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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Liz shoots an irritated glare in Raider's direction. "Do ye not see that I am busy?" she says, then hearing the retort from the man, she pulls back her sword and swings it at his neck. "This ship, and everythin' on it is mine, ye pig!"

@YoungX @elfattack
"Oh pardon me my dear" he spoke in a polite manner. He bowed. "I was just observing these amazing creature, you must be very intelligent to have them follow you" he said. Playing to an ego. Simple manipulation tacit. "Tell me how did you come by them".



"Go to hell, you'll find them there" i said with a smirk, "and compliments mean nothing coming from the likes of you" she continued, the prinnies sensing she was getting a little annoyed at the questions, backed off a little


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elfattack said:
*he ducked and swung his foot trying to take her off her feet*
Liz's feet are hit, but she bends backwards, using to momentum from the impact to throw herself into a back flip. She gracefully comes up to her feet and swings the sword at him again, aiming to slash across his midsection.


May and Raina watch the sudden fight break out, sighing in unison. @YoungX
He lights him self on fire moving in so only her arm is swinging at him as he attempts to tackler her while he's on fire.
Liz is thrown to the ground, though barely hit as the majority of the reason she was bending back was that he was suddenly on fire, so she started bending before he got too close to her. Liz falls onto her back, pulls her knees up to her stomach, then thrusts her feet as hard and fast as possible at his stomach.



Raina lets out a small, quiet sigh. "Uma... occupied." she sounds slightly annoyed, but her face shows no sign of her thoughts.

May just silently nods, and follows.

"The loot belongs to those who are foolhardy enough to grab em " he says as he picks him self up and grabs 2 pistols from 2 of her pirates that had a crate in their hands and takes off into the caves.
Davorin's kiss had left Evie breathless. She walked through the forest back to town in a bit of a daze and despite the dense plant life surprisingly didn't trip or fall at all. Before going to the tavern where Davorin said they were to meet up Evie decided to visit the beach for a bit. She went to a secluded area where she didn't see a single person around. First Evie washed her hands of any remaining blood then the young girl dove into the water to get the blood off her clothes. This is what she needed a nice relaxing swim.
elfattack said:
"The loot belongs to those who are foolhardy enough to grab em " he says as he picks him self up and grabs 2 pistols from 2 of her pirates that had a crate in their hands and takes off into the caves.
Liz glares at the two pirates who just let their pistols be stolen for a moment, then runs into the caves. "Oi! Treasure on the beach is one thing, but that cave is mine!" she shouts as she rushes up behind the man, and swings the hilt of her sword at his head so hard it would instantly knock him out if it connected.


YoungX said:
Raider heads into the cave and puts up a stealth enchantment so that he would be hidden from magic.

Raina follows close behind Raider. pulling out a dagger she had attached to her thy, and handing it back to May.

Uh," May tentatively reaches for the dagger.

"Now's not the time to hesitate," Raina commented. "We must act. If not us, then who will?"

May silently nods, even through Raina can't see because the elf was looking forward.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Liz glares at the two pirates who just let their pistols be stolen for a moment, then runs into the caves. "Oi! Treasure on the beach is one thing, but that cave is mine!" she shouts as she rushes up behind the man, and swings the hilt of her sword at his head so hard it would instantly knock him out if it connected.

Raina follows close behind Raider. pulling out a dagger she had attached to her thy, and handing it back to May.

"Uh," May tentatively reaches for the dagger.

"Now's not the time to hesitate," Raina commented. "We must act. If not us, then who will?"

May silently nods, even through Raina can't see because the elf was looking forward.

Raider continues forward to see if they can find some hidden passage. If they are here, then they must be in some areas the Pirates don't know about.
YoungX said:
Raider continues forward to see if they can find some hidden passage. If they are here, then they must be in some areas the Pirates don't know about.
Once the group made it past the part the pirates occupied, they would walk through a narrow passage that led to a wide space within the cavern. Their surroundings would be pitch black, causing May to let out a nervous groan. "We.... should have grabbed some torches," she says as she stops walking.

elfattack said:
he steps to the side and continues running

Before he could make it too far into the caves, a line of pirates with swords and pistols blocked any chance of entering. "
Will you stop already?" Liz shouts in an irritated voice. "If ye turn around and maybe talk ta me, I might be willin' to make a deal with ye!"
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Once the group made it past the part the pirates occupied, they would walk through a narrow passage that led to a wide space within the cavern. Their surroundings would be pitch black, causing May to let out a nervous groan. "We.... should have grabbed some torches," she says as she stops walking.

