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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

"Oh, you have shadow power too? Cute." Felix says sarcastically.

"Dude, sweet robot arm," Terence says from inside the dome, noticing it for the first time.

"Sorry for holding a gun at you Samurai Jack, you seemed cool enough." Alex says with a shrug.
"I'm offended, if you called Sphinx your lover it wouldn't make it awkward. You have a problem with your worst enemy having a love life?"

Zabuza seemingly joked as he pressed himself up against the shadow dome. The number of times he had been trapped in one of these once again got to add another number to it's count. Despite this Zabuza seemed to recognize the voice that shouting outside as Selim's.

"Lower the dome.. they're just here to save me. They probably don't intend to kill you... probably."


Nico and Xavier had finally reached the top of the building just to find Merlin having already beaten both of them to the top. They now watched as the events unfolded as the two conduits tried to break their way into the shadow dome.
Trundle said:
Dante reformed finally and said, "I surrender! Please. Let me go and I will let you go. Fair trade. We can continue this later. Just release Chase and let us go. Ok?" He panted, trying to catch his breath.
"Like hell I'm surrendering! Psych will pay dearly for this! He with pay with blood!" Said Chase, who was still growing and healing at the same time.
Akuma stopped elbowing the dome and bowed to Alex and Terrence. He showed off his robot arm and the flashlight inside of it. Then he showed them how his wrist could spin in a full circle, he made a windmill with his sword and spun it very fast, not moving anything but his wrist. He then bowed again and knocked. Wait. These guys might think im just trying to help. Please. Please please pleaseeeee!!!h he thought to himself as he waved to them.
""Like hell I'm not! I'm gonna splatter the dude all over his precious dome!" Selim said, his attack increasing in tenacity as he grew angrier.
"You know Zabuza, if it was just Samurai Jack over there, I would. I don't like the look of Felix: Alpha build over there." Felix says, eyeing Selim. he then notices Robo-Con do his... weird little display thing. "Hey, Robo-con! I trust you! But, uh... not Alpha Felix!"

Nil hears Chase. "Yeah, thought he'd say that." He then thinks before turning both guns to Dante. "No... run bitch!" He yells as he opens fire.

Jax quickly disconnects the attached wires and rapidly rappels to the top of the alley, launching himself in the air. He then notices a flying girl and shoots three wires at her.
Akuma walked letting Selim and slapped him in the face. Just enough to knock him out. Once Selim was asleep, he knocked on the dome again. He pointed to the limp body of Selim and he waved again.
Felix eyed the body for a moment and then opened a small hole in the dome for Akuma to enter. "Greetings Robo-con, Samurai Jack, how are you... and why are you playing charades? I didn't soundproof my dome..."
Akuma just waved to respond to Felix. He walke over to Zabuza and he touched his forehead. A green light flowed from Akuma's left arm to Zabuza's body. A noticeable change coul be seen of Zabuza. He was becoming more normal and he was at almost full power before Akuma stopped and grabbed his left arm with his right arm. His hand had a cramp in it. Akuma stopped the ground a few times but then he went back to help Zabuza again. He waved to the group as he stood up and he bowed to Zabuza.
That green light... could it be healing? Now Zabuza will be back at his fullest strength! I- Felix's eyes widen. I am going to regret saving him soon, aren't I?
Sphinx was flying when she felt something slash one of her wings and something else slashing her legs. She let out blood-curdling scream as she hurtled toward the ground towards the group. Her sunglasses flew off revealing blues. During the fall, the eyes turned an emerald green color.
Akuma heard a scream of pure agony and he looked outside of the dome and saw a winged person falling to the ground and fast. He ran off of the ledge and jumped at the very corner, giving himself a huge jump. In midair he caught Sphinx and he rotated so he would land on his back and she would be somewhat safe. When he landed, a crater formed and he touched his chest armor to start healing himself. That hurt like hell.
Jax shrugs that he missed his target and looks at his wires. Noticing he has few left, he goes around and collects the ones he had disconnected. "That was fun guys. Round two sometime?" He then zips away.

Felix watches Sphinx fall to the ground. He feels a pain inside, and wants to run to help her. But he does something he never thought he'd do, Or rather, DOESN'T do something... He does nothing.
As Zabuza finally stood back up on his own he felt alive once again. He curled his fists into balls as his strength returned to him once more. He didn't know who Akuma was but he imagined his rescuers had rescued him as well. Which would explain his gratitude.

