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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Felix recoils. "I... was being sarcastic. Well then..." Felix just stares at Nico in shock. "I..."

Then Felix passes out.
Dax and Twi froze in their paths, looking to Nico. "WHAT?!" They both said in shock. Dax then turned his attention back to forcing the illusion onto Felix. He saw Felix passed out and immediately stopped the illusion. Two stopped her powers as well. Dax nearly collapsed to the ground for huge use of energy. Two ran over and checked on him.
Jacob, who was still busy trying to kill Felix, wasn't really affected by the news, as Hayabusa was to busy trying to hold him back and stop Jacob from ripping his arm off again. "Hey, guys! Remember the guy who tried to kill his best friend and ripped off his OTHER best friends arm? I think he's still a threat to an unconscious Felix!" Blake and Flux sat in the corner, as they didn't have a clue who 'Zabuza' was.
Terence and Alex reel with this news. Oh, they knew who Zabuza was. They knew well. The news had been released when the war was over.

"I was gonna rescue the Demon?!" Terence says. "No way in hell!"

"Agreed." Alex says, "Why would I do that?"

I just thought of something... we care about freedom.


And he's being held prisoner. Shouldn't we help him?

One person's imprisoned. We free him, billions could be imprisoned.

Fair enough.
Nico looked from conduit to conduit, staring each one of them into their eyes daring them to act upon this new information. Finally, when it looked like none of them were going to attempt to immediately tear Nico to pieces he began to walk over towards Hayabusa and Jacob.

Between his strength and Hayabusa's, he pinned Jacob up against a wall waiting for him to calm down. Once everything calmed down he intended to see which of them would still be willing to help...
Once Jacob realized he wasn't going to be able to fight back against to do, he did the one thing he try to do: He began to snap at Nico and Hayabusa, in a futile attempt to bite them. Hayabusa backed up slightly, mostly because he was freaked out by Jacob in his current state. "Uh... Please.... Stop that..."
Raven didn't care who the Demon was. He just wanted very one to be free from those pigs that call themselves the DUP. "Whoever the Demon is, he can't be that bad. Ill stil help you Nico. But right now we have to deal with the unconscious guy on the floor. So what do we do?" He asked them not really sure of what to do.
Nico didn't back up from Jacob when he started snapping at them. If he managed to bite either Nico or Hayabusa he would quickly learn that a sires blood does not taste appealing to another sire.

"Thank you Raven.." Nico managed to grunt out as he continued using all his strength to hold back Jacob.

"Right now instead of being focused on the passed out Felix, we should ensure Jacob calms down..."
Jacob continued to snap at Nico and Hayabusa up until his fangs slowly retracted and his eyes returned to their normal red-ish color. He stared at Nico and Hayabusa blankly with an distressed look on his face. "What.... What are you guys.. Doing?"
Dax and Twi discussed if they should still help. "We can't do this Twi, we're saving the demon? We fought a war against him, I can't almost die again!" He said. "I know how you feel Daxie, but look at it like this: if we save him from this, he'll be in debt to us. Doesn't he always keep his promises?" She said. He nodded. "I've heard from witnesses that he does..I guess we could then. After all, no conduit or human deserves to be in the hell that he is in." He replied. He and Twilight went over to Nico. "Hey..we're still all for helping if you want us too." Dax said.
Nico finally rested his grip off of Jacob as he took a moment to get his breath back. Then he turned back towards Dax and Twilight as they approached him. A single tear ran down Nico's face as he heard the two of them continuing to offer their help. He had expected he might have to attack the First Sons alone, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

"Thank you, I'd love to have both of your help. My father kept every promise that he ever made. I have no doubt that he would remember this great kindness."
"Okay, so you said something about your father being Zabuza, right Nico?" Hayabusa said, backing away from Jacob, sitting down in a chair. Jacob looked to Nico. "Seriously? You don't act anything like him... I mean... Uh. You haven't tried to kill me yet. Or anyone, for that matter." Hayabusa rolled his eyes at Jacob and looked to Nico once more. "I see you're not joking...." Hayabusa bit his lip lightly and began to think. Nico obviously wanted to save Zabuza, but why, he didn't know. Freeing Zabuza could, no, would, be bad. But in his current state, there wasn't much he could do. After thinking it over for awhile, Hayabusa looked up to Nico and nodded. "I'll help you save your father." Jacob looked to Hayabusa and shrugged. "I trust Hayabusa. If he thinks it's a good idea, than it is. I'll help save Zabuza, Nico."
"Thank you.. I have an idea of how my father might be able to pay you back. That is if you truly hate being sired. I don't know why you would though..."

