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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

"Then you're going to have to wait. The Demon's busy awaiting something to happen. You can talk with him afterwords, but until then you're stuck with me. So if you have any other questions you might as well ask me."

A screen appeared showing the local news for New York City. It ended up being the usual, conduit attacks spread out across the city accompanied with a DUP representative making the same promise that they have made over and over again that they will stop the conduit menace. It was clearly not what the Demon was awaiting to happen.
Selim returned Zabuza's smile with his own and jogged after the man, a new found happiness bubbling inside of him. Zabuza's words had, in fact, relieved him. That was one of the things Selim loved about Zabuza. The way he spoke. His charismatic and persuasive speech had been a key part in the Great Conduit War. Zabuza had, more than once, increased the morale of his troops, even when things seemed so bleak everyone thought it was pointless to continue fighting. Zabuza was a born leader. There was no doubt abut it. Selim would gladly follow him to hell and back.
With Selim's spirits clearly risen, Zabuza finally began the walk down the stairs to the catacombs. With Jax and Akuma still following alongside him with Selim, the four conduits continued to walk down the desolate corridors of the catacombs. If you didn't know where you were going you would end up hopelessly loss down here. There was nothing to worry about though for the Demon knew the way. Finally they reached a large opening that was the hideout of the Sires for now.

What had once been a room filled with nothing but crates was now loaded with furniture of all types that had clearly been 'borrowed' in the Demon's name. It was clear that Nico and Xavier had been busy while the Demon had been having fun around the town. A large plasma screen TV was attached to one of the walls with couches and tables set up all around it. For the moment it was set to the local news. The Demon took his seat in the middle of one of the couches as he watched and waited.

After some time Nico and an unknown human girl with long black hair, dark green eyes, and a purple shirt entered from one of the many entrances leading to the hideout . Together the two of them walked over to where the Demon was sitting. As they got closer it could easily be seen that the girl had multiple sets of bite-marks on her neck.

"Greetings Nico, my son, is she the one you chose?"

"This is Snow, and I found her at those blood donation services that Felix talked about for sires. Speaking of which," Nico threw several bags worth of blood at the Demon who managed to catch all of them and begin drinking.

"Did you inform her of exactly what her part will be in the great plan?"

The girl finally spoke up, speaking for Nico.

"Yes, he told me everything. I know all of the dangers. I'm willing to take the risk in order to gain.."

She was cut off by the Demon who didn't allow her to finish her sentence.

"Then when I rewrite the history book, your name will go in it Snow. Forgive my poor manners but for this to work not everybody can be allowed to know the entire plan. When the time comes you will know what you have to do Snow."
The shadow shield begins to crumble as Felix writhes in agony. The three other conduits look on in horror as their last vestibules of safety come crashing down. Just as it falls around their head, they see a storm of bullets rain down on the five downed soldiers. Before the laser soldier can react, he's encased in ice. The three turn in shock to see Nil and Three behind them.

"It looked like you guys needed our help." Three walks over to the encased soldier and finishes the job, as Nil looks to the three, before looking to Felix. The twins smile in gratitude, as Flow smirks.

"So, it seems you two had a change of heart. Or are you planning to 'take us to your leader?'"

"The former, more or less," Nil says, still looking at Felix. "What happened to him?"

"First Sons got lasers," Alex says.

"Really powerful," Terence adds.

"Felix got shot," Alex finishes. Nil stares at the two before chuckling.

"Well, that's certainly weird. Both the lasers, and the synchronized speech." Three ambles over to the group and mimics Ni: She looks at the three, then at Felix. He was... interesting. Before when the two had looked at him, all they had felt was burning hate. They still felt that hate, but now they felt... something else.

They were loyal to Shadow... and Felix was Shadow.

"We need to help him." The shadows nod and Nil takes guard as Flow and Three examine Felix's wounds. After a few moments, Three quickly punches Felix in the face, silencing him.

"What was that for?!" Alex angrily asks. Nil chuckles and turns to him.

