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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Chase scolded himself for leaving his mother undefended. He retraced his steps and searched around that area with no luck. Cursing under his breath, Chase waved to Dante and began to walk down the street. "Come on. We'll look for her later. Right now, we have an army to build...."

Nicholas looked to Nil and Three and patted his bag. "Okay then, here's the catch: You can get BOTH of your beast when I find the other 6 host. Also, you mentioned a Felix Shane? Pale guy, brownish hair, has PTSD and often has flashbacks that cause him to go into shock?"
"Pale guy and brownish hair is certainly correct." Nil says, before grinning. "PTSD is certainly new."

"This could be useful info." Three says, moving over to Nicholas. "Anyway, sounds like we're probably thinking about the same guy... I think."
"I would think so too, now, back to communication. Do you I've like a phone or something?" Nicholas said as he grand his bag and stood, tapping the watch on his wrist.
Three and Nil look at each other. "No..." Nil says. "But we do have a comms channel. We made a new one to separate ourselves from the shadow army. If you'd like we can patch you in."
"Uh..... Sure? Mind explaining to me what a com channel is? You know what, never mind, I'll find you when I'm ready." Nicholas grabbed his bag and waved before turning to walk away. So far, he had found 4 candidates for his project. 6 more were needed. If he kept finding people at this rate, he would be able to call everyone by tomorrow. Hopefully....
Nil and Three look at each other, confused, before looking back to him as he walks away.

"What a strange man..." Nil adds.
Selim, after chasing off his brother, walked to Akuma's side. He stood there for awhile, staring at Zabuza as he walked away with his son. His SON. Selim stared there for awhile, still processing what just happened. He let out a sigh and sat down, his head in his hands. He glared at Nico before his expression softened. He couldn't be angry at him. He just wanted to find his father. But no matter how bad he felt about saying it, he wish he hadn't shown up at all. Looking up to Akuma, Selim grinned and stood. "Hey, what's your name Jack?"
Akuma looked over to Selim and spelled his name out in the air. Akuma. He wrote in the air very slowly so he could read it. He had his skull mask closed ad it was showing his laughing mask and he waved at the end of his name.
Selim stared up at him, putting the words into order as he spelled them. The end product was Akuma. "Oh, so your name is Akuma? Sounds much cooler than Selim...." Selim said with a chuckle. He stood and brushed himself off before turning to Zabuza. He stared at him for awhile before turning back to Akuma. "So, what's up with you? I mean, why were you in the First Son prison?"
Akuma looked down and scratched the back of his helmet. He couldn't remember why and he bent his elbows and out his hands up. He then pointed to Selim asking him why he was.
Selim slouched frowned at Akuma before he pointed at him. He pointed at himself as well and straightened up, surprised he asked. "Who, me? Oh... Well, I got caught the day after Zabuza died. I went on a killing spree, someone called the DUP. The First Son got there first and captured me. The DUP got there an hour after the First Son left with me. I've been with them for... A few year's now, I think."
Akuma walked to Selim and pat him on the head. He couldn't think of anything to say because well. He was mute. But he sat down next to him and started to draw little figures in the concrete with his sword.
During the conversation between Akuma and Selim neither party had noticed when the Demon of the Mist had walked up beside them without a sound. He listened in on their touching back-stories while Nico walked over to Sphinx and the others. Once Selim was finished speaking Zabuza finally began to speak.

"Thanks to both of you once again for your part in helping my rescue. My curiosity however is more centered around why you helped me. Did you know who I was when you decided to help rescue me? If so then are you interested in a Conduit Utopia?"


Meanwhile Nico talked with Sphinx over the housing issue. While they still had the hideout from Xavier, it would be rather cramped with all the conduits it would be holding in one room.

"I hate to ask any more of you than I already have Sphinx, but do you perhaps know anywhere we could all at least rest safely for the night? Felix seems to have been less than happy about his final decision and now I worry what he might end up doing to his own friends. We all watched earlier as he showed his true colors and attacked all of us. It probably doesn't help most all of his friends and even you Sphinx decided to continue helping me. In the end he decided to save my father but then was angered just because my father refused to thank him directly."

Nico scratched the back of his head.

"From all that I've seen of him, he seems to be a ticking time bomb with an extremely small fuse."
Jax rappels from building to building, flipping through the air like a majestic sack of flesh and blood. He looks down to see a man separating from two shadows. Nil and Three if I'm correct. Jax lands in front of the man.

"What business did you have with the shadows?"
"It's none of your business, thank you." Nicholas walks around Jax, ignoring his somewhat dramatic entrance. He had much more important things to do and a nosy conduit who probably couldn't stop talking was just going be a hindrance. Nicholas opened his bag, staring down into it with a smile. He bumped into something and jumped back, startled. The man he had bumped into wore an outfit that was a few sizes large. Nicholas was staring into the mans cold, dead, beady eyes. The man had a blank expression on his face. Nicholas began to feel uneasy and backed away from Chase even more. "Um..... Hi?"
Jax saw the conduit but ignored him. He walked up to Nicholas and grabbed his shoulder. "Hey, look, I know those shadows. They're often no good. What business did you have with them."
Nicholas felt the hand on his shoulder and turned to glare at Jax. "Get your hands off me before I break them." Nicholas jerked his shoulder forward, ripping it from Jax's grasp. In this small amount of time, Jax had changed Nicholas's mood to an especially sour one.
Jax grins and bounces on his feet. "Ah, a feisty one I see. Well, I'd recommend you don't try to fight me." Max shoots two wires that land next to Nicholas's feet and winks. "I myself am one."

