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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Jax clenches his fists in anger. Why would the GCE activate... the removal of medicinal staff. Wait: the sick and injured? The homeless? Oh God... the GCE is straight up working for Zabuza. I thought he planned to turn them or something. I... I can't believe this! "Ma'am, I have a bad feeling I know what's going to happen to them. Believe me when I say you are VERY lucky to make it out."
Trundle said:
Akuma had been following Zabuza after the interesting situation between him Jax and Nico. He had been studying the corridors just in case he needed an escape route. When he reached the room that Selim was in, he saluted the young boy, then waving to him, slightly bent over.

[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]"Then I should be glad that you're not weak. Still, this won't acquire another conduit to help unless things go very unreasonably wrong. So if you'd like Akuma, you could turn in for the night and sleep. Although seeing as I think I can trust you to keep your lips sealed, you can tag along if you'd like."
The Demon finally said before heading towards another one of the catacombs exits. Selim, and Akuma if he so wished, would have to follow him along to where ever Zabuza was headed.


"You're free to think whatever you want. All I know is that I came from the Demon's blood and I'm not a monster. If I try my hardest then maybe I can keep Zabuza from being the monster everybody says he is."

Nico said as he finally walked out onto the sidewalk with Jax.

Selim chuckled at Akuma's display and waved back to him before turning to follow Zabuza out of the catacombs. Selim looked around and noticed something strange about the streets: They were empty. There was no one roaming around, no hobo's looking for a place to sleep for the night. Nothing. Selim furrowed his brow at this and frowned as everyone's shadows began to morph and reconfigure themselves, making it evident that Selim was using his power. "It's really quite......"
"It's so quiet because everything is slowly going as planned. You should get to eventually see what I mean by that."

The Demon said as he walked down the empty streets and headed towards the appointed location. It took some time but the trio finally arrived outside a large parking garage. Before they entered Zabuza stopped to turn around and talk to both Akuma and Selim.

"All I need you to do is trust me. The main reason I needed both of you to come along is only if something truly goes wrong in my plan. Still, I'm entrusting in both of you knowledge that the rest of the team does not currently have. That's an honor that I hope will be rightfully placed in the two of you."

Finally Zabuza walked into the parking garage where two armored GCE troop carriers and a black limousine was waiting. Several dozens worth of soldiers pointed their weapons at the trio as they approached but the Demon continued to fearlessly walk towards them. Finally a red-headed male soldier walked forward towards the Demon. This was the same soldier that had supposedly executed the conduit on live TV earlier.


Despite everything that had happened, Nico still remembered the reason they had come to this hospital in the first place.

"Ma'am, you said they took this hospital's medical supplies. Did they take everything? A friend of ours is in desperate need of some blood."

Nico said as he looked down at the female nurse that was holding onto him for just the slightest bit of comfort after experiencing such traumatic events.

"They took everything of medical value they could find but I don't think they found everything. What blood type do you need? I'd also be glad to help..."

"You'll be doing enough just by finding the supplies we need. Any blood type is fine, we just need as many bags as you can find."

Nico finally said as the nurse let go of him and began looking throughout the hospital for bags of blood.
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Jax walks around with the nurse and looks around at the now empty hospital. Zabuza, this is too far. You can't just do this. Jax sighs. "Are you sure you're okay ma'am?"
Akuma continued to walk behind Zabuza, not afraid of the soldiers, he knew if they shot, they would die within seconds. He pulled his sword out from his flagpole on his back and he twirled it around in his hand. When the red-headed soldier approached, he intercepted him and Zabuza with his free hand up, protecting Zabuza.

@Zabuzas Son @AvidElmV2
Assailant said:
Terence frowns before teleporting next to UpgradeC. Before he can react, Terence takes the gun and shoots him repeatedly in the face. He then takes the sword and teleports once more in front of Dax, pointing the gun at his face. "Dax, I can't let you freak out. Calm down and let me help, or I will be forced to subdue you."
Dax smirks and snaps his fingers. Immedately after he does that, the sword and gun turn back into cards and fall to te ground. "Tsk, tsk, tsk." Dax says, then kicks Terence back quite a bit. Dax uses his secondary powers to make himself look like a weakened afraid Alex. "D-don't hurt me, please.." The illusion Alex says.
Terence frowns and roundhouse kicks "Alex" in the face before roundhouse kicking where Dax's face would be. He didn't know if it was illusion, or transformation, but he covered both bases.
Dax/ illusion Ales stumbles back. "Okay, I'm done playing with you. I'll return Dax when I'm done. For now.." The illusion Alex said before Dax made perfect clones of himself that ran around with the Real Dax to confuse him. All of the Dax clones and the real Dax threw down smoke bombs that they summoned and ran around while the real Dax fled and hid in the shadows. He then stayed quiet as he moved in the shadows through the city, undetected and determined to get out of the area.
Terence teleports to each clone and sucker punched each of them, knocking them down. He then teleported onto a rooftop. Alex, I need you.


Activate as many lights as you can. Especially in alleys nearby me. I need to track down Dax.
Suddenly, lights shot up all around the area, illuminating Dax. Terence teleports in front of him and grabs his throat.

"If you are going to escape, you will have to fight me." Terence says, before attempting to slam Dax into a wall and knock him out.
Dax, though he didn't realize what he was doing, was now super pissed as he got up from being slammed into a wall. Dax summoned the pissed off version of Twilight that shot out powerful beams of fire. The Twi clone used the secondary power to turn her flames into two swords, while Dax himself summoned something with the green card, which appeared to be a giant scythe. Twi immediately went and started attacking Terence while Dax began charging an attack with his scythe.
Terence quickly teleports behind Twilight and slams her into a wall. Crap, double team!

