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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Bishop raised an eyebrow. "Martyr?" His voice was calm. Manslaughter was a common occurrence with Castle. Another reason to be wary of him. "You DO know that martyring is for religious reasons, right? NOT your own personal vendetta." Castle always had a tendency to say the wrong things, write the wrong things, do the wrong things, and don't even get started on how he would think the wrong things. "Also, the eradication of mankind does not count as a religious reason. It is a political one. Speaking of politics..." Bishop gestured to the door. "I'm about to meet someone who plans to give me information about this 'Conduit Utopia'. Wanna join?"
Castle contemplated the idea, "Sounds interesting. Tell me, where did you hear about this...'Conduit Utopia?' It sounds familiar. I overheard a conversation between a couple of conduits talking about something like that. Something about some guy named, Zabuza. You ever heard of him? And also, for the record, it was a religious murder! My religion is the genocide of the white and other ethnic backgrounds of the human race."
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Bishop shook his head. "Humans are political fuel. So, thus, genocide is a political matter. As medieval times have shown us, you cannot mix politics and religion. Even then, martyring only applies to the religion of the person being killed!" His voice grew with irritation. He took a deep breath and explained the Conduit Utopia concept. "It's basically where conduits are no longer limited by human discrimination. Instead, we are on top. We will reign as the top of the food chain, and oppression from humans will be no more. We might be the gods we were meant to be." Bishop smiled at the thought of pseudo divinity and full freedom.
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Castle, with the expressionless look of his gas mask on his face, hid the absolute look of confusion. "How... are humans.... political fuel? What if my religion was the genocide and extermination of the white race, and by 'white,' I mean humanity in a whole. All ethnic groups, skin colors, and genders. But mostly the white race. Also! In other news.." He reached into his handbag, " I FOUND THE MOST ADORABLE FREAKING CAT!" He pulled a cat out of his bag and held it out to the sky," Ain't he cute as hell? You wanna pet him?" He sat down and pet him. Castle's voice went down to a low demonic sounding bass octave, "Pet him...NOW. Because you serve her!"
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Bishop raised his eyebrows not in surprise of pulling a cat out of his handbag as opposed to his voice reaching such a low tone. "Castle, you're not even a bass. You're a baritone. Plus..." Bishop gestured to himself. "I'm allergic to cats." The cat sneezed after Bishop said stated that. "Cats are also allergic to me. You know this." He wasn't going to question the whole you serve her' thing. He was quite into 50% off. "Also..." Bishop turned to the door, then stared at it for a while. His eyes grew wider before they were filled with rage. He started slamming the door with his fist repeatedly. "When is someone gonna answer the damned door!?"
Castle perched the cat on his shoulder," His name is Buddy, and he wants you to respect my life choices. Now, if you don't mind me asking, who are we waiting for again? And can i kill them after we have used up all of their worth?" the cat jumped down and walked over to Bishop. 'Meow' Buddy started to Rub against Bishops leg, and began purring, then laid down on his feet. "meow' Castle looked at Bishop," Aww... he likes you, you should pet him, get to know him. and maybe get a cat of your own one day, maybe thru that you can even over come your allergies." He pulled out another knife and began spinning it." Ya know, you really need to find yourself a hobby, you just don't ever DO anything really, other than mutter to yourself and loathe in self worth. Go on, just kill someone, i promise it will make you feel better." And a sly smile crept across Castle's covered face.
Bishop glared down at the cat. "I'm gonna regret this..." Bishop pets the cat for a moment before quickly wiping the hair off on his robes. "Also, I don't always mutter to myself and wallow in self-loathing." Badecs voice grew softer. "That's on Mondays." Bishop stopped knocking on the door. He then turned to Castle. "Furthermore, no. You are not allowed to kill this person. I need him for the freedom I've longed for so much. Also," Bishop looked back down at the cat. "I'm more of a dog person."
Castle picked up the cat and started petting him again,"Yeah, ya kinda do always do it. even when your in a fight, you just question..." He gestured to his surroundings,"... everything. And your always just so pessimistic, C'mon, your abilities are a blessing, not a curse, like mine. Now stop be edgy. and just let your powers take control. also, why dogs? what do dogs do other than take craps and bark? And act stupid." He pondered," unless it's a husky. Then it's ok." Castle sat down on the chair, crossed his legs, and continued to pet the cat, while pondering on the past." So tell me Bishop. Do you remember when i freed you from confinement?" He glared at Bishop.
Bishop shot a look of irritation at Castle. "Okay, first off, nothing is wrong with being philosophical. Second, I'm not a pessimist. I am a realist. Get it right." Bishop took some time to glare at Castle before looking at down his hands with reminiscence. Electricity coursed through his veins and too his hands. "Third off, I know this power is a blessing, but as the old saying goes..." Bishop put his hands down and turned to Castle with a nostalgic look. "New levels, new devils. Nothing good in life is without a price. I just want to get rid of the price. Also, I do remember when you freed me from the transport bus." Bishop turned his whole body to Castle. "Why do you ask?"
Castle laid back in the chair and put his hands behind his head," Well, i've been thinking, about back then, when i had first started exploring my abilities. and i just ya know, was wondering. You never told me how you got your powers.And i was also wondering, if you had ever been to Iraq." He took off his mask," and how did you get caught? I mean with your abilities, you could have EASILY taken out the DUP. I mean seriously, ya got all this power, what's the use of it if you don't abuse it at times. Or at least used it to defend yourself." He let the cat down and it wondered off."You could have just sucked that power out of it, and killed your captures." He glared deeply at Bishop, as if studying him. "Cause the more i think about it..." He scratched his chin," Some stuff just isn't adding up."
As both Castle and Bishop argued and talked back and forth the sound of the electromagnet door sliding open seemingly by itself interrupted them. There was no person of any sort to greet them at the door, only a staircase leading down. Assuming the pair of conduits walked down these ominous stairs they would of found what looked like a vast treasure cove worth of technological equipment that had been "borrowed" over time from stores, the DUP, and even the First Sons.