Before he could make it too far into the caves, a line of pirates with swords and pistols blocked any chance of entering. "Will you stop already?" Liz shouts in an irritated voice. "If ye turn around and maybe talk ta me, I might be willin' to make a deal with ye!"

Raider would think about torches, and then decided that maybe they should have, but it was just like before. So he basically ventured on relying on his senses.
" I hear what you saying but I have a question have you ever heard of being lighting child raciest? "
YoungX said:
Raider would think about torches, and then decided that maybe they should have, but it was just like before. So he basically ventured on relying on his senses.
As Raider moves, Raina follows. Hearing both of them move, but not being able to see, May stands still. She does not have any heightened senses, so she could not follow, the only thing she could do is turn around and walk back. She would sneak past the pirates, who were all too interested in the other man to notice her.

elfattack said:
" I hear what you saying but I have a question have you ever heard of being lighting child raciest? "
Liz tilts her head to the side. "I know of a child that controls lightening, but raciest? I can't make the connection. What's it got to do with you tryin' to get into my treasure?"
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]As Raider moves, Raina follows. Hearing both of them move, but not being able to see, May stands still. She does not have any heightened senses, so she could not follow, the only thing she could do is turn around and walk back. She would sneak past the pirates, who were all too interested in the other man to notice her.
Liz tilts her head to the side. "I know of a child that controls lightening, but raciest? I can't make the connection. What's it got to do with you tryin' to get into my treasure?"

Raider continues moving on to see if the Winter Court are here. If they are then, he would prepare to use more than a quarter of his base strength. This would be a tough one if they had to fight.
Josh walked over to a man yelling in his direction. She seemed to be a pirate, but Josh wasnt sure. As soon as Josh got over there they all started walking into a narrow path. Josh followed, everything was pitch black. Someone moved past him but he decided to ignore it. It seemed there were two other figures ahead of him, "Hello?" He called out quietly and then heard something about needing torches. He cast a spell in his mind and a brilliant red fire hovered above his hand and covered the cavern in a red light. "You're welcome!" He said quietly but excitedly, hoping that the guys he followed wouldnt kill him.
" You see my blatant hatred for kids that use lighting give me great powers to make peoples heads explode watch " He walks over to one of the pirates clicking his fingers and making the pirate flinch just enough to give him a chance to dart right next to him and through the pirates. he continues deeper into the caves
"Why what did I do to you?" he asked in a quizzical fashion. He had a rather stern posture. "Also how did you figure out my...well secret lets call it?".



"Vampires are the descendants of demons, also only vampires carry around umbrellas in the middle lf the day" i told him, sounding as if i had repeated it thousands of times before "and i have been tricked billions of times, i may look drop-dead gorgeous with the looks of an angel but i can assure you, i didn't get the title of Demon lord by commanding a couple of penguins around" i said vainly


With the sudden words from the one who followed them, Raina tenses and turns to the one who cast the light spell. "What? How did you...." Raina pauses, realizing this person was on the beach when they went into the caves. "Do you have a habit of following strangers into dark caves?" Now that there was light, the group would be able to see that the area they were in was rather large, with a low ceiling. The light cast by the spell would not be enough to reach the far wall.



Liz looks annoyed as the man just fools one of the other pirates and rushes past him. "Fine! Ye ain't gonna find much ye can take out anyway!" If the man follows the branching path to the left, which had a pirate or two visible down it, he would find an open room, with a throne that would be too heavy for one man to move, a large rock that looks like it might be pure gold, though had a dingy quality to it, sitting on the seat of the throne, and a locked treasure chest that would be too heavy to carry out, along with food and everyday living supplies, and an assortment of beds scattered along the walls. Liz calls it her "throne room" but in reality, it was the only part of the caves the pirates could live in without needing too many torches to keep it lit.

he is caring a fireball using it like a torch he reaches a fork in the paths one seems to have some lights and what a throne down it while the other has a brilliant red light down it "well I guess I might as well" he goes towards the red light @ChronosCoded @YoungX

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