"Anesthesia." Soon they make plans and pack up.

Nil and Three grin as they enter a warehouse.

"Our old base, our FIRST base," Nil says as they walk in. He dances around a bit before nodding. "Still as good a dance floor as always." Three rolls her eyes and sets down their stuff. "So, when are we getting the gang back together?" At Flow's questioning eyebrow, he sighs. "The FFA?"

"You mean you're joining?" She says in genuine shock.

"If we're going to defeat Psych, we'll need backup. I'm sure no one would oppose to that." Three says, reliving the memories of the base.

"It's worse than that," Alex says.

"Zabuza's back."

After catching the Shadows up to speed, they both groan in annoyance.

"Whelp, here we go again."

Jax frowned as he looked at the girl. He felt safe though. One thing that was helpful to him was he was almost impossible to read. He felt safe that even the Demon couldn't figure him out. Looking at this girl... her willingness to surrender to him... something felt wrong to him. He couldn't define it, but he began to feel a rising sense of... what is that, disgust? Anger? He couldn't tell, but the willingness to give up your own control... it didn't feel right.

I've made the wrong choice, I'm sure of it now. Or... almost sure. Nonetheless, I should play it cool. I still don't HAVE to pick a side. Just because I'm not with the sires doesn't mean I'm with the FFA. And I'm CERTAINLY not with the Shadows. I need to find a way to smoothly defect.
The Demon stretched out on the couch that he had to himself while still watching the news with little interest. He looked back over to Selim, Akuma, and Jax who were still sort of just standing around. He focused his attention on Jax who seemed to be at slight unease. Despite what Jax might think, Zabuza was an excellent judge of character even if the person or conduit in question wasn't a sire that he could read the mind of.

"Why don't the three of you take a seat? There seems to be plenty of them to go around. If I'm correct we should all also have furnished rooms somewhere in this maze of a catacombs to sleep here tonight. Jax, I also know so little about you. Why don't you tell me more about yourself to pass the time. What was it like to get your powers? How exhilarating was it when you first discovered your powers? Please, speak to your heart's content."
Jax almost panicked a little when Zabuza called on him, before chuckling internally. Dude, calm down. It's no big. He's no better than a school teacher asking for your summer experience right now, no reason to freak.

Jax takes a seat and thinks for a moment. "When I got my powers... jeez, that takes me back. The first time I got my powers... to be honest, it was the worst kind of exhilarating. I was terrified. I thought I was... some sort of monster. A freak, not deserving to live. I even attempted suicide. I couldn't bring myself to use a knife or a gun, so I tried hanging. I knew I could control rope, so I tried hanging myself with wire. Of course, my survival instincts kicked in and I used my powers to undo the wire. At the time, I didn't know I could do that. I then resigned to living an empty life afraid of myself.

"Eventually, I began to think. I wondered if helping others could fill the hole in my life. If doing heroic deeds could make others less afraid of me, and thus make me less afraid of myself. But every time I helped someone... they usually ran in terror from me. That was no way to live. I then began to get angry at humanity. Why couldn't they just accept me?!" Jax clenched his hands in rage for a moment, before relaxing them again.

"I tried killing for sport, or for demonstrations. At first it helped... but once I realized that I was nothing more than a killer without a reason, I became even more afraid of myself. I once again tried a hero stint, with slightly better results, but not by much.

"Then one day... everything changed. I went to an electronics store to get a TV. I had the money and everything, but the guy refused to serve conduits. I used a wire I kept wrapped around my wrist to choke him to death and steal the TV. I felt... great. I wondered to myself, 'why? Why was that kill so exhilarating, when the others made me feel terrible?' I realized then that it wasn't necessarily the kill that made me happy, it was getting what I wanted: that TV. After some self experimentation... I learned." Jax pauses to sigh and think for a moment.

