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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Akuma was laying in the cell of the First Sons'. When am I gonna get out of here? I just want to be free again. I just want to be me. If only I could talk. Damn, I need to get out of here. He thought to himself. His breathing was heavy inside of his mask, but he was lucky enough to make a few small holes in it so he could breath. He sat upright, thinking he heard something, but he figured that he had just imagined it. Damnit. He started to lay down again, he tried to fall asleep to pass the time. Like he had been doing for the past two years.
Flux and Blake were already out the door. Flux flew up into the air and began to follow Flux, using his powers to traverse quickly. Jacob and Hayabusa were next. Haybusa ran out the door, focusing on his sped while Jacob dashed into a vent after vent. When the 4 finally made it to the warehouse, they ducked into an alleyway, waiting for Nico to show up.
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Psych looks at the aftermath of the fight. Chase is trapped in an ice sphere and Dante is trapped in a shadow dome. Shadow quickly removes the shadow platform, all excepting where Dante is. "Psych..." He hears Three say. "Is Chase on top of the ice sphere?" Psych looks and, lo and behold, he's not.

"No." Psych says. Three lets out an audible sigh of relief.

"What's going on with Dante?" Nil asks, looking at the dome.

"Holding that form is exhausting. He should die in about a minute."
"Let... Me out... Of this... DOME!" Chase said, his skin making an obvious change. It was turning black and beginning to look stone like. He also begin to grow a set of red horns. His arm was also changing, turning the same color as his skin, how ever his finger nails began to grown and sharpen, turning red. "Let... Me... OUT!"
Nico, alongside the others that had ran alongside him, had finally reached an alleyway beside the First Son's facility. Him, Xavier, Merlin, Raven, Sphinx, Dax, and Twilight as they approached Flux, Blake, Jacob, and Hayabusa that had been waiting for them.

"Alright use your phone and call Xavier, Sphinx. We'll keep in touch through that. Make sure you're careful while flying so that they don't see you. And if you see Felix or anybody else.. make sure to let us know."

Merlin then began to step up.

"I'll use my powers to drain the light from everything on this city street. Then I'll bend the light around all of us so that we can all sneak into the facility..."

As she talked the lights from every single lamp-pole and even the headlights of the DUP's armored vehicles began to dim before completely going out. She then began to extend her arms as she presumably began to bend the light around the group.

"Alright, let's go." She said as she led the way with Nico directly behind her.
The light's suddenly go off around the street. They had spent so long planning that it had somehow become night. "They're here! Terence, how's that teleport coming?"

"I can't teleport directly to Zabuza's cell, but I can teleport into what I assume is their control room!"

"Okay. You bring Alex and I." Terence grabs them and they teleport into the control room.

After taking out the guys in the room, Alex runs up to a computer. "I'm gonna set off a red alert for an invasion." Alex hacks into the computer and looks around quickly. "They have specific alerts for specific kinds of conduits. They even have a method of tracking down invisible light conduits. Given that the lights went out, I think one of them is. I set off an alert for a light conduit, flying conduit, smoke conduit, and digital conduit. I don't know the others. They are going to have a really hard time." As he says that, he sees First Sons personel carrying strange devices run past the room. "I've also granted you passage to the elevator. It should be right around this corner. The alert distracted them. This should be easy for you." Felix nods and runs out. He dispatches a few guards and runs into an elevator. The door closes behind him as the elevator begins to descend.

I'm about to see the Demon again...
Raven jumped up in joy and sang over and over, "We're going to save Nico's papa!" He finally stopped after about five times of repeating those words. He finally caught up to the group and asked Nico, "So why do people hate your father? If he really was looking for world peace, then why wouldn't people like that? I think he is a good guy."
"Because!" Jax yells, hearing the noise. "He wanted to hurt people in the process. Thanks for showing me your position!" Jax then shoots wires with blades attached to them at the group. The wires traveling at such a high velocity, they could easily kill a person.

The elevator stops after about a minute. "Thank you for traveling elevator Alex" A speaker inside the elevator says, "Please tip your waiter and don't forget to stop by the gift shop on your way out." Felix rolls his eyes and exits. And what he sees stuns him.

A dark room. It's almost all empty except one thing: A fire. A fire in the middle of the room with a man with his limbs impaled on stakes being burned over it. Felix walks up to him. He hasn't seen the man in over a year, but he would recognize him everywhere. "Zabuza..." He says. "Nice to see you again, how are you?"

