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Fantasy Isle of Mist

LionPride said:
"Well that's a shame" he said his tentacles parting just enough to to see one of his sharp teeth " well I suppose that four eyes are better than one we should both look for him " he says putting him self to one side as two tendrils from his face lengthen to put them self on her other shoulder snugly pushing her lightly into him. @Remmy
This was quite reasonably the most uncomfortable Selkie has ever been, and she has been advanced upon by mermen of the Viper clan as a child. The brief glimpse caught of Monty's fang reminded her of the deepsea ordeal. Nevertheless, she agreed with the beast's sentiments.

Selkie then lets form a distasteful thought on her father's cooking. Electricity courses through her once more, though gentler. She would like the monster to please stop gripping her with its eldritch tentacles.
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"There is a half elf" he says once again "let's go up and see if he's see him" he smiles a smile that would traumatize children exposing his large mouth and his many sharp teeth he quietly pulls her long towards the surface as he parts the water he asks the elf "hello had friend have you seen another half elf near by he's solidly build likes to hunt things?" He also let's go with the tentical and let's his clawed hand rest conformable around her shoulders to push her up with him (he has no concept of personal space) @FrostRaven
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After casting a simple spell forced out of her father by electric force, Selkie's tail becomes legs, and she timidly follows Monty onto land. She can't help but wonder how it knew of her fixation with elves but the promise of meeting one with a wing...man? Thing...? to strike the conversation up for her overrides her insecurities.

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Evan heard a voice close behind him. he slowly turned to see some kind of creature. "he just described me" he thought to himself. he kept his composure and replied "why do you ask?" he carefully moves his hand toward his saxe with out any attention. "he might be hunting elf." he thought. He knew when ever people asked about elf's there was trouble
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"Well he is an old friend of mine and we haven't talked in so long I figured that since we are stuck here together it is time to rekindle also he uses a gun" he said pointing to the bow on the half elf back @FrostRaven @Remmy
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"Holy glubbing Triton, your face is perfection!!!" Selkie exclaims upon seeing the elf before her, and then immediately regrets it. She begins slinking back into herself in embarrassment at this awful outburst.

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LionPride said:
"Well he is an old friend of mine and we haven't talked in so long I figured that since we are stuck here together it is time to rekindle also he uses a gun" he said pointing to the bow on the half elf back @FrostRaven @Remmy
"do you know his name that could spark something maybe" Evan eases a little "there are many people on this isle so the name must be narrowed a bit"

Remmy said:
"Holy glubbing Triton, your face is perfection!!!" Selkie exclaims upon seeing the elf before her, and then immediately regrets it. She begins slinking back into herself in embarrassment at this awful outburst.
@LionPride @FrostRaven
Evan turns to the girl and smiles "don't be shy about that i think your a fine woman yourself" he pushes back his hood
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FrostRaven said:
"do you know his name that could spark something maybe" Evan eases a little "there are many people on this isle so the name must be narrowed a bit"
Evan turns to the girl and smiles "don't be shy about that i think your a fine woman yourself" he pushes back his hood
"Kris" he says
FrostRaven said:
"do you know his name that could spark something maybe" Evan eases a little "there are many people on this isle so the name must be narrowed a bit"
Evan turns to the girl and smiles "don't be shy about that i think your a fine woman yourself" he pushes back his hood
This is too much. This is too much! That smile! And oh dear Poseidon he's not talking to me is he? No...wait..no of course! He's probably not talking to Monty...probably. I'm not sure what elves are into actually...

loses herself in over excited thought before nearly fainting. She slaps herself back into some degree of order and reveals her name to the hooded half-elf. The greater conversation eludes her awareness in her excitement.
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He kinda looks at the elf seriously he eyes start to glow a deep green "let me into your mind I mean no harm" he says in a voice that sounds like a thousand people talking in unison @FrostRaven @Remmy
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at the name he presented his tention disappeared "ahh Kris, he's like a brother to the rangers. you are a friend of his yes? well I'm sorry but i can not tell you where he is. You see its a rangers code to never compromise a brother in arms, and if I could tell you I cam't he is untraceable, for he possesses the skills of a ranger." he extends his hand " the name is Ranger Evan." he looks at the girl "whats your name sir
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FrostRaven said:
at the name he presented his tention disappeared "ahh Kris, he's like a brother to the rangers. you are a friend of his yes? well I'm sorry but i can not tell you where he is. You see its a rangers code to never compromise a brother in arms, and if I could tell you I cam't he is untraceable, for he possesses the skills of a ranger." he extends his hand " the name is Ranger Evan." he looks at the girl "whats your name sir
He firmly takes your hand his tentacles extending up your arm catching you in a steel like grasp the physical contact makes his intrusion into your mind all the harder to resist "you lied to me he would never join any ranger as long as he lived hates to be in any thing like an army unless he's forced to"
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He must not have heard me. Or did I actually say my name? I need to get myself together! I'm better than this! I am the Greatest Thief of the Seven Seas (probably)! And the most gorgeous (probably)!

"M-my name is Selkie! You should be...honored..." she says, in feigned arrogance, as she attempts to grasp the handsome elf's extended hand - only for it to be taken by a slithering tentacle instead, to great disappointment.

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Remmy said:
He must not have heard me. Or did I actually say my name? I need to get myself together! I'm better than this! I am the Greatest Thief of the Seven Seas (probably)! And the most gorgeous (probably)!

"M-my name is Selkie! You should be...honored..." she says, in feigned arrogance, as she attempts to grasp the handsome elf's extended hand - only for it to be taken by a slithering tentacle instead, to great disappointment.