"I need to be constantly entertained. I kill to get what I want. I enjoy the end result, not the means. Because if I get bored enough to stop and think..." Jax sadly looks down at his metal holster, looking at his reflection. "I realize just how much of a monster I really am," He says in a tone just louder than a whisper. "Not for being a conduit... but because of what I did when I was afraid."
The Demon thoughtfully listened closely to Jax's story while he thought of what exactly he could say in order to help the clearly troubled conduit. Most importantly he needed to reassure him that he was doing the right thing by helping Zabuza achieve his dream. It wouldn't be easy.. but the Demon knew just how charismatic and persuasive he could be when he wanted to.

"Then maybe it would help if you came to terms with the monster you are. All of us here are considered monsters by humanity. Which is good. It shows they fear us and our ability to take their place at the top of the food chain. The powers given to you weren't a curse but rather a gift. By the odds of random chance you were gifted with powers that allow you to do as you please. You should take pride in what you do.

You enjoy the end result, right? And you don't like to allow yourself time to reflect on your past? Then wouldn't you love a world where you were to be given a city to rule over as you please? You would live like a god among mortals. You'd be allowed to toy with them as you please to pass the time as you wish. Whether you're a benevolent or hateful god to them is no concern to me. Even the lowliest of conduits will tower over the mightiest of mortals in this world. We can only accomplish this if we work together to stop those conduits that would still help the humans and then all we have to do is crush the human's will to fight.

Can I still count on you to help?"

The Demon's crimson eyes stared into Jax's in the most menacing way possible with his last sentence. He didn't want there to be any question of loyalty here. Sire or not Zabuza still wanted to know he could trust Jax.
Jax smiles. He almost agrees, until he stops for some quick thinking. Come to terms with the monster you are...

Do I have to be a monster? I am, but must it stay that way? Must I always be one?

Maybe. I don't believe in fate or destiny, but maybe that's how it's going to be. But... ruling. I don't want power. Power is boring. Crush the humans' will to fight? It's not fun if they don't fight. The end result wouldn't be fun...

But fighting Felix would certainly be fun. Oh, the suspense is already killing me...

Ok, stick to your original plan. Say yes, and do some thinking later.

"Yes," Jax says, with a degree of certainty that startled even him. He put on a very convincing grin, "I suppose in the end it's their fault that I'm this way. Their fear is what forced me to become this."

That's a good point.

"Besides..." This time Jax give a one hundred percent genuine grin, "I'm in it for the ride."
With the Demon placated by Jax's response his attention finally turned to Akuma. Thinking back, he realized just how strange it was that this one had never even said a word before. Still, he was confident enough in the fact that he could trust Akuma. He had helped to rescue the Demon and even used his healing powers to return Zabuza's strength.

"What about you Akuma? What's your story? You're most certainly the quite one. I don't believe I've even heard you speak yet."

In the meantime Zabuza had unstrapped the Executioner's Blade from his back and was now sharpening the edges of it. It wasn't exactly common that the Demon encountered an enemy that he gave the honor of cutting down with his blade.
Akuma perked up in his seat and waved at Zabuza. He said... Just kidding he's mute. He stood up then sat down for no reason and he shook his head signifying that he changed his mind on doing something. He shrugged and fixed his positioning on his chair, going into Lotus position.

((The challenge is real.))
(You brought this challenge upon yourself.)

The Demon watched Akuma's entire act with amusement. By now Zabuza figured Akuma was either extremely shy or had to be mute. Which would also make him the first mute conduit he had ever met. Although Zabuza mused that anybody could of gained powers, even somebody who had been mute before.

"Are you per chance mute Akuma? Just shake your head yes or no to answer my questions. Was it an injury or birth defect? If you want we could see if my blood is able to repair your vocal cords. But they would have to be damaged for my blood to work. Meaning if it wasn't an injury that caused it I may not be able to help."
Akuma perked up once again. He vigorously nodded his head and he raised his right hand with his index and middle finger up showing that the second reason was why he was mute. All of his life he had been mute. Well. All of his life had been in the First Sons prison. He has no memories of before that so being mute must have been a birth defect, he would've been able to heal himself too.
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Bishop nodded and sat down. "I can wait. I doubt The demon could get any older anyways."