Psych groans and struggles to keep up the shadows, but finds he can't as the shadow structures collapse. Meanwhile, shadows are bringing in buckets of water for Three to bend to make it easier. "Predator over here is getting angry!" Nil forms two automatic rifles with mechanisms attaching them to each arm and aims one at the shadow dome, and one at the lava pool that is Dante.
Raven heard the wires being shot at the group and he jumps in the way of them, hardening his bones, harder than steel. When the wires make contact with his arms that he brought up to his face, a loud crack could be heard. He hit the ground and screamed in searing pain. "This is the first time my bones have actually broken!" He continued to lay on the ground and he tried to regenerate his bones, but it would take some time. "I need some cover guys..." He said with a very faint voice.
"Two of you stay to help, I don't care which two..."

Nico whispered just low enough for those still hidden by Merlin to stay hidden. Nico, Xavier, and Merlin continued on without looking back for there was absolutely no time to waste. Raven had brought it upon himself by talking and it was him who had to take the fall. As they reached past the DUP and First Son's initial fire fight by the entrance of the warehouse, all they could see was an empty warehouse.

Until Xavier easily noticed the electrical lock mechanism hidden in the floor locking off a secret passage of stairs down to the first actual floor of the facility. Between his ability to power off all electrical devices and use of code he was able to open the door.

"Prepare to split into our teams, we'll stay invisible as the rest of you begin causing chaos.." Nico said with his eyes set upon the goal.


What seemed like a living charred skeleton of a person constantly reforming and burning back was in fact the Demon of the Mist in all his glory. The likes of what the First Sons had put him through seems like it would of killed any lesser conduit.

"Like.. any.. good.. Demon.."

Zabuza's voice was unrecognizable at the moment. There were pauses between every single word as if each one hurt him just to speak.

"I.. will.. be.. born.. anew.. from.. the.. flames.. Felix."
"I don't see why you take on the mantle of the demon... Hah, Mantle! Like, the layer of earth. Because... hot." Felix chuckles. "Why do you call yourself a demon, if you strive for good? Or, your own perverted form of good."

Alex looks around on the cameras. "Good, the First Son's light detecting personel should be there soon... they stand no chance."
Akuma's grey eyes opened and could be seen through the holes of his mask. His breathing heavy once again. Damn, why is it so hot in this cell? I know it isn't my armor because it would just be me. The armor wouldn't be hot. Hew sat up and he saw the elevator go past his cell. What? I thought I was in the lowest cell of this damned complex. He thought as he started to walk towards the elevator, the light of his cell suddenly shut off and he looked around, not being able to see anything. The hell is going on? He made a fist of his right hand and on his wrist, a flashlight appeared. Sucker First Sons didn't know I had this huh?! He breathed in and out quickly like he was laughing. He looked around and saw nothing. Guess it was just a power outage or something. Not like anyone would try to save me anyways. I'm just a stupid suit that can't even talk. He kept the flashlight on and sat down in the middle of the empty cell. He slowed his breathing and started to meditate.
"Yeah, no." Jax says as he launches three more wires at Raven's fallen body, this time aiming for his neck, eye, and that little spot under the sternum.
Blake erect (get your minds out of the gutter!) a concrete wall in front of Raven. The steel blades hit the concrete and went through it, the blades sticking out, but didn't go all the way through. Blake breathed a sigh of relief as he, Jacob, Flux and Hayabusa ran from their cover. Instead of saying anything, Jacob shot out 3 smoke wires of his own while Flux, who had went back into Phoenix mode, was shooting a steady stream of fire at Jax.
Jax pulled out his three wires and quickly shot two wires at two nearby buildings, suspending himself in the air and dodging all the attacks. He then shot two wires each at each person.
Selim sat in the corner of his cell, knocking his hand on the floor before he saw a bright flash. At first, he dismissed it as a mirage. Freedom wouldn't be that easy to achieve. Then it happened again. No, this was definitely real. The boy stood and grabbed the doors bar's, looking through it. The light was coming from Akuma's cell. "Pst! Akuma! Shine that light over here!" Selim said in a hushed whisper.
Akuma heard a voice and his eyes shot open. He quickly realized who it was. Selim, the only other person on his floor. He quickly shined his flashlight through the door so he could see and so Selim could see to. He had no idea why he had never seen light from his room but he guessed that his powers had to do with light. He walked closer to the door and he made sure the flashlight was pointed straight into Selim's window. What is this kid up to?
Alex kept looking through the cameras. He looked through the outside cameras and saw the fight Good, he slowed them down... wait, where's Merlin, Xavier, and Nico? They're in. He then looked to floor six, the last one before the solitary floors, and saw light shining in between two cells. How does that happen? How did the First Sons miss a flashlight? Alex continues looking around before sending an alert to the first floor checkpoint guards. The alert read as follows: "There are three conduits, one of which being a light bending conduit, sneaking around the first floor. The facility is now on lockdown. Take out your Ray Field Radiation detectors and attempt to locate the conduit. Let no one through."

