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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Akuma smiled and he bowed to the young boy in front of him while he wiped his katana clean from the blood, on a soldier's uniform. Akuma walked slowly over all of the dead bodies and was breathing steadily, not near out of breath. While making his way towards the elevator, one of the doors closed and Akuma ran to Selim so they would be together in case something bad happened. He stood next to him while all of the doors closed. Akuma looked at Selim with a worried expression that Selim couldn't see.
Selim calmly walked to the door and frowned upon sight. He attempted to bend the shadows around him before realizing the flood lights were still on. "Hi, Samurai Jack, break those lights for me, would you?"
Akuma cocked his head. Samurai Jack? My name is Akuma... Kids. He walked to a spot directly above a light and he started to stomp on it as hard as he could and as fast as he could. As the glass shattered, Selim would see Akuma start to seize and fall to the ground but Akuma quickly gathered himself as a light green light covered himself. He had begun to heal himself. He laid there and started to breath heavily, regaining his focus on what was important. He stood up and propped himself up with his katana.
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"If I second guess myself then there will be no way to save humanity and ensure worldwide peace. You're so blinded helping the humans you're not watching as they begin to build the means to their own devastation. As a species they are destroying this planet through destroying the atmosphere and the forests of the world. Thus they can't be trusted to be the rulers of this planet. They're also reaching an overpopulation problem with seven billion of them covering this planet.

In nature do you know what happens when a species is overpopulated? They eventually use up all of their resources until not a single one is able to survive. This can be stopped though. If a natural predator is introduced and begins to thin their numbers then the strongest and luckiest of their species will survive with enough resources to live on.

Conduits, with their natural given powers, are destined to surpass man on the top food chain. We are the predators that have been introduced to this planet to take control of the planet away from man. As long as we rule this world through force we can also begin to repair the damage done to it using our powers."

Zabuza showed clear conviction during his speech, showing he clearly believed in everything he was claiming. Even if it meant conquering the entire world and ruling over mankind.

"If you could only see the world like I do, and see the world that I intend to create, I'm certain that you would stop opposing me..."
"Of course. You are right about almost everything you said. Humans are destroying this world. But... we're beautiful creatures too. People know what they're doing now, and are trying to stop it. Humans want to leave this planet and expand and grow!" Felix shakes his head. "We can repair damage done by teaming up with non-conduits. We could do it legally. You should see the conduit-human peace movements! They're actually picking up speed!" Felix says, incredulously. "My goal is beginning to come to fruition! And if we can understand each other, we could all live in harmony, and save this world together."

"Uh, Felix!" He hears over a loud speaker in the room. "We've got company. Some weird guys have broken out and are coming here to rescue Zabuza. We gotta move, they don't look like they're messing around."

"Well, Zabuza, looks like that time's come." Felix gets up and walks over to the lever, grabbing on. Do it... pull the lever right... kill him now.

Felix looks back at Zabuza, taking in the still burning man. That looks really painful...

It doesn't matter, kill him.

That must really hurt.

Kill him!

He's misunderstood...

He's dangerous!

I'm dangerous!

Felix closes his eyes and pulls. The lever creaks as it turns. And the lever reaches its end...

the lever rests on the left.

Felix walks over to Zabuza and pulls out the stakes and helps him up. No matter how much he may think Zabuza should die... he hates that bloodlusting side of himself more.

"I guess... I really wouldn't wish this fate on my own worst enemy..."
(By 'base' I mean starting point. As long as a base shadow, his shadows can move up to 30 feet until they have to retreat.)

Selim watched as Akuma stood, healing himself. "Thanks. You don't have to do that again, just so you know." Selim created multiple shadow hands and attempted to rip the door open. "After one and a half minutes of struggling, the door was finally broken. Selim stood, breathing heavily as his shadow hands slithered to the next door and started again, Selim using his own shadow as the base.
Zabuza had confusion written all over his face as he was unable to speak. Every fiber in his body had expected Felix to end him right there. As Felix helped Zabuza up he would of noticed how truly feeble and weak the once mighty conduit was. Unable to even stand up on his own he ended up leaning against Felix.

The Demon then had to recollect his thoughts on what he could even say.

"It's easy for you to speak about living in harmony with humans when your powers don't force you to kill humans to survive. All I could ever believe was that I was destined to be a natural predator to hunt out the humans for the better of their species survival."

Zabuza opened his mouth to reveal his fangs in order to remind Felix just of what he was.
"Your powers don't force you to kill anyone," Felix says, supporting Zabuza, "If you can see through the Sires, you should know that Smokey and Hayabusa have blood drives that allow them to feed without hurting anyone. It's easy to believe that when you haven't learned otherwise. Peace is a path. It's just hard to work for. Believe me, I know." Felix says with a light smile.
Akuma caught his breath and nodded at Selim. He thought that he could help so when he saw that the next door was severely weakened by the shadows, he charged it and elbowed it with his robotic arm. The door dented severely but it didn't knock down. He sighed and kicked it, the door falling down after the kick. He looked at Selim and shrugged.
Selim nodded as he began to walk back to what he believed what was the next door. To his surprise, the had finally made it to the elevator. Selim grinned before realizing the elevator was gone. He cursed under his breath and sighed. "Jack, you got anymore powers?"
Akuma thought for a moment. He shrugged again and then pointed towards the roof, signifying that that he had an idea. He pretended to be on a computer. Then like he was screwing something in. He pointed to his robot arm. Then he started to walk off in the direction of the control room.
Alex watches as Akuma begins to slowly approach the Control Room. His eyes widen as he shuts and locks the door and begins barricading it. He then grabs two guns off dead First Sons agents and gives one to Terence. "Crap, here they come."
Assailant said:
Hitting him in the shoulder would have rendered that arm almost entirely useless, and hitting the foot would have severely crippled his running. Jax grins. Checkmate.

