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Fantasy Isle of Mist

YoungX said:
Raider would head to where Raina and May are to discuss their plans. "All right I'm back. Let's discuss the plan."
@Crystal Cali
Raina and May were both inside May's library with a wide variety of books, scrolls, and maps, open and scattered across the desk and floor. They look up in unison as Raider enters the room. May looked clearly troubled, while Raina's expression was nearly unreadable.

"Ah, we are still trying to determine where the Winter Court may have run off to," May admitted.

"They are skilled at hiding, and as far as I can tell, have no pattern or preference as to hiding spots."
"To think this all started over slaughtering a boar in some random persons living room he remarks "to the random person @SirGrey
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[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina and May were both inside May's library with a wide variety of books, scrolls, and maps, open and scattered across the desk and floor. They look up in unison as Raider enters the room. May looked clearly troubled, while Raina's expression was nearly unreadable.
"Ah, we are still trying to determine where the Winter Court may have run off to," May admitted.

"They are skilled at hiding, and as far as I can tell, have no pattern or preference as to hiding spots."

"Hmm... Well are they using magic to hide themselves? That could explain why we haven't found them yet."
"What in the...what?" he said looking at these odd creatures. It was enough to make him break his cover, the pure confusion. Putting up his umbrella he walked closer to them. "Prinnies aren't th-Huh?" he notice the hunter talk to him. "Oh so you went in someones house and cut up a boar why?" He asked in a confused way. He now was sure this was right hunter and by proxy the right demon. Might as well play dumb, just to get information. Then decide what to do with them.

@elfattack @Trust
YoungX said:
"Hmm... Well are they using magic to hide themselves? That could explain why we haven't found them yet."
May and Raina nod, almost in unison, without looking up from their respective scrolls.

"Well, certainly they are using magic to conceal themselves, but if they had used any kind of magic to alter the island, I would know about it." Raina comments. "More than likely, they are hidden in the forest, in a cavern or cave. The only questions is 'which one is it?'"
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]May and Raina nod, almost in unison, without looking up from their respective scrolls.
"Well, certainly they are using magic to conceal themselves, but if they had used any kind of magic to alter the island, I would know about it." Raina comments. "More than likely, they are hidden in the forest, in a cavern or cave. The only questions is 'which one is it?'"

"Have you ever considered the Pirates cave? That is certainly the one place no one would ever consider." It seemed ridiculous but made sense.
"You aren't wrong there my fine fellow" he said keeping an eye on the creatures. "But you said you didn't think, so it turned out that someone did live there?" he asked in a curious manor. Davorin calling might of been in acting is this was anything to go by. "Oh and as for the sun, lets just say I burn very easily in it" he said in a polite manor.

@elfattack @Trust
"There was a woman there but she did not live there I don't know where she came from but she made a fuss over the mess"
He reaches into his bag a gets a jar that contains the boars heart he opens the jar and takes a bite of the heart without thinking about it.@SirGrey
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YoungX said:
"Have you ever considered the Pirates cave? That is certainly the one place no one would ever consider." It seemed ridiculous but made sense.
Raina and May both look up to Raider, then at each other, then back to Raider.

"Perhaps if they managed to sneak past the pirates.... I mean, they are not the most vigilant people... but I don't think the pirates would be working with them after all that's happened." May speaks slowly in a confused tone.

Raina tilts her head one way, as if she just had a realization. "Ah, actually, they might not have needed to. The pirates were assisting me during our sky battle. There was no one in the caves at that time."
Josh didnt realize what he was doing. Well, he did, but he didnt. He was fighting a god. And he was winning too! He uttered his armor spell under his breath and intricately design armor surrounded him. The armor shimmered in the presence of Hades, "Fotiá ékrixi!" Burning blue flame shot out from Josh's hand and burned Hades face. Before Hades could do something about his skin being burned off by the second, Josh kicked him to the ground. "Any last words, o' great god of the Underworld?" He said sarcastically. He went in for the kill, but before he could do anything he found himself encased in rainbow. "Iris. Please. Let me end this jerk!" He yelled and in no time the goddess had teleported him to an island.

