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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Nicholas had been sitting there, listening to Terrence and Alex one moment. The next, he was picking himself up out of the rubble. Stumbling forward, Nicholas grabbed on to Felix, who was fine. "I just met you.... And I already REALLY don't like you." Nicholas chuckled slightly as he lowered himself onto the ground, wiping pieces of concrete and dust off himself.

Looking up to Felix, Nicholas classified him as a possible candidate for his project, taking in mind, however, his mental illnesses. "Hey, you got a phone or something that I can contact you with? Anything at all?" Nicholas said as he stood walking over to his bag, lying the strap on his shoulder. He looked to Raven and furrowed his brow. He didn't know much about him, but he placed him in the candidate category as well. Turning to the Twin Terrors, Nicholas already knew that they would just think of the Beast as some cool new power and get themselves killed the next day.
Felix grins. "I... have that effect on people. And yes, I do have a cell." Felix pulls out a piece of paper with his number on it and hands it to Nicholas. "Don't ask why I have th- wait... why do you want my number?" The twins, on the other hand, are simply happy no one had died.

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Nicholas snatches the paper out of Felix's hands and walks off before anyone could react. He read it while he ducked into an alleyway and made his way to a nearby park, taking mostly alleyways in case Felix was following him. After all, what he had done was overall pretty suspicious. Nicholas doubted that Felix would answer him when he called, but it would be his own fault when he was outmatched. Nicholas's plan would work just fine with 9 people.

Having finally arrive at the park, Nicholas tucked the card into his pocket and looked for a quiet place to sit down and relaxed. He found a nice hill, but saw a most peculiar sight: A bunch of other people were there. Real, live people. Sure, he had seen a few people here and there at the park before but this was just strange. Navigating through the crowd, Nicholas found a place to sit, unknowingly sitting down next to Nil and Three, and placed his bag in his lap.
Felix watches in surprise as Nicholas simply leaves. His raised arm lowers and he turns back to the three other conduits. "That happened."


Three and Nil watch as the sun finally begins setting. Three shuffles around manages to trip herself up and fall, her head landing right in Nil's lap. She quickly raises her head back up. Nil opens his mouth to jest, but Three quickly raises her fist. "I swear if you say anything your head will be REALLY missing your neck." Nil just grins and leans back. Suddenly, another person sits by the two of them.

"You a stargazer or something?" Nil asks him. "Because if so, a city probably isn't the best place for that."

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Nicholas had been staring at the setting sun when he heard someone say something to him. He didn't take much notice to them when he sat down so he was surprised. He was even more surprised when he turned to see what he could only imagine was two people being naughty. "Did I....... Interrupt something? You know what, I'm just gonna move over there." Nicholas said, grabbing his bag and walking to a nearby bench.
Three growls as Nil laughs. "HEY!! I DON'T LIKE HIM!!!"

"You're right," Nil says, laughing, "You LOOOOOOOOO-" Nil is suddenly blasted back by a very powerful water blast, but pulls out his shadows and forms a shield with two spikes jutting out, grounding him in place.
Nicholas had lost himself up in the sky in the short time that he had moved. His bag sat to his left, a hand resting on it while imagined what Heaven would be like. It was cliché, really. Some man, staring up at they blue sky or the setting sun while he thought over his life. He chuckled at this thought and patted his bag.

After a few minutes, Nicholas noticed it was getting darker. Night was approaching. He wasn't that tired. He had slept most of the day away and wasn't yet ready to go home. Looking back at the hill, h saw most of the other people were sleeping or just sitting there. He looked around for the young couple who he had seen earlier and was surprised to see the girl shooting at her friend.

After taking a moment to watch and identify that he hadn't fallen asleep, Nicholas decided these two were conduits. Because let's face it: People don't just shoot water out of their hands or make domes out of thin air. "You know, when I date people, I don't try to drown them on the first date. First impressions, you know? Just a little tip.
Nil begins to laugh and Three aims her hand at him. "One more dating quip and you'll be the one drowning!"

