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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Jax tsked. "Oh, maybe she wouldn't WANT to help me..." Jax pulls some wires out and makes them hover behind him like Doc Oc. "But, uh... I have my ways." He says with a grin. He'd wanted to face Flow for awhile.
Akuma shook his head. He hated writing with a passion. He then slapped his face mask when Jax was saying how he had wanted to take Flow from the FFA. He shook his head slowly with his hand on his mask. This guy I swear.
Jax frowns at Akuma. "Hey, what's your deal? I'm trying to help you! Look, I find Flow, rob her and/or kill her, and bring back her doohickey. That easy!" He says, suspending himself from the ceiling with his wires and making himself comfortable.
"You're going to incur the wrath of the entire FFA if you do that. So far we've been able to avoid confrontation with them because I've yet to do anything publicly against the law or immoral that they know about. Still, if you insist then I'll send Nico to help you."

The Demon yawned as he realized how much he truly wished to sleep. It was a long day and for him it still wasn't going to be over anytime soon.

"If you do manage to kill her, then bring her corpse back so that I can resurrect and sire it. After all, she'd be indebted to me for bringing her back."
Hayabusa (Or is it?)

Hayabusa awakened, dazed for some reason. It took awhile for his eyes to adjust to and even then, he could only see a few inches in front of himself and what was beyond that was a blurry haze. He then realized that he couldn't move. Not in the sense that he was strapped down, but in the sense that his limbs felt numb. His eyes stung lightly and it was then that he realized he was in floating in a tube filled with a green liquid. Memories flooded back to him about his time at in the DUP facility, when he escaped, and when he met the Shadow's. His memories stopped at a certain point and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember what happened after the 'fight' with Jax. He heard voices and saw blobs of white moving around in the background, twisting knobs and pulling levers. He attempted to hone his vision and enhance the image in front of him, but found himself unable to do so. He went through a check list of his powers and realized that they were all 'missing'. Whoever had abducted must have nullified his powers. 'Smart....' Hayabusa thought to himself as a man in a lab coat and face mask tapped on the glass and gawked at him, like he was some sort of caged animal, which, in reality, he was. "Such a fine specimen...." The man said. Hayabusa growled, causing bubbles to form and slip through the creases of his mouth and the mask on his mouth that provided him with oxygen. Another man walked up to the previous scientist and nodded. "All system's are a-go. Give him the sedative and wipe his memory." The scientist took one more look at him before walking off to a machine in the back. Hayabusa hadn't heard much through the water, which garbled the two scientist speech, but he did hear one thing: 'Erase my memory? What does that mean?'

Eight Hour's Later

A man opened his eyes and found himself in a dark room. It took a moment for him to make out anything else. The room was a at least 5 feet wide and 3 feet long. All in all, he didn't have much space to do anything. He stood and nearly bumped his head on the cells ceiling. He walked over to the cells door and looked through the bars. What he was met with was an empty hallway. He sighed and backed away from the door and leaned on the wall, sliding down it. He looked down at himself and furrowed his brow. He was wearing what looked like rags made from starch bags and brown and moccasin slippers. His skin was a sickly pale and something think and slimy dripped from his chin. Or was it his chin? He shook his head and dismissed the thought before looking up. He was abut to look out the door once more when he realized something: Who was he? What was he doing there? Where was he? WHY was he there? He didn't get much time to think about this.

A click interrupted his thoughts, followed by three men walk in, each brandishing an AR and black combat armor. "Hey there buddy. How you feeling? I don't care. Look, we've been ordered to kill you. No hard feelings or anything, just business. And some personal matter's." One of the solider's raised his gun and pointed it at the man, raising it too his head. A loud BANG rang out through the facility. The man twisted to the side, disappearing into a shadow-like cloud, before dashing forward, forming a blade on his wrist the jutted outwards, piercing the mans throat. The man looked to the other soldier's, who raised their weapons as well. They were too slow. By the time it took them to bring up their weapons, the man was already in the air, spinning his blade around. He sliced through one mans helmet, skull, and brain, killing him instantly before kicking the other soldier in the head. The force of the man's kick pushed the soldier back into a wall, causing them to drop their weapon. They looked up to see the man touch down and immediately break into a sprint, aiming to pierce the soldier with his blade. The soldier raised their hands in a futile form of defense. The blade went through the soldier's hand and impaled in the cells wall, earning a blood curdling scream from the soldier. The man did the same thing with the soldier's other hand and stared into their fearful eyes before bringing both blades inwards, slicing through the mans and hands and, eventually, head.