That'll hold them for a long time.
As the still hidden group of those that had continued on reached the first underground floor Nico began to both hear and smell a squad of First Son's personnel approaching. He could smell the sweat they were giving off from their nervousness of who they were about to encounter.

"I think the First Son's might know we're here. Assault team, go ahead and at least direct their attention elsewhere. This way we can continue on to our destination."


A horrible, garbled sound that almost seemed like Zabuza was attempting laughter resounded throughout all the sixth floor.

"Drastic.. change.. is.. always.. costly.."

The Demon had to take a long drawn out breath.

"Terrible.. things.. must.. always.. be.. done.. to.. achieve.. great.. things"

Zabuza seemed to burst into a fit of coughing that took up around five minutes.

"I.. took.. the.. title.. of.. Demon.. because.. it.. fit.. what.. I.. would.. have.. to.. do."
Raven shot up and smiled. "Wooh! Let's party shall we?" He ran around the concrete wall just to let his fingers point out towards Jax, sending bullet size and shaped bones towards Jax's head, with his impeccable aim. Raven couldn't help but smile, he knew he would get him. But his powers were better off in close range, he bolted closer to Jax, lightening his bones so he could run faster.
Felix watches the pathetic man. "Well now you're burning, aren't you?" Felix looks around the room and finds a switch. An electrical power switch, thus leading him to deduce the fire is powered and continued by electricity. It has multiple amp levels. Right now it is set to the middle, where it powers it just enough. Were he to pull it to the right, it would make the fire so large it would kill him. And were it to be all the way to the left, it would shut off. Felix grabs the lever and holds it for a moment, before sighing and looking back to Zabuza.

"Remember that day when we were in your basement. We didn't fight, we didn't try to kill each other... we just... talked. Like normal people... remember that Zabuza?"

Jax releases the wires and falls, avoiding the bullets, before rappelling again, this time suspending himself on a wall. "My my, you're back up quickly." Jax then shoots five wires at Raven with great speed.
"Oh ya.... Keep it like that. I'm busting us out of here, big man." Selim backed up, leaving only his legs visible. Red eye's, his own, shot upon while purplish eyes, the shadows, opened on the walls. The door was ripped off it's hinges as child-like hands slithered from the doorway, and near Akuma's. His door was ripped away as well and thrown to the side as Selim walked out of his room, stretching. "Aw! It feel's good to be able to move around. Hey, Akuma, how about we go pay that Medusa bitch a visit? I'd like to see how see enjoys being tortured for 'research'." It was then that Selim smelt a group of people. At first he only smelled the First Son but then he smelt three more people. The were going deeper and deeper into the bowls of the compound. Selim started to walk away until he heard a voice coming from behind, telling him to stop. He grinned slightly as his shadows ripped the man in half and went on to his friends. "You shouldn't have come here..."
Alex watched in horror as the man ripped apart the guards. He stopped himself from vomiting and had an idea. He turned on every light on that floor, thus leaving no room for a shadow.
Akuma jumped up in glee and he ran towards Selim to give him a hug, but he was stopped by the sudden rush of lights. He covered his eyes with his robotic arm and he finally adjusted. He tapped the ground with his foot to Selim so he would look over to him. When he was facing Selim, he pretended he was a samurai, drawing out a sword. He was hoping Selim would understand that Akuma needed his sword from the armory in the building somewhere.

Boner ran to many different places, avoiding the lashes from the wires. "Good thing I'm fast like this." He snickered like a fox. He ran closer and closer to Jax. When he got about ten yards away from him, he turned his body into a solid bone structure. This time, harder than the last. "Come at me, bitch." He slowly let his foot's bone grow into the ground and it made its way towards Jax just to shoot a spike towards his chest.
Jax simply shot another wire and by the end of the second he was at the other side of the street, shooting three more wires at Boner. "What's wrong Boner? I'm telling you, you can't catch me."

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