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Fantasy Island Of The Unknown.

Victoria rolled her eyes and laughed softly " It would be amusing to see you try and catch me, and put me in time out " she stretched and fixed her hair then adjusted her eye patch before crossing two clips in the shape of an 'X' to pin her hair back before putting two parallel clips under the first two to keep her hair out of her eye that wasn't covered by the eye patch " And yes I may sometime use rude language, because I'm not in court and you seem fine with it " the necklace around her neck jingled as she hopped over a rock, the vile on the string had a glowing blue substance inside of it glinting in the light streaming through the leaves of the trees.

Then she heard someone above them and she stopped tilting her head up as she folded up her umbrella and out it away in case she would need to defend herself, the sun was irritating but not that much since they where in some shade.
He kept a watchful eye on all his surroundings. He had never let his guard down due to the amount of creatures that actually live in the forest. Alot of them were nice and a peaceful race but at the same time there was those of them who were terrible creatures who at anything coming their way. Or tried to. At the moment he was making his way towards the tunnel village just around the middle of the forest. He was doing his morning village check before he could get a proper break from it all back in his home right in the northen areas just a little bit further then the Mountain Village.

He liked to explore the island anyway. Even though he had traveled almost everywhere on the island it was still full of adventure. He finally reached the Underground Village and looked around the area before making steps towards it.
@Deadly Darkness



He simply shrugged at her comments and then looked up when she did, him figuring that she saw something in the trees. Although she seemed to be preparing for a possible fight he simply waved up at whomever was in the trees, him preferring if at all possible to avoid a fight seeing as how he didn't want to deal with the dodging and the attacking and the dodging and the attacking...it being very tedious and drab to him. "Hay, you up there," he said as he continued waving, him adding with a slight grin, "If you're here to attack us can we skip on that for the day, I'm really not in the mood right now." Although he could fight it didn't mean he wanted to, him seeing that only fools and the ignorant search for a fight when it can be avoided.

After a short pause he adds with a squint, him peering to the tree tops barely making out what seemed to be scales, "I'd prefer to speak with whomever is up there, I won't bite." He paused and then added with a light chuckle glancing over at Victoria, "Although I can't speak for my colleague."
Victoria placed a hand on her hip looking to Zereph she rolled her eyes " Oh ha ha, your such a big laugh. You see this face... " she famed her face with her fingers " It means I don't care about your vampire jokes....not laughing " she let her hands drop back down to her hips and she ran her fingers through her short light pinkish colored hair to fluf it up as she adjusted her scarf and clothes " Plus I just are I'm not hungry anyways, and I don't bite people... I'm skilled in other ways of fighting "
Laverna snapped out of her daydreaming, hearing the two shouting up at her. Her face flushed as she tried to think of what would be best. Of course she didn't want to fight, in fact she wanted the exact opposite. She was more so looking for friends. Letting out the breath she didn't realize she was holding, she began to climb down the opposite side of the tree. Once half way down she poked her head out, wrapping her tail around a nearby branch. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I was just warming up." Her voice was rather soft. She hoped they heard her and that she wouldn't have to repeat what a fool she was being. "I don't mean any harm."

@Deadly Darkness


"I can tell that by the color of your face at the moment cutie," he said with a light chuckle escaping from in between his lips as he notices the flush of red on the girls face that had yet to die down. "Well Victoria, no need to go all Rawr on this girl it seems," he said with a nod over at Victoria and then looked back at the girl who was hanging from the tree, him adding as he did so, "So what shall we call you?" With that said he paused and then added with a light smile up to the stranger, "My name is Zereph but you can just call me Z, it's a bit easier to say after all." He let out another light laugh after he said that him rather enjoying how the day seemed to unravel before him so far. First a Vampire Queen and now what seemed to be a Lamia all in the same day, his fortune had simply did a solidified one-eighty.
Victoria made a small curtsy and said " I'm Victoria Van Winchester, of Bloodrose, but please just call me Victoria " she then pulled her hood up over her head so her face wasn't in the light as she glandd to Zereph with his chuckling seeing that he was having a good day today which made her smile and chuckle quietly
Her face managed to turn a deeper shade of red at Zereph's charming tone. She ducked back behind the tree, trying to regain her composure. 'Cutie? No one's ever called me that before.' She listened to the two introduce themselves as she finished climbing down the rest of the tree and slithered her way out from behind it. "I'm Laverna, it's nice to meet both of you." Her hands remained clasped behind her back. She mentally scolded herself for coming across as girl led by her emotions when rather she was exceptionally logical and rational, but she felt anxious. She supposed it was from being in foreign area. She forced herself to let her hands rest by her side. She offered a small smile.

