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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Felix, Terence, and Alex end up walking right past Sphinx, though this time they don't see her. "Kill Zabuza?" Terence says.

"You bet your ass." Felix says as they walk past Sphinx. "Next time I see him, that fucker's dead."
Sphinx thanked the man for healing her wing. She then looked at the group and blinked. "Um, guys?" She asked frowning.
"So, uh..." Alex says as they continues to walk. "What're you gonna do about your friends?"

"And Zabuza. I don't imagine he's gonna have learned his lesson."

Felix sighs and calms down, " I don't know... maybe what I said got to him? Probably not. He's as dense as he is a nuisance." Terence and Alex place their hands on his shoulder.

"If he doesn't learn,"

"And another war breaks out,"

"We want freedom,"

"So we'll stay with you,"

"'Till the end." The twins finish.
"So... That all just happened... Oh, and before you blame me for not telling you... No. I didn't know the minute I met him, he has a mental block. I can't read him yet." Null says to Felix.
"Where the hell did you come from?" Felix asks him. "I thought TERENCE was the teleport conduit." He says, earning a chuckle from the twins. "Whatever... I need to think over what I just did."
Assailant said:
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!?!" Three yells, her calm demeanor finally snapping. Psych looks at him.
"Well shit." He says, getting up and running into a dark room. Shadows all across the room pull out guns they had brought, just in case, and begin opening fire at Chase.
The shadows weapons proved to be ineffective against Chase's rocky skin. At least, they were ineffective for now. Seeing as Psych had ran off, most likely to recharge his powers, Chase decided to, reluctantly, take care of Nil and Three. They both seemed to be very capable leaders and Chase hated the thought of killing them, but this was the way it had to be. Long, red blade spikes grew from Chase's forearm's, which he used to cut down the Shadow's who were doing the most damage to Chase's armor. After awhile, he saw it was a fruitless task, as more and more Shadow's were pouring out of the building, so Chase turned his attention to Nil. Chase charged at Nil, plowing through the Shadow's that were too slow to move. Once he was close enough to Nil, he slashed his blades downwards in an X shape, hoping to cut Nil in half and end him quickly with minimum pain.
Nil sees the wall of a man charging at him. He is paralyzed with fear but Three blasts him with water, saving him at the last moment. She then Attempts to freeze Chase's legs together as Nil blasts him with a custom made rocket launcher.
With his strength renewed, the Demon didn't even flinch as Alex punched the equivalent of a brick wall. Still, Zabuza seemed to hold no grudge as he allowed them to walk away unharmed despite their aggression. Zabuza made several public thank yous to the group of conduits around him, all of whom had ended up working together to save him. Even Felix at the end, far past when he had actually left, ended up getting a honorable mention for not going against everything he wanted.

Then finally Zabuza seemed to walk over to the edge of the building away from the others, continuing to watch the DUP swarm endlessly into warehouse to stop what they no doubt feared would be another blast. They would end up winning and taking the facility without doubt, meaning any scientists left alive inside would more than likely be ordered to destroy their work before it could be stolen. What this meant for all the conduits and humans still trapped inside, the Demon did not know. Maybe just maybe falling into DUP custody would be slightly less of a death sentence.

Finally Nico and Xavier ended up walking over towards Zabuza. Nico ending up being the first one to talk.

"So what now father?"

The Demon seemed to think on it for a while before responding.

"Something Felix said ending up sticking with me. Something I believe he was right on. It's far past time conduits and humans begin to work together..."

Xavier managed a small chuckle before questioning his statement.

"Are we turning over a new leaf?"

"No, if I intend to continue on with my conduit utopia then I can no longer only rely on conduits to help me. There are no lack of corrupt humans willing to do anything for the promise of power, comfy lives, or even everlasting life itself. Given if we can find the right sort of people in offices of power and persuade them then we will be able to reach my goal quicker than before."
Chase wasn't surprised to see Three save Nil. He attempted to bring himself to a halt before realizing his legs were getting cold. Before he could react, he was sent flying backwards into a nearby building, interrupting an elderly couple who were eating frozen TV dinners while the news went on about a 7 seven foot man. Chase stood, having to bend over to avoid hitting his head, and walked out the room, simply saying to the couple "Excuse me for my intrusion." The blast had destroyed a patch of his armor that was slowly regenerating. He approached Nil and Three again, his blades dragging behind him as the shadows shot on. "You two seem to be very capable soldiers. I expect you to be even better leaders, exceeding Psych's... Skill. You even said it yourself, he doesn't deserve to lead such a powerful army. Why do you follow him I'd this is true?"
Nil and Three look at each other. "We're strong together. The power of our friendship-"

"Oh cut the sap," Three interrupts and Nil grins, "We had a big civil war, and Psych won. Being the closest thing to Shadow, most of the shadows follow him naturally. We don't stand a chance against an army."

