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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

"Should time permit so!" Alex and Terence yell back in unison. "So far, it's hard to tell. The plan is almost finalized."
After finishing the rough draw, Flux reviewed it and stood, walking over to Felix. She grabbed his head and lifted it up, showing him her drawing. "Like it? I figured I would make a few sketches of everyone going through they're 'daily lives'." Even though it was a rough draft, it was very well detailed.

Jacob and continued to work as Nico spoke to them. That was until he asked how they became Sire's. Hayabusa put a little too much force on his blade, breaking it in half and Jacob ripped a hole in his jacket. They both roared out inhumanly before calming down. Wile Hayabusa was still looming over his sword, Jacob turned to Nico. "As you see.... We don't like to talk about it..."
Felix shrugs. "I guess. I mean... yeah, the drawing is good. Don't know if I like what it's about, but it's good nonetheless."
Nico had to clutch his fists and hold his tongue from what he wanted to say. For obvious reasons he couldn't say..

You would be dead if it wasn't for my father...

Nico thought while staring at Jacob when he ripped a hole in the jacket. Memories flooding in of Jacob having been cut and diced into pieces until he was eventually returned to life and even gifted with being made a sire.

As for you ungrateful.. Felix wouldn't be alive if you didn't accept my father's deal..

Nico thought while looking at Hayabusa while he broke the blade in half. Memories of his father agreeing to return his enemy to life despite it not being in his best interests. Not only that but Hayabusa was given the honor of being sired...
"Well... He wasn't all bad. He was pretty cool when he let us get drunk that one night....." Jacob looked up to Hayabusa, who had looked up to Nico. "Zabuza's the reason we're like... This. Sure, it has it's pros, but it also has some... cons." Hayabusa picked up the two pieces of his swords and brought them over to Flux, who was now drawing Nico.

"Can you fix this?"

"No. Nico, don't move."
As commanded, Nico didn't move from his position. He probably would of preferred to of been drawn at a time when he wasn't so temporarily angry with his fists balled up. Still, Nico was having to force himself not to think back on the drunken night Jacob had mentioned or else it might be hard to explain his face suddenly becoming red.

"Zabuza huh, I've heard a lot about him. If you don't mind me asking a strange question, what was it like being around him? The conduit many once feared as the Demon of the Mist?"
"It was.. weird to be around him. To be honest, the only thing I didn't like about him was his goals. Other than that, he was tolerable. I didn't like to work for him, but I got over it after awhile. Figured I would make the best of it." Jacob said, now sewing the piece of leather that he had ripped off of his coat back on. "Why do you ask? You wanna know some more about Zabuza or something?"
"You could certainly consider myself curious in regards to the conduit Zabuza. If history ever writes of what has taken place in this quarantined city of New York I would imagine there would be a very honorable mention in regards to him and his ideals."

Nico said while trying his best to stay perfectly still. He allowed a smirk to form on his face, with just one fang hanging out of his mouth.
"Okay. If that's what you think, I'm fine with that. Just don't go trying to achieve his 'perfect utopia'. It's just not how the world is supposed to work... People and conduits alike aren't supposed to be gods." Jacob said, finally finishing his jacket. He put it on a table and walked off while Blake walked up to Nico, showing off Flux's drawing. "Like it? Flux drew it! She said to show it to you while she started on something else."
Felix Listened in on the conversation and got angry. "Damn right! Believe me, I made sure he'd be written in history, but not honorable. Let me tell YOU the other side of being around him." Felix gets up, his fists clenched in rage. "He enslaved hundereds of people, and controlled them. He wanted to create a 'utopia' by removing free will! he was the worst fucking human being to ever exist, if you can even call him that. Conduits are humans too, and he wasn't human. He truly was a demon!" Felix screams and shoots out a highly powered shadow ball, practically blowing up a crate. "AND YOU!!!" He says, turning to Jacob. "THE ONLY THING YOU DIDN'T LIKE!!!" He says, full out screaming. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ACCEPT THE MAN WHO ENSLAVED YOU!!!!" Shadow energy begins to radiate off of his eyes and pour out of his fingertips. "HOW COULD YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Before Felix had went on his rampage, Nico admired the drawing and even congratulated Flux on her work. Nico's expression then darkened as Felix began to insult his father and even his own friends.

"From everything I've heard it sounded like they still had plenty of free will.." Nico ground his teeth together as his spoke out against Felix.

Maybe that's what you're afraid of. That they didn't entirely hate my father like you...

Nico thought to himself.
"THEY DIDN'T!!!" Felix screams, "THEY WERE ENSLAVED!!! THEY HAD A MENTAL LINK AND EVERYTHING!!!" Felix get's up closer to him as the shadow energy begins to get larger. "THEY WERE FORCED TO DO SO!!! THIS MAN KILLED THOUSANDS!!! WHY DO YOU DEFEND HIM!!!!!"
Jacob had been lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling unti lFelix screamed at him. He sat up and looked at him calmly before he laid back down. "Felix, does it sound like I'm accepting him? I don't like him and I don't hate him. I learned to tolerate him. Now, get a hold of your self before you create another Shadow and spark a new war.
Felix chuckles darkly. "Jacob... You were there... it was Zabuza's fault that Shadow was created... HE TRIED TO KILL ME!!! HE FORCED ME TO OVERLOAD MY POWER!!! HE KILLED ME JACOB!!! AND YOU DON'T HATE HIM?!?!" Terence and Alex walk over.