In the middle of all of it was a blond haired male whose eyes were different colors. He was wearing a white buttoned shirt with thin blue stripes, a black tie, and a white vest that clips around the back of his neck. Neither Castle nor Bishop knew it, but they were looking at Xavier. Arguably the Demon's strongest supporter for his goal and also lover.

He was controlling a 3D model of New York City with just his hands as he was clearly looking for something. Hundreds of red dots covered the underground of the city from whatever he found. There was also a holographic screen showing what looked like mutli-billion dollar accounts and the transfers going on between them. However, as soon as Bishop and Castle walked in Xavier swiped his arm to the side and both images dissipated.

"I've been expecting you Bishop and I see you even brought a conduit 'friend'. The cat is fine but keep it away from my hardware. Now, Zabuza asked me to answer your questions about his Utopia while he was busy. I assure you there is no other person than him that can better answer your questions than me."
Castle walked over to the horde of tech, and studied it all. Aside from being a psychopathic killer, and his love of bringing destruction and order, technology was one of his favorite and most knowledge filled fields from his past, and slightly a bit less in his present. but he was still a tech genius none the less, " So where did you get all of this? Isn't most of this DUP tech?" He walked over to a computer and began pulling up files and databases. Scavenging through all the information and storing it on a flash drive he always had on him. He looked through everything else was there, looking in amazement of all the amazing technology that surrounded him. For it was when he went tech, that his rage, hatred, and insanity was cured, and he was sane, controlled, and fully focused." I am in tech heaven! Where did you get all of this stuff?!"
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Felix, Flow, and the twins hold their hands up in the air after their cheer, and glance awkwardly at each other. "Now what?"

"Now, you die!" They hear. They looks to see five First Sons personal in front of them. Felix chuckles.

"Only five? Really? You aren't even WORTH fighting." That's when they hold up their guns. Felix notices something is off about them, and quickly creates a shadow shield as bolts of blue energy strike it. The four conduits hide behind the shield.