"What's wrong Three, afraid?" Three snaps her neck towards him and glares him down, to the point where he actually curls up on the ground and backs away.
Assailant said:
Nil begins to laugh and Three aims her hand at him. "One more dating quip and you'll be the one drowning!"
"What's wrong Three, afraid?" Three snaps her neck towards him and glares him down, to the point where he actually curls up on the ground and backs away.
"Oooo. Scary. You've really got him trained, huh? That's sad. To an extent." Nicholas chuckled to himself, a hand ready to counter any attack the hydrokinesis few at him. He looked to Nil and smirked, still laughing at him. He hadn't known the guy for long but he could already tell he was close to being an invertebrae. When it came to the hydrokinesis, anyways. Nicholas put Nil in the undecided column.

Then there was the girl. Hotheaded, aggressive, fierce. She might just use the power to kill anyone who crossed her path or annoyed her. Giving her a Beast would be boarding a one way train to eternal damnation. Taking a moment to look her over, still watching her every movement, Nicholas put her in the undecided column as well.
Three looks back to Nicholas. "Oh for goodness sakes, we're not dat-" Little did she know, Nil had formed a gun with non-lethal, slow moving, rounded bullets and shot Three multiple times in the back.

"Gotcha!" He says, dancing around. "Nil: 1, Three none!" Three stands up and glares at him.

"Congrats, one point to my hundreds." She then shoots water at him, but he ducks and rolls. He opens fire on her but she summons an ice shield and blocks the bullets.

"Such great powers, but you hardly use them really." He says, eyeing her shield.

"You know me: I'm careful with my powers. That's how I beat so many sires and FFA members: I ration my abilities... unlike a certain shadow I know."

"That was one time!"

"How do you run out of an infinite power source?!"
Nicholas looks to Nil and tilts his head. "Well, if anything, I know you shouldn't shoot your friend in the back. Or try to drown them. Its just not normal. And where in the hell is all that water coming from? You don't seem to have a canten or anything. Are you using the water in your blood or something?"
"Eh, that's just how we roll her at shadow corps." Nil says, walking over to a distracted Three and leaning on her. She quickly grabs his arm and twists it, before flipping him and stepping on his chest.

"I can make water appear out of thin air. It then disappears after I'm done with it. Of course, this takes more energy. I prefer to bend, as it takes much less energy. But, if need be..."

"Who are you anyway?" Nil says, getting out from under Three's foot. "Most people would freak out from seeing a 'bio-terrorist...' Are you one?"
"No, just a man on a mission. So, tell me. What are your names? I need something to call you other than 'Idiot' a Katara." Nicholas said with a chuckle, patting his bag lightly. He realized this bag was the key to his salvation or damnation. It had taken days to get this much blood. He would kill anyone who tried to take this without hesitation.
Three looks between Nil and he man and crosses her arms.

"Why should I tell y-"

"My name is Nil." Nil says, causing Three to look shoot him an incredulous look. "And she's Three." She again stares at him. "Shadow soldiers of the utmost discipline."

"Right..." Three says.
Nicholas's eyes widened as he stared at Nil before he laughed. "Oh... I get it! Hahaha! The only person I could consider a soldier here would be Three!" Nicholas continued to laugh before it died done into a light chuckle. "That's funny... You're hilarious, Nil! What are you really, though, a comedian? Hahaha!"
Nil frowns before grinning slightly. "You can diss conduits... I respect that."

"You insult Nil... I can respect that." Three says.

"Oh, you've gotten Three's admiration!" Nil says, walking over to him and patting him on the back. "Nice."

"Not admiration, just basic respect." She says.
Nicholas sat there, confused. He had legitimately thought it was a joke. Seeing as he had gained some of their respect, he didn't want to say anything that would offend either of them. This was, after all, a good thing. This would make it much easier on him when he had to convince them to come to 'his place' when the time approached.
They both look towards the hill and see the sun setting.