Jax lands in front of him and looks at some garbage bags tied up with rope. Thank goodness this is the poor neighborhood. Jax controls the rope and makes it thread itself into the hole in Hayabusa's shoulder. While he's in pain, Jax pulls out two holstered blades and shoots two wires behind Hayabusa and pulls, propelling himself at high velocity towards Hayabusa and slashes.

Felix grits his teeth "Shut your god damn mouth!" He screams and rushes over to Zabuza, pushing him further into the fire. For the moment, Felix didn't even care that he was being burned, as long as he made Zabuza suffer. "Angering the man who holds your life in his hands is pretty god damn stupid!" He screams over his own pain before letting go and backing up.
Jax had simply shot the thread at Hayabusa's shoulder, which had already healed, along with his foot. "You okay bro? I mean, I know you're a AOT fanatic with the whole 3-D Omini Maneuvering gear and stuff, but I mean... You just shot a string at me. That didn't really do much." Hayabusa puts up his sword in defense, watching as Jax speeds near him. Once he gets near, Hayabusa dashes to the left than behind Jax in a blur, hoping to kick him in the stomach.


Assailant said:
Alex watches as Akuma begins to slowly approach the Control Room. His eyes widen as he shuts and locks the door and begins barricading it. He then grabs two guns off dead First Sons agents and gives one to Terence. "Crap, here they come."
"Oh... It's down here. Okay." Selim began to walk towards the door and gained e most grand idea. Once he reached the door, he knocked on the door lightly and said in a high pitched voice "House Keeping!"
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"Uh, no one's home!" Alex yells back, as he and Terence hide behind control panels.
Akuma laughed lightly. He knocked on the door lightly and then a few moments later, he sparta-kicked it in, making a hole in the door and destroying some of the barricade. He sighed and started to kick it in again, this time, working and letting them in somewhat. He started to slash at the chairs and other things barricading the door. When he managed to get everything down he looked at Alex and Terrence. He waved hello and cocked his head, trying to be friendly.
"Uh, no thanks, we're good!" He then runs up to the mic. "Felix, they're here! They're about to break into the control room! Get out of there!" He then reprogramed the elevator to go to the seventh floor, go for one more ride up, and he erased all other coding for the elevator, meaning it could never be used again. That's when Akuma broke in. So, basically, a giant, murdering, psychopathic suit of armor just gave him a friendly wave.

Well, I've seen everything now.

Felix quickly pulls Zabuza into the elevator as they ride up and once they make it to the top they slowly walk to the control room. They need that teleport.
"Come on Jack, I wasn't done!" Selim groaned before looking through the hole. "Hey, who are you brats calling? Who's Felix!? Is he some sort of special unit!?" Selim heard him say something about the elevator and grinned. Now he knew what to do. "Jack, you stay here and watch the kids. I'll go get Felix." This was all Selim said as he walked off.
"Crap, he heard, Felix watch out!" Alex says into the mic. Alex then turns to Selim and holds his gun up. "Look... I don't want any trouble... we don't wanna hurt anyone... just let Felix come to us, and we'll be on our way.
"Unless you intend to keep me like this, I need blood so that I can begin to regain my strength. Lot's of blood to begin recovering from this. I also don't intend to leave until I meet those that came to rescue me. They're still all fighting their hardest to get to me. Fighting against those that chose to help you Felix."

Zabuza had stayed rather quite before then. He had wanted to say that Felix didn't know what it was like to have the insatiable urge to kill and drain a man dry. But seeing as Felix had just had the option to kill him and managed to overcome his want to do so...
Jax does a flip in the air, dodging the kick, then rappels up to the top of the alleyway and rains wires down, singing, "Torawareta kutsujoku wa hangeki no koushi da," as he does.
Akuma dashed in front of Selim's way and threw his arms wide. Hurt him I dare you. See what happens. He laughed lightly and started to slowly step forward to the twins and was taking a stance with his right arm holding the sword towards the twins while up at his ear, he kept his left arm, the non robotic arm, pointed at the twins with his palm facing them. He slowly walked forward and meant no harm as long as he and Selim were free.
"Fine, fine, you should know there's a teleport conduit. Jax, you wouldn't know him by the way, should still be fighting them up on the surface level. I'll bring you to Terence, and you can give them your thanks." Felix makes his way back to the control room to see two conduits holding the twins hostage. Felix grins and runs forward, shadowing both him and Zabuza past the two conduits, and grabbing Alex and diving to Terence, who grabs them and teleports away to a nearby building.
Rolled his eyes and began to walk away when he he felt a rush of air behind him and saw some man jump towards Terrence and Alex. He noticed the man was carrying someone. "Zabuza? ZABUZA!" Selim began to run towards the group but was too late. They were already gone. He backed up, his hands in the air, practically fuming. "THEY TOOK HIM! THAT SHADOW COPY CAT BASTARD TOOK ZABUZA!"
Akuma grabbed Selim and dragged him to the elevator and pressed it to go up. He waited for Selim to yell at him or something. He liked the elevator music that was playing.

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