Nico then looked over at Xavier and Merlin, their support was absolute. They had already known who Nico's father was and devoted themselves to saving him anyways.

Then Nico looked over to Blake, Flux, Sphinx, Null, Shard, the other Alex who were all so far undecided. He didn't know what he could say that could persuade them to help his father.

Finally he looked down at Felix.

"He snapped just at us talking about my father. There is no telling what he'll do when he wakes up."
Sapphire let out a fake sigh and acted like she was pondering her choices. "well...I think everyone deserves a second chance.....I guess I'm in...." she said, mentally grinning.
Felix slowly stirred as his eyes opened. he sighed and slowly sat up, looking around at them. Terence and Alex cautiously walk over to him and help him up. "Sorry you had to... see that side of me." Felix looks at the group. "I'm... sorry, everyone." he then looks at Nico and glares. He gives him an evil look for a moment and then his eyes sadden. "I'm sorry for you... I shouldn't be angry at you. You can't help what you are. I can only imagine you are a genetic clone or the like of Zabuza. That would explain everything about the First Sons...

"Look, I know you don't want to hear this, but your father was a REALLY horrible person... just because he believed in something, doesn't mean that something was right. He enslaved many people... killed even more. Lives were ruined, families torn... wars started because of his actions. I know you aren't like him, so stop acting on filial loyalty. Think about what you're doing...

"Understand that we can't help you on this-"

"Actually..." Alex interrupts, "All the others are helping him, other than me and Terence." Felix goes wide-eyed at that and stares at everyone, stopping on Jacob and Hayabusa.

"You'd help the man that enslaved you? The man that made you kill so many?" He then looks at Dax and Twilight. "He... he hurt you people... killed your friends... ruined your lives... why?" His eyes then stop on Sphinx. Tears well up in his eyes as hurt and betrayal cross his face. He says nothing to her and begins to step back. "Should any of you change your minds, call me... I still want to be your friends... but understand that should we meet again... I will have to stop you... I will even kill if need be..." Terence grabs the other two and they teleport to a rooftop a few blocks away. The twins immediately sit down to comfort a crying Felix.
As Felix, Terence, and Alex teleport away Nico turns to those that stuck with him. Those that he could consider friends. That even knowing who he was, and who his father was, would still help him rescue his father from a fate he didn't deserve.

"Felix can say whatever he wants about my father, but in the end it's the pot calling the kettle black. Deep inside him somewhere apart of Felix liked what he did earlier. A part of him liked lashing out and striking you Jacob and blasting the rest of us back with shadows..."

Nico looked at each of his friends in the eye as he gave his little speech.

"I don't pretend to call my father a good man, or justify his actions, or even justify his cause. But at the end of the day he is my father and I'm proud of this fact. With all of your help, we will rescue him.. no matter what.. or who.. get's in our way."
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]As Felix, Terence, and Alex teleport away Nico turns to those that stuck with him. Those that he could consider friends. That even knowing who he was, and who his father was, would still help him rescue his father from a fate he didn't deserve.
"Felix can say whatever he wants about my father, but in the end it's the pot calling the kettle black. Deep inside him somewhere apart of Felix liked what he did earlier. A part of him liked lashing out and striking you Jacob and blasting the rest of us back with shadows..."

Nico looked at each of his friends in the eye as he gave his little speech.

"I don't pretend to call my father a good man, or justify his actions, or even justify his cause. But at the end of the day he is my father and I'm proud of this fact. With all of your help, we will rescue him.. no matter what.. or who.. get's in our way."

Sapphire smiled. "well then, let's do thi-" she was cut off by different words forcing their way out of her mouth. "you're wrong about Felix!" were the only words that Sphinx could force through a body that at the moment wasn't hers. Sapphire clasped her hands over her mouth. "sorry...I don't know where that came from." she said, frowning. "So, what's the plan?"
"The plan was for me, Terence, and Alex to teleport inside the facility as close to the sixth floor as possible. Alex would work to shutdown all that he could while I tried to cause as much chaos as possible. With the First Son's distracted the rest of you could of then swarmed in through the front until we fought our way to my father.."

Nico scratched the back of his head.

"Now time is of the essence and we're forced to change the plan. For all we know Felix could be plotting to use Terence to end my father once and for all before we can reach him. Meaning we need to act as quickly as possible. Yet we still need some sort of force to distract the First Sons while we are able to infiltrate..."

