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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Jax frowns as he notices that ball dropping to the ground, before grinning. Seconds before it hits the ground he shoots wires out behind him and rappels backwards. As the explosions commences, he flies up into the air, using the cover of the explosion to keep himself hidden. He sneaks above Nicholas and slides downwards on his wires, looking like spiderman hanging upside down.

"Wow, you really ARE feisty. And a conduit I see. No way you blocked that napalm on your own."

Flow frowns. "I may not have the best singing voice, but you seriously need to calm down. I didn't kill any-" She then processes the fragile line. Her eyes go wide in mock shock and she puts her hand to her chest. "Me? Fragile? I am not fragile." She then closes her eyes and sticks her nose in the air. "I drink milk." She says. She then chuckles and looks back to Chase. "Also, I'm not a human. I'm a conduit. Although Feely would maintain they're the same thing. See?" She then flip into the air while levitating some boxes around her and creating a fire in her right hand, grinning all the while. Power combo, activate!!
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The Demon of the Mist was preparing his speech on the wonders of a conduit utopia to Akuma and all it would entail before he noticed an explosion accompanied with the smell of napalm off in the distance. Enhanced senses were always such a delight in the city that seemed to never sleep, or die for that matter.

"We can talk again later if you're interested in helping me more to achieve my goals. I believe Nico mentioned something about Xavier having some sort of hideout that we could all sleep in for at least tonight. I'll find my way there sometime tonight. For now it's time I finally have a little fun now that I'm free."

Zabuza said as he jumped from the rooftop and landed on the sidewalk below unharmed. He began to walk towards where he had heard/smelled the napalm earlier, looking forward to seeing what fun he could have on the way. He had several years worth of pent up rage to deal out to anything that dared defy him.
Akuma nodded vigorously and followed Zabuza because he wanted to see how he could fight. He thought that it would also be fun to fight some more. He has been tortured beyond even his natural health regeneration or healing abilities. He wanted to she'd a little blood. Just a little. Maybe a few thousand people. As he followed Zabuza he neare the source of the terrible smell he had caught a whiff of on te rooftop. He skipped beside Zabuza.
Nicholas chuckled as yet another gelatin like ball began to form in front of him. Jax had been right. Nicholas hadn't blocked the napalm, at least on his own. Small amounts of napalm were visible in the area around Nicholas, quickly rushing towards their new home: A larger napalm that that would create a sizable explosion. "So, you like to run and hide, don't you? Well, I don't blame you. Not much you can do with a weak power and physique like that, can you?" Nicholas said, purposely trying to provoke Jax. If his plan worked and Jax was stupid enough to rush towards him, once he got within a range where he wouldn't be able to escape, Nicholas would launch the ball, sending it hurtling straight for him.

"Milk won't save you from New York. I've been told that the city that never sleeps is a dangerous place, especially at night. Especially when you run around screaming, telling people where you are," Chase said monotonously as he looked down the road. Sighing to himself, he looked back to Flow. "Go home before something bad happens to you."
Flow shakes her head, halting her powers. Color me surprised! He didn't comment on the fact that I apparently used three powers. "I am more than capable, mister. I've taken on and defeated foes you can't even imagine. I didn't even die! Believe me, that's not a common trait amongst my friends."

Jax zips away from the napalm and frowns. "And here I thought we were friends." He then proceeds to launch four high velocity wires at him. Not attempting to kill him, but rather to just narrowly miss him. If the wires are too fast for him to process, as they well should be at this range, he'll be fine. Just spooked. If he tries to dodge... well then, that won't end too well.
None of the three conduits present had noticed the sudden presence of a rather worldwide infamous man that had made his appearance without even the slightest noise or trace. The strong smell of napalm and sweet smell of conduit blood accompanied with the sound of fighting had peeked the Demon's interest just enough for him to watch what could be considered the next generation of conduits. If the last generation were considered those that had taken part in the great Three-Way War then these three new unknown faces were wild cards that could more than likely be swayed to help either side fight a war that was long-since considered over.

This is going to take more energy than I care to spend at the moment, but I always need to make a flashy entrance.

