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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

"More or less," she shrugged and sat back down. "Not exactly, but that's basically the idea. So hey," she throws up her hands in mock celebration. "We're converted or whatever you want to call it. They should be waking in a few hours, obviously. It's very late. Nil decided to crash too, he hasn't slept in about a month."
Twilight hesitates, but sighs and lower her weapon. "She's good Daxie, stand down." She said as she looked back with soft eyes to him. Dax nodded and de-summoned his weapons. "Since you're watching over our friends, I'll take your-...Is that..Flow?" He asked. Twilight looked scared. "F-flow?!" She said, then hid behind Dax. "n-not again..s-so much lost research!" She said, freaking out.
Suddenly, a chuckle is heard from the mass of bodies. Nil gets up, rubbing his eyes, before grinning. "Oh, I want to hear this. You can take sleep if you want Three." Three just shrugs as they both look at Twilight. "How has Flow wronged you?"
Twilight looked at them. "Pardon my language, but that bitch is crazy! She managed to destroy two months worth of research in 5 minutes! 5 MINUTES! She's so destructive with her pranks in the past, I've had nightmares for two weeks straught and needed therapy!" She said, still hiding behind Dax. Dax nods. "She is a bit...loony." He said.
"Damn right!" Suddenly, Flow just pops off the ground and into the air. "'ello Dax." She says with a grin. "Remember our little 'experiments?' Oh, Twily!" She quickly flies between the two and pulls them into a hug. "I missed you both SOOOOOOOOOOO much!"
Dax hears a 'damn right'. "No god, please no!" He said before seeing Flow and remembering the experiments. He blushed intensely "T-those were strictly private experiments!" He said, embarrassed and Twilight shivers in fear. "Daxie, the memories are back!" She says frantically. "I can't take it!!" She says as she escapes the hug and goes over to Nil and Three. "Do you need any help doing anything? Maybe some organizing I can do?" She says nervously. Dax escapes the hug and goes over to them. "Whatever you do, do NOT let her study you in any way! I've seen her try to dissect someone with a toothbrush before...the scary part is she succeeded and sewed them back up." He said with a shiver, then looked to Flow. "You! What are you doing here anyway?! I thought you were gone for good after the war!" He said.
"I thought the same too, but we've been happily reunited to take down the big vampire man again! Friends!" She grins happily. I am having way too much fun with this.

"Oh, I think I'm gonna like you now that we're not trying to kill each other." Nil says with a grin. They high-five. "So... me murdering your friends is water under the bridge, right?"

"Only if me murdering your's is." They both nod before high fiving again.

"Nope," Three responds to Twilight.

Sonic laughs as he watches the display. "I think I could get used to this." Three takes notice of Sonic and frowns.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Sonic. I'm a music conduit."

"Sounds like a crap power."
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"Big vampire man?" Dax said. "You mean Zabuza? I haven't seen him since me and Twi helped rescue him." He says. "Back to evil...I should've known." He said with a sigh. Twilight paces the floor, then walks up to Three. "Please? Anything I can do? I'm begging here!" She said.
"Hmm... You can help organize living quarters. We'll be here for awhile..."

"But you'll need someone to help," Nil interrupts. "A compadre. Flow, why don't you help?" Flow quickly rushes up and nods, as Nil and Three walk away.
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"Oh, thank you thank you thank you!" She says with a smile, then hears Flow is going to help her. her eyes begin to water and she runs to Dax and hugs him. "B-b-but organizing is my t-thing.. I-I don't wanna do it with her!" She says, seeming sad now.

Dax nods. "I know, I know. I'll work with you so you won't have to deal with her. And here." He said before handing her a card and geting one for himself that turned into noise-cancelling headphones. "These will help." He said. Twilight smiles a bit and hugs him. "Thanks.." She says. They both put the headphones on and began organizing.
Flow smiles and rushes over to them, before noticing they aren't listening. She stashes one of her fire gloves and puts one on the ground, before taking out one of her non-enchanted gloves (she always keeps some one her.) She holds one in one hand and holds Twilight's shoulder with another and hums as se transfers power.
Twilight notices Flow touching her and immediately runs away, not wanting her anywhere near. "F-flow, what are you doing?!" Twilight asks as she tased the headphones off.
"Oh, just nicking some powers. You don't mind do you? Great! COME HERE!" She says as she begins to chase Twilight down.
"No no no no no no no NO! You're not getting my powers! Stay away!" She said as she tapped into her bracelet and chose ice, then started shooting beams at Flow''s feet as she ran from her. Dax laughed a bit as he watched this.
Flow jumps effortlessly over the beam and grins maniacally. Pulling out the Zabuza gloves, she quickly creates mist to cause Twilight to run right into her.