"I feel like you don't grasp the situation you see this man has lied to me heck he's even pulled his blade on kris after he tried to slay his pet dragon" his grip increases "and if he does not give me a clear window into his head I will literally uses my tenticals to squeeze his arm tell it breaks"
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Selkie freezes. She thought the thing was creepy but she didn't think it was really malicious. It almost seemed friendly in a bizarre way.

Her eyes look to Evan, begging for some indication of what to do.

@FrostRaven @LionPride
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After a second he calms down his grip on the man's hand loosing "I'm sorry I really didn't mean to get rough with you it just well I'm magical and lying to me feels like you using acid on me and ticks me off to a unsafe point" he let's go "if there is anything that I can do to make it up to you I would be happy" @FrostRaven @Remmy
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LionPride said:
After a second he calms down his grip on the man's hand loosing "I'm sorry I really didn't mean to get rough with you it just well I'm magical and lying to me feels like you using acid on me and ticks me off to a unsafe point" he let's go "if there is anything that I can do to make it up to you I would be happy" @FrostRaven @Remmy
Monty's retreat does little to reverse the loss of what little trust Selkie had in him. The damage is done, and she is on high alert. She doesn't think she could outrun it with her makeshift legs; not without a head start. She steels herself as much as she can, ready to give the beast the nastiest shock her thoughts can muster, and, bolt, as it were. She awaits its next move with acid in her chest, a quiver in her legs, and heavy breath in her lungs.
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"It would not work" he says looking at her "it would hurt... my feelings and I know your kinda scared right now but I would catch you not to try and be scary or any thing it's just I don't like the whole zapping me thing that's why I'm saying something plus I would not harm you I have no reason to." He says all this in a very quiet and kinda sad way "I don't like that your scared of me and honestly I'm a nice person it's just when I was created I was created with the intention of being a fighter it's just how I am" @Remmy
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Selkie feels the weight of his words, and the faint echo of his full power. Indeed, an artifact designed only to incapacitate servile merfolk would be ineffective. The merfolk are stronger than humans, yes, but little else. Fear and desperation wells up from within her; she needs to lose this thing somehow. And, for only a moment...she feels something else...a spark. A spark from within. It goes mostly unnoticed, however, as the frightened mermaid has more important things to worry about.

She wants to say something to the monster, anything, but the words won't form. She looks to the elf again; does he have a plan? She doesn't know.

@FrostRaven @LionPride
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"Also I have met merfolk before you though the encounter was long ago I cam still remember the weird electric attacks they used...." he needed to get back on target he was here this man proves it though where was he. Near something hunt able, looting maybe , or forging a new gun his target was simple how was he eluding him he was close enough to the town to feel he was not there he knew what kris ' aura feels like it's a thing of simple nature with a hint of fire and light magic he thinks simple too hunt,repair, or kill those things made him him how would he do this he..... he needed an amplifier yes that would do it a magical being would be needed he looks over to the woman she would work. "Do you wish to inflicte that pain on her" o great the voice is back he thought he knew It would be unpleasant mentally might kill her if it was not done right and even then the shock of mind binding could kill her he looks to the woman "would you mind doing me a favor"
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Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me oh god please no-

Not long ago, this terrifying creature's slimy appendages evoked in Selkie the greatest feelings of discomfort she had ever felt. This has already been surpassed, as the creature's will seems to slip into her mind just as his tentacles slipped into her personal space a little while earlier. Tears begin to well up in her eyes as pure terror overtake them.

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The vampire had returned to the tavern, with no bruised but his ego. "Hm seems as if she hasn't arrived yet". He said sighing. The vampire went back to his drinking.

LionPride said:
"I feel like you don't grasp the situation you see this man has lied to me heck he's even pulled his blade on kris after he tried to slay his pet dragon" his grip increases "and if he does not give me a clear window into his head I will literally uses my tenticals to squeeze his arm tell it breaks"
"you see you can't do that. Us rangers are trained to take lots of pain and never break. Plus I could kill you on the spot"

Remmy said:
Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me Please don't hurt me oh god please no-
Not long ago, this terrifying creature's slimy appendages evoked in Selkie the greatest feelings of discomfort she had ever felt. This has already been surpassed, as the creature's will seems to slip into her mind just as his tentacles slipped into her personal space a little while earlier. Tears begin to well up in her eyes as pure terror overtake them.

he notice the girls discomfort by the guys touch. he quickly draws his saxe and cuts his tentacles off her "You dare touch a woman with out her permission, how rude. can't you see she doesn't like it" he turns to the girl "you alright?" he then gets ready for attacks "those actions of yours seem to have no thought put into them whatsoever. you see the discomfort you put her through, but yet you continue."
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Evie finally made it to the tavern, passing a few odd people on the way there. Things are getting more and more strange around here, she thought. She entered the dimly lit establishment and spotted Davorin sipping a drink. "Sorry I took so long," Evie said, sitting in the chair beside him. "Did you get into any trouble while I was gone?" she teased with a smile.

The vampire smiled a hollow smile. "Oh no its fine my dear" he sighed. "Erm yes you could say I got into some trouble" his tone dropped "I meet the demon who broke in" he corrected himself. "At the start I just had chit chat, she is very egotistical". He gripped his glass tighter. "She then she had kill you,beheaded you actually" he explained "I lets say tried to pay her back for it, though to no avail as she is quite strong". He bought another two more drinks on for himself and one for Evie. "She just wanted to see what I could do" he muttered to her. "So what did you get up to?"


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