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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Nil and Psych jump back as three covers it in ice. "Crap!" Nil shoots at Chase's head while Three tries to cut Chase down the torso to prevent him ducking, and Psych starts to blast at Dante.
Dante started to sing to himself the theme song to the Smurfs. He dashed towards Three and attempted to shoulder charge her. All the while he continued to melt the ground beneath everyone's feet except for Chase's.
Chase jumped back as well, narrowly avoiding Three's blade. He turned to Nil when he heard a gunshot and immediately went into action. Focusing on his speed, having inherited his fathers abilities, Chase made a bee line towards Nil before cutting right, ending up at Nil's side. Chase kicked him in the back of the knee, hoping to down him, before he rushed over to him, ripped the gun from his grasp, wrapped an arm around Nil's neck and pulled him to his feet, pointed the gun at Nil's head. "I remember a time when you said Psych needed to be killed. When did that change?! If you and your friend turned on him now, we could win without a doubt! Yet you try to kill me. The man who you called a 'friend'. Funny how that word can be used, huh?"
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Sphinx began to yawn, stopping in the middle of the yawn she opened her eyelids, revealing sapphire colored eyes. She put her hair up in a ponytail and put on shades to cover her eyes. This, of course, was normal. Sphinx often put on shades before flying. They help keep things from getting into her eyes while also dimming the light of the sun when flying upwards.
Felix noticed Sphinx putting on shades and raised an eyebrow. "Hey Sphinx? Planning on flying? We've still got some last minute planning to do."
Sapphire shrugged. "It's good to be prepared. Besides, it wouldn't hurt." She said with a smile. She rustled her wings slightly.
Felix smiles at the wing rustle. He had always thought that was cute. "Well, at this rate, you'll be prepared for awhile... things aren't moving very fast, are they?" Everyone had taken a slight recess to recuperate their thoughts at the new variable of the guards.
Sapphire shrugged one shoulder. "In that case, I'll take a little flight." She held out a hand. "Care to join me?" Sapphire asked with a smirk.
Felix grinned. It had been awhile since they'd done this. He took the hand and grinned. "Why not?'
Sapphire closed the hand around Felix's. She pulled him close and flapped her wings. She took off into the air with Felix.
Felix flies over the city and looks over it. "You know, I daresay the city looks better when people aren't dying."
Sapphire let out a small chuckle. "I don't know, the good old days were pretty cool." she said in a joking tone with smirk.
Felix chuckles along with her at the sarcasm. "Yeah, that was exciting. Remember when I died, like, five times?"
Sapphire nodded with a fake smile. "you just wouldn't stay dead." she said with a chuckle. "remember that time when sapphire got me pregnant. That may be the only good thing she ever did for me." sapphire said. She was a surprisingly good liar.
Felix nods, still looking down at the ground. "Yeah, the kids are nice. I must say, I was worried that Vlad would be a bigger problem. But I outsmarted him!" He says triumphantly, remembering the rescue of Sphinx and Felix's escape. "Not that that was very hard..."
"No, no not really." Felix says, smiling. "The most dangerous man-child I ever knew though."


AvidElmV2 said:
Chase jumped back as well, narrowly avoiding Three's blade. He turned to Nil when he heard a gunshot and immediately went into action. Focusing on his speed, having inherited his fathers abilities, Chase made a bee line towards Nil before cutting right, ending up at Nil's side. Chase kicked him in the back of the knee, hoping to down him, before he rushed over to him, ripped the gun from his grasp, wrapped an arm around Nil's neck and pulled him to his feet, pointed the gun at Nil's head. "I remember a time when you said Psych needed to be killed. When did that change?! If you and your friend turned on him now, we could win without a doubt! Yet you try to kill me. The man who you called a 'friend'. Funny how that word can be used, huh?"
Chase jumps back and avoids Three's blade. Nil fires, and turns and shoots at Chase again but he cuts to the side and knocks him over in a flash. Before he can even hit the ground, an arm wraps around his neck and puts a gun to his head.

"Friend. You know, I recall you threatened to kill us. Not really what a friend does." The gun melts out of Chase's hand and reforms in Nil's. Nil quickly shoots him in the foot, and while he's stunned Three shoots him with water, freeing Nil. "Didn't expect that, did ya?"
Sapphire giggled. "but Sapphire seemed to be satisfied with him though." she said with a frown. "ready to land?" she asked with a smile.
"Sure, why not? We should probably head back to base though." Felix smiles. "Yeah, Sapphire had weird tastes."
"I'm done playing games with you." Chase said, quickly recovering from the blast of water and the shot to the foot. He stood and began to zig zag towards Nil, hoping to avoid most if not all projectiles, before he dropped down into a slide, knocking Nil's feet out from under him.
Assailant said:
"Sure, why not? We should probably head back to base though." Felix smiles. "Yeah, Sapphire had weird tastes."
Sapphire frowned with slight annoyance, but went back to smiling. "alright!" she said with a fake smile. She began to land.
AvidElmV2 said:
"I'm done playing games with you." Chase said, quickly recovering from the blast of water and the shot to the foot. He stood and began to zig zag towards Nil, hoping to avoid most if not all projectiles, before he dropped down into a slide, knocking Nil's feet out from under him.
Nil shot at Chase as he zig zaged, but missed every time. He jumped over Chase's slide and Three froze the ground where he had stood, causing Chase to slide out of control. As Chase was sliding, Three froze him in a ball. "I'll let Psych decide how to deal with you."

UnwantedTruth said:
Sapphire frowned with slight annoyance, but went back to smiling. "alright!" she said with a fake smile. She began to land.
Felix landed and smiled. "I love flying for a bit, but nothing beats solid ground in my humble opinion."
Sapphire snickered slightly. "yeah, I suppose." she slowly went closer to the ground. She dropped Felix when they were two feet from the ground. "sorry, my hands slipped!" she said with a fake frown of concern. She landed onto her feet.
"No problem. That fall probably wouldn't have even hurt a non-conduit. I can hardly feel it." Felix says, getting up and brushing himself off a bit. "I suppose we should get to the base... am I the only one suspicious about this whole thing?" Felix asks.
Sapphire tilted her head, frowning slightly with a confused look on her face. "suspicious about what?" she asked.

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