"I don't know..." Nil says, "Remember that Sire invasion? You singlehandedly killed 10 sires! TEN!!! Of course... I did my part too."

"You killed one sire..." Three says, "And only because in an act of will, he went up to you and begged you to kill him while he had control."

"That's only the one you saw..." Nil says.

"And those are the only ones you saw..." She says, as Nil looks on in awe. By now, most of the shadows had stopped firing, many going off to grab better guns. "And anyway, Psych had numbers. And strength."

"Of course, he doesn't understand the power of teamwork... and FRIEN-" Nil gets cut off by a punch to the gut.
If Chase could laugh, he would have. But seeing as most of the Shadow's left, most likely to get more weapons, Chase began to speak faster. "He may have an army, but that doesn't make him unbeatable. I want him dead, and so do you. If you join me, we'll have a much better chance at defeating him. If you don't, I'll kill him without your help. I don't want to kill you, but if you continue fighting or deny my offwr, I expect I'll have to. I'm giving you both a choice. What's it gonna be?"
Nil thinks about it for a second. Three is about to say no until Nil interrupts. "What is your goal, what are the conditions, and what's in it for us?"
"Like I said, I've gone fond of the idea of world domination. Me, and the conduits that helped me reach my goal, will take our position as the true ruler's of the Earth. We will rectify the mistakes made by mankind. What's in it for you? Whatever tickles your fancy. Wanna be treated like royalty? Fine by me. The conditions? You don't turn on me and follow the rules set in place after we take over as to ensure the peace. Simple as that. If this doesn't suit either of you, let the battle commence. If it does, I think we should get moving. We're lucky we've had enough time to talk for this long. Don't wanna push that luck."
Akuma got bored so he did a backflip onto his sword. His sword was sticking out of the roof and Akuma was attached to the hilt of the sword like a frog on a rock. He stayed there for a few seconds then he slowly stood up, standing on one leg that was on the sword. He stayed there, balancing with his arms and started to do the wave.
Netherdragon said:
"Dunkin donuts." Null says passing hot cocoas to Felix and the twins.
The twins receive it gratefully and Felix eyes it for a second before turning it down. "No thanks, I have to think..." Felix puts his hand to his chin and thinks.
"Why do you wish to continue living. Most of this towns problems if not all of them, have been caused by you, either directly or indirectly. Do you think yourself a bad influence? What is your reason for going on? Is it that you think nobody else is able to fulfill your goal of peace?" Null asks with pauses between each question
"Null, that's such a bullshit question," Felix says with an eyeroll, " I live because I have to. Yes, I create problems, but I solve them, and the original. Someone has to fight for humanity." Felix clenches his fist and pulls it to his chest. "Humans are not cattle, and we will not be treated as such! We won't be forgotten by sitting down without a fight! I do what I must!"

(I have been watching way too much Shingeki no Kyojin if you can't tell)
Null shakes his head. "Felix... Listen... First, according to the humans you're trying to protect, you are an alien to them. They fear us conduits. It honorable for you to fight for such a goal. I admit that, however, if you think about it, the DUP does the same thing in their own way. And as for the problems you create. Despite you fixing them in the long run, there are countless casualties that could have been completely avoided."
"I... I can't change the past..." Felix says, "I've come to accept that. I just have to keep fighting... I have to do the right thing. But today... I fear I may have made the wrong decision... I just don't know yet."
Null takes a second to read Felix's mind in depth about what just happened. "Actually, there was no good decision there. You had the risk of making a new Psych, and the option of letting Zabuza go. It was lose-lose for you, but my point is, you need to change the future." Null says and then pauses before speaking again. "I'm about to say something huge, but I want you to not think anything about it is personal. Understand?"
"First off, you're wrong! After three years, you'd think you'd understand how my powers work. There was no chance of creating Psych! I have to...- oh never mind, what do you want to say?"
"Ok, I meant a new Psych in you, who would begin to tormment you, dooming you to release him next time you have to use massive amounts of power. But anyway, What do you plan to do if and when you beat Zabuza? This is going to cause even more deaths, and it's just going to keep happening. You're cursed by multiple personality disorder, but your powers amplify that greatly, I know you don't like hearing this, but the best option to take after this is taken care of is suicide. Now hear me out, the FFA will still be there. Jacob or someone can run it. They can complete your goals you set out for. You would also prevent the risk of releasing any more shadows, or going into any more rages in which you hurt the people you care about. Once again, this is just my opinion on what the best logical option would be. However, I'd like to hear you say what you think about it." (because come on, Null already knows... Honestly, the fact that Null ever needs to talk at all is incredible.)

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