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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

"Uh-oh," Sonic says, clearly concerned. "Well if the FFA is rebanded, does that mean there's trouble again?"


[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]"I don't blindly worship him. My eyes do not overlook all the horrible things he has done... but he's the closest thing I have to a father in this world. Besides... I'm where I can do the most good. As long as I stick by his side then I can try to persuade him to be less of a monster. I've so far kept him from completely draining any humans dry thus killing them like he use to..."
Nico said before finally beginning to walk up the stairs that would lead to the outside world.

Jax snorts and continues walking. "Well, that's noble in its own right I suppose. Good luck with that."
Bishop looked at all that was going on around him, and decided that he wanted no part of this. He turned to Castle and called, "Castle, I'm leaving. Are you coming to? We'll meet Zabuza in another time and place. Now doesn't seem to appropriate."
Assailant said:
"Uh-oh," Sonic says, clearly concerned. "Well if the FFA is rebanded, does that mean there's trouble again?"
They both think it over. "Erm...kinda." Dax says. "Maybe we can talk about this more elsewhere? We can take you to the base, or at least to our place." Twilight suggested.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]"You're hopeless."
Nico finally said while leaned back against one of the catacomb walls as Jax began to walk by. Using his finger to signal the other conduit to follow along with him. The Demon's child then began to effortlessly lead Jax through the catacombs back towards the exit. In the meantime he began to talk.

"So what do you honestly think about my father? I know that there are no lack of people and conduits that loathe him and everything he stands for."


Zabuza finally returned to the living room area with presumably Akuma in tow. As he looked around he saw Selim and began to walk towards the sire. Despite how tired the Demon was, there was still one last thing he needed to do before he could sleep.

"Greetings again Selim. I know it's late, but I could use your help with one last thing. So what do you say?"

Selim was slouched back in his chair, fading between dreams and reality. The only thing that was keeping him from completely slipping away was a program on the TV, advertising Viagra. The sounds around him sounded distant and distorted and he was having trouble determining if he was dreaming. He had a sneaking suspicion, however, due to the purple elephant in the corner of the room.

Selim's eyes opened at Zabuza's words. The boy sat up and grinned as he stretched his arms. "Sure. Sleep is for the weak, anyways." Selim jumped out of his seat and looked to Akuma. "Hey, Jack!"
Akuma had been following Zabuza after the interesting situation between him Jax and Nico. He had been studying the corridors just in case he needed an escape route. When he reached the room that Selim was in, he saluted the young boy, then waving to him, slightly bent over.
"Then I should be glad that you're not weak. Still, this won't acquire another conduit to help unless things go very unreasonably wrong. So if you'd like Akuma, you could turn in for the night and sleep. Although seeing as I think I can trust you to keep your lips sealed, you can tag along if you'd like."

The Demon finally said before heading towards another one of the catacombs exits. Selim, and Akuma if he so wished, would have to follow him along to where ever Zabuza was headed.


"You're free to think whatever you want. All I know is that I came from the Demon's blood and I'm not a monster. If I try my hardest then maybe I can keep Zabuza from being the monster everybody says he is."

Nico said as he finally walked out onto the sidewalk with Jax.
Jax walks out onto the sidewalk. "Thus begins my hunt for Flow. Telepathy, here I come." He then turns back to Nico and eyes him over. "Tell me Nico, before we part for the moment... do you agree with Zabuza's goal?"
"His end goal of a utopia for conduits? I think the world could certainly use some change and that would be one way to do it. The problem is that my father strongly believes that the ends will justify the means. I'm not sure if the no doubt deaths of millions or even billions of humans it would take to reach his goal will be something I can easily swallow. But what can I do?"

Nico looked almost like he was pleading with Jax for an answer the other conduit most certainly didn't have.

"Zabuza allows me to call him father and he treats me just like I was his son. He's also given me a place and purpose... It's not like I can bite the hand that feeds and cares for me. So all that I can do is try to minimize the death toll his dream requires and do as much good as I can."
"No, that's not all you can do." Suddenly, Jax's face becomes very solemn and serious, very unbefitting of him. "You are your own man. Bite the hand that feeds you if that's what it takes. If you don't agree, make yourself heard. We're all trying to make a difference in our own ways.