As Jax fired the four high velocity wires at Nicholas the Demon began clapping, finally making his appearance known to the three as he walked towards them. Finally he snapped his fingers and all four of the wires were cut into shreds and fell harmlessly to the floor. At least that's what it would look like to the three new conduits. In all reality they crashed into the asphalt rather far away from Nicholas but none of the three conduits were able to see or hear this.

"There's no better feeling than looking at the next generation of conduits with limitless potential and imagining all the things they could do. You'll have to excuse me, I use the term 'next generation' to describe those conduits who never took part in the old war. Whether that's because they chose to stay out of it or they weren't a conduit while that fighting took place."

The Demon stopped, realizing his mistake.

"I'm so sorry, where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself. You might know me, I'm the Demon that just escaped from Hell, once again born anew from the flames. You can call my Zabuza."
Jax grins and retracts his "snapped" wires. He didn't see them come back, but he could feel them.

"Ah, yes, Zabuza. I know all about you. Hypnotizing people to follow you in a hostile takeover of the world." Jax clucks and shakes his head. "I'm not one for hypnotizing you see. Though I must admit, your power impresses me. Might I ask what you want?"
Nicholas was going to move. He was going to attempt to dodge at least ONE of the wires, and flail through the rest. That was until he heard a clapping. That stopped him from moving, saving his life. The wires fell to the ground, limp, as he turned to see his savior. He heard the word 'Zabuza' and ran into an alleyway. He was having enough problems trying to get that wire freak to leave him alone, he didn't need a delusional Conduit who called himself a demon trying to turn him into a mindless slave. He was so close to the alleyway when something grabbed his foot and lifted him into the air, shaking him around. Whatever grabbed him pull him towards a smile child who had a large grin on their face. "Where are you going, bitch? The man was talking to you." Selim said with a laugh. He looked at Nicholas' bag, which he was still holding on to tightly. "What's in the bag?" Selim said as he grabbed it and tried to pull it away, resulting in a tug of war between both Nicholas and Selim. "Give it here, dipshit!" Selim screamed out.
"Thank you Selim, but I can keep him from running away. The next time he tries it he'll run face first into a wall. I'd also advice removing your hands from him, for I don't trust that conduit. He's the one I'm smelling napalm from, but I can also smell that he's carrying around IV bags full of his own blood in that bag. I have no clue why and that makes him a wild card."

The Demon's attention returned to Jax and the girl who has yet to say anything. First impressions were important. He had made his flashy entrance that had caught his audience's eyes, now it was time to engulf their attention.

"I'm not here to hypnotize you. I could be considered an illusionist conduit, so isn't it part of my job to show people and conduits alike a dream of what they'd like to see? I'm just here to show you three lovely new faces a dream, my dream. You can decide what you want to do afterwords."

Jax's wires were once again visible and completely unharmed thus emphasizing the 'illusionist' part of what the Demon had said. However, as he began to concentrate, it was clear the Demon was about to show all three of them something that would take a lot of power. The entire city around the three conduits began to change...

What they were seeing was New York City, but not even remotely like it stood today. Nearly everything had changed. Instead of the ruins and destruction the city found itself in now, this new city was marvelous looking. It was as if an tidal wave had struck the city as water was somehow unnaturally filling all of the streets and alleys. Only the rooftops of each of the hundreds upon hundreds of skyscrapers in the city were above the water.

Hundreds of tents could be seen sprawling up on each of the rooftops where the humans now lived. A complex system of wooden bridges connected all of the skyscrapers at one point or another. Canoes of all sorts and sizes seemed to be the favored form of transportation as days and nights were flying past in the visions the three conduits were seeing.

While there was no electricity, a strange green glow seemed to illuminate the sides of all the skyscrapers at night thus providing safe transport and lighting. As the daily lives of humanity began to be examined more closely, patrols of armed "human" in black armor could be seen. The front insignia of their uniform showed "GCE" in orange lettering. The most terrifying parts were that their skin was pale white, their eyes yellow, and the weapons they carried did not seem like any ever seen before.

Finally the vision turned to a colossal cruise boat in the center of the city. There were other boats like this of the same grandeur that belonged to conduits who had greatly helped in making this city possible, but this once was the capital 'building'. On it's side in bold was the lettering "Progenitus" the new name for city.

Looking inside the boat at it's center seemed to be a council meeting chamber filled with hundreds of seats. Each one filled with either a conduit or an extremely well know human of importance. Whether that be a past politician, leader of a country, or what have you. It was clear this was the new slightly democratic-mostly conduit ruled government of the new world.

