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Fantasy Isle of Mist

"No apparently you got it be by being rude and impudent" he said this time with hint of bitterness and sarcasm. "Such as when you go into someones cave home with being welcomed in" he said with a greater sense of anger. His hands gripped the umbrella tight. "Tell me why did you do that?".

Liz watches as the man rushes down the wrong hall, and grins. "Ha, he must be dumber than you lot," she tells the other pirates. "Alright then, get to work! I want this exit blockaded! I want that pest to rot in them damn caves, so chop to it! Before he changes his mind!"


Raina turns around and sees yet another stranger appear. "Loose one, gain two. Our party hasn't gotten weaker." she says simply, with an unreadable expression on her face. "You two are prepared to fight, are you not?" she asks the two newcomers as she follows Raider at a short distance.



"I was bored, not like i trashed the place or anything, not to mention you didn't exactly have a sign outside with your name on it" she laughed "also, ever heard the term respect your elders you foolish, arrogant half-breed" she smiled evilly "next time you claim a home, I'm pretty sure you should have something to mark the place, no wonder people wander in"


elfattack said:
" I suppose what are we fighting?"
Having little time to reply at this point, considering they were already deep in the caves, Raina simply says "The Unseelie Court," and leaves out the specifics. At the end of the room would be a wall with inscriptions of a pattern made to look like snow flakes overlapping, or cracks in ice. The wall would be unnaturally straight and flat compared to anywhere else in the room. Along the wall would be the indentation of a door, but with no knob to open it, and it was completely made of thick stone, so pushing it would be difficult to say the least.

@ChronosCoded @elfattack
"Listen here wingy I kept in a cave so that people wouldn't find it" he said the anger rising in his voice. "Besides why should I respect a foolish little creature such as you" he said with a similar evil smile. His eyes had a purple glow. Just a warm up of the skills.



"want to know something fascinating? I don't care if a little half-demon like you doesn't like me, join the club! Demon lord is the most despised role there is" she smiled deviously "...And i did not get here by being respected" she laughed before wandering off to the harbour, hoping to cause a little chaos, bored of all the chit-chat


YoungX said:
"All right let me try this," he says to everyone as he uses about half of his real strength onto the door. Using that much would be overkill, but it should be able to open the door nonetheless. It seems the fight would be extremely near, and everyone would have to be prepared.
Raina had been examining the inscriptions on the wall when Raider suddenly threw himself at the door. "Ah, I don't..." Raina raised her arm in protest, but it was too late. Raider would knock through the door, but the moment he did, a cold, harsh blast of pure magic, a force strong enough to kill a human on impact, rushed at Raider at lightening speed. The sound of an old woman's cackling filled the air after the blast settled down.

"Well I believe I have a plan in motion if that winged harlot does come back" he mutters to himself as the demon walks off. He wanders down towards the tavern waiting for Evie. He didn't mind waiting, allowed him to make sure certain 'projects' were set in motion. Also he could have a drink outside, considering how large the sun was hanging in the sky.

@Lithia @Trust


"hmm.. If that was his cave then he must know that girl, i wonder if..." She thought to herself. "Hey! I hope you don't mind that i beheaded that girl in the cave! She was annoying me!" She called out, wondering how he would react, laughing inwardly as all the prinnies scampered after her


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He knew she hadn't. He had seen Evie. But how long ago was that. She could of. No She. The vampire gripped his sword. His fangs shown through. Turning into a bat he dash over to the demon. Turning back, Davorin grabbed Evie the throat. "You sick harlot, death is too good for you" he almost spat out the words like venom.



"what's this? Our little vampire has some teeth?" She laughed, while delivering an insanely powerful punch into his gut, strong enough to knock him back a few feet. "You must have quite the crush on her if you would fight me over killing her, excuse me, HAD quite the crush" she laughed, not having been annoying in a while


His gut roar in pain. He fell back hit the ground. Trying to get back up his eyes glowed purple. "Why did you kill her?" His voice carried a hypnotic tone. He would get the truth. He stumbled to his feet.



"oh, calm yourself child, I didn't kill her, ever heard of a joke?" She laughed, enjoying the fact she had managed to anger him out of his I-am-better-than-you attitude. "I don't know where she is though, last time i saw her was when i stole that guy's knife, and you saw the rest" she smiled before continuing her stroll back down to the harbour


Evie's swim was indeed relaxing and she felt better with all the blood washed away. She was hoping she might see Snow again but the mermaid must have been busy. Evie left the cool water and quickly walked the path to the ruins of her tree house, she rummaged around until she found some dry clothes. The girl looked around and not seeing anyone around got dressed in a hurry. Finally ready she walked down the path to the village. Her hair was still damp but she didn't want to take the time to dry it. The sun was out so it would dry on its own.

Slowly the town came into view, Evie headed in the direction of the tavern to meet Davorin.


Raina nodded, and walked towards the bow of the ship. Her wound was rather painful, so she moved rather slow. She sings out a few notes and calls a large eagle to her. The eagle picks her up by her shoulders, and flies her to the village. She notices the medical tent, and decides she should get treated before she seeks May out, though she'd find May there and tell her what happened as May heals her.


May had taken the note from the skeletal bird, and was barely done reading when Raina came up in need of help. She puts the note aside and begins tends to Raina's wounds as she listens to the elf explain what happened. @MrEvilMexican

"Why does he think I'd care about the money?" May asked, dumbfounded.

"He's insane," Raina replied harshly. "Though, he does seem to think our way of life will soon be threatened by.... innovation I suppose. We should be vigilant. I won't allow my home to perish because some humans think they're machines are better than what nature has to offer."
(sorry, My notifications are NOT working...)

The note simply read: I've got medicine in my home. It's not locked.
Faust had landed the Dragonlich after seeing the pirate person blow himself up. Which idiot does that... He whispered to himself as he opened the door to his house. He had decided to leave the others to do whatever. Right now, he cared about nothing. Well... He began but abruptly shut himself up. He polished the Guillotine Scythe and rode to the tavern on a large skeletal horse.


(Open character. Also, why am I not getting notifications? T-T)
Evan stealthily walks with only the sound of crackling of fire from downed ships and birds chirping. On the way there he finds a large amount of foot prints scattering in all directions. "hmm" he bends down to check. "group of ten, I can tell two are heavily armed by of the deeper print and one is carrying supplies." he finds a good amount of blood nearby, "three more are injured, can tell by the drag lines, but the rest are healthy and well equipped." he stands back up "got to find Raina" he runs to find Raina "Raina! I got something"

@Crystal Cali
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FrostRaven said:
Evan stealthily walks with only the sound of crackling of fire from downed ships and birds chirping. On the way there he finds a large amount of foot prints scattering in all directions. "hmm" he bends down to check. "group of ten, I can tell two are heavily armed by of the deeper print and one is carrying supplies." he finds a good amount of blood nearby, "three more are injured, can tell by the drag lines, but the rest are healthy and well equipped." he stands back up "got to find Raina" he runs toward the village. "Raina! I got something"
@Crystal Cali
Raina would not be found anywhere in the village.
YoungX said:
Raider would be knocked back to a wall as he would get back up. "Well then... Yeah looks like she's there," he says as he stretches once he gets back up. He looks to the other guys and signals them to get ready, and he takes out Septentrion. He then uses a power, defense and speed enchantment spell on himself.
@ChronosCoded @Crystal Cali
(Last time on Dragon Ball Z)

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