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Fantasy Island Of The Unknown.

To Laverna's amazement, she watched as the large stone wall in front of them morphed into a small shelter. Her attention was then drawn to Victoria's comment about her eye. She shrugged. "I assumed you had a good reason. Though my first guess would've been you were missing an eye. So I just thought, much like my reptile-like habits, if you were comfortable with sharing you would in your own time." She said with a kind smile. "And this will be more than sufficient, thank you Z."
Toshi would chuckle before letting a slight frown show as he anwsered"i liv in a hut a bit farther up the shorline and was heading home until I found you so I decded to check if u were alright............"he would stand up and the ground under him froze as he turned around facing the man "can I help u sir"toshis eyes wold shift into its casul grey form while his body tensed as he looked at the man before glancing at akkora then back to the man.
Akkora looks up at the big, scary looking man. "H-hello!" She says, trying to manage a calming smile. "Such a beautiful night on the beach, hm?" She has a bad feeling about the large man, the way he carries himself. And it looks like Toshi noticed too. Akkora stays quiet, trying to seem... nonthreatening. Which comes naturally to the foxgirl.
Electronica sat about ten to twenty feet away from the others, glancing at them occasionally. She kept to herself, easily eves dropping on their conversation by turning up her hearing. She also turned on her night vision mode. The thing is... Electronica is a robot. She could modify her senses and do things with electricity, but on a deserted island it wouldn't do her much. Since she is also machine she cannot go near water. Electra scooted back from the waves of the ocean, sand grinding in her gears.
Hitomu was swimming in the underwater city. He looked up and saw three figures. He was curious and so he swam up to the surface. His head popped up above the surface and he saw three people, a girl and two boys. He swam up to them. "Hello." He said to them, putting his hands up on the land, his webbed fingers were visible to them.

@Foxgirl Jay @ToshimaSuzuki @Knightling
"Wow... this beach suddenly got really, not lonely." Akkora says, mainly to herself. She looks at the two, very different men... and decides to get away from them. She goes to mainly-human looking boy. A cute boy. "H-hi, I'm Akkora." She says, kneeling down at the waters edge in front of him. "And that..." She says, pointing over at Toshi, "Is someone I just met named Toshi." Then, pointing at the large man. "Is uh... someone who looks mean."

She smiles down at the boy, waiting for his introduction. A quick glance back at the other pair, then back to the aquatic boy.
Toshi would turn his head to the voice finding himself lookin at a man from the underwater village and gave the man a slight nod followed by a slight smile"hello"but he was cut short as he remeberinstantly returned his gaze to the other and took a slight step forward letting out out a sharp growl while he said in a stern tone"if ur looking for a fight u can fight me but I wont let u harm akkora or anyone else for that matter got it pal"toshi would wait in response as he steadied himself returning his gaze to the web-handed man and stating"sorry about all this im mm just a little concerned by u the big guy whomseems to have a death wish"toshi would kneel down and his eyes would shift into a peacfull red while he kept his gaze on the webbed man but kept his senses focused on defending akkora and the webbed man
Electra watched the scene carefully and bit her rubber-like lip. A man who lives in water? Just great, she dimmed the lights that traced her body and adjusted the focus on her night vision. There were several people, more than before, but she couldn't recongnize any of them. Oh dear... She thought, picking some sand out of a circuit on her thigh.
(sorry I was playing leauge))

"Hello little thing" He would say as he rubbed his hand on her head treating her like a little kid, he would point at toshi "You! Do you have the lust to fight, if so fight me!" He would say with rage, Evo's bloodlust increasing, ignoring the water dweller for the time being. A sound wave would come from each of his eyes as they instantly turned red with fury his pupils a darker shade of red. His aura would be manifesting by itself as he did not get angry in a long time, you would see red energy emitting from his body going up and dispersing. Evo's eyes would be popping you would be able to see the nerves on Evo's face as he also had a big wicked grin, glaring at toshi.


@Foxgirl Jay
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"Wow. It has gotten dark quickly." He thought and looked around the shadowed forest. It was very silent and the only thing he could hear was leaves crushing beneath his feet along with twigs and grass. "Oh great." He said with a sigh and realized just now that he had been surrounded. It was a pack of the Wolven kind. They were night hunters that kill anything they see and drag it back to their pack to share with the rest of their pack. They had a human stature but a wolf appearance along with markings all over their body from their pack. They had the power of enhanced senses that could pick up things from over 10 kilometers away. They were also precise and quick when it came to attacking