Finally the Demon spent his last burst of energy bringing forth images and fantasies each personalized to all of the three conduits of what life could be like in specific for them in this new world. After this New York City seemed to return to normal as the illusions stopped.

"Well, what do you think?" Zabuza asked while clearly amused with his show of illusionist power.
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Jax nods, clearly impressed. "Interesting, I MUST say." Jax thinks for a bit before looking up. "I observed you during the war. I know your ways. Before I even CONSIDER your offer, I want a few things guaranteed. One: If I join, I want a gladiatorial area for me. Because that would be so much fun. Two: if I join, I am not to be sired. I will maintain my complete free will."
"Both of your requests are nothing to worry about. I intended to include the construction of a massive gladiatorial arena in the new city of Progenitus anyways. That way all of the conduits that would attempt to take control of the city from me or that were unhappy with me could have a place to challenge me. Then only as long as I can crush all competition I will stay in power, ensuring only the strongest of conduits will be the rulers of this world."

The Demon watched Selim and Nicholas fight over the bag whose contents he had already told. His great display of illusion and power was wasted on them. So be it, he had at least one interested party.

"Finally, there is a great misunderstanding most people have about me. I have never forced any conduit to be sired. Only those that came to me asking for even greater power than they already had, those that had a fear of death or aging, those that had already died that I brought back in exchange for their service, or those that were sold to me as part of deals were sired. Power comes at a price. If you're not willing to pay that price so be it."
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"Congratulation. You survived bath salts. Now how about you go chug a container of Anti-Freeze and see how that goes...." Chase said as he turned around and walked away. He really wasn't in the mood to talk to this woman anymore. She was just to incompetent and idiotic in his example. A waste of human tissue. He would be sure to deal with her first, as she would most likely rebel against him. Unless he could sweet talk her into joining his cause.... He dwelled on this thought for awhile until he walked up to a strange sight. Two men were conversing about something, while two were fighting over a large, brown rucksack. He smelled bag's of blood within it, but was more interested in the man with the large blade. It was almost crazy to think that he could wield such a blade. But then the thought occurred to him that this might not be just any man. He thought back to what Nil had told him, about a man with a blade just like the one he saw now. "You must be Zabuza. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Flow frowns and chases after the man. "Hey, I resent that. I'll have you know I am a very-" Flow halts as she sees a man. A man with a large sword. She grins and takes out an orb. Her prized jewel. "Why hello Zabuza. I see you've escaped. So nice to see you again."
"What a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well. And yes, I've been born again from the flames. Or as you would put it- escaped. Now, you know my name but I don't know either of yours. An introduction here is necessary. Then if you so wish we can have some fun."

The Demon held out his hand as an orb of black flames formed within his hands before the flames spread up his arms onto his shoulders. This was all of course still the work of the mist, but Zabuza was always eccentric. If you're going to conquer the world you might as well have fun doing it.
Flow's eyes widen. He doesn't remember me, huh? Oh boy, this could be fun. She then notices the black flames and frowns. He's using the mist... Damn it, I didn't bring the equipment... Okay, improvise.

By the time she was done thinking, Jax had introduced himself. Flow grins. "Zabby, I'm saddened you don't remember me. I thought I would have made a bigger impact. I'm Flow." She grins wider. "Ex-FFA member. Power transference. C'mon, we were prison buddies! I visited you! And as a token of your undying friendship, you gave me this." She holds out the orb and a few seconds later Zabuza is surrounded by ten Flows. "Don't you remember?" He hears from all directions.
Chase looked over to Flow and sighed before walking over to Zabuza, completely ignoring the mist. "Call me Chase. Looking around, Chase yawned light and walked over to Nicholas and Selim. The two of them were still struggling with the bag. Chase stared at them for awhile before snatching the bag from both of them. "Hey! That's mine!" Selim protested. "I think not." Chase examined the bag, ignoring Selim.
Jax suddenly jumped out of nowhere and shot a wire into the bag, grabbing it, before rappelling off. "Whoop whoop whoop whoop" he cries as he quickly disappears behind some buildings and goes off.
"I happen to have a lot of repressed memories from my time imprisoned. You must of just fallen into the category of things I really don't want to remember. What a toy you've got there by the way. But before you try to beat an illusionist at his own game, maybe you should consider the fact that you've lost before it's even began. After all, who was entrapped in whose mist first?"