((Sorry for the one liner, I didn't know what else to put...))
"No more questions for me? Alright then, we can just wait..."

The blond haired kid said as the television screen he was watching turned black...


Downstairs in the catacombs of the new sire hideout the gigantic plasma screen TV that had been showing the news went black just like every other TV in New York City. The Demon finally leaned forward and paid attention to what was about to take place. A symbol began to spin around the screen, it was one every person would be familiar with for it belonged to the most massive reconstruction and building company in the city. It also just so happened to be the only company left because of rather shady deals and buyouts. They had a monopoly on every single bit of repair in the city.

Every time a conduit smashed through a wall or leveled a building it was money in their pockets. The company was making billions off of the damage and destruction to New York City. Their CEO happened to be a person by the name of Wilson Fisk but other than his name, he was shrouded in mystery. He had never been seen before to the public, and he liked it staying that way.

The screen began to fade from black as the steps to New York's city hall could be seen. Standing before a microphone was Robert Fisk, the son of the CEO. He stood side by side the mayor of New York City.

"I'm sorry that my father could not be here today, but I speak in his place for our entire company. It is time to say, that my company has failed this city. But we are not alone. The DUP, despite their best efforts, have failed this city. And even the people that make up this city, have failed it.

For too long has our company simply stood aside and cleaned up the damages done by conduits. If we ever want to see this city returned to it's glory, then we can no longer stand in the shadows and just repair what they do to us. We must take the initiative and stop the conduit menace!

The DUP tried their best, but with their limited government spending there was only so much they could do. That's why my company has went around the world to hire some of the most highly skilled mercenaries and PMCs known to this planet to help with this menace."

The man finally took a break from talking as the screen zoomed over to show a battalion of mercenaries in all black armor. On the fronts of their armor in orange lettering was "GCE", exactly the same that had been shown in the Demon's illusion. At the very front of all of them was a red-headed commander that clearly lead this group of mercenaries.

"I give to you, the City of New York, the Global Conduit Eradication forces. They will not stop until every conduit is hunted down, captured, and publicly executed. You have my word New York, you have my word. Now it's time to prove to you that I am a man of my word."

Two of the GCE's began to drag out a red-headed girl. She had actually been on the news earlier that day for terrorizing the city with her powers. She was wearing strange blue-colored handcuffs. As a conduit she should of been able to break out of them with her increased strength, but she seemed to be struggling uselessly.

"This little girl's name once was Kimberly. However after the blast when she got her powers she decided to be called Mirror. She's a conduit that was capable of changing her shape to look like anyone. You might recognize her as she went on a killing spree this evening, taking the lives of around fifteen New Yorkers. You may go ahead."

The red-headed mercenary leader stepped up behind the girl as she was forced on her knees. He pulled out a revolver and without any hesitation splattered her brains across the steps of the city. Both cheers and screams could be heard from the crowd.

"This is only the beginning. One of many public executions to come. Now it's time to talk about why the people have failed this city. All conduits are a menace to this city. No matter what they might do from time to time they must all be hunted down. When I look at this newspaper, all I can think about his how this city has failed itself."

Robert Fisk held up a newspaper that claimed Felix to be the hero of this city. The cameras all zoomed in to see.

"No conduit can be a hero. No conduit is above the law. No conduit will be free from our grasp. I will prove to your that this man is not what he says he is."

Suddenly video footage of the day that Felix snapped while chasing down the Demon, thus killing hundreds of DUP and civilians alike began to show. It focused in on how much Felix seemed to enjoy what he was doing. Then finally the screen went black again as normal TV returned.
The conduits look at the unconscious Felix and then look outside to see the moon hanging in the air. "I need to sleep..."

Three turns to look at Flow as she says that. Flow is sitting next to Felix and yawning. Suddenly Nil stretches and plops on the ground.