You alright bro?

Backup please!

On my way.

"I'm not gonna let you lose your temper. You're better than this! Calm down!" Terence holds Twilight down with his foot.
Twilight manages to get a hold of Terence's foot and immediately starts shooting out a continuous stream of fire on it to burn him. Meanwhile, Dax figured the other one might come sooner or later, so he kept charging the attack, trying to make it powerful.
Terence bends down and repeatedly begins smashing Twilight's face. It quickly becomes bloody, and he manages to break out. He is about to succumb to the pain of fire until water puts the fire out. He looks up to see his savior as Alex jumps from the roof and unloads a gun on Twilight's face. He tosses a second pistol to Terence, which he catches and aims at Dax. "DAX! STOP NOW OR WE WILL USE FORCE!!"
Dax smirks as his attack was now fully charged. "Bye bye." Dax says before he swings the scythe 360 degrees, using enough force to knock them out. Just to be precautionary, Dax summons UpgradeC who waits in front of Dax with a bullet deflecting shield that went all the way around them both.
Terence ducks under the blade and Alex watches, being far out of range. "Was that really what you were building up to?" The two look at the shield. "Oh no brother, how could we ever pass this shield?" Alex asks sarcastically. Terence teleports within the shield and wraps his arm around Dax's neck, putting the gun to his head.

"Try anything and I shoot. You've lost."
Dax sighs and lowers his weapons, UpgradeC disentigrates. "You do realize this is pointless, right? I need Dax to move tonight, I can't have him stay. We won't even be gone long, why can't you understand that? We would've left peacefully if you and the other pest interrupted." It explained.
"Ahh, so another personality, huh?" Alex runs over and grabs Terence's arm. Suddenly, a pop sounds and Dax finds himself inside the FFA base with it's occupants staring startled at the three new arrivals. "Twilight, I know this looks bad, but this isn't Dax," Terence quickly says. Alex reloads his gun before looking at Twilight and nervously chuckling.

"So, when I brutally shot your clone to death... know there was nothing personal."
Dax stood up and shook his head. "First of all you idiots, I'm not his alternate personality. You won't find out what I am for a long, long time. I consider being another personality being a puppet. Do you think I'm just a puppet? You're more stupid than you look. Don't you see? There are no strings on me." It said.

Twilight looked at Dax.
"My Daxie..it's his body, but not really him. So help me god, if either one of you try to kill him.." She said, then sighed as she shook her head. "Nobody mess with him, just let me study and take care of him."
"Har har, references." Terence says while Alex lets out a genuine chuckle.

"We never said,"

"That you were,"

"A puppet," The two say, alternating lines. Three shivers a little at that, as Nil lets out a laugh.

Daxie? Bro, am I the only one whom that really annoys?

No. When Flow did it, it was funny because she did it to everyone. When Twilight does it, it's only to one person. Her uptight personality just doesn't fit. Therefore, it's really annoying.

Thank you!


You ever gonna say that to her face?

Hell no.

Then we're good.

Wait, didn't Dax say something about Flow when he returned from his walk?

Yeah, he did. I couldn't make it out though.

"Hey Daxie," Alex says as Terence lets out a knowing chuckle. "What did you say about Flow a while back?"
Dax growls. "Don't you dare call me that name. oh, you want to know about her? I'll tell you, in exchange for letting me go. The information I have about her is valuable to you. Give me my freedom-including not chasing me down, and I'll tell you." He bargained.
Alex thinks about it before they both laugh. "We can wait until you're all better. We'll even give you a lollipop. I'm sure you'd be happy to tell us. So... no."

Sonic then steps up. "Umm... part of my musical abilities is I can change attitudes. Calm people down, anger them, whatever is necessary. I can sing a song to help." Terence shakes his head.

"Only if need be. No need to drain energy. If he starts to escape, then sure." Meanwhile, Three returns with some rope and ties Dax up, while Terence still keeps an arm around him and a gun to his head.
Dax growls once more. "Let me go! You want to know what happened to her? Let me go and I'll tell you! You idiots...I'm not all cruel, you know. We share the same body, and I can see people care for him. I'm not going to let him get injured, just let us go." It said calmly.
Alex grins, "So convenient that you say you won't let HIM get injured."

"I've had my fair share of good guys with dark sides. I know how this thing works," Three says skeptically.

"Wait... listen to him." Terence says. Alex sighs and nods as Three and Nil look on in what seems to be anger with a hint of shock, and Sonic looks on curiously. Terence lets go and leaves to talk to Three as Alex walks up to him.

"What happened to her?"
Dax stands up and stretches, glad to be free now. "As I said, I'm not all cruel. She was attacked by someone named Jax and...killed in the proccess. He left with her corpse, saying it was something about a sire and Zabuza. Dax lost control and lashed out, exhausting himself and hurrying back here to warn you. As I said, I won't let Dax get hurt. As for Flow, it's up to all or some of you to save her." He said and began to walk out before taking out a card. "Trust me, you have to worry about her more than Dax. at least he is safe. I know not where he took her, but you better hurry." He summoned a hoverboard with the card and left.

Twilight watched and gasped slowly as she heard what happened to Flow, but sighed as Dax left.
"He's right. Dax and that thing can fend for themselves, Flow should be our main priority." She declared.
They nod and Terence looks at Three. As Dax is about to leave, Three quickly freezes Dax against a wall, covering him in ice and intentionally leaving many tiny holes for air.

"I said I'd let you go," Terence says, kneeling down to Dax. "I never said anything about Three."

Nil looks over at Twilight and facepalms. "You just don't get it, do you Dusk... Twilight? It's not his wellbeing they're worried about. Nonetheless, what can we do about Flow?"

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