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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Felix shrugs. "Fair enough... Hey, why are you still wearing your shades? We aren't flying anymore."
Sapphire shrugged. "cause I feel cool when I wear them!" she said with a grin. "plus I don't wanna forget to put them on before the mission."
"Huh." Weird. I thought it had become a habit of her's to put them on. "I guess it does look cool." Felix sees the warehouse looming overhead. "We're almost there!"
"Why not?" Felix says. "Well, not ready yet, we still need to finalize the plan, but yeah... almost there."
Felix smiles. He was a bit confused at Sphinx's sudden peppiness, but chalked it up to getting rid of Sapphire. It's her body, she can do what she wants... but nevertheless, I still don't trust Null.
"Welcome back Sphinx and Felix, how was the flight?"

Nico called from a branch on a tree he was sitting upon. Both of his legs casually hanging off the branch and swinging back and forth as he watched Felix and Sapphire return to the warehouse grounds. Nico could understand the others wish for caution and planning, but they seemed to be getting nowhere fast.
Felix waves up to him. "Did anyone come up with brilliant ideas while we were out?"
"Oh I did. We ask the First Sons very politely to hand over all the people and conduits they're torturing. Nothing could go wrong then, right?"

Nico sarcastically responded to Felix's question while still in his position within the tree.

"But on a more serious note, are we fine with just rescuing my father? Even if Terence can teleport in and out safely with my father, that still leaves the hundreds of humans and conduits I've seen trapped within the facility. Honestly, I wish to end as many of the First Son's personnel as possible for what they've done to my family."
"You're right, but the risks concerning a full on invasion and break out are just too large. We'd need more forces, though I intend to do that. That's why I wish to avoid major conflict as much as possible. Should an invasion happen, if we take actual territory, we could free them. But not everyone they're holding is innocent. many are, but not all. If we just release all of them, we'll be releasing some of the most dangerous conduits this side of Curdan Cay."
Sapphire ran a hand through her hair. "Well we can't save everyone. Especially with the number of people we have." She said frowning.
Raven was just being the chinchilla he is, sitting on a rooftop in a chair made of bones when he saw a person with wings fly by. He became very interested and ran in the direction the girl was flying, lightening his bones so he could run faster. When he reached the area, he saw the girl with wings and a few others talking to her. He sat on a rooftop, making a bone microscope when he realized he needed glass so he threw the bone away, it making a louder noise than he expected. He stared at them from afar, admiring the girl's wings.
Felix heard the bone crunch and began to look around. He found the bone shards and looked around, before spotting a man on the roof. He wasn't there when we were flying. And there was no way he could run to catch up with us, and there are no ways up to that roof... meaning... ANOTHER CONDUIT?!?! How did so many people get caught in one blast? Felix looks at him. I need to keep an eye on him.
Dax and Twi overheard the plan over the hour, but held a bit of a side conversation as well. "So, we're all insignificant?" He asked. Twilight nodded. "Yep. Everything we do or ever will be is insignificant. But that's only from a cosmic view. If you look at it from our perspective, we matter a whole lot more than we think. Just like you matter to me a lot Daxie!" She said with a hug. He chuckled and hugged her back. "You matter to me too, Twi." He said before tuning his attention to Felix. "So, everything ready yet?" He asked.
Felix notices Dax calling him from inside. He waves his arm, signaling them to come over. "Hey, uh... I think someone's watching us."
Raven pops his head up and yells to Felix, "No I'm not." with cupped hands. He lays down trying to hide even though there isn't a ledge on the end of the rooftop. His head was still visible and he was still staring at them.
"I don't know... YES YOU ARE!!!" He yells up to Raven. Terence walks out.

"What's going on."


"Got it." Terence teleports behind Raven and taps him on the back. "How are you?"
Raven kept looking at Felix as he replied to Terrence, "I'm pretty good how about you?" He finally realized that there was someone behind him and he stood up slowly. When he turned around, it would be seen that there were spiked bones sticking out of his face and his teeth were fangs. He hissed slowly at Terrence and said, "Boo!" He tried to scare him but he wasn't sure if it would work.
Terence smiles. "Hah, cute man. Cool power. Ossiskinesis? Cool. I can teleport. Also, I'm doing well myself."
Raven sighs and retracts his bones. He said in a sad voice, "Dang it. And it's osteokinesis, novice. But teleporting is alright I guess. Oh and how are you doing? Well. Good." He smiled and he walked off of the rooftop slowly, acting like he would kill himself. As he walked off he fell very quickly due to his bones' density being controlled. As he hit the ground, he made a crater in it. Standing up slowly, he walked over towards Felix, with the same bony face he showed Terrence. He said, "Boo!" when he got near them.
Nico shakes his head as he jumps off of the tree. He didn't understand the others surprise and shock at finding other conduits. New York had at one point a population of 8.4 million people that all got caught into one massive blast that changed it all. There was bound to be an abundance of conduits from the survivors of the blast.

"The supposed conduit in question has only been harmlessly watching us. I noticed him before you Felix I just didn't see the point in involving him. Still, it's not shocking to encounter other conduits like all of you seem to be making it out to be."

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