He got up off of the yellow sand and sighed. He wondered if there were more people on the island with him. He turned to the ocean and slammed his sword into the ground three times, a few seconds later three small earthquakes shook the ground. That should get someone's attention. He thought. But just in case he yelled, "Anyone here?!" He waited for someone...anyone.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina and May both look up to Raider, then at each other, then back to Raider.
"Perhaps if they managed to sneak past the pirates.... I mean, they are not the most vigilant people... but I don't think the pirates would be working with them after all that's happened." May speaks slowly in a confused tone.

Raina tilts her head one way, as if she just had a realization. "Ah, actually, they might not have needed to. The pirates were assisting me during our sky battle. There was no one in the caves at that time."

"Let's go check then," he says as he prepares himself.
May and Raina both stand up, and prepare to follow.


Meanwhile, Liz and her crew had an interesting time trying to land the air ship they had hijacked. "A ship ain't meant to go gup an' down 'less the waves be doin' it! HOW THE BLOODY HELL DO YE LAND THIS ABOMINATION?!?!" The last shout could be heard by most people in the forest. After a moment of fiddling with the controls, Liz finally gets the ship to go down.... straight down, crashing into the shore, luckily hitting no rocks large enough to break it apart, but the impact would be rather rough. "Oi! You alright kid?" Liz looks over to Killua (assuming he hasn't left the ship.)

@YoungX @IkutoForever2222
ChronosCoded said:
Josh didnt realize what he was doing. Well, he did, but he didnt. He was fighting a god. And he was winning too! He uttered his armor spell under his breath and intricately design armor surrounded him. The armor shimmered in the presence of Hades, "Fotiá ékrixi!" Burning blue flame shot out from Josh's hand and burned Hades face. Before Hades could do something about his skin being burned off by the second, Josh kicked him to the ground. "Any last words, o' great god of the Underworld?" He said sarcastically. He went in for the kill, but before he could do anything he found himself encased in rainbow. "Iris. Please. Let me end this jerk!" He yelled and in no time the goddess had teleported him to an island.
He got up off of the yellow sand and sighed. He wondered if there were more people on the island with him. He turned to the ocean and slammed his sword into the ground three times, a few seconds later three small earthquakes shook the ground. That should get someone's attention. He thought. But just in case he yelled, "Anyone here?!" He waited for someone...anyone.
(Liz just crashed a steampunk-looking airship near where your character would be)
He sees a ship crash in the distance "now if you excuse me " he says finishing the heart " I have a ship to loot " he sets off "o and demon I care little where you are but I would prefer if you stayed in view and the ship might be on fire or something I don't know but I will be... interesting " @Trust @SirGrey
Liz's crew started working swiftly to bring loot from the ship they had crashed into their cave. Liz spots Raider, May Raina, and a stranger or two also on the beach. "Bloody hell, I ain't hostin' a party! What's the meanin' of this?" Liz shouts at the unwelcome visitors while her crew runs a load into the cave.

@ChronosCoded @elfattack
The vampire was thank full that the hunter was gone. "How uncultured" he said sighing. He moved further towards the odd creatures know as Prinnies. He speaks with curiosity "You work for the demon woman don't you?"

@elfattack @Trust
elfattack said:
He arrives and kinda walks around most of the pirates to get at the body's of the crew
Liz sees the man walking towards the ship that she hijacked, and rushes up behind him. She pulls out her sword and would press it against the side of the man's neck with just enough pressure for him to feel the metal of her blade. "I said, this ain't a party," she says in a dark, furious tone. "Get your hands off me loot."
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Liz sees the man walking towards the ship that she hijacked, and rushes up behind him. She pulls out her sword and would press it against the side of the man's neck with just enough pressure for him to feel the metal of her blade. "I said, this ain't a party," she says in a dark, furious tone. "Get your hands off me loot."

"Elizabeth mind if we check your cave? The Winter Court could've moved in during the attack," and looks to May and Raina.


"What do you want, vampire" Etna hissed "I AM right here, if you want to speak to me, go ahead" tugging at her small neck collar once more. "You better not be wasting my time"



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