"Yeah, I haven't slept in a few weeks. Mine as well before the war starts."

"I'll take first watch," Three replies. Nil shrugs and they both lay down on the ground and soon after fall asleep. Three decides to turn on an old TV and, to her amazement, it works. She soon sees the GCE ad and chuckles. "If the DUP couldn't do it, what makes you think you could?" She then sees the massacre and chuckles once more. "Oh, that's out of context. Still not much better IN context, but nonetheless. Felix really shouldn't be your top priority." She continues watching, and about ten minutes later, a newscast pops up.

"The new head of the DUP, Carl Marcus, has appeared to give an announcement after the GCE announcement earlier." It then cuts to show a man at a podium. He had graying hair, but was tall and had a face that commanded authority.

"We ask the people to not lose their faith in us," Carl said, looking around at the assembled people. "We made many mistakes in the past, and the lives lost have haunted me and my predecessor ever since. The situation in Seattle blinded us from a much larger situation happening right here in New York City. Because of that, we did not put in the effort we should have. Lives were lost, men were lost, security was lost... and faith was lost." His face turns stern as he looks back to the camera. "We will not make that mistake again. We have brought in our elite troops. These troops have been granted concrete powers, so as to combat the Bio-Terrorist threat. They are strong, they are vigilant, and they will not fail." He then looks back around at the people.

"Ten years ago, Bio-Terrorists emerged for the first time, and wrecked havoc on the world. Six years ago, those Bio-Terrorists began their plague of this city. Five years ago, you entrusted us to help you. I ask you to not forget that trust that you gave us. With our new soldiers, we will reclaim this city in the name of humanity. We will capture all Bio-Terrorists, rather than publicly execute them. They are the monsters, not us. We will bring peace back to this city. So don't trust some loosely based business for your protection. Trust us, and I promise you, all of you, that we will reciprocate that trust with protection. Humanity shall not fall this day, nor ever." The crowd cheered as he said these words. Three shut off the TV at that point and reclined. I think I'd rather have the DUP's on us. I know how to fight them. Those GCE guys... I don't like them.

Felix stood in the street. He had a clear goal in mind. Shadow and Psych remained, and he had to stop them. Alongside him stood Sphinx. He had told her not to follow him, but she hadn't listened. In front of him stood the two menaces themselves.

"So, it all comes down to this?" Felix says, staring the two down. Psych maniacally grins, but Shadow eyes him with a determined gaze.

"Yep," Psych says as he approaches Felix. Felix lowers into a combat stance and readies his sword. Psych stops short and glances up, grinning. Felix turns to see what he's looking at, and as he does he hears a thud and a scream. And there, Dark stands over Sphinx, a sword through her chest. He chuckles as he pulls out the sword and Sphinx falls, blood oozing from her chest. Felix runs over to her and holds her as Dark simply stands, watching and grinning.

"Don't leave me!" He said, "Max already left me! Don't go!" Felix grabs her head and holds her tight, feeling her begin to go limp. As the last bits of life leave her, he grabs her head and pulls out her "energy," as he preferred to call it. He'd make a clone of her later, but as her body falls to the floor, finally dead, he realizes his first objective.

Staring at her body, Felix sits paralyzed. Dark walks up to him, ready to finish him off. As his sword comes down, Felix rapidly blocks it. Before Dark can react, Felix jumps up, spins, and slices off his arm. Dark doesn't even get the chance to scream as his severed head rolls to the ground. Psych and Shadow look on as Felix turns to them, a mad look in his eye. Not the anger he gets when he becomes Shadow, not the everywhere look he gets when he becomes Psych... a different look.

Felix felt the anger of Shadow, and the bloodlust of Psych swell within him...

and he let it. He let his anger and his want for death take him over. But he still felt in control. For the first time ever... Psych, Shadow, and Felix, were one.

