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Fantasy The Mystery of Greyport - IC (Open)



Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group

Oscar Cecil Corbin.

  • mood

    Tense, tired

It was happening again.

There was some small part of Oscar that had wanted to talk about it with someone. As to who that was exactly rarely deviated from the one option it had been for over a century. But the wiry old twit had been poorly as of late, and focused on his latest experiment with such a ferocity of devotion to it that Oscar was reluctant to break any of the being's concentration beyond a sharp reminder for when the sunlight was expected to peek back through the curtains of their shared home.

His roommate, Axel, would solve whatever self-proclaimed problem he was looking into eventually. Probably. Maybe. It was either that or he'd collapse onto the floor after three weeks of no fresh blood coursing through his haunted remains, and Oscar would get a chance to tidy up the damn workstation for once before tossing the man over his shoulder and lugging him over to the nearest Hidden medical specialist to be rejuvenated.

Maybe then, Oscar could bring up the morbid painting he'd just awoken to. Maybe then he could mention that the trembling itch in his hands to fashion more of them had returned, after several decades of believing himself to be finally free of the otherworldly compulsion. He could brainstorm with the man over what he thought it meant. Axel wouldn't have any assured answers. Neither of them ever really did when it came to the odd afflictions they had been born with. But at least Axel would listen.

You could talk to me about it. I could listen. Came a second voice to echo about in his skull. Oscar emitted an audible sigh in response. As usual he didn't try to engage with the voice, even when it projected a sense of disappointment before finally fading back to the deep dark crevices of his mind once more. To respond to it was to acknowledge it, and after a lifetime of trying to masquerade as a relatively stable individual Oscar wasn't about to change the habit any time soon.

As part of that, he had decided to go for a walk. And he'd taken one of the dogs, Cordelia, as a vague excuse for it. It wasn't always that Oscar needed a reason to go outside in the wee hours of the morning. In fact when you were a sleep-deprived werewolf with your equally sleep-adverse vampire for a roommate it was almost expected that at least one of them would be out and about at this time of night. But the excited trotting of the borzoi at his side made him feel like he had some vague purpose for it beyond the poor attempt to bury his worries for a few hours.

Green eyes behind round-rimmed glasses squinted down at the watch upon his wrist. 3:14 am. Few would be outside this late at night. And yet, to the same token, in a city like Greyport it was difficult to ever assume that you were truly on your lonesome. Oscar twitched his head, eyes scanning from side to side and ears pricked, picking up the faint rustle of clothes moving and footsteps in the distance as others passed by on the streets parallel to his own.

He inhaled deeply, inhuman senses alerting him to the corpse-like stench of a vampire in the adjacent alleyway and the smoky scent of what was likely a demon of some description somewhere in the area. Both worth noting. But nothing that leapt out at Oscar as immediately alarming even if his grip did tighten a little on the support cane he held at his side as he passed on by the alleyway. A brief glance was made in its direction. The dim glow of a cigarette and the pale visage of the vampire smoking it met his gaze, but the two merely nodded in greeting at each other before Oscar had passed back out of sight. Oscar wasn't a Grimclaw, and the vampire wasn't a Ravenwood. It was a shared relief for sure.

Instead, the portly man continued his slow amble towards The Literary Brew and Cafe Shop. It was one of the few locations Oscar tended to haunt in his spare time, and the only one that he suspected would be open at this hour without having to deal with the noise of the local pubs or bars. He wasn't entirely sure what the owner's policy on pets was, but he suspected they'd at least be fine with him taking a seat at one of the outdoor tables. He'd see if he could also get Cordelia a few dog biscuits or similar for her to munch on while he drank his cup of tea and pondered what next to do about the latest little incident that he had just created.

Abruptly, Cordelia tensed as they both rounded the corner. Oscar likewise felt a wave of anxiety suddenly prickle at his form, causing the hair at the back of his neck to stand up and his ears to strain. He shifted from pensive concerns to alertness, checking his surroundings once more, before his eyes trailed down to the jittery dog at his side. "What is it?" He asked her, a frown etching onto his features. She turned to him with a look of concern, before her snout pointed itself back towards the cafe. Oscar took a few more tentative steps forward, trying to figure out the source of the sudden unease. Was it coming from the street? Or the building before him?

As he approached the front door, he realised it was the latter. Though the warm lighting of the cafe remained as bright as ever and cast a pleasant aura of warmth against the chill of the early morning, it took Oscar a moment to realise that a few had short-circuited near the window of the cafe. One of them flickered as he neared, casting a split-second glance over upturned tables and the remains of several ceramic cups and saucers shattered upon the floor. In the corner, pressed against the wall, was a large mass crumpled against it.


"Shaldrani?!" Oscar hissed, after a cursory scan of the interior of the cafe convinced him that it was otherwise unoccupied. It looked as if the mass had twitched at the sound of his voice, though it was hard to tell in the dimmed lighting. Cordelia skittered ahead as he approached, whimpering, as Oscar hooked the arm of his cane over an arm and started to fish out his phone. It took a moment for him to fumble over the controls, but eventually he remembered how to turn on the torch as he'd been shown and cast it over the debris before him.

"Bloody hell...what happened? Do you need a doctor?" He asked the mass as he shone the light into the eyes of one head, then into the other to check the response. Could a two headed dragon still function with only one head currently conscious? It looked as if the right-hand one was still knocked out. Oscar's light then trailed along to the floor once more, trying to piece together the puzzle of the scene before him before Shaldrani answered him.