"What the hell?" Terence remarks. "How'd they get that?"

"They captured me awhile back," Flow says, "They tortured me until I infused weapons with conduit powers. Because they were weapons, it was possible to simulate conduit stimulation, thus allowing non-conduits to use them."

"Non-conduits can't?" Felix asks, confused.

"Oh, yeah, I learned that. Normally only conduits can use my items. Last I heard, the were trying to make those same upgrades for armor."

"That would be bad," Alex adds. Felix stands up and creates a shadow blast, knocking the five over. Suddenly, another soldier appears, toting a huge gun. Felix looks at it with curiosity, when energy collects at the barrel of the gun. Before he can react, a huge laser bursts out, blasting Felix in the chest and sending him flying multiple feet back, yelling in pain on the ground as the other three stare in horror.

"They can really hurt us now..." Flow says in horror.
Bishop looked at the door and took the opportunity to dodge the question. He headed inside, looking at all the technology that didn't belong to them to begin with. On top of all the stolen DUP, First Sons, and other technologies, there must of been thousands of terabytes worth of information here. Naturally, Castle would want to-...oh shit, Castle... Bishop raised his hand slightly. "That's not the matter at hand, Castle. We're here for the Conduit Utopia." Bishop stepped closer to the blonde man, but then snapped back at Castle with a admittedly scornful tone. "Furthermore, it's rude to just go delving through someone's database." He turned back to the blonde. "The Conduit Utopia." Bishop narrowed his stare. "For starters, what will become of the human race afterwards. In fact, what will become of them during the plan following through?" Hopefully, it wouldn't be like Castle's idea of a Conduit Utopia, where humans would just be part of his cremation set.
Castle blankly stared at Bishop thru the red pained lenses on his mask. "I'm not looking thru any personal files. Just information, that's all. Added DUP information and codes. Is that a bad thing? Now what would be bad is if i just went up here and decided to click on all these 'hidden' or 'locked' files" He typed a little more on the keyboard," Now that would just be rude. But i'm not about that life. Ah well. "Castle said sarcastically. He pulled out the flash drive from the computer and tucked it back into his pocket." Now that that's all out of the way...Please, tell me about this,"Conduit Utopia." He stood next to bishops and crossed his arms. "lets hope for all our sakes."
"Castle!" Bishop stared at Castle with a deathly stare. "Put. It. Back. Otherwise, I'll do mean things. You'll..." Bishop pretended to put on shades. "...be shocked at what I'm capable of." Bishop lifted his head and yelled, "YEEEEAAAHH!!"
With a change of color in the young blond haired boy's eyes and another few movements of his hands he had wiped all data from the the USB Castle had tried to store information on. Of course the conduit wouldn't know this until later when he checked to see nothing was saved upon the flash drive. He shouldn't of been trying to steal in the first place.

"Humanity will not be entirely wiped out for that would be rather foolish. What point would there be in ruling over this world as gods over men if there were none to rule over? Humans are also rather important livestock to Zabuza and those he gifts with his powers. In this new utopia humanity will be ranked by different tiers. When we begin our rise to power for Conduits being the dominant species of this planet there will no doubt be humans that support us in order to help secure places for themselves in this new world.

They, alongside other humans of extreme political or otherwise influence that support conduit rule, will be the top tier. Those whose words can directly control the masses and keep them complacent will be of high value to our new world order. Ideally it would be against the new law order to harm or kill them without reason.

The next tier would be those humans whose jobs are essential to keeping the world running smoothly. Those that if killed would be somewhat difficult to replace such as high level doctors or other such important fields that will be necessary to keep direct control over. It would be strongly recommended for a conduit not to kill them.

Lower than that tier would then be humans whose jobs are not essential to keeping the world running smoothly. Those that if killed could be replaced a dime a dozen. Ideally each conduit that helps the Demon will be given at the very least a city or two to rule over. What you do with these rank of humans would be entirely up to you.