A soldier was walking towards the cell to see what the commotion was when he saw the man exit his cell, covered in blood, a look of ruthlessness and bloodlust in his eyes. He pulled out his radio and turned to run away, screaming into it. "HE'S LOOSE! HE'S LOOSE!" The man he was speaking of had just killed three elite soldier's and suffered 0 injuries. This man's name was Shenji. Shenji was a man formerly known as Hayabusa.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]"You're going to incur the wrath of the entire FFA if you do that. So far we've been able to avoid confrontation with them because I've yet to do anything publicly against the law or immoral that they know about. Still, if you insist then I'll send Nico to help you."
The Demon yawned as he realized how much he truly wished to sleep. It was a long day and for him it still wasn't going to be over anytime soon.

"If you do manage to kill her, then bring her corpse back so that I can resurrect and sire it. After all, she'd be indebted to me for bringing her back."

Jax laughs and lowers himself to face Zabuza. "Tell me Zabuza, you know the FFA. If you did nothing but sit down here and plot, they'd kill you. Or try at the very least. Whether I attack Flow or not, they'll come. I wanna see what she's made of. Oh, and I want to do it alone. No Nico."
"Maybe you're right or maybe not. Felix's disdain for me has always been clear but I find it hard to believe he would attempt to kill me without any evidence of my wrong doing yet. Then again, the kid I remember from all those years ago may have long since thrown his morals out the window in order to combat me."

The Demon looked at Jax and considered his offer for awhile.

"We're always at our strongest when we work together. It's when we try to fight alone that one by one they dismantle us and our dreams. If you insist on going alone then so be it. If I have to revive your cold dead body you better believe I'm going to say 'I told you so'".
Jax grins, "If there is a cold dead body to be found, and if it is mine, then know I am not worth bringing back. I assure you, I'll come back alive at the very least."
"Go then."

Was all the Demon said after and extended sigh. This stood the chance of once again sparking war between the sires and FFA, but it was bound to happen eventually anyways. The Demon had just hoped that it would be far later in their plans when Felix started interrupting.

Zabuza began to head back towards the main living room area. Before long everybody would probably be turning in for the night to their own rooms.
Jax turns and goes to leave, but then stops. I have no idea where I'm going...



Shenji huffed and puffed as he walked down the long corridor that led to the outside world. The fight that had occurred while he battled his way through the facility, gathering as much information as possible (which was very little) and freeing any conduits along the way, had winded him. He had suffered some wounds but they quickly healed. During the battle and freeing of conduits, Shenji had found out some interesting facts about himself: He liked blood. He had drained more than a few soldier's and loved every ounce of the delicious substance. His fangs allowed him to easily bite through a person's skin, but armor was a problem. Shenji touched his jaw lightly and cringed from the stinging pain he received.

Along the way, he had also heard the guards call him by a certain name: Shenji. He actually quite liked this name and kept it. He had a few more names and titles. This information had been provided to him by the files he had gotten from a scientist in exchange for sparing his life. Of course, he killed the man shortly after. Shenji opened the files once more and read over them. The file was titled PROJECT ORIGIN and contained a brief explanation about the projects goal and the research it conducted. The project centered around a man, Hayabusa Meimu, who was code named 'Hidden Eye'. There wasn't much else about the man, other than a few photo's of him and information about some of his squad's member's. Shenji tucked the files under his arm and continued to walk.