Across the floor was a sludgy smear of a viscous fluid. It looked to be black at first, like ink, but when Oscar shone the light of his phone upon it then it took upon an iridescent, glistening hue. His immediate thought was that of a demon's ichor, comparable to the lava-like sludge of the one who ran the bakery across the road or the actual ink that constantly seemed to seep from the fingertips of the local librarian. An attack by one wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. But why would they want to go for a dragon of all beings? One that, Oscar was fairly certain, he had never even seen outside of the premises of 24/7 coffee shop they owned.

Oscar continued to survey his surroundings for a few breaths, finding little else, but noting briefly that a security camera sat in the far corner of the store. Judging from the amount of abandoned utensils and broken ceramics littering the floor there had been others in the shop with Shaldrani that had fled the scene. He could only hope that they'd all been Hidden of some description, otherwise...

A flutter of wings caught his attention, and Oscar turned to glance back towards the entrance door that he'd left propped open. In its frame stood a seemingly ordinary pigeon, head cocked to the side with a curious expression. It was only when he saw the brief glint of glowing, white light flash from said eyes did he register that the animal was a Watcher for the City Watch, just before the bird took to the sky once more.

"You're going to have to shift back to human, if you can." Oscar then grunted. With verbal protest he gripped onto his cane and gingerly eased himself down into a more hunched position, ignoring the ebbing pain in his hip in favour of patting his hand sharply at one of the muzzles of the coffee-coloured dragon before him in the hopes of snapping them into focus. "City Watch is going to be here any minute. And you know they're going to start hounding you on any possible human sightings before they actually give a shit about what happened here."

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡

Oscar Cecil Corbin​

It was happening again.

There was some small part of Oscar that had wanted to talk about it with someone. As to who that was exactly rarely deviated from the one option it had been for over a century. But the wiry old twit had been poorly as of late, and focused on his latest experiment with such a ferocity of devotion to it that Oscar was reluctant to break any of the being's concentration beyond a sharp reminder for when the sunlight was expected to peek back through the curtains of their shared home.

His roommate, Axel, would solve whatever self-proclaimed problem he was looking into eventually. Probably. Maybe. It was either that or he'd collapse onto the floor after three weeks of no fresh blood coursing through his haunted remains, and Oscar would get a chance to tidy up the damn workstation for once before tossing the man over his shoulder and lugging him over to the nearest Hidden medical specialist to be rejuvenated.

Maybe then, Oscar could bring up the morbid painting he'd just awoken to. Maybe then he could mention that the trembling itch in his hands to fashion more of them had returned, after several decades of believing himself to be finally free of the otherworldly compulsion. He could brainstorm with the man over what he thought it meant. Axel wouldn't have any assured answers. Neither of them ever really did when it came to the odd afflictions they had been born with. But at least Axel would listen.

You could talk to me about it. I could listen. Came a second voice to echo about in his skull. Oscar emitted an audible sigh in response. As usual he didn't try to engage with the voice, even when it projected a sense of disappointment before finally fading back to the deep dark crevices of his mind once more. To respond to it was to acknowledge it, and after a lifetime of trying to masquerade as a relatively stable individual Oscar wasn't about to change the habit any time soon.

As part of that, he had decided to go for a walk. And he'd taken one of the dogs, Cordelia, as a vague excuse for it. It wasn't always that Oscar needed a reason to go outside in the wee hours of the morning. In fact when you were a sleep-deprived werewolf with your equally sleep-adverse vampire for a roommate it was almost expected that at least one of them would be out and about at this time of night. But the excited trotting of the borzoi at his side made him feel like he had some vague purpose for it beyond the poor attempt to bury his worries for a few hours.

Green eyes behind round-rimmed glasses squinted down at the watch upon his wrist. 3:14 am. Few would be outside this late at night. And yet, to the same token, in a city like Greyport it was difficult to ever assume that you were truly on your lonesome. Oscar twitched his head, eyes scanning from side to side and ears pricked, picking up the faint rustle of clothes moving and footsteps in the distance as others passed by on the streets parallel to his own.

He inhaled deeply, inhuman senses alerting him to the corpse-like stench of a vampire in the adjacent alleyway and the smoky scent of what was likely a demon of some description somewhere in the area. Both worth noting. But nothing that leapt out at Oscar as immediately alarming even if his grip did tighten a little on the support cane he held at his side as he passed on by the alleyway. A brief glance was made in its direction. The dim glow of a cigarette and the pale visage of the vampire smoking it met his gaze, but the two merely nodded in greeting at each other before Oscar had passed back out of sight. Oscar wasn't a Grimclaw, and the vampire wasn't a Ravenwood. It was a shared relief for sure.

Instead, the portly man continued his slow amble towards The Literary Brew and Cafe Shop. It was one of the few locations Oscar tended to haunt in his spare time, and the only one that he suspected would be open at this hour without having to deal with the noise of the local pubs or bars. He wasn't entirely sure what the owner's policy on pets was, but he suspected they'd at least be fine with him taking a seat at one of the outdoor tables. He'd see if he could also get Cordelia a few dog biscuits or similar for her to munch on while he drank his cup of tea and pondered what next to do about the latest little incident that he had just created.

