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Fantasy Into the Night

Freya began to panic. She reached down into her boot and pulled out a hand gun hat her brother had always insisted she keep on her. Aiming at the blonde and shot, missing. The bullet passed her and flew past inbetween Klem and Cayden. Oh no...that was stupid. She wanted to run away but couldn't. Why did she care about any of them? They were probably all going to be dead anyways. "This is exactly why I don't attend clubs....." She whispered softly to herself. Why does everything always backfire on me?? "I....uhmm...didn't...quite mean that." She shuffled uneasily.
Red heard the bullet fly past her head but didn't flinch. She frowned and looked for the source of the shot, she guessed that it was from the one that said that they didn't mean it. She couldn't quite see the girl, but she could hear her. "Well, that wasn't very nice. Don't you know it's rude to try and kill the host when she's talking?" she said, slowly making her way to girl.

"You might have killed someone." she said in mock concern and then burst into laughter. "Of course, it wouldn't have killed me. I still don't appreciate the attempt though. They always say it's the thought that counts, so tell me, what exactly were you thinking?" She could see the girl clearly now, a human, what a big surprise that was.
Griping onto Kayleigh's arm and tugging her to his back which he had her sit on for her on sake...basically a piggy back ride... He then walked over to the crowd with the girl on his back... He stayed on the edge of the crowd ready to abandon the place if the time came....and now a girl tried shooting the ringleader of this circus of beasts, all he could think was that she was a very screwed lady and was probably going to die in the next few moments.
That's it...I wasn't thinking..Freya lowered the gun down to her side now that the woman was in front of her. She didn't look that frightening, yet she could feel the fear building up ever so slightly. "Of....course not. How rude of me." She tried to keep her voice steady. "This city....you should take it, there's nothing valuable here. Just....a bunch of souls." She glanced at Cayden and back at the woman who seemed to be in charge. She didn't think it was a good idea to challenge her.

Cayden didn't say a word, simply stared in disbelief.
Kay winced at the sudden grip on her arm,"Hey!" She called out. She ended up on his back, hitching a ride. Kayleigh couldnt really do anything. At her position, trying to run away would be too difficult, but who knows whatll really happen she goes along with them. Should she even trust them?! The clang of a bullet whizzing by made her jerk with a gasp, and clenched Kelm's shirt in her hands. She watched as the head female, a very chaos-loving blonde vampire, made her way to the shooter of that bullet who, strangely, somewhat apologized for shooting. 'Shes in trouble...' Kay thought and hung her head shamefully,'Why did she miss....'
Red raised an eyebrow at the girl, crossing her arms. "It was very rude to try and shoot me, but I will say I'm impressed that you tried it." she said. "I wont kill you for now, in fact, I may even let you go." She paused, it was a strange way of thinking, but the fact the she fought back made Red decide she liked this girl. At least as much as she could like a human. Which wasn't much. She wasn't going to straight up say that though, she was still going to mess with her a little. "What's your name?" she asked.
Matthew looked back and forth between everyone else. He didn't want to participate in this madness, nor did he want to leave. So, he stayed quietly at the back of the room and observed, half hidden in the shadows. It was only minutes later that he felt his shirt being tugged at. He looked down to find Isono standing there, an anxious look on her face.

"What's going on?" she whispered. Slowly, Matthew crouched down so he was eye level with her.

"Idiots being idiots." he said, and Isono giggled, "How'd you get in here?"

"Window." Isono said, "It was painful. I got stuck halfway." She rubbed her side.

"Are you ready to go home?" Matthew asked her, standing back up to his full height. He felt like a giant beside her.

"Yeah." Isono said, glancing around, "Will they let us leave?"

"I think so." Matthew replied, patting the girl on the head, "They're only after humans. Besides, I'll protect you." He took her by the hand and they crossed the room; Matthew confidently and Isono with shaking legs.

"We're out." Matthew announced to the room, "Your plan is pathetic and cliché and we don't want anything to do with it." Isono positively raced to the exit, a scared look in her eyes.
Kiana had frozen momentarily when the chaos broke out. What the hell?!?! What the actual hell?!? Did that person just get /bitten/? NO can't have been.... But no they did.... Oh seven hells! Sasha.... The others..... Exit Her thoughts raced through her mind as she looked around her at the insanity that was occurring, trying to locate her friends and she did finally. They were over by the bathroom, Which is good! The damn windows! I guess these people might not have thought of them?

Deciding it was worth trying to help her friends, Kiana bolted for them around the edge of the room, grabbing hold of them in a hug as she reached them. "You guys alright?" she whispered with nods in response. Phew, they were okay. Her hand waved them towards her as she opened the bathroom door and she pointed inside at the window. All it took to make her feel relief then was the nods from her friends as they disappeared inside.

