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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Dax, D2, and UpgradeC make it through a window to see her body. "Flow?!" He said, seeing her mutilated. "N-no..n-no..no!!!!!!!" He screams, losing control. His uses his secondary power, his eyes turning into mirror wheels as he makes illusions, powerful ones, all around Jax. He recreates Felix, Shadow, and Zabuza and illusions. Since they were only illusions, they could hurt Jax, but Jax couldn't hurt them. The illusion Felix, Shadow, and Zabuza began attacking Jax ferociously, while D2 came in and tried to strangle him with a whip and UpgradeC began slicing away at him angrily, the clones and illusions being controlled by Dax's emotions. Dax himself weakly used his strength to get out of there and start heading back to the warehouse.
Jax quickly zips through another window of what was apparently Flow's apartment and flies out into the night. "It's been fun Dax... but you were a bit of a nuisance. You're next on my hitlist." Jax quickly zips away before Dax can react.

Jax walks into the center of the catacomb carrying Flow's mutilated body. "Hey yo Zabuza! She destroyed her collection, but I did manage to kill her. You've got a new sire!"

@Zabuzas Son
"He's currently out on business."

Was all that Nico could say after he finished removing his lips from Snow's neck, the girl he had brought in earlier that was destined to play some part in the Demon's plan. It was clear the still young boy saw more in the human girl than just a blood source and part of Zabuza's plan.

"It would seem Zabuza took both Selim and Akuma with him for whatever he's doing."

In the living room of sorts for the catacombs there was now only Nico, Snow, and Jax. The Demon's clone had long since been thinking on what Jax had said earlier.
"Heh, didn't need to see that. Seemed the Demon had less faith in me than he should have. I got him a new soldier. Or, family member. Whatever he thinks of them as. I can think on many of his philosophies, but one thing I adamantly disagree with him on is that the Sires are soldiers. Not family members. Family members love each other, and while the demon may love them... they have no love for him."

Sonic laughs as Three and Nil get into an argument with one another over some juvenile thing, as Twilight continues to organize living quarters. He looked over at the one man that was still sleeping. Sometime in between Alex and Terence had woken up, and been caught up on the newcomers. Felix was still asleep, twitching in his dream. It was obvious he was having a nightmare.

"Are you sure we shouldn't wake him up?" Sonic asks, turning to the two shadows.

"Probably shouldn't," Three says in response. She catches Sonic squinting at her as she grows frustrated. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She finally asks with a hint of anger.

"You just... look really familiar. I can't quite put my finger on it." Three rolls her eyes.

"Well, I don't recognize you at all," She lies. In truth... she felt something when she looked at him. She knew him from somewhere. It had been such a small feeling that it was easily dismissed, but knowing that Sonic recognized her too, she felt it again. Where did she know him from? Suddenly, Dax weakly stumbles into the building.

"Hey Dax, you alright?" Nil asks, but with a weird tone in his voice. Clearly, he wasn't that concerned.

Twilight sees Dax come in. "Daxie?" She said in a worried tone. He stumbled in and collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. "F-flow..t-they got her..." He says weakly as he is out cold. "Daxie!!" She yells worried now and went over to help him. "Don't just stand there, somebody help me!" She ordered.
Felix begins to stir, but doesn't wake up. Nil doesn't even seem to notice, and Three just raises an eyebrow. The twins, still groggy from having woken up only a short time ago, seem disoriented and make there way over to help. Sonic, ever eager to make a good impression — and of course eager to help someone in need — quickly runs over and observes Dax, trying to see if he's injured.
Twilight carefully observes him and looks all over his body. "He has a few scrapes and cuts, but it looks like he's exhausted for the most part. Sonic, can you help me patch him up?" She asked.
Sonic looks up at her. "They seem mostly like simple cuts, pretty easy to fix. Like band aid level. Yeah, I should be able to help. Where are the supplies?"

"We shadows heal quickly," Three says, standing up. "As such, there was never any need to store many medicinal supplies here."

"Yeah," Nil adds, "and those we did have moved with us to the next base. So no supplies."
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Twilight growled. suddenly, Dax slowly got up and you could see something wasn't right. His eyes were glowing green and he looked distant as he sped out the warehouse. "D-daxie? Where are you going?!" She asked, now more worried than before.
"Oh man!" Terence yells, having reoriented himself. He quickly teleports and lands in front of Dax, knocking him down and pinning him. "What's wrong man?! You okay?!"
Dax growls and you can see the green card glowing in his bag. He throws Terence off and gets back up, then summons a clone of upgrade that covers him while he escapes. UpgradeC pointed a gun at Terence and readied his sword as well.
Terence frowns before teleporting next to UpgradeC. Before he can react, Terence takes the gun and shoots him repeatedly in the face. He then takes the sword and teleports once more in front of Dax, pointing the gun at his face. "Dax, I can't let you freak out. Calm down and let me help, or I will be forced to subdue you."
Assailant said:
"Heh, didn't need to see that. Seemed the Demon had less faith in me than he should have. I got him a new soldier. Or, family member. Whatever he thinks of them as. I can think on many of his philosophies, but one thing I adamantly disagree with him on is that the Sires are soldiers. Not family members. Family members love each other, and while the demon may love them... they have no love for him."
"Zabuza considers them family because they have his blood running through their veins. Yet here I am again sticking up for his side of the argument. If you have so many problems with the Demon's philosophies then take them up with him, not me."

Nico said as he got up from the couch he was sitting on and walked over to Flow's corpse. The thought ran through his head that this conduit died for nothing more than refusing to give up a single artifact, but then he remembered she would have the honor of being returned and sired. The honor... an 'honor' of spending the rest of her immortal life serving Zabuza...