"It looks... nice." Nil says.

"The more pretty a sunset looks, the more pollution is in the air." Nil grunts.

"Spoilsport..." They both stare in silence for a moment before Nil turns to Three. "Hey... Three?" Three turns to look at him. "Have you ever actually thought about... getting a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend, if that's how you roll."

"Not really." Three says. "Life moves to fast. Too much to do. Not enough time, even if I wanted one."

"Well... now we're free." Nil says. "If you wanted one, maybe you could?"

"Not a shadow like me." Three says. Nil nods in agreement and they both watch the sunset. Do... I actually want romance? Three contemplates.

Is romance something for me? Nil thinks.
Nicholas watched the two, smiling. A hand rested on his bag still, tapping on it steadily. Closing his eyes, he thought back his first love. She was a red head and, surprisingly, she was the who offered him a drink. Really, it was her job. She was thys bartender of a local pub, the name he couldn't remember. His memory of how they first met was fuzzy, but he vivdly remembered her appearance. At the thought of her, his smile grew. He opened his eyes and looked to Nil and Three before yawning. "So, you mentioned something about being free. What does that mean? And what are Shadows?"
Nil and Three look at Nicholas. They look at each other, almost silently discussing, when they both nod and Nil gets up as Three stays seated and watches.

Nil walks over to Nicholas and sits by him. "Where to start... I guess Felix didn't want to publicly talk much about us, huh? Shadows are beings created by the powers of a brilliant man named Shadow. We're basically darker clones of someone. Believe me, fighting yourself can be pretty trippy." Nil chuckles at that. "We were elite soldiers in his army. Unfortunately, Shadow was brutally murdered by Felix Shane. The 'hero' of New York. Whatever. A sort of... alternate version of Shadow took over the army after his death. We just defected, and are finally free to do as we please." Nil stretches. "There's the cliffnotes version."
(I'm surprised no ones asked what's in the bag...)

"Oh, so you really are a soldier. Well, I would love to know more about your time in the war, but I have more pressing matters at hand. I'll cut straight to the chase: How does legendary power sound? I'll let the sink in for awhile. Do you have a way for me to contact?" Nicholas said as he stood and stretched.


Chase slowly reverted to original form as he approached Dante, his rocky coat of armor shrivelling away. "Come. We don't have much time before the DUP gets here." Chase quickly noticed he was naked and looked around for someone with some clothes. The streets were empty and he cursed under his breath in frustration. "Dante, you wouldn't happen to have any clothes would you? And maybe a bag with some decent blood in it?"
Dante stood still and looked away from Chase. "Ya. My jacket. Is that ok?" Dante took off his jacket, revealing a wife beater. Dante handed Chase the jacket and started to walk towards the mall. "Lets get you some clothes, alright kid?"
Chase entered the mall, and you wanna know what the first thing he did was? He didn't muse over the new game systems, slober over a new album, or dance at the sight of new clothes. He went into yet another erotica store and killed the clerk, coming out wearing the clerks blood stained clothes. "Okay, I'm re- Wait, what happened to my mother?"
Dante followed Chase around and didnt even bother that he murdered a random guy. "Lol I don't know kid. Ask someone that would know." He said as he was walking out of the mall, ignoring people screaming
AvidElmV2 said:
(I'm surprised no ones asked what's in the bag...)
"Oh, so you really are a soldier. Well, I would love to know more about your time in the war, but I have more pressing matters at hand. I'll cut straight to the chase: How does legendary power sound? I'll let the sink in for awhile. Do you have a way for me to contact?" Nicholas said as he stood and stretched.
Nil shrugs. Three had heard what Nicholas said, and turns to look at him.

"I'll tell you right now, that sounds pretty damn cool." Three says with a grin.

"I second that." Nil says, raising his hand.

"No one asked you." She says.

"Uh, yes he did. No one asked YOU."

"No, he asked the SOLDIER, not the dumbass." She says, grinning at her own remark.

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