One of them snarled and showed it's self in front of him. "That was your first mistake." Mist explained while the Wolven went for him at rapid speeds "And that.." His entire body hardened and turned into dragon-like scales that acted as armor to attacks and his eyes were filled with a dark blue yet illuminating color. A dark aura surrounded some of his body and spun in patterns beside him. "Was your second mistake." The wolfs claw was about a few inches away from his face before he began his first attack. He lent backwards so that it would go over him and when the Wolven's stomach was in reach he he used his hands to push it backwards so it landed into one of the giant trees. "Come on who's next?" He said with his signature slow "Ha ha ha." leaving his lips.
Electra stood up, a soft humming sound coming from her mid back. It was a small fan to cool off her computing systems. She walked back into the forest of the island, wandering as she usually did. She heard the howl of Wolven and sighed softly, walking towards it. They only howl when they are fighting, so she might as well see what's going on. Electra stopped suddenly, seeing a massive Wolven being thrown into a huge tree by seemingly nothing. She heard somebody laughing, almost evilly. So she dimmed all of her lights and turned off her fan, silently hiding behind a tree and peaking out at the stranger.

Akkora's ears perk up. Previously, they'd been flat from the aweful aura the aggressive, battle-hungry man had been putting out. A pleasant distraction from it, she shakes Hitomu's hand. "So, what're you doing out here, so late?"
@Deadly Darkness


With a slight tilt to his head he looks over at Victoria him pretty much ignoring her little comment for the moment, him then looking over at Laverna with a light nod, "Well it will be getting really dark soon so we might as well hold up for the night, no reason to stumble around in the dark after all." With that said he stretched and walked in to the enclosed space, him moving up against the rock's face and sitting down as he did so. "It's actually not that bad in here, nice and roomy," he simply said as he closed his eyes, him rather comfortable with such accommodations seeing as how he rarely had an actual bed to sleep in most nights. He made the place a bit bigger than he normally would because it would usually just be for him using the space, this time however he had more people to accommodate.
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Gasping for breath and shaking, Lily woke up, drenched in water and coated in sand. She was laying on a beach. She stood up, putting out her arms for balance. Once she gained her balance, she took a deep breath. "HELLO?" She yelled, as loud as possible.
Another one came from behind him. He picked up it's movements and turned around with the soul of his shoe connecting with it's jaw which caused it to fly into another one at the side. He used a wind type magic to send one coming from above him back upwards into the tree branch to then let him fall. He jumped up into the air and created a rocky type hammer from earth magic that he would then proceed to crack down on another ones head. When he landed he looked around the area for more of them to come and waited with his guard constantly up. "Come ooon.." He thought and kept looking around him using only his eyes and not moving a muscle in the process.
Toshi would shake his head"i have little time for ur foolishness sir but I guess u will have to be taken care of to insure akkora and hitomus saftey so ill finish u quick"he steadied himself shifting his foot and looked at the man before large scaled wings grew from toshi's back as he said"now hurry so I can go and complete y mission"an icy aura would flow around toshi as e glared at the ma amd let his fangs show

Electra didn't move, hidden behind the right right across from the stranger fighting the Wolven. She didn't breathe, but she could feel her core start to over heat so her only option was to turn it on if she was to remain active. Electra slowly moved her hand to her back and flicked on the switch for her fan and it began humming softly. She hoped that the stranger didn't hear her movements or her fan, but Electra wasn't sure.
He completed his sword, grinning at it. He threw on the thick leather jacket and chainmail, equipping his helmet and shoulder strap and arm armour. He takes a heavy orcish shield off the wall, then his sword. A satchel of proper currency for the shield. He walks out from the mountain, staring up at the star littered sky. "Such s beautiful night, is it not?'
He hears the cry of the woman . He sprints as fast as he could, wielding the heavy equipment. In a few minutes, the heavy equipped man was on the beach... The wrong side however. "HEY!"
He would leap back, noticing the mans wings he would pop out his own as flesh would pop out of his back and then quickly turn into light red wings, wings that he already evolved long ago. "For your respect, I will not hold back"

As he said that he would yell and unleash all his wrath "AAAAAAAHHHH!", his aura would surround his body and would be spiking. His aura so filled with outrage and wrath it would crack the sand below him, circles of dust and wind would constantly come from the ground due to his aura. All his nerves around his body will be popping, he would crack his neck once again waiting on Toshi's next move

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Lily looked around, frantically. She fought the urge to cry, but she couldn't. She was scared. Silent tears crept down her cheeks.
"WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU ARENT IN DANGER!" He yelled as comforting ad he could. He looked around, thrusting his gut, and ran a way he thought was right. The girl on the beach saw a heavily equipped man running through, his helmet off.

@Glitter Paws

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