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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Jax walks over to the empty space and looks around. "I could definitely give you a workout, but I'm much better outside, on the street. Oh, and please don't use your mist. I don't quite have a counter for that."
"It would be troublesome if we were to fight above ground in the city right now. Here, I believe I know a room that's just about as big as this one but is completely empty. That should give us some much needed space to move around."

The Demon said as he began to head towards the room in question. He knew these catacombs expertly if only by the other's memories.

"Why do you think I would use the mist if I wanted to see the extent of your powers? I'm giving you the honor of facing you with my blade. Not many can say that. Even fewer can say that and still be living afterwords."
"Hey man, just had to be sure. Also, I assume I can go all out? The only way I know you sires can be instantly killed is by penetrating the thalamus. Therefore, I just won't try to do that. Other than that, I can go all out... correct?"
"By all means, go all out. Even if you did you couldn't kill me if you tried."

The Demon said as he walked to the center of the room and took his stance with his Executioner's Blade in hand. How long had it been since he had fought with this thing? Only those conduits that he truly wanted to eradicate without even a trace left were the ones he faced with this blade. Not even Felix or Shadow had been given the honor of getting cut down by this blade.
Jax grins and lowers into a fighting stance. Jax knew he wouldn't lose. He had one of the best reflexes he'd ever seen, and he'd seen all the sires, FFA, and Shadows. With a power like his, fast reflexes are necessary to keep yourself alive.

And he'd learned.

Jax quickly shoots a wire out to his right and zips over there before stopping halfway and zipping up, zipping forward, down-right, spin, zip forward, down-forward, up-back...

He rapidly shoots and zips all around Zabuza in an attempt to disorient Zabuza. He'd go so fast he almost became a blur. He then quickly shot two wires out on either side of Zabuza and launched himself at full force, unsheathing his hidden swords and quickly slashing at him, ready to pull back at a moments notice (he shot two wires behind him, should things get nasty.)
"So many conduits think my sword is nothing but for show. So many conduit's last thoughts were that they were out of my range.."

The Demon's red eyes became like that of a hawk, easily keeping track of and watching Jax as he put on his display.

"It's just a sword, they had cried. He can't reach me with that..."

Zabuza muttered to himself, his thoughts going back to conduits he had despised with such a passion that he killed with his blade. As Jax finally made his move and attacked by sending out the two wires and charging forward himself the ground beneath the Demon began to crack as he prepared to swing his blade.

He made two swings, one full force in front of him aimed at Jax and the other at the two wires. He had done this long before either party had actually reached close to him. A riptide of wind and energy suddenly charged forward like that of a cannon and cut through the ropes like paper as they encountered them and headed towards the no doubt surprised Jax as well.

(Refer to conversation to see what I mean)
"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!" Jax yells as he quickly detaches the severed wires and turns his body, narrowly dodging the wall of energy. Shit! I forgot he can do that! I've only seen him use it once or twice on special people... WHY THE HELL IS HE USING IT ON ME?! Jax rappels onto the ceiling and looks down at Zabuza, catching his breath. "Jeez, I forgot you can do that."
"Forgot? I didn't think you've ever seen me cut down a conduit with this blade. It's been such a long time since I've had the opportunity to use this."

The Demon looked back down to his blade and began to slowly move his fingers across the sharpened edge of the blade.

"You said you wanted to go all out so I did as well. I'm unbelievably disappointed in how rusty I've become. If I had done that exact same swing in the past I would of expected to cleanly slice you entirely in half before you could even react. Now my slices have become so slow and less precise.."