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Felix and the twins continue to walk down the street, wandering aimlessly. They chated as they walked, often laughing and joking, but there was always an air of tension. Soon, they end at a small park on a hill. The twins look at where they are and question Felix about why they are there. Felix just looks at the almost set sun and smiles sadly.

"It... reminds me of a friend."


Three and Nil continue to watch the setting sun and smile contently, before Three turns to Nil. "Why'd you choose this place... how'd you know it was here?" Nil scrunches up his face and thinks for a moment.

"It seemed... familiar, for some reason."


Felix and the twins sit down on a bench next to a stranger in a hood. The stranger turns to see the people next to him, before doing a double take.

"Are you..."

"Yes, Felix Shane." Felix responds with a sigh. The stranger notices this and pauses for a moment in silence before looking back to him.

"What troubles you Felix?" Felix sighs.


Three looks up at the sun and sighs. Nil turns to her and frowns. "What's up?"

"Are we bred for darkness?" She begins, "Do we-"


"Have to be this monster trapped inside me?" Felix states in exasperation. "There's just-"


"So much anger..." Three says, looking at Nil. "I don't know why, but there is. I don't want-"


"Everything I do to be controlled by that rage, that hate." Felix looks at the ground and fiddles with his fingers. "I-"


"Can be more... or, I want to prove I can be more." Nil sympathetically nods and joins her, looking at the sun. "Why were we-"


"Cursed to carry that, those... feelings? I don't want to be that person. I want to get rid of that... to be able to control it."


"If I could do that, then I could TRULY be-"


"Free..." The both say at the same time.
Flow is a survivor.

A year ago, a great battle occurred. During it, many lost their live. Hundreds died. But in the end, good reigned. Few were left standing over the hill of corpses. One of them was Flow. She was a hardened fighter, a great warrior, and a fearful adversary.

She was also dancing down a public street.

As the sun set, Flow grins and puts on her headphones and turns on a random song. Hearing it, she grins and begins strutting down the street. the chorus passed, and she thought Why the hell not, and begins straight up dancing down the street.

Well now, I get low and I get high,

And if I can't get either, I really try.

Flow moves her arms to the rhythm and spreads her arms and jumps on her feet at the end of the line.

Got the wings of heaven on my shoes.

I'm a dancin' man and I just can't lose.

Flow uses her enchanted boots to lift her into the air a bit and spin around in the air, before moonwalking in mid air.

You know it's all right. It's OK.

I'll live to see another day.

We can try to understand

The New York Times' effect on man.

Flow slides around, throwing her arms out with each line, before beginning her strut again.

Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,

You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.

Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin',

And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.

Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.

Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.

Flow thrusts her arms and legs out to emphasize every word, before falling to her knees and screaming the last words to the sky, arms thrust out to her sides.

As you can see, she was a traumatized and changed girl.
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Nicholas looked own at his feet and saw two blades strike the ground, digging into it. "So.. You're either conduit..... Or a AoT fanatic." Nicholas turned back to see Chase walking away, having gotten bored of watching the two converse. Nicholas turned back around, a rather agitated look on his face. "I don't have time for this. We can talk later, right now I have to get going." Nicholas said as he turned around and walked away, a hand at his side. In his hand was a small, gel like orb filled with napalm. Just in case this guy got ballsy.

Chase had left the Nicholas and Jax to their bickering, seeing he had a better way to spend his time. After thinking it over for a bit, Chase decided to recruit humans into his army, seeing as they were easy to manipulate, in the sense that they were all filled with sin, just waiting to be exploited. He continued to walk down the street, looking for a suitable soldier among the crowd when he heard someone singly along with a song, terribly off-key might he add. Ha, ha, ha, ha, STAYIN' ALIVE! Chase had to grab his ears to avoid them from bursting. "STOP IT! WHY DO YOU HUMANS DO THIS TO YOUR COMPANIONS!?" Chase saw the culprit. A young girl, possibly a conduit seeing as she was just flying a minute ago, was sliding on her knees. Chase ran over to her, snagged the headPhones off her head, and chucked them as far as possible. He turned back to her, panting before screaming, "NO!"
Jax walks in front of him. "I prefer to call it Shingeki No Kyojin, thank you very much." He then looks at the ball in his hands. "Whatchya got there? Also, need I state again that those shadows are quite dangerous. I've met them many times before... well, never MET per se, but have seen in action. Those two are bad news. So tell me: what were you doing with them?"

Flow looks at her headphones go flying across the street and then glares at Chase. "Those were my headphones... I was listening to something..." She crosses her arms and leans to one side. "That's illegal... at least, I think it is... probably. What do you have against the Bee Gees man?"
"I told you to leave me alone." Nicholas says, before dropping the ball at Jax's feet. As the ground rushed up towards it, Nicholas ran back, already knowing what would happen when the ball hit the ground. Upon impact, the gel like substance coating the ball burst, releasing an explosion of red, black, and orange napalm, which would set Jax's clothes on fire if he wasn't smart enough to move. Nicholas put up a hand, attempting to block any stray napalm, as he studied Jax. Reluctantly, Nicholas put him in the 'possible candidate' column and watched how he would react to the Napalm.

"I have not problem with 'Gee's Bee's'. I have a problem with you and your HORRENDOUS SINGING!" Chase said, putting emphasis on horrendous. "I'm pretty sure you scared off the remaining civilian's with your screeching! You sound like some form of dying, mutated animal!" Chase said bluntly. "How old are you, anyways? Shouldn't a fragile human like you be at home?"

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