Once he made it to the end of the corridor, Shenji was greeted to darkness. He stood and waited for his eyes to adjust to the dark. He looked out at New York and grinned. He watched a train zoomed by on it's tracks, suspended in the air by steel beams as a lone car slowly drove down the street beneath it. Things were quite. What time was it? That didn't matter. What did matter was that Shenji made it to the coast. It had dawned on him some time ago that he was on an 'island' out in the Hudson. He thought at swimming and decided against it after smelling and sampling the foul water. After spitting it out, Shenji found a water ski like vehicle and grinned. Shenji jumped inside and was lucky enough to find the keys already in the ignition. 5 minutes later, Shenji was jumping out of the jet-ski and stepping on to solid concrete. Shenji looked down at his rags, which were riddled with bullet holes, and sighed before walking over to a nearby store that, hopefully, sold clothes.



Consumer Of Street Food

James bit into his burrito and sighed. He reached into his mouth and pulled out a battery. He began to gag and spit before throwing burrito into the trash. "5 dollars down the drain...." He shook his head and kept walking when he saw a strange sight: Hayabusa. The strange part was that he wasn't where his combat armor. Instead, he was wearing a T-Shirt that said 'Chuck Norris Approves' and a pair of blue jeans. James noticed he was looking behind his shoulder and smiled before running in front of him. "Bo-" He stopped short and stared down a shadow blade and into Hayabusa's red eyes. "Um.... What's crackin', Jack.... What's with the shadow blade?"

James picked himself up out of the mound of cardboard boxes and wiped the blood from his mouth, smearing some on his cheek. "Alright, I see how it is.... Okay...... I FORGET ABOUT YOUR BIRTHDAY AND YOU TRY TO KILL ME!" Shenji charged at James and pushed off the ground before extending an that was encased in a dark energy, shaped into the formed of a dagger, outwards, causing the blade to shoot out towards James. James spun to the side in a blue blue before charging at Shenji, who had just landed on the ground. Shenji attempted to roll out of the speeding bullet's way but was too late and got hit, causing him to fly to the side and hit the concrete. Shenji picked himself up and glared at James, who was jogging backwards, cockily. "Come at mah, breh! Come at mah-" Shenji dashed forwards while James was speaking, catching him off guard. He reoformed in a superman punch position, his arm pulled back, and jabbed James, hittiing his jaw. James hit the ground and looked up at the stary night, dazed for a oment, before seeing Shenji come into view. "You came at mah, breh...." whenji chuckled and walked off before James blacked out.


@Son of Crota

"You're hopeless."

Nico finally said while leaned back against one of the catacomb walls as Jax began to walk by. Using his finger to signal the other conduit to follow along with him. The Demon's child then began to effortlessly lead Jax through the catacombs back towards the exit. In the meantime he began to talk.

"So what do you honestly think about my father? I know that there are no lack of people and conduits that loathe him and everything he stands for."


Zabuza finally returned to the living room area with presumably Akuma in tow. As he looked around he saw Selim and began to walk towards the sire. Despite how tired the Demon was, there was still one last thing he needed to do before he could sleep.

"Greetings again Selim. I know it's late, but I could use your help with one last thing. So what do you say?"
Jax follows along with Nico. "When we make it out, I'm on my own," he says, taking the time to memorize each turn. "As for your 'dad,' I think you shouldn't blindly worship him, first off. Honestly, it's creepy. He's not even your father." Jax shakes his head. "No, seriously, it's creepy, tact be damned. As for what I think of him." Jax taps his chin thoughtfully. "Well I think it's noble he fights for a cause he believes in, but the same goes for Felix. Heck, even Shadow. What do I think about his goal? I think he's not looking at the big picture, or rather both sides. I'm not saying he's wrong, but I think he refuses to truly look at both sides of this issue."
"I don't blindly worship him. My eyes do not overlook all the horrible things he has done... but he's the closest thing I have to a father in this world. Besides... I'm where I can do the most good. As long as I stick by his side then I can try to persuade him to be less of a monster. I've so far kept him from completely draining any humans dry thus killing them like he use to..."

Nico said before finally beginning to walk up the stairs that would lead to the outside world.
Sonic walks down the street. He decides he needs to recharge. Without background music or other singers, he'd recharge very slowly, but he didn't care. He felt like singing anyway. A fifteen year old boy singing and dancing down the street would be a weird sight for anyone around to see it. Luckily the only ones around were a young boy and girl.