Finally the lowest tier would be the livestock. The poor, the sick, the elderly, the weak, and those humans who would publicly speak out against the new conduit order. These would be the ones whose blood would be drained as much as possible in order to feed the Demon and all those that he chooses to sire."

Xavier didn't seem to flinch as he called some humans no better than livestock. If this was Zabuza's dream then he had every intention of doing everything in his power to help him achieve it.

"Next question please."
Bishop sneered at the thought of continued political things. Eww, political matters. Bishop thought. Despite what he thought, he was actually impressed with this idea. A social pyramid, even the permission to ascend to theoretical divinity. On top of all that, freedom, Bishop grinned, but then immediately stopped at a concept that he hoped Zabuza hadn't looked over. "The cattle. We'll keep their population in check, right? Humans aren't TOO expendable. I mean, they're pretty damned abundant, but nonetheless. Also," Bishop squinted a bit and pursed his lips. "If I join, do I have to be sired?"
Castle stopped typing on the computer and walked over next to Bishop with a puzzled look under his mask," What do you mean by "sired?" He Then looked to Xavier," And what do we have to do to achieve this conduit Utopia if we did decide to join you in your Crusade to becoming gods among mortals?"
Bishop continued to stare at Xavier. His eyes were blank and emotionless, but deep inside, he was honestly terrified. "Being sired simply means to become Zabuza's lapdog. You get his powers of advanced regeneration, physical ability, senses, and wicked sharp fangs and claws. Although, you have to become his eternal servant. I, for one," Bishop gestured to himself. "would rather not be forced to become a conduit vampire." Although, vampires were actually one of Bishop's favorite mythical creatures.
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Castle started to consider the idea for a second," Sounds fun! Except for the whole slave part. Not a particular favorite choice of career in my eyes. Any chance i could just get around the idea of being an eternal slave. Cause that'd be great." He walked closer to Xavior." So when are we going to meet this, Zabusa that I've heard so much about?"
Xavier pursed his lips as he considered how much should be told to these two new conduits. Still, he intended to answer their questions to the best of his abilities.

"Seven billion humans tends to lead to a large amount of expendables I would think. Seeing as we'll only need their blood we won't have to actually kill the livestock. Instead we can carefully monitor and withdraw as much blood as possible from them without actually killing them. Mistakes are bound to happen but nothing of major concern should come from said problems."

Xavier began to pace back and forth as he answered questions one after another.

"Being sired is an honor, not a curse as you seem to put it. You also left out the part where your body will no longer age past it's prime. If you can't tell, I've also retained plenty of my freedoms. If Zabuza offers you the honor of being sired you could always decline it. Despite what many think, he's only ever given the power to those that wanted it.

What would you be doing if you chose to help us? There's a plan in place that I can't tell too many specifics of. When you meet the Demon, if you choose to help him achieve his cause, he'll more than likely give you at least one task to perform.

When will you get to meet him? That depends entirely on me. I will choose whether or not you get the honor of meeting him after this."
Castle looked at Bishop, and then back to Xavier," Well, no offense, but i'd rather talk to the Demon himself, rather than hearing little answers from his servants. Because i have some questions i'd like to ask him myself before jumping on the Utopia bandwagon." He crossed his arms and then started walking around the room again.
Akuma followed Zabuza into Xavier's hideout and listened to everything that was being said. He nodded to show his understanding of the situation and Zabuza wanted. He didn't really think it was bad. He kind of like Zabuza's plan. It was good for him. He could do what he wanted then. He sat down on the floor in lotus position and started to think about how he could help the team achieve that goal.
Bishop thought heavily of the pros and cons of this decision. Join The Sires and have to go toe-to-toe with The FFA, Bishop thought. or not join and have a chance to join the FFA or simply have full reign over my own life. Man, he hated choices. Still does. Nonetheless, Castle's right.. He spoke out the rest of his thoughts. "I have to agree with Castle on this one. If it's okay with the head honcho himself, I'd rather like to know who I'm working with and what I'm working out. Plus, I hate being left in the dark. Also," Bishop bit his lip. "when you talk about Siring like that, it sounds mighty tempting..."
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