she asks. As the bullet comes flying towards the old lady, a wall of ice shoots up from the ground to block it, then comes back down. The old lady continues talking as if nothing happened. "Do you know nothing about the unseelie? We don't exactly work well with others."

Raina takes aim with her arrow towards the old woman as he attention was directed at the others, and fires, only to have to arrow stopped again by the ice. Strange, since the old woman didn't even seem to notice her arrow.

[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]The old lady looks annoyed by the suggestion of stopping. "And what is the fun in that?" she asks. As the bullet comes flying towards the old lady, a wall of ice shoots up from the ground to block it, then comes back down. The old lady continues talking as if nothing happened. "Do you know nothing about the unseelie? We don't exactly work well with others."
Raina takes aim with her arrow towards the old woman as he attention was directed at the others, and fires, only to have to arrow stopped again by the ice. Strange, since the old woman didn't even seem to notice her arrow.


"Well then... your magic it's not a normal variety I can tell. You've done some interesting things haven't you? As much as I would unleash about half my real power, I don't want to destroy this Isle. How about we settle this with a competition of fighters?" He asks her.
he thinks about it for a couple of seconds looking at the ice wall blocking the bullets path and decides to shoot a horizontal column of fire at her @ChronosCoded
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Selkie felt increasingly anxious. Partly because she felt like she was going to do something big tonight. Bigger than anything she had done since she was transported to the bizarre island all those months ago. Until now, she had only stolen what she needed. And maybe some things she didn't need. ... ... ... Maybe a lot of things she didn't need. That's water under the bridge, though! The other reason she felt so anxious, however, was because even if she was on the lookout for bigger fish to catch tonight, she was still just catching fish.

Selkie was excited the past few days. She felt emotions she hadn't felt for months. Now she was going to slink back into her cove anticlimactically? Maybe with some stolen bread and boar jerky? Eat it alone in the cold? This didn't feel right. None of this felt right. So she felt restless, she wanted to move, she felt anxious, she wanted to meet people. How could she let all this excitement just...die. How could she let her courage slip once more into the undertow? She would not be swallowed by the azure jaws of this bay one more night. Not today! It is her home not her prison!

Selkie's face scrunched into an exaggerated expression of frustration as she clasped her hands around her cheeks with an audible crack. She thought of her adoptive father, who was once, briefly, only her owner. He was an alchemist of some sort and locked an enchanted collar around her neck, which would produce a surge of electricity were she to think ill of her master, rendering her unconscious. At least, it was supposed to render her unconscious. Selkie's owner - and then reluctant father - was not a wise enough alchemist to do his homework on the young Eel Clan survivor's biology. The electricity simply washed over her scaled, indigo body. He had created a monster and often had no choice but to respect her demands from then on. It was a sweet irony for Selkie, not least because she, like many others, was a dead end amongst the Royal Bloodline of her clan and was not born with the Gift of Lightning. The symbol of oppression around her neck quickly became a symbol for strength. Her own Gift, however unintentional.

She only need think of how awful her alchemist guardian's rounded ears look and her revulsion at the human form was well enough to incite a storm across her flesh. Elves are much cuter with their pointy ears and flawless skin. She feels her bravery surge alongside the bolts skipping across her finger tips. She was as ready as she would ever be to pay society a visit. The right way. It would take her at least 20 minutes from her cove. She started with a splash.

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"Oh. Oh!! Oh my...oh my....w-...who...what..? Why are you in my...?" Selkie cannot contain her shock at the looming Kraken-spawn simply saying "Hello" to her.

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Remmy said:
"Oh. Oh!! Oh my...oh my....w-...who...what..? Why are you in my...?" Selkie cannot contain her shock at the looming Kraken-spawn simply saying "Hello" to her.
O she noticed he thinks "my name is monty" he says in his unnatural voice "I'm new would you happen to have seen a half elf around here? I feeeeel his presence and wish to find him ."
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LionPride said:
O she noticed he thinks "my name is monty" he says in his unnatural voice "I'm new would you happen to have seen a half elf around here? I feeeeel his presence and wish to find him ."
"Uhm...uhh...I think...uhh..."

"I think, I uhm...would have noticed...an elf..."

Selkie hadn't spoken to many people in a long while, but the majority of her shyness was wrought by the creature's unnatural appearance and the unearthly sounds emanating from his, or maybe its, maw. This was a sight to behold, and hear.
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"Well that's a shame" he said his tentacles parting just enough to to see one of his sharp teeth " well I suppose that four eyes are better than one we should both look for him " he says putting him self to one side as two tendrils from his face lengthen to put them self on her other shoulder snugly pushing her lightly into him. @Remmy
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"After all you do enjoy the company of elves do you not?" He said like she had said it out loud @Remmy
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Evan ran across the beach near the tree line passing two being of water. "Damn it, can't find her" he kneels down and draws symbols in the sand and mummers something. the symbols started to elevate and glow. it then made a light map of the isle. "where is she? this is elf magic so it should work"

@LionPride @Remmy
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