@Deadly Darkness


"Well that's a start,"
he said with a light smile and then added as he put his hands behind his back looking over at the girl, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well Laverna." With that said he glances over at Victoria and then back at Laverna, him saying as he stood there with his hands behind his back, "By your complexion I take it that you are from one of the underground cities, I've heard about the Lamia but have not met one before." He pauses and then lets out a light laugh as he added with a nod, "I see the rumors were right about the Lamia being a beautiful species, with scales that shine with even the faintest of light." He let out a light sigh as he looks over at Victoria, him asking with a light smile, "Would you mind if she tagged along as well? I figure she had only one reason to leave her underground home, and that would have most likely been for travel purposes."

He pauses looking back over at the Lamia saying with a light nod over to her,
"That is if she wishes that of course."
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Victoria shrugged glancing to the girl and then back to Zereph " I don't mind, they have a saying that says 'the more the merrier' so she can come if she wants...at least it might give us a destination " she smiled and stretched with a yawn
Her gaze flicked between Zereph and Victoria. He was right that she came from the underground city, but did she really look that awe-stricken? Well she was still amazed at the landscape surrounding her, so she supposed it wasn't that far of a stretch. Laverna tried to fight back the blood rushing to her face. "Well, thank you for such kind words." She spoke softly. "Though there are others who would strongly disagree with you." She added almost inaudibly. She knew some people had deep fears of snakes, and so wouldn't be surprised if others found her utterly repulsive.

Laverna watched Zereph ask Victoria about her tagging along.

He then looked over to her. "That is if she wishes that of course."

She blinked in surprise. "I would love to!" She nearly shouted. "I-If it's quite alright."

Hearing Victoria's approval caused a wide smile splay out on her face. "Thank you so much." She bowed to her new companions.
Ebony was in one of the deeper parts of the mountains, mainly because of the beat ge appreciated. He hammered over and over on his own large brutish sword. He had his helmet off, along with his shoulder armor and such. He didn't have his shirt on either. "A champion deserves a champion of a sword!"
Toshi walked along the shore shifting his head to get the dark strands of har from his eyes as he stopped and sighed before rubbing a hand on his neck and cotinuing along the shoreline but, stopping again as he saw a figure laying in the sand before walking slowly over to the figure and as he got th closer he saw it was a female who seemed to be taking a nap.He would kneel down and look at her trying to figure out if she had fainted or if she had gotten lost and decided to rest. Though he didnt care he thought he should ask so he standed up and he shifted his foot and nudged her side before saying in a calm voice"wake up"he would nudge her again letting out a yawn.

@Deadly Darkness

"No need for that," he said with a light smile as he looked on the girl with a wave of his hand, him adding with a light laugh, "l'm alright with just a smile from you Laverna." With that said he looked over at Victoria and then back toward Laverna, him saying as he pointed in a general direction, "Well we were going that way, we would be happy if you would follow along dear." After he said that he started to walk no where in particular, him letting chance be the guide in his travels most of the time. Although such things are shunned by most logically thinking individuals, he sees chance as the great equalizer and more times than naught some of his best moments happen out of simple chance.