"Felix... calm down..." Felix turns and blasts them back with shadows.

"And what of you Felix? You can't seem to have a conversation in regards to the Demon without resorting to violence."

Nico gestured towards the now destroyed crate and both Terence and Alex.. It could of easily of been Nico that Felix had fired at. If things continued on it seems like this might end up being the case.

"I defend him because not everything is black and white as you would like to make it out to be. Zabuza had a cause, a goal that within his mind he found it to be the best course of action, and everything he did seemed to have been to progress this goal. At least from what I've heard. There's something to admire in regards to that."

Nico continued on his tone just as cold.

"Wasn't it your power that created Shadow?"
"LEAVE THOSE DAMN KIDS ALONG, YOU INSANE BASTARD!" Jacob said, standing. "The reason Shadow existed in the first place is because of YOU! He basically is you, just the side you keep hidden under all the nervousness and caution! You can't blame Shadow on Zabuza! If anything you should blame it ON YOURSELF!" Jacob's eyes had become a dark shade of red, revealing the anger he felt inside.
Felix looks at Jacob in disbelief. "Y- you're defending Zabuza?" Felix lets out a small chuckle, as the laughs grow into a full out laughter. He thrusts his head to the sky with laughter. When he lowers them, there's a glint to his eyes. The tone of his voice and his demeanor changes. Those who had been with him long enough knew this was really, REALLY bad news. "Well then, I see daddy is still just as precious to you now as he was before." Felix walks up to Jacob and looks him in the eyes. "Actually, Jacob, I seem to remember explicitly asking you to guard me while I created the dome to block the mist. And you stood and watched as Zabuza attacked me. It's because of you I was forced to push my powers beyond what they should do... it was because of you that Shadow came out." Felix strikes him hard across the face.

Alex and Terence get up and back away. He seems to be experiencing the bi-polar side effect of the blast.

Indeed. This could end very badly.


"And you, Nico..." Felix leans towards him. "No one ever publicly stated that my powers created Shadow, and I never told you... so tell me, how do you know?"
Raven ran up to the scene when he heard yelling. "Hey guys. Why don't we just calm down and order a pizza. Ill pay. Are we alright with that? How about some ham and sausage. Ooh and some mushrooms. And some pepperoni. Oh and we gotta get a stuffed crust." His mouth started to water when he was thinking about the pizza. He slowly walked towards Felix. If everything went according to his plan he could simply encase Felix in a prison of bone until he calmed down.
Felix saw Raven walking towards him and quickly blasted him away. "Quiet Boner, this is between us."
Fuck. I trapped myself into that one.

"When I had a talk with Xavier.. we had an extremely long talk. I had already heard all about you Felix and all the terrible things you've done. The thing is that I'm still willing to work with you if that means rescuing my father."

Nico's expression darkens all the more as his tone get's a cold as it possibly can.

"Now calm down, before we have to calm you down. There was absolutely no reason to strike Jacob or blast back Terence, Alex, and Raven."
Raven saw the blast and reacted quickly. He shot spikes out from the sole of his feet to drill himself into the ground and made all of his bones incredibly dense. The shadow blast hit him and he stayed standing. "Don't ever call me Boner." He said remembering what his sister used to call him... Before... It. "Hit me again. I dare you."
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As soon as the hit landed, Jacob's eye's grew darker. He bent over, his hands twitching. Hayabusa furrowed his brow at him and walked over to him, tapping him on the head. As soon as he did that, Jacob charged towards Felix like some form of mutant bull. Hayabusa jumped in front of him, holding him back by wrapping his arms around his body. He was surprised when Jacob broke free from his grasp and did the unthinkable: He ripped his arm off. And to add injury to well, more injury, he swung at Hayabusa with his own arm, sending him flying into the wall. He turned back to Felix twitching violently before he began to rush towards him, zig zagging.
"Terrible things Felix has done? Hmm. Perhaps I should give you a lesson." Felix steps back. "Felix has three personalities that essentially live inside him. While technically all three are Felix, they might as well be different people entirely. The first is Felix, the lovable, excitable, but sometimes depressive, always loyal friend. The... 'goody two-shoes, if you will.' Then, there's Shadow. He's a personality controlled completely by anger and wrath. He's rash and dangerous. You saw him for a bit there. Then, there's the third one." Felix jumps out of the way of Jacob and blasts him in the back, knocking him over. "He has the power of Shadow, like our good friend Jacob just showed us... but also the cunning and strategy of Felix. He rarely comes out, but he is by far the most dangerous. Or should I say I am the most dangerous?" Felix grins. "There's something special about me though that neither of the other two have..."

Felix draws his blade. "I am the personality known as Psych... and I think it's time for me to show you JUST what I can do." Immediately, Felix thrusts his hands out and spikes shoot out all around him.

Alex and Terence just barely scramble away from the spikes. We need someone who knows Felix from old.

Or maybe someone who knows Felix OF old.
They both grin at the little joke and then run.

"SPHIIIIIINNNNXXX!!!!" They scream together.
Raven raised both of his arms and a bone wall constructed in front of him as the shadow spike shatter when it made contact with the dense bone. He let the bone wall fall and he lifted his hands to point towards Felix. Bone spikes shot out from the ground coming from Boner's feet, going straight for Felix's neck.
Felix simply tilts his head as bone misses. "Oh, that is such bullshit. Osteokinesis shouldn't include that." Felix turns to look at Raven. "Apologize Boner."

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