"I've never actually returned and sired anybody. We have no clue how long Zabuza will be gone on business so why shouldn't I try to take care of this for him? We just need an extreme amount of blood..."
"Do you have some sort of reserve?" Jax asks, looking around. "I'm dreadfully sorry, but I won't participate in a massacre... oh that's right, I forgot you were better than that. Apologies. Anyway, what are we gonna do about that? I mean... she has a ton of blood leaking out of her. Could we use that... wait, do you have the power to sire?"

@Zabuzas Son
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"Ignoring your snide remarks, you truly know so little about us. Every sire has the ability to make more sires; however, it of course comes with a catch. You could think of it like the opposite of an energy pyramid. All the power is at the very top, which is Zabuza in this analogy. When he sires a conduit that new sire has a slightly weaker form of all his powers.

Going on, if Sire A (which the Demon sired) were to then sire somebody himself then Sire B would be weaker than Sire A. This can continue on until the energy has trickled down so much that it can't be passed on any further. Sire A would also have control over Sire B, however the Demon would have full control over them all. Which his powers would override that of Sire A's. I'm a special case however..."

Nico's voice began to trail off as he thought about it. Because of what the First Sons had done Nico couldn't be controlled by the Demon's orders. Which should also mean any sires he makes would be absolutely loyal to him, not Zabuza.

"There's also one last thing I have to say in regards to how you speak about Zabuza. I've got all of his memories from before I was cloned. I'm the one person in the world who understands exactly why he does what he does and how he thinks."
"Oh, I don't deny that in his head it all makes sense. Even in my head it makes sense." Jax turns to look at Nico and grins. "But is it the RIGHT kind of sense?" Jax looks back at Flow. "Back to my original question, can you use her blood? There's a LOT of it."
"Of course not. It would be redundant for me to drink her blood just to try and give my blood to revive her. From the memories I've got from my father it takes a rather large amount of humans worth of blood to revive somebody. The amount depending on just how damaged and aged the corpse is."

Nico kind of flinched that he had no better metric to go on than 'humans worth' of blood.

"If we don't wish to start a massacre, then why don't we rob a hospital? They'll no doubt have plenty of bags of blood. We should be able to take enough to do it."
"Hmmm..." Jax thinks for a moment. "No, robbing hospitals is out. We won't hurt the disabled. They've got enough on their plate as is.

"I remember that good old Felix had a theory that conduit blood would be more sating then human blood. I'm willing to 'donate' blood."
"Make no mistake that a conduit's blood tastes better than that of a humans. That still won't affect the sheer quantity need to revive somebody."

Nico began to examine Flow's corpse more intensely. In specific the fatal wounds she acquired from Jax that ended her life.

"Fine, stealing from the injured is out of the question from our suddenly morally right killer. Hospitals still have a normal abundance of blood to give out, right? Then why don't we just explain we need a certain amount to save a 'friends' life? It's worth the chance, isn't it?"
"You can try. More than likely the hospital would tell you to bring the person there..." Jax snaps his fingers in revelation. "The FFA set up blood donation centers for ex-sires. They always have blood stores. We can raid that."
"I was already there earlier tonight. It's where I met Snow, who frequently did blood donations. They were getting ready to close when I left so there's no chance they'd be open this late. On the flip side a hospital is open twenty-four seven in case of all emergencies. What do you say? Why don't you follow me along and we'll see if we can't get some help from this city."

Nico offered as he stood up after inspecting Flow's corpse.
Jax shrugs. "Okay." He starts to feel a strange feeling rising inside him, a feeling of... discomfort. I hope we don't have to do too much. Even I have limits...
With Jax now following along the two of them began to make their way towards the closest hospital. While the two walked down the empty sidewalks it could be noted how strange it was that there were no homeless living out on the streets as per usual. Despite this strange occurrence that Nico noted in his head, the pair continued making their way towards the hospital.

When they finally arrived at the hospital, it could immediately be noticed that something was wrong. As Nico stepped in the entire front desk was empty of even hospital staff. There was also a dead silence that simply didn't seem right for a hospital.

"This is strange..."

Nico said as he began to walk down the halls. With his curiosity peaked he began to check inside some of the patient's rooms just to find all of them that he checked empty.

"Something is not right here..."

The Demon's clone finally said to Jax.
"First the homeless," Jax says, showing his notice of the strange disappearance, "Now the hospital... This place gives me real creepo vibes." Jax says, putting his hand near his holster. He was running low on wires, he'd need to restock.

Yes, today was a weird day, and as Jax turned his head to the clock that was five minutes away from midnight, he knew tomorrow held even more strange things.

"I don't like it."
Nico was getting ready to say something when a young female girl in scrubs finally walked out from one of the rooms. She was cautious and clearly scared of something as she kept her distance from the two conduits.

"Ar.. Are they gone?"

"The place is empty. Who are 'they', if I might ask? And where is everybody?" Nico slowly asked question after question as he slowly approached the nurse.

"The GCE. They were here not so long ago. At first they said that they were just here to evacuate all the sick and injured to a safer facility. I didn't think much of it at the time when they were taking every last one of our patients but then..."

Nico had finally crossed the gap between them when the nurse finally broke down and began crying before reaching out and hugging the black haired conduit. She used his shoulder to cry on as he waited for her to continue her story.

"...They began rounding up all the medical personnel. The doctors and nurses and even our supplies. Those who tried to run or refused to go were..."

The nurse couldn't even finish the sentence.

"I was lucky enough to be able to hide from them. My shift wasn't suppose to go this late so when they checked the personnel roster I luckily wasn't on it..."

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