A Chesire cat grin seems to form upon the Demon's face before his body seems to be entirely engulfed in darkness and then completely vanish before Flow's eyes. His voice began to ring in her hears.

"Now come on prison buddy, why don't I show you my dream?"

And that was when the real Flow collapsed to the floor as she experience the same vision that Jax had earlier. In the meantime the Demon now had time to think about how Chase had so casually moved through his mist without resistance.

"So Chase it is. I'll take it you know about me, so why don't you tell me a little about yourself? Most importantly how you seem un-phased by the mist."
"Nah," says Flow, "This dream looks like shit. Why is the world flooded? Whatever, I don't have time for this." She then kicks blasts of air out and clears some mist until she can see the wall. She quickly flies over to it and puts her hands on it before blasting air out of her feet, clearing the area of mist.

Jax notices the flying girl, and sees the ten of her. She almost seems to have multiple powers. How could that be? That is certainly interesting. He clears the area and lands on a rooftop a safe distance away. He pulls them out. Inside are ten syringes with a strange substance inside, strangely resembling blood. Odd, why would someone have that? He holds one up and examines it before shrugging.

"YOLO!" He says before laughing. "Actually, I suppose you DON'T only live once. Better hope this is O blood type."

It was.

And Jax, being the idiot he is, simply inserts the needle into a vein and pumps the blood into himself. After waiting for a few moments, he shrugs. "I don't FEEL any different..."
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Bishop was riding along the phone lines of New York, happy and care free. He shouted a "Whoo!" before continuing on. While after zooming along for another five minutes, he stopped by to see some girl who looked like she could be hunting grim-looking creatures, and some guy who could control mist. He stopped in his tracks and observed the two. "They can be useful..." Bishop murmured to himself "Although, they seem...busy...at the moment." Bishop sat down to spectate the match, kicking his leg in interest. Wait, Bishop thought, but what if the girl wins? Bishop squinted his eyes and leaned forward. Well, I guess now's a better time than ever to find out...
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Jax suddenly jumps and lands on the phone lines by Bishop he kicks his legs out and sits down. "Hello, my name is Jax! Who the hell are you!" He says, smiling all the while.
Bishop snaps his head to the newcomer named Jax with wrathful eyes and clenched fists, charged with electricity. He quickly calmed down and loosened his body, and his gaze. He took a deep breath and sighed it out. "You. Are. So lucky. You're not a DUP..." Bishop took more deep breaths. "Furthermore, I really hope you didn't give away our position." He looked back down at the fight before quickly saying, "I'm Bishop, by the way."
"Ah, like the chess piece." Jax nods and sighs. "I'm a bit pooped. Lots of work being a conduit, surely you understand. You know who those two are?" He asks, pointing at the man and woman he's looking at. "Flow and Zabuza." He continues without waiting for a response. "One has the power to transfer powers into inanimate objects, the other to create illusionary mist. Zabuza also has extreme regeneration, and can turn people into mind controlled vampires. Until you pick a side, I'd recommend staying away from him. See, Zabuza wants a 'conduit utopia.' Certain people, Flow for example, don't agree with that. They aren't fighting yet, but I wouldn't hold your breath if you're expecting peace. It'll probably devolve into someone dying pretty soon."
Bishop sat in silence. Conduit...Utopia? The words rang through his head. A world filled with the likes of him. As nice as it sounds, that would still mean the cost of many lives. Couldn't humans and conduits live in peace, for a change? Stuff like this wouldn't happen if they did. On to this Zabuza character, his power could make for a fun tag team. The mist could amplify his power. At the expense of some comfort, but who cares? Did he really want to leave? Wait, didn't Jax say he was a conduit? Bishop turned to Jax and asked, "What's your power? Mine's electricity, in case you haven't noticed."
Jax nods and thrusts his hands out, as four wires shot out. He then retracted them. "Wires. Well, more specifically, elastics. Well... no, even that isn't that right word. Uh... tension forces I guess? Yeah, that sounds right. Wires, ropes, the like. I can shoot them really fast and rappel from buildings... and kill people. The life, am I right?"

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