Nico looked around for any sort of inspiration. This was all or nothing that would decide the fate of his father. When despair was about to set in on Nico his eyes finally focused on a torn, old banner that had been placed soon after the blast...

"Report all Conduit threats to your local DUP forces.." written alongside a toll-free number to call in all conduit threats anonymously...

A plan finally formed within Nico's head as he walked over to a phone-booth and dialed the number. He was greeted with a friendly female voice that began to say..

"You have reached the DUP Conduit threat line, please state your emergency so that a team can be dispatched to help you."

With his plan in mind Nico replied with...

"The First Sons have developed another conduit-creating bomb, this one's impact will be even larger than the last. They'll be detonating it at this location momentarily..." Nico said before giving the location of the First Son's facility and hanging up.

Finally Nico walked back over to his friends.

"The DUP is going to be skeptical of the claim, but they won't be able to ignore it because of the possible implications. They'll send probably two or three small teams. However, when it turns out they engage First Son's in combat the DUP will be quick to send more. We need to be watching for when this happens so that we can breach in during the chaos."
Sapphire's eyes widened in terror. She looked down at her blue self and behind her at her wings. "In that case, I'll need to get the hell out of here!" she said, frowning.
Nico shook his head at Sphinx's fear as he walked closer to her and attempted to put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"My plan needs you Sphinx, but don't worry you won't be in combat. I'll need you to stealthily fly overhead and watch so that we know when the DUP arrive at the First Son's Facility and start fighting. So that we know when they will be distracted so that we can start breaching in. Once we're inside we'll need you to watch for when more DUP backup arrives and starts gaining ground into the facility."

Nico smiled at her, unknowingly that it was Sapphire.

"You're our eyes in the sky. What would we do without you?"
Raven saluted Nico saying, "And what about me boss? Can I help at all? I am pretty cool after all." He smiled but he felt guilty for not being able to help out with Felix.
Felix gritted his teeth and smashed his fist into the roof of the building. "Why?! Why would they help him?" Terence and Alex let him rant his concerns out. "Why would they help a man that hurt them? Why would Nico help Zabuza? I know he's not like him..."

"Maybe it's just patriarchal pride."

"And love for one's father, no matter what the father's done." Alex and Terence said. Felix sighed,

"It's not his fault... he doesn't understand... we need to end Zabuza before they can reach him. Alex and Terence nod in agreement.

"Hey Felix, some trouble with the wife?" Felix and the twins turned to the strange voice. A young man stood on the edge of a roof. "And, you know, everyone else?"

"Who are you?" Felix asked cautiously.

"My name is Jax, and I know all about you, and Zabuza, and the FFA, and the like. I've been here the whole time. And let's just say, I don't want to be ruled and controlled. So, I'm gonna help you stop the rescue of Zabuza." Felix didn't like the sound of the man, but had no choice but to trust him.


"You betcha. I also heard that Nico guy say the location of the base over the phone. I could take you there, but he called the DUP to that location. We need to act fast." The twins and Nico nodded.

"Okay... let's stop this... I don't want to spill my friends' blood."
Nico looked around at the others that had stuck around to help him. As he decided his last plans of action.

"The rest of us are going to breach into the First Son's facility as soon as the DUP start their attack. Once inside we'll split into two groups. One will be me, Xavier, and Merlin. The three of us will work to reach my father by any means to get him out. Merlin can keep us hidden to sight and Xavier can disable the First Son's tech.

The rest of you will be the assault team. You'll be storming in and causing as much chaos as possible. So the First Sons will be forced to deal with the DUP attempting to breach into the facility, and you guys already inside the facility. Also.."

Nico hesitated before saying this but decided to say it anyways.

"No conduit or human deserves to be trapped in that facility. If you guys, the assault team, come across any of the jail cells open them. Something tells me the people or conduits inside would be more than willing to help attack the First Sons."

Nico began to walk towards an alley that would lead to the facility.

"We need to hurry to get into position. Sphinx, I need you in the air so that we know when the DUP arrives. Do you have some sort of phone or whatever else to communicate?"
The ZRA (Zabuza Removal Alliance) quickly sprints. With Jax's elastic powers, he carries them to the First Sons base at record speed. When they finally make it, they set down.

"Okay guys, this is a race. Jax, stay out here and do anything you can to slow the DUP or the other FFA members. Terence and Alex, initial plan. Get in, find Zabuza, end him, get out. Terence, see if and where you can teleport to." Terence nods and gets as close as he can, while they all do there best to look inconspicuous.

The race is on.

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