A hundred thousand stories have filled my head

As I look for the answers in what I've read

Secretly waiting for my life to change

And with this transformation, something's strange

He felt a change coming to his life. He didn't know what it was, but he felt it.

Now my world is bigger than I know

I'm losing all control

I never thought I'd make it...

He throws out his arm to accentuate his words. He slowly begins to near the two.

Now I know (oh oh o-o-o-oh)

This world spins faster than you know
(oh oh o-o-o-oh)

And I'd give anything to show what I'm trying for

Just what I'm fighting for, oh
(oh oh o-o-o-oh)...

This world spins faster than you know...
Assailant said:
Sonic walks down the street. He decides he needs to recharge. Without background music or other singers, he'd recharge very slowly, but he didn't care. He felt like singing anyway. A fifteen year old boy singing and dancing down the street would be a weird sight for anyone around to see it. Luckily the only ones around were a young boy and girl.
A hundred thousand stories have filled my head

As I look for the answers in what I've read

Secretly waiting for my life to change

And with this transformation, something's strange

He felt a change coming to his life. He didn't know what it was, but he felt it.

Now my world is bigger than I know

I'm losing all control

I never thought I'd make it...

He throws out his arm to accentuate his words. He slowly begins to near the two.

Now I know (oh oh o-o-o-oh)

This world spins faster than you know
(oh oh o-o-o-oh)

And I'd give anything to show what I'm trying for

Just what I'm fighting for, oh
(oh oh o-o-o-oh)...

This world spins faster than you know...
Dax and Twilight walk down the street, talking as normal. "And that, my dear Daxie, is the full explanation on the god particle. It would have been faster with visual aids but oh well." Twilight concluded. "Ugh, my head hurts so much...hey, do you hear that?" He asks. Dax and Twilight near a boy singing and somewhat dancing near them. "Hey, that's my favorite song! and that guy is rocking it! Almost as much as I do." Dax exclaimed. "Honestly Daxie, you should sing more. Maybe if you do, I can perform more tests on your vocal patterns, or even-ooh!" "Oof!" Dax and Twi said as they fell. "ugh...huh? Oh, sorry." Dax says. Twi nods as she rubs her head. "Yes, my apologies Mister. We should have loked where we were going.." She said as they got up.
The boy looks down at the two of them as they get up. "Are you guys okay?" He asks them. He then realized it probably seemed weird that a fifteen year old was wandering around at night in the slums, and prepared himself for questions if they got asked.
Dax and Twilight nod. "Yeah, we're good." They both notice the boy is only fifteen and wandering at night in the slums. It reminded them of Alex, Null's little buddy. "First off, you sound amazing. Second of all, what're you doing out here of all places at night? It gets kinda dangerous in these areas." Dax asks. Twilight nods. "Yeah, not really the safest place.." She says.
"Thanks for the compliment," He says beaming. "I can take care of myself for the most part. See, I'm a conduit. Music. I sing to fight, among many other things. I was trying to recharge myself by singing, but when all it is is my voice, it recharges very slowly. But I can do some pretty cool things."
They light up. "A Conduit?!" They both say with a smile. "It's pretty awesome to meet another one! We're conduits too!"He says. "I'm Twilight, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She says politely. "And I'm Dax, nice to meet you." He says.
"Cool!" He says. "I don't see other conduits very often, and those I have seen haven't been very nice." He recalls the one time he's had to truly fight. He's fought off muggers, but the only time he's truly fought was against an evil conduit. He won, and it was fun, but in the end he decided he didn't want to do it again. He would if he had to to help people, but other than that he would refrain from fighting. "What are your powers?"

@Son of Crota
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"I control dreams and illusions." He says. "Beam emission of all sorts. I can also shape them into weapons." Twilight says. "We used to only have one until the second blast happened. Not to mention the war...ugh, that got real." Dax adds as he thinks.
"Oh! So you two were part of the FFA I presume?" Sonics asks, smiling more internally now than externally.
They nod. "Yeah, we're actually still part of it. Sort of." Dax says. "We're not I sure about

The rest of the FFA now, we might find them later."
Twilight adds.
Castle, clearly done with Xavior's antics, Pulled out his phone, sent a message, and then left back out into the city to finish a little "project" he was working on.

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