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Fantasy Island Of The Unknown.

As he heard his opponent admit defeat, his aura would disperse, his body returning back to normal, his bumps no longer existing, his wings back into his skin as he devolved them. Even though Evo being a incarnate of rage he still had respect for a warrior which is why he sought out no reason to continue fighting, the only reason he fights is to evolve, and since his opponent is done, he cannot evolve. Without saying a word he would crack his neck turn around and sprint towards the direction where someone called for help earlier. Running as fast as he could as he was hoping the girl was calling out for help as maybe he could go into another fight back to back.

The two could probably see or hear the large red 7'1 being sprinting towards them.


@Glitter Paws
Electra slowed down, losing her curiosity in the stranger. She came to a stop, her fan whirring at the distance she had walked. The robot girl slowly collapsed in the middle of the path. She was solar powered and now that it was night, she wouldn't be on until tomorrow morning. Electra had a back-up battery that only supported her consciousness. Shre would not be able to move or speak for the next few hours. She would appear lifeless.

@Deadly Darkness

After a while Z simply drifted off, him at the moment quite tired seeing as how he had been walking for days before he met up with Victoria. As he was laying back against the wall he started to fall to the right, him out of it at the moment. When he came to a stop he was lying across Laverna, although he was only laying on part of her tail at the moment seeing as how she was curled up. The fall did not wake him up though, him contently slumbering as the night went on him unaware that he was now lying on a lamia.
(Sorry, I haven't gotten on since you accepted my character. I'll post a reply right now :)

Ruby fluttered her eyes open. The bright, shining moon burning her eyes. She lifted her small hand to block the light , and she sat up with an ache in her body. She winced at the pain that shot through her body. She blinked a few times before regaining her thoughts and looked hat her hands. Sand. She remembered. She remembered sitting on the boat's deck, and being flung over the rail when the boat hit the sharp rock. She looked around the sand seeing brown blood from her shoulder. She brought her hand up to her shoulder and rubbed it in pain. She stood, and wobbled but quickly regained her balance. She turned around, facing the forest with wide eyes. She took a deep breath and exhaled, wondering if this was the retched island the sailors talked about... She went inside anyway.

(Also anyone is free to interact with my character. ^-^)
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"I bet it's fun having brothers." She comments. Akkora was an only child. "How much further?" She asks Hitomu, with impatience excitement. She reaaallly wants to know what the surprise is.

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Lily smiled at him. She looked at the sky. "I think I'm all right," she looked at him and sniffed. "thank you,"
As Evo saw the two he would stop running and come to a instant halt he would examine the man with the helmet, as he approached the two he would begin to speak. "I suppose its good to have some allies?" He said as he cracked his neck back and forth waiting for the other two to speak.


@Glitter Paws
"Indeed. Now, are you here to harm or help? if you to harm, you will be defeated by a champion." He said boldy, his red etes glaring through the helmet.
Although Evo preferred to have at least one ally he was annoyed of what the man said "Are you challenging me?!" He would say with frustration as the only time he wishes to make an ally someone actually tries to fight him, veins would be popping out from the mans forehead, sound waves would ripple from his eyes as they instantly turned red with bloodlust and his pupils a darker shade of red.
Evo would then become calm, his rage dispersing his eyes going back to normal "My name is Evo I am a being of pure rage, a rage incarnate, I go through the island looking for fights as I find it an easy way to adapt and evolve. Every being has the purpose to reproduce but mine is to evolve"


@Glitter Paws
Ruby walked through the forest, slowly. She was limping, and her left arm bleeding and bruised. She remembered being tossed and turned in the waves to the island. Being thrown into rocks. She breathed heavily as she continued to wander. Sweat began to bead on her forehead. She felt more tired and more tired as her journey continued. She heard voices and she felt a twinge of hope that she'd get help. She sped up her hobbling as she got closer to the voices. She moved a branch out of the way, seeing three figures. They didn't look human at all. Her eyes widened and was about to run, when dizziness came over her, and she fell to her knees with a *THUD*. She looked up at the three figures, and weakly said: "Help..." And fell to the ground, motionless.



@Glitter Paws
Evo would walk towards and lift by the stomach lifting her lightly, he would take her and place her in the middle "I have no healing ability, I cannot evolve it because I do not need it." He would notice he was feeling sympathy, he was confused how he was feeling other emotions other then rage he did not know what do to do so he just ignored it.



@Glitter Paws
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Ruby opened her eyes slightly, and took deep breaths. She could hardly move. Her blood form a pool under her. She winced and exhaled sharply. "I-I'm awake..." She mumbled. She could hardly see anymore. Her vision had become too blurry.
"You're really hurt.... Allies. Come on, we gotta get her to support

" He said, lifting her over his cold metal shoulder guard, going towards the forest village

"Not too far. Now close your eyes." Hitomu said to her, smiling.

@Foxgirl Jay



Katsumi had been injured by a creature in the underwater city. He managed to swim to shore. He dragged himself onto the sand, his blood leaking out onto it.

@anyone who sees him



Toshiro was walking around in the forest. He saw a male not too far from him. He walked over to the male. "Hello." He said to him.

-[[ I believe my post did not go through earlier. And I fell asleep sorry guys. ]]-

"I don't think anything is following me anymore.." He said aloud with his head turned to the side to look behind him. He still had his arms crossed but let his guard down just a little. Until he heard the sound of a voice in front of him which got him startled. He jumped back a bit clenching his chest. "God dammit kid!" he said and looked in his direction. "Don't you know not to sneak up on people like that!"
Trusting in Hitomu, Akkora closes her eyes shut, and even covers them up with her free hand. "Jeez, this suspense is killllling me~!"

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