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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Felix immediately blasts Null into a wall with shadows. Terence and Alex go to restrain him but he shoves them off and pins Null to the walls. "Suicide is the coward's way out... and I am no coward. Humanity needs help... and I will be there to guide them... to help them... to protect them.

I have a horrible side of myself, that is true. And that is my battle to fight. Psych and Shadow are Felix's enemies, and prejudice is humanity's enemy. Felix's job is to make prejudice his enemy, but make sure Psych and Shadow don't become humanity's enemy. That's my battle to fight. And suicide would be admitting defeat." Felix leans in until he is inches from Null's face.

"And I DON'T admit defeat."
Null shakes his head after being pushed against the wall. "Suicide would not be the cowards way out in this case. You believe that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. In this case, the few, is yourself. The FFA is your legacy, they can guide and protect everyone, but if after all this, you are gone from the world, that prevents any more shadows from being created avoiding unnecessary bloodshed. You know better than anyone that you cannot control them at all. You can't restrain them. Just by fighting that battle, you're going against yourself. This would be the best way to protect them from Shadow, Psych, or any other personas. It would be your greatest victory." Null says. " and keep in mind what I said, none of this is personal. Now, I order you to move back a few feet. This is uncomfortable." Null says while using his power.
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Felix seems to struggle for a moment before grinning. "Your jedi mind tricks do not work on me Null, or have you forgotten?" Felix says, leaning closer just to prove his point. "Even IF you are right, my work will likely never be done. If my goal is achieved, then we can talk. Until then, my work will never be finished."
Selim woke up to find someone poking him with a stick. "Hey.... You dead?" Said the figure in a hushed whisper. Once he saw Selim blink, the figure sighed and stood from his crouching position. "I guess not..." Joseph said looking around. Someone must have broken him out. Who? The teen may never know.
Nil and Three think for a moment before holding up their hands to signal the shadows to stop. They completely lower their weapons, except for a few that keep it raised, just in case. "So... you're basically Zabuza?" Nil says.

"You are certainly right... we don't need to follow Psych..." Three says. They both continue to think. You know, Nil thinks, I don't think I like being subservient... I like having free will! Shadow was a great leader, and serving anyone but him would be wrong... Nil looks to Three and she nods, seemingly thinking the same thing. They both turn back to Chase.

"You have inspired us. We DON'T need to follow Psych..." Nil speaks up.

"However...," Three continues, "We've been subservient all our shadow lives... and we're done." Three looks around at the shocked shadow faces around her. Some look almost angry at their betrayal, some look simply shocked, and others are grinning in agreement. Three walks up to Chase and somehow, even though he towers above her, she manages to find a way to look at him like he's her equal. "We won't work for you... we're leaving the army while Psych's down. In thanks for teaching us that we can be free, I leave you as a friend. However, know that given that you wish to rule, and we wish for freedom, we will fight should we meet again. However, I hope to meet you honorably on the battlefield." Three extends her hand in a move that even shocks Nil.

Chase sighs as he clasps a gigantic hand over Three's, shaking it lightly. "I hoped it wouldn't come to this..... And what do you mean by 'you want to keep your free will'? When did I ever say I would take it away from you? My allies are my equals. If they can't have their freedom, neither can I. Okay, I might have worded that wrong, but you know what I mean. I'm not gonna make you a mindless slave to accomplish my goals."
"Free will is a hard concept to define." Nil says, stepping forward. "How can you lead an army in conquest of equals? There's a leader, and the others are expected to follow that leader. Does that mean you have free will?" Nile shakes his head. "Besides, in the world you wish to have, there is a hierarchy, meaning we are ruled and controlled. I don't want that."
"Suit yourself. I wanted you two to be my allies, but I see that not everything can turn out perfect..... Just know, that when I'm cutting you down and draining you of bodily fluids, I'm sorry." Chase let go of Three's hand and turned to walk away. He turned to the few Shadows who had started to reload their guns and showed off his blade, which was covered in black blood, as if telling them 'Don't even think about it'. He looked back to Nil and Three, and under the surface of his rocky skin, a grin could be seen. He turned back to walk away before anyone showed up to stop him. "You'd better get moving before Psych gets back, you know."
Three and Nil nod and turn to the shadows. "Any among you who wish to be free like us, join us!" About 20 shadows step out and walk next to them. They then turn and walk out the door. Three and Nil step out into the twilight. "You know... maybe we'll stop and see the sunset..." Three says, looking at the orange in the sky.

"Why?" Nil says, looking at her. She does something she's never done before... smiles. Not a malicious grin, but an actual warm smile.

"For the first time in my life, I can answer with... why not?" She says. They both smile and the small renegade shadow group walks towards a hill to watch the sunset.
"Forgive me Father, for I have sinned." Nicholas said, lowering himself into the seat of the confession booth. He looked over to the booth next to him and frowned, realizing who he was talking to.

"Father Cornelius...."

"Nicholas. This is your third visit this week. You've been busy, hm?"

"Yes.... You could say that. Father, I know I ask his question every day, but are you sure that the Gates of Heaven will open for me? Even after all I've done?"

"Nicholas, all your life, even as a child, your one goal in the world was to make it to heaven, along with your mother and father. Yes, it is true that bad blood flows through your veins, but you are a child of God. He cares for you still."