Abruptly, Cordelia tensed as they both rounded the corner. Oscar likewise felt a wave of anxiety suddenly prickle at his form, causing the hair at the back of his neck to stand up and his ears to strain. He shifted from pensive concerns to alertness, checking his surroundings once more, before his eyes trailed down to the jittery dog at his side. "What is it?" He asked her, a frown etching onto his features. She turned to him with a look of concern, before her snout pointed itself back towards the cafe. Oscar took a few more tentative steps forward, trying to figure out the source of the sudden unease. Was it coming from the street? Or the building before him?

As he approached the front door, he realised it was the latter. Though the warm lighting of the cafe remained as bright as ever and cast a pleasant aura of warmth against the chill of the early morning, it took Oscar a moment to realise that a few had short-circuited near the window of the cafe. One of them flickered as he neared, casting a split-second glance over upturned tables and the remains of several ceramic cups and saucers shattered upon the floor. In the corner, pressed against the wall, was a large mass crumpled against it.


"Shaldrani?!" Oscar hissed, after a cursory scan of the interior of the cafe convinced him that it was otherwise unoccupied. It looked as if the mass had twitched at the sound of his voice, though it was hard to tell in the dimmed lighting. Cordelia skittered ahead as he approached, whimpering, as Oscar hooked the arm of his cane over an arm and started to fish out his phone. It took a moment for him to fumble over the controls, but eventually he remembered how to turn on the torch as he'd been shown and cast it over the debris before him.

"Bloody hell...what happened? Do you need a doctor?" He asked the mass as he shone the light into the eyes of one head, then into the other to check the response. Could a two headed dragon still function with only one head currently conscious? It looked as if the right-hand one was still knocked out. Oscar's light then trailed along to the floor once more, trying to piece together the puzzle of the scene before him before Shaldrani answered him.

Across the floor was a sludgy smear of a viscous fluid. It looked to be black at first, like ink, but when Oscar shone the light of his phone upon it then it took upon an iridescent, glistening hue. His immediate thought was that of a demon's ichor, comparable to the lava-like sludge of the one who ran the bakery across the road or the actual ink that constantly seemed to seep from the fingertips of the local librarian. An attack by one wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. But why would they want to go for a dragon of all beings? One that, Oscar was fairly certain, he had never even seen outside of the premises of 24/7 coffee shop they owned.

Oscar continued to survey his surroundings for a few breaths, finding little else, but noting briefly that a security camera sat in the far corner of the store. Judging from the amount of abandoned utensils and broken ceramics littering the floor there had been others in the shop with Shaldrani that had fled the scene. He could only hope that they'd all been Hidden of some description, otherwise...

A flutter of wings caught his attention, and Oscar turned to glance back towards the entrance door that he'd left propped open. In its frame stood a seemingly ordinary pigeon, head cocked to the side with a curious expression. It was only when he saw the brief glint of glowing, white light flash from said eyes did he register that the animal was a Watcher for the City Watch, just before the bird took to the sky once more.

"You're going to have to shift back to human, if you can." Oscar then grunted. With verbal protest he gripped onto his cane and gingerly eased himself down into a more hunched position, ignoring the ebbing pain in his hip in favour of patting his hand sharply at one of the muzzles of the coffee-coloured dragon before him in the hopes of snapping them into focus. "City Watch is going to be here any minute. And you know they're going to start hounding you on any possible human sightings before they actually give a shit about what happened here."​
Last edited:


a state of confusion


What just happened?

healthy, pulse elevated

Virgil Cerullo


  • h

(click link!)

Virgil hadn’t been able to sleep all night. He’s not sure what it was, but he’d felt some sort of odd restlessness for a few hours now. Many thoughts played in his head- from trivial thoughts about what he wanted to cook for dinner the next day, to how he felt he didn’t have any direction in life. All of it collected at the bottom like the poorly-mixed instant espresso he found himself drinking most mornings. So he decided to do what he did most nights- take a long, long walk to tire himself out. It had been midnight when he started walking, but no matter how long or how far he walked, he didn’t seem to fall tired. At some point, he managed to pass by a welcome sign into the next town. He didn’t bother to read it.
Now, he wanders around the streets of this town he managed to wander into, and one thing he does notice is how the vibe is completely different from the one he just moved to last week. It seems almost darker somehow- more gray- and he has the overwhelmingly increasing feeling that he’s being watched.
He takes note, as he wanders, of a rather stout man with glasses and a dog wandering the streets as well. Virgil’s eyebrow arches, and he has to stop himself from approaching the man and asking what he was doing up this late. Well- what am I doing up this late? Instead, he softly follows. Perhaps there would be a bench where he could rest nearby- while his mind is no longer tired, his feet are screaming for him to take a rest.
Ugh. What is this fucking feeling?
He then looks up from the ground as the dog up ahead starts to grow restless out of the corner of his eye. A feeling of concern washes over him- he knew animals had the weirdest of sixth senses- and he hangs back as the man and his dog approach some sort of a cafe. Virgil is grateful that he put in new contacts before his walk- because upon peering ahead, he notices quite a bit of disarray inside. Quietly, he approaches, and peers into the window.
The man he’d been following seems to be calling as he enters the building, and Virgil’s eyes track just where he seems to be going. And when his eyes get there, his jaw drops.
What….. What the ever-loving fresh fuck is that?!

♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡

Virgil hadn’t been able to sleep all night. He’s not sure what it was, but he’d felt some sort of odd restlessness for a few hours now. Many thoughts played in his head- from trivial thoughts about what he wanted to cook for dinner the next day, to how he felt he didn’t have any direction in life. All of it collected at the bottom like the poorly-mixed instant espresso he found himself drinking most mornings. So he decided to do what he did most nights- take a long, long walk to tire himself out. It had been midnight when he started walking, but no matter how long or how far he walked, he didn’t seem to fall tired. At some point, he managed to pass by a welcome sign into the next town. He didn’t bother to read it.
Now, he wanders around the streets of this town he managed to wander into, and one thing he does notice is how the vibe is completely different from the one he just moved to last week. It seems almost darker somehow- more gray- and he has the overwhelmingly increasing feeling that he’s being watched.
He takes note, as he wanders, of a rather stout man with glasses and a dog wandering the streets as well. Virgil’s eyebrow arches, and he has to stop himself from approaching the man and asking what he was doing up this late. Well- what am I doing up this late? Instead, he softly follows. Perhaps there would be a bench where he could rest nearby- while his mind is no longer tired, his feet are screaming for him to take a rest.
Ugh. What is this fucking feeling?
He then looks up from the ground as the dog up ahead starts to grow restless out of the corner of his eye. A feeling of concern washes over him- he knew animals had the weirdest of sixth senses- and he hangs back as the man and his dog approach some sort of a cafe. Virgil is grateful that he put in new contacts before his walk- because upon peering ahead, he notices quite a bit of disarray inside. Quietly, he approaches, and peers into the window.
The man he’d been following seems to be calling as he enters the building, and Virgil’s eyes track just where he seems to be going. And when his eyes get there, his jaw drops.
What….. What the ever-loving fresh fuck is that?!

Rowan Maplewood.

  • mood

    Shopping for ingredients

Even in the wee hours of the morning, the Stormwatch Docks always had at least a little hustle and bustle of people sitting out by the shoreline or crawling through the various pubs and bars that lined across it. Hidden and human alike would often make the best of Greyport City's unusual trends in opening hours, even with the threat of an approach storm looming overhead from the sea beside them.

Various salespersons had set up a temporary shop along the wooden piers that jutted out into the sea, their wares ranging from fresh catches of fish of the night before, to carefully curated collections of shells from walks along the beach, to assorted junk that had likely been fished out of the ocean mere moments before setting up store. Such a sight was not an unusual one by any means, but news of the Stormbringer crew's arrival certainly brought out a larger crowd than was typical of the usual midnight lurkers of the area.

A short figure dressed in a simple, black jumper and purple pants poised pensively near the stairs leading up to the piers, hand clenched to their chin deep in thought as they perused the items being presented to them. The man opposite of them was starting to look increasingly agitated with their presence, arms crossed and his foot beginning to tap in an impatient rhythm.

"Are you sure there's absolutely nothing you can use here?" He asked, a huff of irritation following the question. "I'm sure we could find something."

An unconvinced hum emitted from the figure still inspecting his wares. They glanced up to meet his gaze, briefly running a delicately-manicured and painted set of nails through a wild tuft of sapphire-hued hair before shaking their head in response. "Sorry, Dimos. It's just I don't think any of these are *actually* the plants that you have them listed as."

"You could buy this, it's wolfsbane. You use a lot of that, right?"

"This is sea lavender."

"Yeah, yeah. That's what the werewolves call it but."

Rowan gave him a look over the top of their glasses, eventually sighing and shaking their head. "I think I'll pass this time. You're lucky I haven't made you pay for damages to my cauldrons."

"I told you before, I don't know how the Hemlock got mixed in with the Yarrow-"

"Have a good night, Dimos." Sighed the witch, to which her partner in conversation gave a defeated roll of the shoulders before turning to the next approaching person that had grabbed his attention. Rowan shook their head in response, but continued their slow wander up the stairs in search of the next stall to vie for their interest. A faint air of frustration was perhaps evident beneath the façade of cool indifference as they sauntered along the pier. Supplies had been delayed in shipping, again, for their store. It would be full moon tomorrow, the height of Rowan's potion crafting powers, and they'd have a mere third of the ingredients that they wanted to utilise on the night at best.

Coming to the docks was so far proving to have been a fruitless endeavour, and eventually Rowan sighed and instead turned to slump against a bit of wooden railing that snaked along the side facing out towards the ocean. Dark eyes drifted out towards the ocean, following the line of sight of many others that had lined up along the shore to watch the grand silhouette of the rapidly approaching ship of the Stormbringer Smugglers. Even to the humans, the ship's regularly scheduled arrivals was something of a novelty to witness. Though Rowan suspected that many of them simply assumed it was a part of the city's history that had kept up a tradition of visiting for hundreds of years. Even the more squeaky-clean, law abiding citizens of the Hidden population seemed to be blissfully unaware of the lucrative, yet shady dealings and offers the famed pirate ship tended to bring ashore.

Case in point, a demon of some vague familiarity and a clear purpose for being there had joined them along the pier. Rowan glanced aside, watching as the gaunt being drew a long cigarette holder from the inner pocket of their suit jacket and proceeded to engulf a pointy, ink-stained nail in a halo of flames in order to light it. They then leaned forward, posing in a manner that Rowan was entirely convinced was performative less so than their natural stance as they started to breath small curls of smoke into the air. An air of unease settled into their features, honey-hued eyes focused intently on the rapidly approaching ship.