"Why thank you" The Demon finally said as he voice returned back to normal as he watched Akuma bow to him. With his strength restored Zabuza concentrated and...

I have been born again from the flames...

The Demon restored the mental connection between his sires once again both ways. Zabuza's voice now filled the heads of Nico, Xavier, Jacob, and Hayabusa. Then finally Zabuza looked up to see outside the dome..


Nico watched as the person who he had seen in his memories regain his strength. This had to be.. this had to be his father Zabuza. As his eyes began to blur Nico slowly began to walk towards the dome.

Xavier for the moment stood beside Merlin watching Zabuza after an entire year devoted to trying to find any trace of him. He just seemed to be amazed he was actually alive.. He looked over to Merlin and all she could say was.

"What are you waiting for? Go chase the man of your literal dreams, lover boy." She smiled before Xavier too began to walk towards Zabuza.
Felix looks at Zabuza and begins to back away. Oh dear... I've made a terrible mistake, haven't I? "You know, I'd think a thanks is in order." He says, in an attempt to just be a troll.
When Akuma fully heale himself he stood up and stretched his back. He helped Sphinx up and he waved to her. He slowly grabbed his katana which he dropped mid flight and he made his way to the roof top again. This time taking his time.
Once Nil insulted and began to shoot at Dante, Chase reached his boiling point. Spikes shot out of the ice as Chase let out an inhuman roar, targeted at Nil. "I. Will. Break you!" The ice began to crack under the pressure Chase was putting on it, before, finally, it shattered, casting the fully transformed, 7'1 Chase out onto the world. "I gave you a chance. Now you'll pay the price."
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!?!" Three yells, her calm demeanor finally snapping. Psych looks at him.

"Well shit." He says, getting up and running into a dark room. Shadows all across the room pull out guns they had brought, just in case, and begin opening fire at Chase.
"Thank you..." She muttered to the leaving man. She looked around. "Felix? Nico? Anyone?" She called out, frowning.
"What, you want my thanks for choosing not to kill me? You have it. But that doesn't mean you've changed my thoughts on the world anymore than I was able to change your thoughts on my goal. My debt to you is paid in the fact that I don't take your life tonight, or anybody else's. Enjoy this peace."

Nico finally burst out into a run as he reached his father and they both greeted each other with a hug. Nico burst into tears as he finally rapidly began to speak.

"I'm sorry I couldn't reach you in time dad.. you probably don't even know who I am but I'm the clone of you that the First Son's made. But please all I've ever wanted was family.. so please if you'd consider me your son.."

As Nico could no longer talk over the tears Zabuza just hugged him all the tighter, allowing him to cry into his shoulder.

"I've known who you are Nico. I could see all they put you through. For now, I think I'll just call you 'savior', my son. Thank you for all that you did, even to the point you returned to the First Sons to save me after you had escaped yourself. You even ended up being resourceful, gathering up the help of all those you could for me."

When Nico was finally done crying Zabuza released him from the hug. He then looked over to Xavier, who approached him next. To the dismay of all probably most of the others, the lovers embraced each others return with a long kiss.

"Xavier, you never gave up hope on me throughout that entire year. You were what kept me going.." Zabuza said as the two of them then hugged on the rooftop.
Dante ran, zig zagging to not get hit by any bullets. When he heard a scream coming from te direction he knew it was Chase. He started to walk back seeing Chase not himself but still pretty cool. He started to walk in circles because he was scared Of getting shot.

Akuma slowly climbed the side of the building, having to take a break every few windows. When he made it to the top he motioned for everyone to hold on as he caught his breath. When he did he stood up straight.
Savior? I seem to recall me being the one that saved you... Felix flips him off and frowns intensely. "Geez, thanks for not killing me, and fuck you." Felix says before turning around. Terence and Alex look at Zabuza and Alex even builds up the courage to walk up to Zabuza and punch him in the face. They both flip him off and follow Felix.

"We haters gotta stick together." Felix nods.

"God, I made a terrible mistake, didn't I?"
Assailant said:
"Up here!" Terence yells down to Sphinx, but glaring at her as he does so.
Sphinx looks up and frowns. "Ok....could you help me get up? My wing is kinda..." She raised her injured wing.
Akuma sighed and jumped down from the roof. H walked over to Sphinx and healed her wing. He picked her up and put her on his back. He scaled the wall once more hoping it would be hi last time.

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