"Gotcha," She says as she holds Twilight's face and rapidly begins transferring.
"NOOOOOO!" Twilight scrams into Flow's hand that was holding her face. Dax takes notice of this and remembers what happened when she got super angry last time. "Oh no..." He said and ran through the mist. "FLOW! You have to stop, she's too dangerous!" He called out. Meanwhile, Twilight switched her bracelet to fire and got super angry, so she shot a strong fire beam out of both hands at Flow until she was off. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!" pissed off Twi said. Dax sighed and ran over to Twilight. "Calm down Twi, calm down!" He said. He tried to drag her away, but Twi shot a beam of fire on him so he's get off. "OW!" He yelled as he got burned. Twi heard this and began to go back to normal. "Daxie!!" She cried out, then ran over to him and saw the burn on his chest. She switched her beam to water and began to shoot out a oft stream to help him. "I'm so so so so sorry!" She told him repeatedly. Twilight might be sleeping on the couch tonight.
Flow laughs before observing her glove. She puts it on and feels it for a moment. Damn it, I didn't get it. I was so close too. "Hey, it's cool. I'll just go get my 'Twilight Brand' gloves that I had at my place. BRB!" She says as she flies out. For a moment, everything's happy. She's just flying over the city as happy as can be.

Until an immense pain is felt in her leg. Her leg bone fractures and her muscles are torn.
"AAAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!" She screams in both agony and fear as she rapidly is hurled into the ground. Crumpled up into a ball, partly crying from the pain, she feels a fist wrap around her shirt collar. Sucking in the tears, she opens her eyes. "You..." She says in anger.

"That's right," Jax says, grinning at her. "Now you're gonna tell me what I need to know..."
After Twilight is done trying to heal him, Dax gets up. He sighs. "Thanks, I know you didn't mean it." He said, but Twilight is still apologizing. "I'm so sorry Daxie, is there anyway I can make it up to you?" She asks. He thinks for a moment. "I'll thiink of something later. for now, I'm going on a walk to help, okay?" He said. She nodded and watched as Dax left the warehouse.

"AAHHHHH!!!!" Flow screams in agony as another blade tears through here.

"5... my, you really are a resilient one," Jax says with a chuckle. "But I know you are in pain, so just tell me where a telepathy thing is, and we can pretend this never happened."

"Go... fuck... yourself." Flow says through pants before another blade tears through her and a scream of agony echoes.

"Flow?!" Dax says and runs toward the screams, soon finding her. "Flow! and who the hell are you?!" Dax said as he summoned his gauntlets.
Jax looks back and chuckles. "Is boyfriend here to save you?"

"He's not my boyfriend, he's-"

"Dax. Boyfriend of Twilight, Dream conduit, elite FFA, yada yada yada," Jax says. "Don't mind me, really. I'm just-" Suddenly, Jax hears a pop. He turns back to Flow to see her gone in some particles. Looking up to the right, he sees her reappear in mid air before falling through a window.

"Dax, stall!" She manages to just barely get out loud enough to hear. Jax grimaces and shoots wires up to the building.

"No you don't!"
Dax looks a bit shocked, but gets in his attacking stance and summons a dream clones of himself and Upgrade: one with a whip, and one in a dream replica of Upgrade's body suit, named D3. "D2." He says. D2 nods and wraps the whip around Jax's leg, pulling him down with force. "You'll have to get through me first! By the way, thanks for calling me an elite."He said while the Upgrade clone got in position with his sword and pistol.
Jax stares at them for a few moments before laughing. He shoots two wires at each of them whilst shooting more at the window. The wires at the Daxes, while certainly aimed at them, are not his prime concern. Merely a distraction as he launches himself towards the window.
Dax and D2 cut the wires while the Upgrade clone noticed the wires to the window. The Upgrade clone used the suit's power to run up the walls and cut the wires, then shoot bullets at Jax. MeanwhileDax threw a card that was supposed to turn into a gun, but instead turned green and launched on the ground. He picked it up and it shocked him, though he s fine afterwards and proceeded to use another card to summon the pistol and shoot at Jax.
Jax sees Upgrade running up the walls, and launches a barrage of wires at him before his wires can be cut. His speed launches him through the window before the others can react. There he sees a pained Flow leaning on a wall, blood oozing from out of her body.

"Where is the collection?"

"I destroyed it. To make sure people like you couldn't touch it." Jax snarls in fury and launches two wire that pierce her eyes and shoot out the other end as pieces of her brain come with it. Pulling out the wires, he grabs Flow's mutilated body. And Now, a new sire.

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