Psych is the first to react as he dashes and Felix and swings. Felix quickly parries and follows it with a cut to the chest, before ducking under another cut. Shadow jumps in and slices at Felix and Felix effortlessly dodges it and cuts Shadow's side. Psych launches a Dark Missile attack at Felix, which Felix blocks whilst ducking under another of Shadow's cuts. Both Psych and Shadow attack at once and Felix manages to expertly swing the sword around to block all of them before swinging back full force and cutting Psych hard, leaving a scar down him face. Psych backs up in pain before quickly turning and running. Felix turns to Shadow to see an expression Shadow had never shown before.


Felix launches a missile at Shadow, which Shadow fails to block. While Shadow is down, Felix bursts into the air and, summoning the darkness around him, creates a huge ball of darkness. He then launches back to the ground and slams it on Shadow, thus detonating the ball and destroying half the street. Felix walks over to Shadow's hurt body and stabs him in the stomach. When Shadow curls upwards, Felix grabs Shadow's head and proceeds to put all the shadow energy into his hands, pushing together at Shadow's head. A few moments later, Shadow's head incases and crushes due to the pressure, as Felix drops him.

Felix had needed that boost by letting go of his inhibitions.

"Hey, we beat them! Good job Felix!"

Nevertheless, he'd regret it for the rest of his life.

Felix did not get a restful night sleep.
Bishop twiddled his thumbs a bit before sitting down on the floor. He was never good at the waiting game, but he had more than enough to entertain himself with. He slowly led his right hand closer to his left until a stream of electricity flowed from one hand to the next. The action raised a thought in his mind, but first, "Actually, I have more questions." Bishop raised his hand out of common politeness. "First, what's your power? Forgive me if you've already shown or explained it, I get distracted easily..."
Selim laid back in his seat, morphing the shadow's around him as he watched the TV. As the man carried on, Selim began to gather up more and more shadow's, each picking up an object, twirling it around in the air. Once the woman was dragged out and executed, Selim jumped out of his seat, bearing his teeth at the mercenary who had killed the woman. He growled lightly, growing angrier as the demonstration neared it's end. "Damn mercenaries..... They think they're any better, killing Conduit's."
Nico was taken back and horrified from the display of the GCE just about as much as everybody else in the room. It was the Demon alone that seemed perfectly calm, as if this was what he had been expecting to happen. It was clear he was the only one inside the room that knew what the others did not. It was the Demon's child alone that began to speak up and say something..

"Father, I don't understand... That's what you were waiting to happen?"

"Do you trust me? Do all of you trust me?" Zabuza calmly replied.

"Of course.." His child replied.

"Then there's nothing to worry about. In the future, no matter the order, don't question it. Simply believe in my plan and follow along with it no matter how insane it might seem..." Zabuza then finally turned his attention to Selim.

"Everything is not always as it seems.." was the last thing the Demon had to say on the matter at hand.


The GCE's presence became abundantly clear after the revealing that night. Acting as a Private Military Company (PMC) funded by a multi-billion dollar construction and repair company they had more funding than the DUP had ever possibly received from the American government. Each of their patrols were clearly heavily armored and filled with hired mercenaries from around the world. They patrolled the city day and night constantly, as they even dared to go into areas of the city that the DUP had forsaken or refused to go to.

Being true to their word, they clearly weren't going to stop with the public execution of just one conduit.


"I.. I don't have time to answer that. I now need to desperately go and talk to him about what happened... I don't understand."

The blond haired man said before promptly beginning to head out to leave. He however quickly realized the fault in leaving these two unsupervised among the treasure cove of technology. Not wasting any time, he turned to them.

"You two wanted to see the Demon? Follow along."
Jax watches the TV and narrows his eyes. That was in Zabuza's vision. I don't like these guys, and not just because their killing conduits. I don't like feeling that there is a force out there that I don't understand... and I don't understand them.

"If you don't mind me asking," Jax states, "What are we doing here?"
The Demon turned his attention back towards Jax, one of the newer conduits working to help achieve his goal. Zabuza still wasn't sure entirely how he felt about him, but for now the kid had done nothing to cause doubt of his intentions.