Before the priest could continue to talk, Nicholas put up a hand, signalling for him to stop. "Sorry Father, but I'm on a schedule. I came to ask for forgiveness, not what I did, but for what I'm go into do. This will either send me straight to Hell or straight to Heaven.... Either way, I have to try." With hat, Nicholas stood and left the church, the duffel bag at his side holding exactly ten blood bags with pop off caps, each filled with his blood.
Felix and the twins let go of Null and decide to walk down the road to clear their minds. Felix and they sit down on a bench and look at a church across the street. Felix chuckles. "You know... I used to find organized religion annoying... but now that I know the truth, I find religion almost beautiful. Much better than the truth..." Alex and Terence stare at him.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, right, I've died multiple times and was brought back." Felix says nonchalantly as the two stare, mouths agape.

@AvidElmV2 (Here's your opening.)
Raven had been following Felix and that group for quite some time and when they sopped, he yelled, "Woah! A church! I haven't seen one of these for a really long time!" He walked up to Felix and said, "Hi. I'm Raven."
Felix waves. "You look familiar... Raven... right, right, you were that guy who ran up asking for pizza when I..." Felix lowers his head in shame. "Tried... to... kill everyone... heh, sorry about that. Nothing personal."
Raven poked Felix's nose and said, "Stupid." He then spun around once and booped his nose again.
Felix was quick. Felix was smart. Felix was experienced. Felix was never surprised.

Felix was very surprised.

Felix reels back as Terence and Alex burst into laughter, the latter laughing so hard he literally falls to the ground. Felix then falls back in surprise as he's booped again. Felix goes cross eyed, looking at his nose as Terence and Alex manage to look at him, choking on their laughter, before Felix rubs his nose, still cross eyed, causing them to go into a fit again.
Raven smiled with his mouth slightly open and looked at Terrence and Alex back and forth. He started to laugh lightly.
Felix looks up at Raven with an annoyed expression before looking at Terrence and Alex, and smiles lightly. All in good fun... Felix begins to stand back up before hearing a pop and seeing Terence's face appear right in front of him. Felix freezes in surprise for a moment as Terence smiles at him before Terence's face scrunches up and Felix feels a finger on his nose. "Boop." Terence says as they fall over in laughter, this time Felix begins to crack up.
Felix finishes his laughing fit and looks to find the twins booking each other. They're older than me, so why do they act so young? Just like a certain white haired individual I know... The image of Daniel flashes through his mind and suddenly he sees Daniel on his knees before him, tears in his eyes. Felix lifts up his sword. "NO!!!!" Felix screams as he begins to cut through Daniel's flesh. "NO!!!"


Terence and Alex continue to book each other, laughing. "NO!!!" They suddenly hear a scream next to them. The two look over to see Felix on the ground as tears pour out of his eyes as he screams. The two rush over to him and shake him. What's going on?

I don't know, he's just freaking out!

Maybe he's hallucinating or having a flashback?
"Wake up Felix!" They yell shaking him, to no effect.
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Raven started to panic as he slapped Felix in the face as hard as he could. "What do I do?" He repeated about twenty times fast. He was literally shaking from the fear of not knowing what to do.
Nicholas strolled down the street, looking for a few suitable host, before stopping. Was that.... Crying? He followed the source to a young man who was curled up on the sidewalk. With him were two children, who were crowding around him, and a man who looked like he belonged in a Shaolin temple. He continued to walk before seeing the monk guy slap the one on the ground across the face. He walked up behind him and grabbed his collar, pulling back on it. "Is that how you treat someone in shcok!? What's wrong with you!"
Terence and Alex keep holding Felix, shaking him gently. After deciding that wasn't gonna work, they turn to Nicholas. "Do you know how to help him?!"
Raven smiled and said, "He needed a good slapperoo. Trust me." HE then pushed te man away and went back to Felix.
Nicholas stumbled back slightly, shocked at how.... No. Calling these people 'strange' would be a compliment. These four were downright unusual. One was having a seizure on the ground, one was a runaway monk, and the other two seemed to be man-children. He was snapped back into reality when Terrence and Alex, in unison, spoke to him. Now taking a closer look, he saw that they were quite older than what he had first thoughyt. Not taking much time to look them over, Nicholas kneeled down next to Felix, setting his bag down next to him.

Taking a moment to calm himself, Nicholas realized something: He didn't have a clue how to treat a person who was in shock! He had always heard on TV that yout should attempt to comfort the person, but he had also heard that you're supposed to put spoons in a persons mouth if they're having a seizure. Having no other idea's, Nicholas looked to Terrence and Alex before saying. "Comfort him. I don't know the guy so you're gonna have to do it. I don't cuddle with strangers. Unless they're hot and a girl, but that's besides the point!"
Terence and Alex shrug, "We don't know Felix all that well. We only know the legends. All we know about him personally is what we gathered from our assassination mission. Not much, except that he seems to be bi-polar or psychopathic in a weird case, and has PTSD." They say, looking down at Felix as he continued to shudder, the crying more subdued.


Felix looks down at the mangled corpse of Daniel, crying over the pieces. I'm not a monster... I'm not a monster...

"That was you," he hears Nico say, "You, Psych, and Shadow are one and the same."

No... we're not...

"You know it's true..."






"Accept it."

"It's true... they are me, and I am them. No... Psych is the real me. Shadow and Felix are both just layers meant to keep the real me down... but I don't WANT to hurt anyone, or... I do, but I don't..."

"Don't what? Want to be caught as the psychopath you really are, so you keep a friendly exterior to avert suspicion?" Nico raises an eyebrow.

Felix grits his fists as memories shoot through his mind.

"I don't know!"

"You are a monster."

"NO I'M NOT!!" Felix shoots Nico with a shadow blast. Midway through the air though, his body transforms.


Felix runs up to Nicholas, whom he had accidentally shot. He had put a lot of force into the blast, and had to hope that he wasn't hurt. "I'm sorry sir, I ... didn't see you there."
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