Next thing she knew some of the people around her had cottoned onto the idea and started going through the door she was holding open as well. Fine, the more people I can help the better, let's get them all safe even though these others can't be that bad so it'd be fine right? Shaking her head, Kiana just kept holding the door open for people to get through and out the window, trying to keep out of the way of them and he view from the dancefloor.
"I'm going to leave with them.....my cats probably starving!" He yelled to the room as he went to the door his shoes squeaking with every step to the exit and was holding the girl on his back tightly. "Bye to you all.....and have fun killing these defenseless creatures.....also your game isn't fun...it's sound like you want to wipe out human kind.....that's all fine and dandy but.....have fun....." He said as he putt his hand on the knob twisting it and opened the creaking door.... For all for of them to leave.
"Freya." Freya spoke carefully. She sensed she wasnt in immediate danger so she allowed herself to calm down a bit. "Are you really....vampires?" She asked. "I've always wondered about their existence....the suspicious killings that took place at night that I saw on the news....were from vampires?"

Cayden shifted uneasily now. He no longer wanted to be anywhere near close by. But he couldn't leave now. He glanced at the rest of the frightened humans. Delicious as they were he still felt a bit of a sickening feeling when imagining draining their blood.
"Thank you." Matthew said, to the guy who opened the door. He rolled his eyes and walked out, pausing only to hold the door open for Isono.

"That was a waste of an evening." Isono pouted.

"Got that right." Matthew agreed, "You thirsty?"

"A little." the girl shrugged, grabbing him by the hand, "Let's go find somebody to feed from." She ran off, Matthew in tow. And like that, they were gone.
Selene scoffed at the man who dismissed her plan. Fine then. She would just play along until they realized how idiotic their plan was. No use in trying to strike fear into humans. They did stupid things when they were afraid. Soon enough, they would all leave and tell their friends and then they'd all have a really nasty problem of humans trying to exterminate them all. It would all just be rather annoying. She strutted towards the girl, Red, and lowered her voice so only they could hear. "You know... If we let them go now, they're all gonna band together and try to kill us. It'll probably be another useless attempt but I for one don't really feel like dealing with that. Do you?" She smiled. "I think we should take a few and convert them. The rest we could dispose of. The humans of this city aren't gonna like that a whole club was terrorized. Turn a few of their own and we might just take the advantage. Plus it's nice to have a few more members on the team. Don't ya think?" She walked towards a few human males and slowly walked around them. She reached a razor sharp nail up to one boy's face and dragged it across his cheek, drawing blood. She sucked it off her finger as she turned back to Red. "I'm ready to play. Let's just play it right."
"Wh-where are we going?!" Kayleigh asked, freightened. She turned and looked back at the scared people and wondered what was going on now. She watched as another boy and a young girl walked out as well. That was strange. Why are they leaving? Whats going to happen to the people left behind? The cool night air blew and she shivered. She wasbt sure if she shivered because she was cold (from blood loss) or the thought of what may happen to people.
Kimi watched as three vampires left, she couldn’t blame them. She was under the assumption that this was going to be a civil meeting, not a slaughter, but at this point someone had to stop the killing. A few humans have been killed unnecessarily already, and granted she wanted revenge on the boy who tried to run her over but she wouldn’t kill him. “Listen, I normally wouldn’t speak up like this but… this is going to be a huge problem if it isn’t handled correctly. I was told of a meeting, not a round up. I agree with your idea but this rampage is hurting us more than helping us and now we’re stuck. What is killing so many humans going to do besides start panic? I don’t think you thought this through.”
Shutting the door into a slam. Then he gave a response to the female's question as he broke of into a jog. "Your not going home.....that's for starters....you've seen to much already.....and your not seeing anybody you know for a very long time...." So with that he took off into a blurry sprint. Leading all the way to a two story home that was light up by lights and other things..."we're here".....he said before he walked in side the pale grey house.
"You believe the humans are going to just going to let us take over? We don't rule by consensus, we rule by fear. And if we don't let them know what they have to fear, we get nowhere." She said to the girl who said that Red hadn't thought this through. She then turned back to the one vampire that she did like here, the one that agreed with her. "Turn who ever you want, but make sure they're useful." Then she picked several humans out of the crowd, including the one who had tried to shoot her. "You are free to leave." She was disappointed with the turn out of this meeting. She hadn't expected these vampires to be so weak, and so stupid. It's like they didn't listen to her at all. But she would deal with that later. She was frustrated and hungry again, so first she would eat, then she could figure out how to fix it later.
NOT GOING HOME?! What?! Its one thing to be kidnapped but to be told she'd never see anyone again was just....terrifying! Her eyes teared up again and she shook her head in disbelief. The first thought that came up, was that she was going to die. Kayleigh held on as Klem went to a full on sprint to get to their ...mysterious destination.