"I'm not saying I disagree with him, or that you should disagree with him. But if you do, fucking tell him! Stand up for yourself, fight back!" His face morphs into one of anger. "We are not to sit down and let people push us around. I don't care if you call him father! You shouldn't either. If you agree with him, great! Go ahead. But if you don't in ANY way, tell him! Stop him if it comes to that!" Jax grits his teeth in pure fury as he walks up to Nico and points a finger at him.

"You have the power to do amazing things, Nico. Everyone does. Don't let people stomp all over it because they're the 'president,' or the 'strong man,' or even your 'father.' Even humans can do amazing things when they set their mind to it. They can change the world, and so can you. If you really disagree with him a lot, I'd even tell you to join the FFA. DO WHAT YOU FEEL, SAY WHAT YOU FEEL, AND DON'T BE BOUND DOWN!!" Jax screams in fury before turning and zipping off into the night in anger.
Assailant said:
Sonic smiles. "Uh, sure! I'd be happy to help with whatever the problem is!"
Dax took out 2 cards and set them down, letting them summon hoverboards. He and Twi got on one. "Get on the other one, we know where the others are. Seems our leader got hurt pretty bad, so they probably need some help there." Dax said.
Sonic grins and jumps on. "I'll really get to meet Felix?" He said, a glimmer in his eyes. He looked up to the FFA so much, so naturally their leader was his hero. A man who was the epitome of the spread of peace, unity, and happiness.

In unrelated news, he didn't see the GCE broadcast.
Dax nodded. "Of course. Just a warning though, he'll kill you if you get on his bad side. Literally, he has persona problems, so he'll really kill you." He said to Sonic before speeding on the hoverboard to get to the location.
Sonic laughs nervously at that comment. "Felix will... kill me if I make him angry?" He asks, somewhat fearfully. He's sure that there's just a misunderstanding of some sort.
Assailant said:
Sonic laughs nervously at that comment. "Felix will... kill me if I make him angry?" He asks, somewhat fearfully. He's sure that there's just a misunderstanding of some sort.
Twi punched Dax's shoulder. "Ow.." He said. Twilight shook her head. "No, he won't kill you if you make him a little angry...only if you trigger his bad side." She explained.
"O-oh. Okay." He assumes that means if he attacks Felix or his friends. That makes sense. "How long until we make it there. Sorry if I seem a bit obnoxious, I'm just excited."
Dax looks around. "Not far, just keep riding." He said. They soon reached the base Felix was at in a matter of minutes. Dax and Twi get off the hoverboard and wait for Sonic.
Sonic hops off as they walk in. "I wonder what's going on...?"

Inside, Three sits over the unconscious Flow, Felix, and Nil, holding a phone.

"How lucky that Felix's phone had your contacts." She grinned maliciously. She hadn't told them over text that Three and Nil were there for the sole purpose of seeing their reactions. She was excited.
Dax desummons the hoverboard and walks in with Twi and Sonic. "Felix? Hello?" Dax says, not seeing anyone at first. Twilight was looking around analyzing the fastest way out if they were in trouble.
"I called out to you already," Three says, standing up, still holding Felix's phone. "They're right over there." She points to the sleeping bodies of the five.
Dax summons his gauntlets and Twilight sees three, then uses her elemental bracelet to make fire blades. "Three!" Dax said defensively. Twilight pointed a word in three's direction. "What're you doing here?!" She asked.
"Watching over the unconscious bodies of my mortal enemies, what are you doing?" Since when did I ever act like this?

"Uh... you're one of the shadows, aren't you?" Sonic says, narrowing his eyes. "You have the number motifs."

"Correct." Three says. Sonic then gets on the defensive.
"Trying to think of reasons we shouldn't capture or at lease disable you!" He said. Twi stopped and desummoned one sword. "Because I'm the logical one here, you have but a few seconds to explain before we try and hurt you." She said.
"Ok. A few seconds, I can do that. First Sons, lasers, Felix injured, anesthetic, FFA, camp. Does that summarize it well enough?"
Assailant said:
"Ok. A few seconds, I can do that. First Sons, lasers, Felix injured, anesthetic, FFA, camp. Does that summarize it well enough?"
"Hm...correct me if I'm wrong, but the first sons attacked you with lasers and injured Felix along with the rest of the FFA, so you had to geve them anesthetic and camp out where they wouldn't find you?" She asks.

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