"You know, I think this is the first time I've seen you outside of the library Vaz." Mused Rowan, as they wrinkled their nose and waved away a few wisps of smoke that had wafted over to them. The taller being's chin tilted, slightly, tired eyes drifting momentarily from The Stormbringer to acknowledge the witch beside them.

"I have important business to conduct." Vaz sniffed, after some pause for thought.

"Where's your 'business partner' then?"

"Busy." Replied the demon, the faint frown upon their face deepening as their eyes drifted back to watching the Stormbringer ship as it now started to pull in to the docks. Their voice held a tone laced with enough irritability that Rowan decided to take the hint and stop asking them questions, instead easing away from the wooden railing to approach and wait for the newly-arrived ship to secure itself to the side of the docks.

Upon approach, Rowan was greeted by a well-toned woman in an eyepatch who leapt down from the edge of the ship and started to fasten some rope around a large pole beside them. She gave only a faint grunt of acknowledgement of Rowan's presence until the witch spoke to her, which at least prompted a momentarily twitch of her head towards them.

"Oh, s'you. If you're looking for herbs and shit we got a bunch of 'em in the back." The woman declared, jabbing a thumb behind her at the ship as people started to both wander aboard or step down onto the pier from it with items in tow. Rowan opened their mouth, ready to thank her, only for an abrupt bout of commotion on the ship to interrupt the pair of them.

Something small, and swift, had darted out from the crowd of people while they had conversed and leapt up an impressive height onto the deck of the ship. It was hard for Rowan to discern what exactly it was at first, spying only a quick flutter of a dark cloak and a strange, chittering sound that had followed the movement. Immediately several crew members looked up from their work and surged towards the sudden new presence, making a grab for it in the same way one would try to contain an escaped dog that had gotten loose. Said creature was fast, though, swerving and darting around them as it seemingly made a beeline for something that had grabbed its attention.

Within moments the creature had snatched what looked to be a small item wrapped in cloth into its mouth from the mess of the cargo, a victorious chittering sound following it. Before Rowan had time to guess what said object might of been, a set of large, moth-like wings suddenly flared out from either side of the cloak. The creature launched into the air with them, nearly clearing the ship entirely, if not for one of the crew members managing to latch his hand around the bottom edge of the wing and yank it downwards in an attempt to ground the creature once more.

Muffled cries of pain issued from the creature, but it remained undeterred as it squirmed and kicked at the hand holding onto it until, finally, it pulled away from its would-be captor and landed on the wooden planks of the pier with a loud thud. Wings flared once more, beating rapidly, but a now sizable chunk missing from one of them prevented the creature from being airborne again.

For a split second the creature turned, and Rowan saw a pair of gleaming, red, pupil-less eyes gawking over the ship from behind the cloak. If they didn't know any better, they'd say that it almost looked stunned, for just a second. As if questioning what had just happened. It was quick to move once more however as someone else decided to lunge for it, a muffled screech escaping it before it started to scramble forward once more on all-fours. Or, perhaps, all-sixes would be a more accurate description. Rowan could swear they could see six limbs in total scuttling out from the mess as the creature started to flee on foot back towards the city.

"......Well. That sucks, for you." Rowan eventually hummed, their attention slowly drifting back towards the pirate beside her with a quirked eyebrow once the shock had worn off enough to do-so. "You uh, going to help get it back?" She then wondered, to which Aster snorted and waved her hand in a dismissive manner.

"Nah, ain't my shit. Ain't my job." She grunted in response. "And I got some people I'm supposed to be meeting here in a bit." The pirate waved their hand towards several people that had now started to hurry after the strange creature down the path that lead back towards the city. "Besides, I give the bloody thing ten minutes tops before either me crew gets 'em or City Watch does."

A singular eye flickered back towards the small crowd of people lingering beside the pair, until the woman placed her fingers to her lips and emitted a sharp whistle to snap their attentions in her direction once more. "Alright! Enough gawking at some performance escape artist, aye? Whose here to sell some shit before the sun comes up?"

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡

Rowan Maplewood​

Even in the wee hours of the morning, the Stormwatch Docks always had at least a little hustle and bustle of people sitting out by the shoreline or crawling through the various pubs and bars that lined across it. Hidden and human alike would often make the best of Greyport City's unusual trends in opening hours, even with the threat of an approach storm looming overhead from the sea beside them.

Various salespersons had set up a temporary shop along the wooden piers that jutted out into the sea, their wares ranging from fresh catches of fish of the night before, to carefully curated collections of shells from walks along the beach, to assorted junk that had likely been fished out of the ocean mere moments before setting up store. Such a sight was not an unusual one by any means, but news of the Stormbringer crew's arrival certainly brought out a larger crowd than was typical of the usual midnight lurkers of the area.

A short figure dressed in a simple, black jumper and purple pants poised pensively near the stairs leading up to the piers, hand clenched to their chin deep in thought as they perused the items being presented to them. The man opposite of them was starting to look increasingly agitated with their presence, arms crossed and his foot beginning to tap in an impatient rhythm.

"Are you sure there's absolutely nothing you can use here?" He asked, a huff of irritation following the question. "I'm sure we could find something."

An unconvinced hum emitted from the figure still inspecting his wares. They glanced up to meet his gaze, briefly running a delicately-manicured and painted set of nails through a wild tuft of sapphire-hued hair before shaking their head in response. "Sorry, Dimos. It's just I don't think any of these are *actually* the plants that you have them listed as."

"You could buy this, it's wolfsbane. You use a lot of that, right?"