Zabuza had very well expected he would of been spending the rest of the night reviving Jax from being split right down the middle of his body. There was disappointment in his voice that he wouldn't be now.
"Hmm. I watched the whole war Zabuza. I've seen every trick that everyone's ever done. I've only seen you do that one... what, once? No, twice. It was impressive. To bad I forgot... and you forgot something else." The severed wires quickly wrapped around Zabuza's legs in a flash as Jax shot out five more, his last five, actually, at Zabuza, each at different points in his body. Those binds on his legs will prevent him from dodging. It'll make him to unwieldy. My wires move WAY too fast for Zabuza to get a swing in. I'm sure he'll dodge some...

but he can't dodge all.
Akuma, because he was a caring person, followed the two younger men to the bigger room and watched them fight, not interfering unless he had to. He continued to wait and watch, impressed with their fighting capabilities. He could easily take them on but they were still good. He smirked under his mask and realized that he remembered his age. Forty three. He was forty three years old. He shook his head to clear his mind and continued to watch them fight.
With not enough time to do a wide arching swing to cut all the ropes into shreds, the Demon raised his Executioner's Blade up and slammed it down into the ground. Thus creating a small shock wave in all directions that was able to knock the ropes off their intended target. It didn't stop them, as two of them missed entirely while the other three just grazed Zabuza instead of impaling him like they would have.

These wounds mended themselves back together as this time the Demon ensured to cut the ropes at his feet into such thin tethers that there would be no way for even Jax's power to still control them.

"We should stop training down here before I cut a hole all the way up to the surface. Every conduit I've faced with this blade, that I've had malicious intent to kill, has yet to get away. But of course this was just training. You were never in any danger of actually being torn to shreds.."

Zabuza smirked as he made such an innocent little fib. He certainly wouldn't of minded seeing Jax splattered all across the floor.
Jax jumps down from the ceiling and laughs loudly. "You forget Zabuza, that I watched during the war. I know you would've had me dead with that blast. You then would've revived me..." Jax then thinks on this before looking back at Zabuza. "Wait... if you killed me with that blast, you would've revived me. Knowing your conditions for that... would you have sired me, had that blast killed me?"
"Simply bringing somebody back doesn't mean they come back as a sire. I would still have to go that extra step further in order to sire them. You don't want to be sired right now and I respect that decision. I don't sire every single person or conduit I revive.."

The Demon said as he strapped the Executioner's Blade to his back once more.

"I've brought back more than enough priests just to see their horrified faces when there was nothing for them in death. Another of the many ways I've amused myself in the past."
Well, that's a little cruel. Admittedly, it sounds pretty fun though. Jax cracks his knuckles and yawns. "Man, it's getting late. I am getting tired. I'll probably have to hit the hay soon. If there's one advantage the Shadow's have, it's their insane lack of need for sleep, food, or water. Especially that sleep part. "Although... I must question you Zabuza on one thing. It's been asked before, but I feel it was always muddy. At the very least, I couldn't tell if you were speaking the truth. So I must ask, if the FFA came to you, or anyone from you did, and said they surrender, would you let them join? This DOES count Felix..."
"There is a place in my utopia for ever conduit. Every single member of the FFA, if they would just stop fighting me and my dream, could live as freely as they chose in my world. I intend to give every conduit at the very least one city to rule over as they please. Even them in that future. Looking at it one way, they'd be able to save the life and freedom of every human in the city I gave them. Just by allowing them to live on like nothing had changed..."

Zabuza's eyes sunk to the ground at the realization he had made many times in the past.

"I guess in some ways I'm just an idealist. They'll never stop fighting and opposing change. I know Felix too well. I know how strongly he believes in his ideology. Just like I believe in mine. I wouldn't force him to change his viewpoint just like he can't change mine."
"Fair enough..." Jax says with a shrug. "Have you guys ever sat down and... talked out your beliefs? I mean, I heard you did once, but from what I understand, you hadn't really established your ideologies with one another. Let me ask you something, Zabuza. You claim to want to have conduits fix the mistakes that that humans did to the earth. To have them use their powers." Jax crosses his arms. "You know in some countries, conduits have been hired to help the government and the laborers, and they've experienced general happiness and prosperity. America's more conservative but... why don't you think that could happen everywhere? And have you considered the possibility that it's people like you that prevent the world from moving on?" Geez, when the hell did I get so philosophical?
"Me and Felix have talked heart to heart twice now. The first time being when I initially resurrected him to be my trump card against Shadow and the other time being when he chose to rescue me from the First Sons. I think we're more alike than he cares to admit. We both strongly believe in our goals and ideology. And both of us have committed atrocities, but at least I'm willing to accept the monster I am. Unlike a certain 'hero' of the people."