Akkora wakes with a startle and a gasp, eyes shooting open. "W-what who?!" She shouts, looking around, and locking eyes with the man standing over her. Sand gets all over her back from her squirming about. She sits up, watching the man carefully. Cautious. "H-hello... I'm Akkora. Who are you?" She asks, slowing standing up, taking a few steps back. Her tail's flicking to knock sand off it.
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Victoria was used to people bowing to her and she wdtced as Zereph began walking, she followed him walking slightly behind him and slightly next to him putting her hands in her pockets so the sunlight couldn't touch her skin
Toshi would look at the woman and do his best to gve her a reasuring smile"im Toshima Suzuki but u can call me toshi for short"lan would pull a strand of hair from his face while he adjusted his scarf giving the womam a calm look his smile fading almost instantly as he asked"what were u doing out here"he would adjust his stance as his slid his tongue across his fangs blinking his eyes and their color shifting from a stone silver to a peaceful red as another smile curved slightly before he adjusted his stance and sat down in the sand keeping his gaze on the woman.
Laverna followed behind both, making sure she wouldn't slow them down if she got caught admiring the different areas on the surface. The last thing she want to do to her new friends was be dead weight. She let her arms cross to retain heat. She wasn't cold yet, but the more heat she could keep the farther she would be able to travel without being a nuisance.

There was such a diversity of color on the surface; where vibrant colors were scarce, they seemed abundant up here. She found herself smiling at the brightly colored flowers and the chirping of birds. It was very exciting, but tranquil as well.
"Nothing to be worried about here.." He said a little disappointed as he exited the under ground village. "Geez I was expecting a fight or something to happen. But no." He moped and had finally completed his mission for today. "At least I have free time until tomorrow. Or something bad happens." He then walked along the path with the giant trees covering up most of the sun. A short way across the trees he heard voices. "They're on the other side of those trees. Best not disturb them" He thought and crossed his arms while he was walking back to the mountain village that was nearest to his home. The mountain village was a place where most fights occurred. There was alot of smoke from black smiths from weapon makers there and a lot of people who smelt of alcohol and other substances within the lower region of the body. But it was also a tough village who spent their time training. Some of the fiercest warriors and evil-doers came from there.
Garrett had just outrun multiple guards. He ran into a tavern and ordered some wine. The thief looked down at his satchel and stared at what he had just stolen. He looked proud before he stuffed the jewelry back in.
After he was done hammering, he'd grins the edges of his sword. Not the easy way though, he spun the stone manually, the fast stone gliding across his hand. "Gotta get tough..." The sparks showered infront of him, panting lightly as he'd do so. Ccchhhhhhssshhh!!
@Deadly Darkness


As the day went on it started to get later and later, him figuring the sun would not last much longer and if he knew anything about snakes it was they are cold blooded. With that in mind he stopped near a rock face and looked upon it for a moment, the rock of the wall shifting and moulding outward as time went by and eventually a moderately sized shelter was created out of the stone, it sort of jutting out of the rock face. Although it wasn't much but he figured that this would be better than sleeping out in the cold, him looking back at the two of them and saying with a nod, "Well it's not much but it should hold us over til morning, it's big enough for the three of us as long as you don't mind a guy intruding on you two ladies." With that said a light laugh escaped his lips, him walking over next to Laverna.

H thene said with a light and warm tone as he puts his trench coat around Laverna's shoulders, "Seeing as how we have a cold blooded member now, overnight walking is out of the question." He smiles over to Victoria and says with a light smile and nod, "After all no reason to push ourselves, right Queenie?"

Akkora was put on edge by his body language. She wasn't sure of what he was... "Well, its nice to meet you, Toshi! I was just uhm, going on a little vacation I guess!" Akkora defensively crosses her arms with a pout. "I live at the forest village, and I uhm... Well, my life's pretty boring! It was realllly starting to drag on, so I decided to go on a little vacation!" She says, her smile widening. The more she talks, the happier she sounds. Coming out of her shy shell. "But I've talked about me, so its your turn!" Akkora urges, leaning forward with her hands on her knees. Genuine interest.
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As Evo was walking down towards the shore looking for something to do, something to fight, he noticed two at the beach, he decided to approach them. Walking towards them, he was rather large standing seven feet and very toned. Whilst he was walking towards them he would crack his neck back and forth hoping that the man had lust for battle. Evo had a minor headache as he has not experience rage in a long while, which is the only emotion Evo believes he feels.


@Foxgirl Jay
" That's not my name...its Victoria, I'd prefer if you used it or you'll be hearing more of my bad language " Victoria said as she pulled her hood off then stretched saying " I'm surprised none of you have been curious about the eye patch, I have two eyes "

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