"If you're asking in the literal sense, then I'd tell you to check the time. It's just about midnight and I was just freed today from my prison after several years. I intend to finally get some rest tonight and by the looks of it, all of you could use some rest as well."

Then the Demon began to laugh.

"If you meant the question in a more philosophical meaning, then I can't help you nearly as much. I for one would say that conduits are here in order to take leadership at the top of the food chain from humans. So that we can fix all the wrong they've done to this planet and keep their species in check."
"I meant literally... do you intend for us to sleep with you? I don't mean to sound rude, but how's that going to work?" Jax asks, looking around the place. Okay... maybe I SHOULDN'T have gotten involved in this new war...
"Do you see any beds in here? This is just more of the living room and meeting chamber of the place. If you didn't notice when you followed me in, these catacombs are huge and very easy for others to get lost in if they don't know their way around. I believe that there are bedrooms set up for each of us somewhere close in these catacombs, correct?"

The Demon looked over to Nico who nodded his head yes that they had furnished plenty of bedrooms inside different small rooms. More than enough that every conduit there could have their own room.

"That aside, what sort of question is that? Exactly what sort of picture do you have of me that you ask whether or not I intended to have you sleep with me?"
"I meant sleep in the same building, get your mind out of the gutter," Jax jokes, cracking his muscles. If he was being honest, he wasn't the "sit around and talk" kind of person. He was getting antsy from being sedentary so long.
Bishop stood up as he watched the the blonde had instructed him to. The news was a rather scary thing. The utter obliteration of conduits, right? Yeah, not good. Bishop thought. None of this was okay. Mostly because it involved genocide and needless bloodshed. Furthermore, the threat the 'GCE' posed. They seem far more on point than the DUP. It was honestly intimidatting. "Do you think The Demon intended this, Xavier? The event being published on news, at least? I mean..." Bishop looked down on the floor in fear and partial concern for this orginization. "...this could pose as potential jeprodization."
Embarrassed now, which was not something the Demon was very often, he began to notice how antsy Jax was feeling. It had been proven time and time again that he was good at reading other people, and it certainly wasn't difficult to tell.

Zabuza got up and unstrapped the Executioner's Blade from his back as he walked over to a clear section of the room.

"I still don't know very much about your powers Jax. Why don't you give me a demonstration? Let's see what you can do."


"I'm honestly not sure. He has this grand scheme of his but I've purposely not asked him very much about it. I know for a fact I'm the one person in the world he would tell his entire plan to if I wanted to know... so now I need some answers for myself.."

Xavier said as he walked down the street with Castle and Bishop following him along. They were heading through one of the much rougher known sides of town where the poor and homeless were known to wonder. Despite this every street and alleyway seemed clear.

When the trio finally saw some of the homeless they were be loaded into a GCE armored transport vehicle. Perhaps they were being evacuated? The blond simply didn't know. He was ready to leave when a spotlight fell on them from an attack helicopter they hadn't even heard.

It didn't take but just seconds before they were staring down the barrels of about thirty different automatic weapons all aimed at their hearts. That and several mounted weapons on top of armored vehicles were also aimed their way.

"Conduits, give yourselves up! There's no where to run."

One of the GCE in a fully black colored full body suit of armor finally said. It was Xavier that finally stepped up and said something before any of the others could react.

"Fallen Angel..."

The Demon had warned him of what to say if it the near future he ever found himself about to be captured by a force other than the DUP. It was only now that Xavier realized what Zabuza had meant behind that...

The spotlight from the attack helicopter went out as it began to fly away. All of the soldiers lowered their weapons and began to head back to their armored convoy as if they had never seen anything. The soldier that had commanded them to surrender earlier then spoke into his mike.

"District eleven's streets are clear. No conduit activity to report of yet."

With his heart still beating out of his chest, Xavier once again began to head towards Zabuza.

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