"This is sea lavender."

"Yeah, yeah. That's what the werewolves call it but."

Rowan gave him a look over the top of their glasses, eventually sighing and shaking their head. "I think I'll pass this time. You're lucky I haven't made you pay for damages to my cauldrons."

"I told you before, I don't know how the Hemlock got mixed in with the Yarrow-"

"Have a good night, Dimos." Sighed the witch, to which her partner in conversation gave a defeated roll of the shoulders before turning to the next approaching person that had grabbed his attention. Rowan shook their head in response, but continued their slow wander up the stairs in search of the next stall to vie for their interest. A faint air of frustration was perhaps evident beneath the façade of cool indifference as they sauntered along the pier. Supplies had been delayed in shipping, again, for their store. It would be full moon tomorrow, the height of Rowan's potion crafting powers, and they'd have a mere third of the ingredients that they wanted to utilise on the night at best.

Coming to the docks was so far proving to have been a fruitless endeavour, and eventually Rowan sighed and instead turned to slump against a bit of wooden railing that snaked along the side facing out towards the ocean. Dark eyes drifted out towards the ocean, following the line of sight of many others that had lined up along the shore to watch the grand silhouette of the rapidly approaching ship of the Stormbringer Smugglers. Even to the humans, the ship's regularly scheduled arrivals was something of a novelty to witness. Though Rowan suspected that many of them simply assumed it was a part of the city's history that had kept up a tradition of visiting for hundreds of years. Even the more squeaky-clean, law abiding citizens of the Hidden population seemed to be blissfully unaware of the lucrative, yet shady dealings and offers the famed pirate ship tended to bring ashore.

Case in point, a demon of some vague familiarity and a clear purpose for being there had joined them along the pier. Rowan glanced aside, watching as the gaunt being drew a long cigarette holder from the inner pocket of their suit jacket and proceeded to engulf a pointy, ink-stained nail in a halo of flames in order to light it. They then leaned forward, posing in a manner that Rowan was entirely convinced was performative less so than their natural stance as they started to breath small curls of smoke into the air. An air of unease settled into their features, honey-hued eyes focused intently on the rapidly approaching ship.

"You know, I think this is the first time I've seen you outside of the library Vaz." Mused Rowan, as they wrinkled their nose and waved away a few wisps of smoke that had wafted over to them. The taller being's chin tilted, slightly, tired eyes drifting momentarily from The Stormbringer to acknowledge the witch beside them.

"I have important business to conduct." Vaz sniffed, after some pause for thought.

"Where's your 'business partner' then?"

"Busy." Replied the demon, the faint frown upon their face deepening as their eyes drifted back to watching the Stormbringer ship as it now started to pull in to the docks. Their voice held a tone laced with enough irritability that Rowan decided to take the hint and stop asking them questions, instead easing away from the wooden railing to approach and wait for the newly-arrived ship to secure itself to the side of the docks.

Upon approach, Rowan was greeted by a well-toned woman in an eyepatch who leapt down from the edge of the ship and started to fasten some rope around a large pole beside them. She gave only a faint grunt of acknowledgement of Rowan's presence until the witch spoke to her, which at least prompted a momentarily twitch of her head towards them.

"Oh, s'you. If you're looking for herbs and shit we got a bunch of 'em in the back." The woman declared, jabbing a thumb behind her at the ship as people started to both wander aboard or step down onto the pier from it with items in tow. Rowan opened their mouth, ready to thank her, only for an abrupt bout of commotion on the ship to interrupt the pair of them.

Something small, and swift, had darted out from the crowd of people while they had conversed and leapt up an impressive height onto the deck of the ship. It was hard for Rowan to discern what exactly it was at first, spying only a quick flutter of a dark cloak and a strange, chittering sound that had followed the movement. Immediately several crew members looked up from their work and surged towards the sudden new presence, making a grab for it in the same way one would try to contain an escaped dog that had gotten loose. Said creature was fast, though, swerving and darting around them as it seemingly made a beeline for something that had grabbed its attention.

Within moments the creature had snatched what looked to be a small item wrapped in cloth into its mouth from the mess of the cargo, a victorious chittering sound following it. Before Rowan had time to guess what said object might of been, a set of large, moth-like wings suddenly flared out from either side of the cloak. The creature launched into the air with them, nearly clearing the ship entirely, if not for one of the crew members managing to latch his hand around the bottom edge of the wing and yank it downwards in an attempt to ground the creature once more.

Muffled cries of pain issued from the creature, but it remained undeterred as it squirmed and kicked at the hand holding onto it until, finally, it pulled away from its would-be captor and landed on the wooden planks of the pier with a loud thud. Wings flared once more, beating rapidly, but a now sizable chunk missing from one of them prevented the creature from being airborne again.

For a split second the creature turned, and Rowan saw a pair of gleaming, red, pupil-less eyes gawking over the ship from behind the cloak. If they didn't know any better, they'd say that it almost looked stunned, for just a second. As if questioning what had just happened. It was quick to move once more however as someone else decided to lunge for it, a muffled screech escaping it before it started to scramble forward once more on all-fours. Or, perhaps, all-sixes would be a more accurate description. Rowan could swear they could see six limbs in total scuttling out from the mess as the creature started to flee on foot back towards the city.