They stopped at a two story, grey house. It was lit up, not too scary. "We're here.." Was all he said. "Where...,exactly, is 'here'?" She replied quietly with a hint of fear. She didnt want to annoy him with questions, she doesnt know what hes capable of. She dried the tears from before. Now wasnt the time to cry.....
"I never said they would let us, but angering them into hunting us will make things harder is all. You want to rule the humans by fear, you need to be able to keep the vampires together first. Just my thoughts, sorry." She whispered the last comment and thought to herself "Great, conflict already." This was definitely not how she thought tonight would play out but oh well. She jumped off her table and walked past the two girl vampires, the boy who just recently arrived, and grabbed the boy from earlier. She dragged him toward a doorway and pushed him outside, "Listen to me this time and go home." She commanded him with a sigh and the boy bolted off in one direction. She then turned around and looked at everyone in the room. The vampire boy who barged in hasn't moved or said anything in awhile. She tossed a crumpled up napkin at him to snap him out of his focus. "Wake up." She looked at the blonde vampire, "You know how to contact everyone and unless something important is about to happen, I'm going to head home." She took her phone back out of her pocket and plugged her ear buds in, then placed them in her ears. She walked out the door and slowly walked down the street back home while she listened to music.
He strolled over to his leather couch first off, he had it to his back so he could pushed the girl off and onto it. "Turn on the TV if you want...." He said to the girl before he walked off to his kitten of a cat... it was a small thing really only 8 weeks old but it was a pure snow white Persian cat which he picked up and carried back to his living room. Placing the cat on Kayleigh's lap before walking off to his bathroom to grab his first aid kit...Something that he kept from his human life...he also try to keep his home as human as possible because he still had some human friends that visited from time to time. He then strolled on over back to the girl and addressed the bite on her neck.
Cayden blinked and shook himself. He had been in such shock at his sister's actions, even more surprised he didn't stand up for her for once. Anyhow, he was much relieved that she had been spared. Suppose he would deal with her questioning later. He watched as the girl left. He walked out to the edge of the door until she was out of sight. She...she threw a napkin at me...He touched his cheek where it had hit. I wonder if I'll run into her again. Must get even..He glanced back at Red. "I think they're lacking motive."

Freya nodded and briskly walked out, not daring to look up at Cayden as she left. She had trusted him so much after all these years, and he's been harboring a secret from her this huge all the time? She didn't want to see him at all. At least...not right now. She didn't want to return home either. So she ran off into the night and stumbled upon an old abandoned shed. Creeping inside, she slid against the wall. It seemed pretty safe for the meantime. She wasn't sure if she could be in the house alone with Cayden anymore...after knowing he's a vampire. It was all so sudden. She let out a troubled sigh and attempted to fall asleep.
Kayleigh fell back onto the couch. She fixed her hair and adjusted her skirt and pulled herself to the corner of the couch and away from Klem. He told her she could turn on the tv....but she couldnt even think of tv right now. She was still taking everything in. Still scared, still confused, still wishing this was just a nightmare and shed soon wake up. She hugged herself on the couch, staring at the ground, thoughts racing, when a snow white kitten was placed in her lap. She had a weakness for cats. The feeling of tiny paws on her bare thighs snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked down at the small cat and couldnt help but gove a weak smile. Kayleigh looked back up at Klem as he dissappeared into a differed room. She stroked the small creature and and scratched behind its ears. The small purrs made her smile bigger, and almost made a giggle come out. But the smile dissappeared when she noticed Klem was coming back. Blue eyes followed him as he approached her with a first aid kit. She pushed herself farther into the couch, trying to get every little centimeter away from him. Kayleigh watched him closely, like a deer watching a moutain lion. Its eyes clearly trying to figure out its next move, eyes big with fear and nervousness.
Red sighed and looked at the guy, walking over to the bar and sitting down. "But it doesn't make sense. Why don't they understand?" She said, not exactly talking to anyone but more thinking outloud. "Why do they to keep hiding, I don't want to hide anymore. What more motive could they need?" She sighed again, but it turned more into a growl. She was frustrated, and she kind of wanted to kill someone. But at the same time, she had wasn't really hungry.
Cayden looked at Red."I like your ambition. But this....is all a game. If we were able to take over humanity....we'd still be unable to walk into direct sunlight. Unless we can develop something to change that..." He shrugged and walked over behind the bar to make himself a drink. "You drink?" He asked her without looking over. The whole night didn't go exactly as planned, but it was sort of interesting to say the least. He ended up making her a drink anyways and slid it over to her.
He plopped the first aid kit next to the girl..."Do what you want with the bite....I don't know how to use it...." He then sat on the couch as far as he could from the girl. "Sorry for biting you...You weren't drunk so I found you the most appetizing thing in that very building....I don't think that's going to get you to like me very much but oh well" He pushed his hand over to the TV remote and grabbed it and flicked it on before grabbing the other remote that changes the channels...He skipped through all of them in till he decided he had a recording of one of his new favorite TV shows Forever. So he putt that on for the time being and sat back and relaxed for a while.
Kayleigh quickly grabbed onto kit and set it on her lap, putting the kitten between them on the couch. She opened it frantically and found some gauze. She opened the packaging and placed the gauze on the two small holes on the side of her neck. She bit her lip from the pain. Kayleigh foumd some medical tape and put it over the gauze and on her skin to hold it in place. She closed the kit and sat stiffly in the couch, the same way you do when you gonover a friends house for the first time.

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