The sarcasm and disdain was clearly audible in the Demon's voice.

"Humans don't learn from their mistakes. Even if every conduit right now would agree to peacefully help the world fix it's pollution problems it wouldn't change anything in the long run. It would just allow for humans to continue polluting, even more so than before because they would believe their actions could just be fixed by conduits. However, if we were to take control and force them to change their habits then real change could come about."

Zabuza finally made a large sigh before he addressed Jax's last statement.

"I'm not special. No matter what you try to do or say there are always going to be blood and power thirsty conduits. Just as there will always be humans that have a hatred for conduits. It's simply in their nature to hate and fear what they can't possibly understand. What you don't understand is that the world needs somebody like me. If the day does not come when a powerful enough conduit steps up and takes power then only bad things can happen.

As long as I have the power and am able to rule through fear or whatever other means then I will be able to keep the most chaotic and destructive conduits in check. How long before a conduit appears that wants nothing less than the entire genocide of humanity? A conduit that does not think but rather takes joy in the deaths of others? If left unchecked by somebody they feared then their destruction would run rampant and unstopped.

Even in my future there is a place for humanity."
Akuma slowly started to clap for Zabuza and Jax. He walked into the room and sped the pace of the clap up. He pretended to wipe away tears and walked over to Zabuza. He patted him on the back, maybe a little bit too hard, and bowed to him with his palms together. He then walked over to Jax and was about to pat him in the back but changed his mind and just bowed to him. He continued to clap.
Jax chuckles at Akuma's approach and walks over and pats him on the back. "Hey, come one, we're friends here. Or, we better be. Or we're be in for a long war. Then again, I doubt that fact will change. " He then thinks about what Zabuza said. Putting aside what I think or don't think for a moment, he does have a valid point. Conduits are helping, or could help, but humans will still do harm. We may make the world better, but significantly slower than Zabuza's plan. The only way bot Felix's and Zabuza's ideologies would work at once is if humans gave all resource production and management to conduits. Not even Felix is naive enough to believe that's possible.

"Huh, I never thought of it like that. Fair points. Though about that genocide thing, I THINK we already have some of those in our midsts." he says, immediately thinking about one of the newcomers to the war. He couldn't remember his name (he didn't think he'd ever learned it,) but it was obvious he had NO love for humanity."
Akuma placed his sword in the floor, hilt on top, and he balanced himself on it, crouched and started to do the wave with just his arms. He started to click his teeth together in the tune of "happy birthday" for some strange reason. He just really liked the tune. The clicking of his teeth was loud enough for the others to hear.
Jax grins and as Akuma gets on his sword, he suspends himself in the air with his wires, doing the wave as well. As Akuma begins his clicking, Jax sings, "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Samurai Jack, Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!" He screams.
"You should speak up Akuma, I almost didn't notice you. Maybe we should 'borrow' a bell of sorts to hang around your neck." The Demon joked while he listened to the melody the conduit was making. Zabuza recognized it.

"That's happy birthday, isn't it? Is it by chance your birthday? Congratulations then." The Demon said as he joined alongside Jax to sing along.
Akuma stopped doing everything and stared at Jax. This guy I swear. He thought to himself. He continued to stare at him, intimidatingly. He then look at Zabuza and he pretended to ring a bell on his hands. He would love a bell around his neck.
Jax stares at him for a few seconds before his eyes go wide. "TELEPATHY!!" He pauses as he realizes he yelled that out loud before continuing. "I know for a fact Flow has a telepathy conduit or two's power in her collection. If I could find some way to get it from her, maybe... maybe you could communicate with us!"
The Demon was clearly disappointed by this revelation, despite wanting to be happy for his mute friend.

"That's great and all, but she won't help you or Akuma. She's a part of the FFA and both of you are working for me. Still, it was a very nice thought. We might have to just settle for Akuma carrying around a notepad and paper with him to write down everything he wants to say."

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