"......Well. That sucks, for you." Rowan eventually hummed, their attention slowly drifting back towards the pirate beside her with a quirked eyebrow once the shock had worn off enough to do-so. "You uh, going to help get it back?" She then wondered, to which Aster snorted and waved her hand in a dismissive manner.

"Nah, ain't my shit. Ain't my job." She grunted in response. "And I got some people I'm supposed to be meeting here in a bit." The pirate waved their hand towards several people that had now started to hurry after the strange creature down the path that lead back towards the city. "Besides, I give the bloody thing ten minutes tops before either me crew gets 'em or City Watch does."

A singular eye flickered back towards the small crowd of people lingering beside the pair, until the woman placed her fingers to her lips and emitted a sharp whistle to snap their attentions in her direction once more. "Alright! Enough gawking at some performance escape artist, aye? Whose here to sell some shit before the sun comes up?"​
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The Dragon
Never underestimate a good cup of coffee.
Greyport City was as 'normal' as a city full of supernatural and mythical entities could be. Which is to say... not really 'normal' by human definition. However, today should have just been the usual ordeal. Their shop was a quiet haven, regardless of the time of day or night. It beckoned to and welcomed Hidden patrons, offering them an escape from prying eyes. As if to reassure them, Shaldrani's gaze flickered towards one of the glyphs that made up their shop's wards. So faintly etched into the walls were they, one had to know of the glyphs' presence to find them. But then, that was just your standard ward commonly used within the city to keep humans from truly noticing anything of the magical variety within the ward's boundaries.

And Shaldrani liked to rely more on her being a dragon to help deter any trouble being started between Hidden patrons in her shop.

Ceramic clinked together as a mug was settled upon its matching saucer, faint curls of steam drifting upward and bringing with it the earthy scent of a mushroom and coffee bean blend.
"Here you are, Nomira."
Shaldrani rested the saucer and mug on the small, round, table as they spoke. Briefly, they glanced at the individual sitting in the accompanying seat, brown hair flowing past her shoulders like stormy waves. Nomira, a nymph who had been displaced from her original forest and thus fled to Grayport for refuge, looked up at Shaldrani with a weary smile, blue eyes tinged at the outer rims with moisture and redness. Gingerly, Shaldrani rested a hand upon her arm before turning away to tend to the few other patrons who were waiting for their own drinks or browsing the bookshelves against the walls.

They turned their gaze upon the individual at one of the bookshelves, momentarily studying the vampire. Nothing of note came to Shaldrani's senses. But then, the dragon was never truly the best at understanding auras, regardless of if it belonged to a human or a Hidden. They just knew what differing kinds of beings smelt like. Admittedly, it was a form of knowledge that the dragon envied Hiddens with aura-reading abilities for having. So, to make up for it, Shaldrani made do with their coffees and teas.

The dragon was speaking with the vampire when something in Shaldrani's lair shifted without their permission. Their pupils contracted in response, their eyes becoming more reptilian, to the sense of unease that rushed through their shop like a wave. Shaldrani hardly even noticed the lights burning out, their form melting away as skin yielded to thick brown scales.
"Who dares--"
A figure--the cloaked individual they'd brought a coffee to sometime prior--rushed at them before they finished speaking. They felt claws and teeth strike against their scales, no doubt searching for any weaknesses.

One of Shaldrani's heads snaked back, maw parting slightly as the air began to thicken, the scent of sulfur growing. A draconic melody rose from the throat of their first head, their second head snapping down upon the cloaked assailant. Fangs pierced flesh, viscous liquid coating their tongue as it poured out from their mouth. In an instant, Shaldrani threw the figure across their shop, hissing as the assailant managed to rip out scales in the process.

Shaldrani barely heard someone swear as they finished their spell, hazel runes flashing into brief existence before their maw. Except, an eruption burst from the center of their shop, the shockwave of misfired magic rushing out like tsunami waves to slam Shaldrani into the bookshelves. Wood cracked, ceramic shattered, and a sharp ringing clogged up their sensitive ears.

The dragon couldn't sort up from down, their vision halved and refusing to focus. Was someone talking? One head refused to move, the other rolling sideways in response to Oscar. Gradually, his warbled voice confined itself into something more coherent, words eventually registering to Shaldrani's thoughts. With a hiss, she lifted first one, then the next head, vision dragging along until everything was finally a single scene before her.

"City Watch is going to be here any minute,"
Oscar said, his hand lifting away from their maw as their heads moved.
"And you know they're going to start hounding you on any possible human sightings before they actually give a shit about what happened here."

A groan left both of Shaldrani's maws as they groggily rose from the ground.
"City Watch... Of course..."
Books and splintered wood clattered to the ground as their tail slapped against the wall, drawing their attention to the wreckage of their shop. A grimace flickered across their scaled features.

Mid-shift, Shaldrani turned sharply towards the exclamation, spotting the dark-haired witch scrambling over a toppled table.
"Shit, I'm sorry! I didn't realize what your intention was going to be!"
The witch hurried to dust off her clothes, standing a chair upon its feet a moment after.

She was talking about the magical backlash, Shaldrani realized. Human guise back in place once more, the dragon frowned at Azalea. Then, they shook their head, a hum faintly rising within their throat.
"It matters not, now. Are you--"
Shaldrani inhaled sharply, pupils contracting, and quickly glanced out towards the shop entrance. Their lip twitched into a stiff, thin, line. A human was staring at them, mouth agape and eyes wide. Faintly, Shaldrani leaned towards Azalea and Oscar.
"Do either of you know memory spells?"
they muttered. Though, they didn't wait long enough for either individual to answer.

The dragon surged towards the human, clawed hands snagging his coat before he could flee and pulling him into the coffee shop. In another swift motion, they slammed the door shut behind him, releasing him once he was swung into position between Shaldrani, Oscar, and Azalea. A faint rumble rose from her chest.
"You are somewhere you do not belong, Little Mortal..."

Code By Nano

Greyport City was as 'normal' as a city full of supernatural and mythical entities could be. Which is to say... not really 'normal' by human definition. However, today should have just been the usual ordeal. Their shop was a quiet haven, regardless of the time of day or night. It beckoned to and welcomed Hidden patrons, offering them an escape from prying eyes. As if to reassure them, Shaldrani's gaze flickered towards one of the glyphs that made up their shop's wards. So faintly etched into the walls were they, one had to know of the glyphs' presence to find them. But then, that was just your standard ward commonly used within the city to keep humans from truly noticing anything of the magical variety within the ward's boundaries.

And Shaldrani liked to rely more on her being a dragon to help deter any trouble being started between Hidden patrons in her shop.

Ceramic clinked together as a mug was settled upon its matching saucer, faint curls of steam drifting upward and bringing with it the earthy scent of a mushroom and coffee bean blend. "Here you are, Nomira." Shaldrani rested the saucer and mug on the small, round, table as they spoke. Briefly, they glanced at the individual sitting in the accompanying seat, brown hair flowing past her shoulders like stormy waves. Nomira, a nymph who had been displaced from her original forest and thus fled to Grayport for refuge, looked up at Shaldrani with a weary smile, blue eyes tinged at the outer rims with moisture and redness. Gingerly, Shaldrani rested a hand upon her arm before turning away to tend to the few other patrons who were waiting for their own drinks or browsing the bookshelves against the walls.

They turned their gaze upon the individual at one of the bookshelves, momentarily studying the vampire. Nothing of note came to Shaldrani's senses. But then, the dragon was never truly the best at understanding auras, regardless of if it belonged to a human or a Hidden. They just knew what differing kinds of beings smelt like. Admittedly, it was a form of knowledge that the dragon envied Hiddens with aura-reading abilities for having. So, to make up for it, Shaldrani made do with their coffees and teas.

The dragon was speaking with the vampire when something in Shaldrani's lair shifted without their permission. Their pupils contracted in response, their eyes becoming more reptilian, to the sense of unease that rushed through their shop like a wave. Shaldrani hardly even noticed the lights burning out, their form melting away as skin yielded to thick brown scales. "Who dares--" A figure--the cloaked individual they'd brought a coffee to sometime prior--rushed at them before they finished speaking. They felt claws and teeth strike against their scales, no doubt searching for any weaknesses.

One of Shaldrani's heads snaked back, maw parting slightly as the air began to thicken, the scent of sulfur growing. A draconic melody rose from the throat of their first head, their second head snapping down upon the cloaked assailant. Fangs pierced flesh, viscous liquid coating their tongue as it poured out from their mouth. In an instant, Shaldrani threw the figure across their shop, hissing as the assailant managed to rip out scales in the process.

Shaldrani barely heard someone swear as they finished their spell, hazel runes flashing into brief existence before their maw. Except, an eruption burst from the center of their shop, the shockwave of misfired magic rushing out like tsunami waves to slam Shaldrani into the bookshelves. Wood cracked, ceramic shattered, and a sharp ringing clogged up their sensitive ears.

The dragon couldn't sort up from down, their vision halved and refusing to focus. Was someone talking? One head refused to move, the other rolling sideways in response to Oscar. Gradually, his warbled voice confined itself into something more coherent, words eventually registering to Shaldrani's thoughts. With a hiss, she lifted first one, then the next head, vision dragging along until everything was finally a single scene before her.

"City Watch is going to be here any minute," Oscar said, his hand lifting away from their maw as their heads moved. "And you know they're going to start hounding you on any possible human sightings before they actually give a shit about what happened here."

"City--" A groan left both of Shaldrani's maws as they groggily rose from the ground. "City Watch... Of course..." Books and splintered wood clattered to the ground as their tail slapped against the wall, drawing their attention to the wreckage of their shop. A grimace flickered across their scaled features.

"Fuck!" Mid-shift, Shaldrani turned sharply towards the exclamation, spotting the dark-haired witch scrambling over a toppled table. "Shit, I'm sorry! I didn't realize what your intention was going to be!" The witch hurried to dust off her clothes, standing a chair upon its feet a moment after.

She was talking about the magical backlash, Shaldrani realized. Human guise back in place once more, the dragon frowned at Azalea. Then, they shook their head, a hum faintly rising within their throat. "It matters not, now. Are you--" Shaldrani inhaled sharply, pupils contracting, and quickly glanced out towards the shop entrance. Their lip twitched into a stiff, thin, line. A human was staring at them, mouth agape and eyes wide. Faintly, Shaldrani leaned towards Azalea and Oscar. "Do either of you know memory spells?" they muttered. Though, they didn't wait long enough for either individual to answer.

The dragon surged towards the human, clawed hands snagging his coat before he could flee and pulling him into the coffee shop. In another swift motion, they slammed the door shut behind him, releasing him once he was swung into position between Shaldrani, Oscar, and Azalea. A faint rumble rose from her chest. "You are somewhere you do not belong, Little Mortal..."
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